Jagged city

Chapter 131 Ouyang Qing

Jagged City - Chapter 130 Ouyang Qing

(Supplement: Five districts of Xiliang City - Yangcheng District, Shangpo District, Heping District, Xihe District, Economic and Technological Development Zone; four counties - Huokou County, Xiguan County, Changguan County, Guhe County. │| │)

Lin Tao arrived in Xiguan County at 01:30 in the afternoon. The weather was not beautiful, and it started to rain heavily when he arrived at the county government. The original plan to inspect the dairy farm was cancelled, and the one-hour work report turned into a three-hour work report.

On the rostrum, Lin Tao sat in the middle, and on both sides were the Secretary of the Xiguan County Party Committee, the Mayor of Xiguan County, the Chairman of the National People's Congress, and the Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.These people are all leaders at the department level. The first row in the audience is the deputy secretary at the deputy department level, the deputy county head—twelve people, and then the directors of the various bureaus in the county, the township secretary and the mayor.

"Did you see, Lao Zhang, Mayor Lin is really young. When I became the secretary of the township party committee at the age of 33, I felt high-spirited. I don't know how Mayor Lin feels?" Paoma Township party secretary Ji Gang said in a sour tone. , The psychological aspect is extremely emotional.

"I don't know. Anyway, I'm three levels behind others. If I'm not in my position, I don't want to do anything!" Mayor Zhang is 45 years old and has nothing to do. He can still be promoted by half a level. Maybe Zhengke is the end. When he retires, he might be able to go to the county seat to be a bureau chief or something, and his official career is over like this, but the person on stage is about the same age as his son. members!Looking at the new political star on the stage, Lao Zhang looked like he was dying, and the other gray-haired county leaders didn't do the same.

"What's the matter? My eyes are straightened. Is it true that I fell in love with Mayor Lin? But you two seem to be a good match!" Liu Hong, the deputy director of the organization department, whispered in the ear of Ouyang Qing, secretary of the Youth League Committee.Ouyang Qing just looked at Lin Tao on the stage in a daze, as if he was a little stupid, and kept thinking, "Why is it him, how could he be the deputy mayor? It really is him." '

"Sister, I'm a nympho!" Liu Hong touched Ouyang Qing, secretary of the Youth League Committee, with her arm.Only then did Ouyang Qing regain his senses.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I think you are the nympho!"

Liu Hong was also a little puzzled. Just now Ouyang Qing's eyes were full of surprise, and there was no embarrassment or shyness in his expression when he spoke. What's going on?

"Let us warmly welcome Lin Tao, the executive deputy mayor of the municipal party committee, to visit Xiguan County to inspect and guide the work!" Secretary Zhao of the Xiguan County Party Committee took the lead in applauding, and there was applause from the stage and the audience.Lin Tao stood up and nodded his respects.

"I invite Mayor Lin to speak! Everyone welcome!" The county magistrate Chen Chen took the lead in applauding again.Lin Tao clapped his hands a few times, then motioned for silence.

Lin Tao pulled the microphone closer and said in a loud voice: "I didn't check the almanac when I went out today. I didn't know it was going to rain. The time for listening to the work report was extended. Sorry for the inconvenience."

What Lin Tao said was very humorous, and everyone smiled, but no one dared to laugh. On the other hand, Lin Tao’s words also satirized the Meteorological Bureau. The weather forecast originally reported a sunny day, but it rained heavily. And Lin Tao said, "I didn't read the almanac when I went out." ', I heard it as a joke at first, but after thinking about it, it does make sense. Maybe the forecast on the calendar is more accurate than the weather forecast!Lin Tao went on to say:

"I came to our Xiguan County to study and inspect, not to guide the work. So don't worry when the leaders of various departments report, I will not guide your work indiscriminately."

This time the leaders in the audience laughed out loud, but they laughed shyly. No one dared to laugh unscrupulously. Regardless of age, the one sitting in the middle was a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. They are both two or three levels older. For them, Lin Tao is the big leader. The two big bosses in Xiguan County are polite to Lin Tao. They are naturally juniors and must be respected.Lin Tao motioned for the report to begin.

County magistrate Chen Chen first made a comprehensive report.It introduced Xiguan's economic development, financial revenue, road traffic, education, etc. It was more detailed than the information Lin Tao read before he came.The county magistrate, Chen, is about 40 years old. He is in the prime of life and working hard to govern. He is a little dark, but full of energy, and his voice is very magnetic.It may be because of Lin Tao's lack of official authority and age that the county magistrate Chen was very relaxed, his tone was up and down, and his report was smooth.Xiguan County is mainly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, and has no coal mines. In terms of financial revenue, it cannot compare with Huokou and Changguan counties.There are even fewer companies, except for the dairy farm that Lin Tao was going to inspect, there is really no bright spot.County Magistrate Chen's report lasted nearly 45 minutes.Lin Tao nodded after hearing this, but did not make any statement.As early as the report was temporarily arranged, Secretary Zhao asked for Lin Tao's opinion.Then said:

"The comrades who are named below have 10 minutes to speak. They should speak concisely and seek truth from facts. Ma Wanli, the director of the Enterprise Bureau, was the first to speak."

Chief Ma is in his early fifties, with white hair at the sideburns, a shiny forehead, a big face, a double chin, and looks very rich.It was not the first time for Director Ma to report to work. He was very familiar with the enterprises in the county. There were only [-] large and small enterprises in total, half of which processed wool. There were only five enterprises with more than [-] employees. Director Ma himself felt embarrassed.

