Jagged city

Chapter 150 Cooking Wine and Talking about Heroes

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 150 Cooking Wine On Heroes

Lin Tao didn't know why the old man always looked at him, but Lin Tao didn't resist his benevolence and kindness, and smiled at Zhao Guangzu: "Commander Zhao, I went through the back door of the Chief of Staff and found a place under your nose, you know Bar?"

Lin Tao asked with a guilty conscience. Staff Officer Yu found Lin Tao a luxury suite in the family building of the military region. It cost more than 400 square meters and only cost 200 million. 【 】The first two days have just been settled, and Lin Tao hasn't had time to see it yet, so I have this question today.

Chief of Staff Yu scolded with a smile: "How did you leak my secrets, the old chief doesn't know about it yet!"

"Well, Xiaozi, don't take me seriously if I'm at the same level as me." That is, Zhao Guangzu dared to call Chief of Staff Yu Xiaozi. When Zhao Guangzu was the division commander, this was the chief of staff. The battalion commander under him has a 13-year age difference between the two.

Chief of Staff Yu said embarrassingly: "Isn't the Northwest Military Region my hometown? You still care about this matter with me. I will be the Generalissimo in the future. You are also my old chief?"

"It still sounds like the same thing? But you can't speak properly after you become the chief of staff. The founding father of China is the marshal. You still want to be the grand marshal, tsk tsk—you're really ambitious."

Commander Chen and the others laughed.Chief of Staff Yu said with a smile: "Didn't Napoleon say that a soldier who doesn't want to be a marshal is not a good soldier?"

"Hitler also said he wanted to rule the world?"

Everyone was happier after hearing this. This Zhao Guangzu was a brawler, and he was just arguing with others.

Chief of Staff Yu said angrily to Lin Tao: "I have to slaughter this kid well today, and after I finish eating the Western food, I will have a Man-Han banquet or something."

"Wait a minute, don't interrupt, Xiao Lin lives with me, and I will protect you from now on, so there is nothing wrong with you." Old Zhaotou said.

"Thank you, Commander Zhao. I will respect you later. Leaders, shall we talk while eating?" Lin Tao felt that it was almost done. He hadn't eaten all afternoon and was a little hungry.

"Xiao Lin said that, I really feel hungry, old Cui, Chunrong, Brother Zhao, let's eat, Mr. Trout, please!" Commander Chen stood up and greeted everyone.

Lin Tao let everyone out of the conference room.Commander Chen insisted that Zhao Guangzu sit in the main seat. Zhao Guangzu was polite. He is the oldest person here, so it would be appropriate to sit there. Commander Chen and his staff officer Ouyang Qing sat on one side, and Secretary Cui, Governor Song, and Lin Tao sat on the opposite side. , Zhao Guangzu sat opposite to Luo, showing respect for this foreigner.After everyone sat down, they were all attracted by the wine jar on the table. Under the light, the golden red wine reflected the light, and the radiant picture on the glass jar made the wine even more extraordinary.

At this time, the floor manager came in personally pushing the dining car.Greeted professionally, then reported the name of the dish, and the waiter helped to serve the dish.The traditional French menu is thirteen courses, exquisite and elegant, but small in quantity.The general order is:

First course frozen appetizers

second course soup

Third course warm appetizer

fourth course fish

fifth course main course

Sixth Course Hot Plate

Seventh course cold cuts

Eighth course sorbet

Ninth course barbecue and salad

Tenth course vegetables

No.11 Dessert

No.12 dish salty point

No.13 Dessert

Lin Tao’s orders are all high-end, cold ones have caviar, hot ones have seafood soup, all of which are abalone and sea cucumber, the fish is tuna, and the barbecue is grilled lobster with red wine, with some cheese bacon, fruit and vegetable salad for decoration.This western food is served slowly, unlike Chinese food which is almost full of tables to watch.

But these people are not very interested in eating, but focus on one thing!

"Little comrade, what kind of wine is this? I'm already on the battlefield of alcohol. It's the first time I've seen it." Zhao Guangzu stared at the wine jar with bright eyes, and the others were also very curious.

The manager smiled and said, "This wine is prepared by Mr. Lin himself, not from the hotel."

"Tsk tsk, just looking at it, my wine worm is climbing up layers, where did Xiao Lin get this wine?"

"That's right, which winery produced it? It looks noble and elegant, and it's extraordinary just by looking!" Secretary Cui exclaimed.

"Just looking at this jar, it compares to Moutai and Wuliangye. It's really extraordinary. Xiao Lin hastened to explain?" Commander Chen laughed.

Tello also praised repeatedly. I have to say that I am used to drinking world famous wine, but this is the first time I have seen such an exquisite wine vessel.

