Jagged city

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 The lingering moment of parting

On August [-], Lin Tao suddenly received a call from Jin Zhenai, asking him to come to Shenzhen immediately. Jin Zhenai's voice was choked up on the phone, and she refused to tell the truth. ┌* ┐Lin Tao had no choice but to take a train for a day to K City to board a plane to Shenzhen.Although he has only been away from Shenzhen for half a year, Lin Tao has the feeling of revisiting an old place.Lin Tao came to Jin's house non-stop.

Jin Zhenai was at home by herself, and as soon as Jin Zhenai saw Lin Tao with red eyes, she threw herself into his arms, crying.It turns out that the Kim family is an ancient family in South Korea with a very big business. Jin's father is the second son of the Kim family and came to China ten years ago because of a disagreement with his father.Now the eldest son of the Jin family suddenly died of a heart attack, and the old man was also dying of illness. Several branches were competing for the position of the head of the family. The old man begged the head of the Jin family to go back and take charge of the overall situation on the phone. In Korea, filial piety is highly respected.The old man's plea forced Kim Jong Nam to go back, and when his father returned home, Kim Jung Ae couldn't stay in China alone.That's why Lin Tao was urged to come to Shenzhen.Seeing Jin Zhenai's sad appearance, Lin Tao didn't know how to persuade her, but just hugged her silently.

Jin Zhenai raised her head and took Lin Tao's hand and said, "Brother Lin, why don't you come to Korea to study, then we can be together every day."

Jin Zhenai couldn't leave his father, how could Lin Tao leave his father, Lin Tao frowned and said, "I can't leave my father for the time being, why do I have to wait until I go to college—or my father remarries?"

"Okay, then you come to Seoul National University to study in one year, and I will help you complete the relevant procedures." Jin Zhenai looked at Lin Tao affectionately, the memory of Lin Tao in the misty eyes gradually expanded, and the two fiery photos Lips melted together, Lin Tao sucked Jin Zhenai's sweet tongue heartily, Jin Zhenai responded enthusiastically, her hands were clenched into fists, her body was shaking constantly, Lin Tao's big hand reached into tight Zhenai's clothes at some point to make trouble , Jin Zhenai's holy peak was covered by a big fiery hand, and she couldn't help but pressed her small hand on top of the big hand symbolically.A quarter of an hour later, the two breathed a sigh of relief, and Jin Zhenai hugged Lin Tao tightly.Although he didn't really ecstasy, Lin Tao also touched the girl's forbidden area, and a strange feeling swept over his body.

"Father won't come back today, Brother Lin, you can stay with me tonight," said Jin Zhen'ai in the end, the blush on her face extended to her neck.

Facing the invitation from his infatuated girlfriend, Lin Tao's heart beat faster, "Zhenai, I——I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it back then"

"We have grown up, and I want to dedicate my first time to the man I love—" Jin Zhenai's little hand stretched out to Lin Tao.

"No, wait until I go to college." Lin Tao suddenly sobered up. Although he loved his girlfriend deeply, Lin Tao always felt that he was still young. On the other hand, he was practicing Baguazhang.Once you steal the forbidden fruit, it will definitely affect your mood.Under Jin Zhenai's disappointed gaze, Lin Tao jumped out of bed, ran to the living room and called Wang Han.

"What - please explain clearly"

"I said, is there any requirement for practicing Baguazhang—to maintain a virgin body?" Lin Tao's voice was very low.

"It doesn't matter—boy, are you trying to get my sister's attention?" Wang Han suddenly became alert.

"No, I'm just asking casually, what are you thinking. Wang Lan and I are just ordinary friends, and we are still a thousand miles away from that step—I'm dead," Lin Tao shouted.

"Who is Wang Lan?" Jin Zhenai's eyes were red.

"Don't get me wrong, she is my senior brother's sister—my senior brother likes to joke—I..." Lin Tao was sweating anxiously, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

"I believe you"

But Lin Tao clearly saw a trace of disappointment in Jin Zhenai's eyes.

"I surrender, I'm all recruited, just now I asked my brother—that—whether it will affect the practice—it's not exactly like this—is this the first time he was a little scared?"

"Giggle——" Jin Zhenai finally broke through her tears and laughed, looking at this big boy who is usually glib, but actually very conservative in his bones, Jin Zhenai smiled from the bottom of her heart.

"You dare to laugh at me—see if I won't eat you!" Lin Tao rushed over with a strange cry, and hugged Jin Zhen'ai, his eyes were full of beastly light, Lin Tao threw her on the bed and rushed up, This time it was Xiao Nizi's turn to be scared, he wouldn't come for real, Lin Tao's wild kiss made Jin Zhenai feel a sense of fear.

"You are so scared that you are so serious," Lin Tao said evilly.

"I don't know who doesn't have the guts." Jin Zhenai turned over again and pressed Lin Tao under her body, and began to undress Lin Tao. Lin Tao stretched out his hand to her armpit to itch, and the two twisted into a ball.