Lin Tao listened carefully, and when his eyes scanned the entire venue, someone made Lin Tao's heart move. Lin Tao's missed eyes once again gathered on a beautiful woman. Lin Tao was a little surprised, but the woman's eyes were burning, and she was staring at Own.But the woman also noticed that Lin Tao's eyes were focused on her. The woman showed a hateful expression, and secretly raised her white and tender fist to Lin Tao, as if threatening Lin Tao.Who is so bold as to threaten the executive deputy mayor?

"Ouyang Qing!" Lin Tao exclaimed in his heart. This was really a surprise. Lin Tao never expected to meet his high school classmate Ouyang Qing in Xiguan County. It was just before graduation that I invited Lin Tao to dinner. Ouyang Qing was the proudest and prettiest among her high school classmates, but that meal had some meaning to Lin Tao under the cover of her arrogant appearance, and she was very bold and direct dialogue.In Ouyang Qing's eyes, Lin Tao is the only one worthy of her high regard in her high school career, and only Lin Tao is qualified to pursue her. However, except for the foreign language competition, Lin Tao basically had no conversations, let alone feelings, so for The unexpected invitation came as a surprise.It is even more incredible to see Ouyang Qing in the remote Xiguan County in the northwest of the motherland at this moment. Ouyang Qing has not been in touch since he went to Peking University, and it is really unexpected to meet here now.There are really too few students who graduated from Peking University to return to the small county, it can be said that it is rare.But Ouyang Qing sitting here is obviously a cadre of Xiguan County.Lin Tao was surprised when he saw Ouyang Qing's expression, and then smiled.It seems to be saying "I didn't expect to see you here?"

Ouyang Qing's expression was "How did you get to be the deputy mayor?"Three grades older than me, which is too infuriating. '

Lin Tao's mind was no longer on the report, but looking through the list of cadres, and finally found Ouyang Qing behind the Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Xiguan County. There were also office and mobile phone numbers on it. Lin Tao took a pen and pretended to choose the next person to report. , actually recorded Ouyang Qing's phone number in his mind.

Lin Tao then listened to the reports from the Education Bureau, the Health Bureau, and the Transportation Bureau, and then passed the cadres with red lines to the county party secretary, including Ouyang Qing, the secretary of the Youth League Committee.Ouyang Qing had only been transferred to Xiguan County for three days, so he didn't know that Lin Tao was also normal.This Ouyang Qing was selected and sent to the Northwest Provincial Youth League Committee as soon as he graduated. He worked in the Northwest Provincial Youth League Committee for four years, and was promoted to the senior level last year.This Ouyang Qing descended from the sky, from the province to the county is very impressive. It is rare to be transferred at the same level.Liu Hong, the deputy director of the Organization Department, is very optimistic about this beautiful and foreign-looking Ouyang Qing. Although he can't guess what Ouyang Qing is from, but seeing Ouyang Qing's degree from Peking University and work experience in the Provincial Youth League Committee, he is absolutely extraordinary, so he took the initiative to make friends Ouyang Qing, took the initiative to help Ouyang Qing tidy up the dormitory, buy daily necessities, ask for his health, he was extremely enthusiastic, but he became very hot within three days, so they were called sisters and sisters.

Standing in front of the podium, Ouyang Qing looked bright, with big eyes, long eyelashes, and long curly black hair, which added maturity and extravagance, and attracted the attention of many leaders. Most of the county leaders saw it for the first time. It was the first time for Ouyang Qing, the directors of the various bureaus, and the leaders of the township to see them without whispering.

"There is such a beautiful secretary of the Youth League Committee, I didn't know it, tsk tsk—"

"what do you say that is?"

"Ouyang Qing——this name sounds beautiful. I don't know which leader is lucky!"

"Hey, it's not your turn!"

Among them, many dirty eyes kept scanning Ouyang Qing's upper body.

Lin Tao couldn't help sighing on the rostrum, this Ouyang Qing is now a veritable beauty, more attractive than in high school, and can be described as glamorous.This Ouyang Qing's voice was like the clear spring flowing down from the mountains in winter. It was pleasant to the ear. Most people didn't hear what she was saying. They just paid attention to her appearance and relished the pleasant voice. The content of the report was automatically ignored by everyone.What about the construction and development of the Communist Youth League—wait, those words that are not nutritious are worse than enjoying the scenery. A beautiful woman is the scenery. With Ouyang Qing, the venue is brightened. Every detail, not the report details, but Ouyang Qing's eyes, nose, hair, chest——and so on.

Most people don't know the work of the Communist Youth League. I guess you can think of the red scarf of the Young Pioneers, but the Communist Youth League is very vague.This department is not considered an important department in provinces, cities and counties, but no one dares to underestimate it, because in recent decades, the Communist Youth League is an institution for cultivating cadres, and the highest head of state is from the Communist Youth League. cradle.

Today, not only Lin Tao gave Xiguan officials a surprise, but Ouyang Qing became the second surprise. Ouyang Qing's appearance is destined to become one of the focuses of Xiguan County officials.At the venue, there were people whispering and inquiring about Ouyang Qing's origin.Lin Tao's eyesight has 8.0 eyesight, like a telescope, those dozen or so obscene and lascivious gazes were captured by Lin Tao in an instant, and they would never have imagined in their dreams what kind of evil they had left for Mayor Lin Performance.Especially the director of the traffic bureau and the bureau of industry and commerce, who are about to wait for the inspection campaign for the deputy county magistrate.These two people had just given a report, so Lin Tao remembered their names.

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