Lin Tao sold himself enough, then asked the waiter to pick up the jar, and walked around in front of you.

Everyone saw the red stamp with four golden words "Rare Tibetan Forest"

"What do these four words mean? Can't you tell where they came from?" Zhao Guangzu shook his head and said, Song Chunrong's eyes lit up, but he didn't speak.

Chief of Staff Yu couldn't bear it and asked: "Xiao Lin, all the guests here are elders, why are you pretending to be deep?"

Lin Tao pretended to be wronged and said: "The chief has wronged me. Isn't that clearly written, 'Lin Zang Qizhen!', this is my personal collection. Although it has not yet applied for a patent, it is an exclusive secret recipe. It is a century-old wine. , that’s why it’s called Qizhen!”

"You're not even 30 years old yet, and you still have a hundred-year-old wine in your possession. Does that mean you're messing with us?" Commander Chen laughed.

"This wine has a story, let the waiter pour the wine first, and I will explain slowly."

The waiter opened the wine, and the strong aroma of the wine wafted in all directions, even Ouyang Qing sniffled. Everyone watched the waiter hold a glass spoon, lift the wine out, and pour a spoonful of two taels into the wine glass.

"Smells like wine. This is not only a good wine made from grain, but also medicinal materials. This kind of aroma should have tiger bones." Zhao Guangzu smelled the wine and tasted it.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "Commander Zhao is indeed a master of wine. There are indeed tiger bones in this wine. Back then, my master killed four Siberian tigers and took the bones to make wine. There are musk in it - and other medicinal materials. The interior is pasted with the tender skin of a deer, which has already been thoroughly absorbed in the wine."

Ouyang Qing couldn't help but said, "Even kill animals under national first-class protection?"

Everyone smiled, Ouyang Qing felt that it was imprudent to ask, and his face turned slightly red.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "When my master killed the Siberian tiger, it was in the early 20s. At that time, my master was fond of wine, so he made a lot of it. Later, when the Japanese entered the Northeast, my master went down the mountain to fight for justice, so he took a few jars of wine. The wine was buried on the mountain."

Lin Tao only said a few jars, afraid that these people would miss it, but this rare treasure will be gone after drinking. It is said that rare things are valuable, and if there are too many, they will be worthless.

"It turns out that the master is still a chivalrous man, which is admirable." Commander Chen knew that Lin Tao had two old monk masters, so he called him the master.

"After the Japanese devils surrendered, my master just went back to the mountain, and he forgot about the wine. Because he quit drinking, he never remembered it. Later, when I visited the teacher, he remembered it. Some time ago, I took a few jars After the wine was brought out, I asked the old master to make some jars to store the wine."

Secretary Cui said: "It is indeed a good wine, not only for its age, but also for its historical heritage, which is worth tasting."

"This wine is also related to China's Anti-Japanese War, which is more to our taste." Commander Chen echoed.

Lin Tao saw that Zhao Guangzu, an old wine worm, was a little confused, knowing that he saw that the wine was not original, and if it was original, the old wine would be very viscous.Lin Tao went on to say: "Original wine, after these ** ten years, a hundred catties has become thirty catties. Its nourishing effect is huge, and drinking three coins a day is enough. In this jar, I use one catty of old wine, two catties of mountain spring and It is made by blending a catty of high-quality Wuliangye, otherwise, everyone will not be able to drink it to their fullest."

After Lin Tao told the allusion of this wine, everyone at the table was full of interest in eating and talking and laughing.Ouyang Qing explained to Tello with a smile: "Chinese people are willing to talk about things at the dinner table, which has almost become a tradition."

Tello said that he understood that Tello was still not used to drinking Chinese baijiu, but when this wine entered his stomach, a wave of heat radiated from his body, which was very comfortable, and the strength of the wine was not very strong, only about [-] degrees.

Everyone praised the wine.Lin Tao said with a smile: "This is not the original bottle. The original bottle is more mellow, but you can only drink about three yuan a day. It is very good for your health. You can go home and taste the original bottle."

Zhao Guangzu smiled and said: "I was wondering if Xiao Lin hooked my wine worm out. Is it cheeky to ask for some to go home and honor my father. Fortunately, I didn't say it first, or there would be no place to put my old face."

Everyone laughed out loud when they heard what Zhao Guangzu said was humorous.

Commander Chen followed up and said: "It seems that I came to Northwest City this time at the right time, otherwise I would have missed this fine wine."

Lin Tao thought to himself, this old Zhao head has moved his old man out, it seems that I have to give Zhao Guangzu the two altars I prepared for master Jin Jiuduan!At that time, Zhao Guangzu was not said to be here.The two jars of old wine are about to disappear, Lin Tao feels distressed, one jar of this wine is less than one jar!