"Oh, damn girl, you eat my tofu—" Lin Tao had a big desire for siblings.After a lot of tossing, there is no gap between the two, and a small misunderstanding has turned into a youthful passion.The two were lying on the bed describing the future, and they didn't know when they would embrace each other and fall asleep.

At dawn the next day, Kim Jong Nam returned home with a tired face, only to find that all the lights were on, and there was a suitcase in the living room, obviously not his daughter's.

"Is my good daughter awake?" Kim Jong Nam gently pushed open the door of his daughter's room.

"Ah—" Kim Jong-nam yelled, and his daughter was hugging a man.The sweet dreams of the two were awakened. Lin Tao saw Kim Jong-nam at the door and immediately jumped out of bed.

"Father—" Jin Zhenai blushed and hurriedly arranged the messy clothes.

"Follow me, you boy." Kim Jong-nan's face was as watery, and Lin Tao obediently followed behind, his heart was pounding, wondering if he would beat him up.

"Uncle Jin—actually we were fine—just chatting—and fell asleep," Lin Tao explained with a sigh of relief.

"Boy, you've learned a lot. We're talking about my daughter's bed. What do you think we should do?" Kim Jong Nam tapped his fingers on the coffee table, staring at Lin Tao.

"I will be responsible, I—I will marry Zhenai in the future," Lin Tao said courageously.

"Well, it's okay to say that, you first call Dad to listen"

"Father?——" Lin Tao scratched his head with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey, good son-in-law, sit down." Kim Jong-nam smiled.In fact, Kim Jong-nan liked Lin Tao from the bottom of his heart. If they weren't young, they would have recognized him as a son-in-law a long time ago.

"Dad, don't you want your son to go crazy?" Jin Zhenai sat on Kim Jongnam's lap and acted like a baby.

Lin Tao blushed, sat on the side with a smirk and asked, "Uncle Jin, when are you leaving?"

"Call Dad" Kim Jong Nam corrected again.Jin Zhenai looked at Lin Tao with a smile, not knowing how beautiful she was.

Just call, it won't hurt anyway, Lin Tao thought so.

"Dad—dad—when are you leaving?" Lin Tao blushed, and the father and daughter finally couldn't help laughing.

These fathers are not playing with me, bear with it first, your daughter will be mine sooner or later, it won't hurt to call her father.

"Well, I'll be leaving in three days. You can spend these two days with Zhen'ai well? By the way, is your father okay?"

"It's okay." Lin Tao briefly introduced the current situation, and Jin Zhenai went to the kitchen to make breakfast obediently. Seeing the enthusiastic conversation between her father and Lin Tao, Jin Zhenai was very happy, and while cooking fried eggs, she was thinking about the future. Completely looks like a newly married little woman.

The three dine together like a family.Kim Jong Nam was very supportive of Lin Tao's study abroad in Seoul after one year, and told Lin Tao to call his family at any time if they encountered difficulties.Kim Jongnam said this because he could see that Lin Tao's father's business was not going well, otherwise why would he go to a small county and leave the company in Shenzhen to be taken care of by his subordinates.Lin Tao knew what this cheap father meant, and nodded in agreement.

For the next two days, Lin Tao accompanied Jin Zhenai to go shopping, go to the playground, go to the disco, go to the restaurant, have enough fun, eat enough, three days is too short, it passed in a blink of an eye, when I was seeing off at the airport , Jin Zhenai turned her head three times at a step, crying like beads, that touching scene attracted many eyes.

Lin Tao returned to Xu County and re-immersed himself in the study and research of Baguazhang. Lin Tao was surprised to find that the invention of the most advanced computer had something to do with Baguazhang.He found it on the Internet: In the late autumn of 1701, when Leibniz was thinking hard about creating a multiplication machine and had nowhere to go, he suddenly received the "Fuxi 64 Hexagram" sent to him from Beijing by his French missionary friend. Sequence Diagram” and “Fuxi 64 Hexagram Orientation Diagram”, Leibniz was greatly inspired by these two diagrams. He actually discovered that the gossip is the prototype of hieroglyphs, composed of Kun hexagrams through Gen, Kan, Xun, Zhen, From Li, Dui to Qian Gua, it is a complete binary layer number form composed of eight natural numbers from zero to seven.The "one" in the gossip is called Yang Yao, which is equivalent to "1" in binary, while the "—" in the gossip is called Yin Yao, which is equivalent to "0" in binary.The ten hexagrams are the complete binary figures of the 0 natural numbers from 63 to 64.In mathematics, gossip belongs to the eighth-order matrix.It can be seen that the ancient Chinese Tai Chi Eight Diagrams has made a historic contribution to the modern science of electronic computers.Lin Tao couldn't help but be impressed by the ancient Chinese traditional culture when he saw this story, and thus became more interested in the research of Tai Chi Bagua.

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