"I put three catties of original wine in each jar. If you drink it for three consecutive months, I guarantee that everyone here will be alive and well."

"Didn't you hurt me, kid? You made me so alive that I have no place to vent my energy."

Everyone laughed again, but Ouyang Qing cursed inwardly, being old and dishonest.

The floor manager has been serving at the side. Hearing the interest, he boldly asked Lin Tao: "Mayor Lin, can our hotel have the honor to keep a bottle of original wine!"

Lin Tao said playfully: "Also, if you use this suite for free for half a year, I will give you a jar in the hotel as a gift."

The manager smiled awkwardly and said, "My authority is not enough."

"Xiao Lin, I heard that you were in business when you were in school. It's really dark enough. The cost of this apartment is several million for half a year! You're such a lion that you scared the manager." Chief of Staff Yu said looking at Lin Tao .

Secretary Cui also continued: "If it's worth several million, I wouldn't dare to ask for this wine!"

Lin Tao felt unhappy when he heard it, and said in his heart, this is a respectful gift to you, and he really thought I was flattering you.Lin Tao still smiled and said: "This wine is my own, just like the peanuts and sweet potatoes produced by my family's one-third of an acre of land. Honoring the elders is polite and has nothing to do with money. But if you want to sell it to a businessman, you have to Let’s analyze the geographical environment where it grows, its nutritional value and labor costs. This wine is just my little care for the elders here, but it’s just something in the cup, so you can taste it with confidence.”

Zhao Guangzu sighed secretly, "Forget it, what Lin Tao said was impeccable. He really is a character. Secretary Cui may have said it unintentionally, but he fell behind."

Chief of Staff Yu was exquisitely clear, and took the opportunity to intervene: "Xiao Lin is right, but if you really want to sell it, what price do you set?"

Song Chunrong also said with interest: "Yes, Xiao Lin, let me hear how you price this fine wine."

Lin Tao said with a smile: "I didn't think of selling just that kind of wine. Rare things are expensive, and this wine is rare in a hundred years. If you drink it, you may never have it for the second time in your life. Of course, if you want to analyze the other Value, first of all, it is impossible to find this adult wild Siberian tiger bone now, there are not many in the entire Changbai Mountain, and the national first-class protected animals are even rarer than giant pandas, who dares to catch them for wine!"

"Yes, this tiger bone wine is now smuggled over from the border, and Asian tigers are also a rare species. In terms of this alone, this wine is very rare?"

"Some things have to rely on hype. You can say that Yuan blue and white "Ghost Valley Down the Mountain Picture", although it is an antique and has cultural value, it is just a porcelain jar, which is now worth two to three hundred million yuan. It just makes a sound when it breaks. There is also the animal head of the Yuanmingyuan Dashuifa, whose mouth is several hundred million, and it is extremely black." Zhao Guangzu complained, making everyone laugh.

Lin Tao continued: "Sometimes the value is the measure of people's hearts, and it depends on your heart's ability to bear it. I said that there is no second place in the world for this wine. It has been treasured for more than 90 years, and it is still medicinal wine. If I want to sell it, I have to auction it. Wealthy people get together, start auction at 300 million yuan, increase the price by 50 yuan each time, if you don’t buy it, you’ll lose it!”

Commander Chen said with a smile: "You boy is so stubborn!"

Lin Tao said with an undiminished smile: "People who taste wine taste the taste, the background, and drink because of interest. Businessmen analyze its value."

"We can't just talk about wine. Don't neglect Mr. Tello. Let's wish Mr. Tello a smooth inspection in China with this drink!" Old Zhao Tou raised his glass to Tello and greeted everyone.

Ouyang Qing immediately translated Zhao Guangzu's words to Tello, who happily raised his glass and said, "Thank you!"

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it down. At this time, the attention shifted to Tero, and Governor Song asked a few questions in English.Tello answered happily, except for Zhao Guangzu who looked confused, everyone else could understand.

Commander Chen talked with Secretary Cui and Zhao Guangzu about some things in Northwest Province.After eating a few French main dishes, Lin Tao asked the manager to serve some Chinese dishes, and he couldn't just take care of Tero, it was enough to save face.Ouyang Qing explained various Chinese dishes and allusions to Tello.Governor Song also nodded secretly. It seems that the female county magistrate is also very knowledgeable, and she speaks the truth, which makes Troo very happy.

Lin Tao said to Governor Song: "The magistrate of Ouyang County in Xiguan County plans to build the largest Northwest beef and mutton food base in the country. This is very interesting. I will go to Xiguan to inspect the day after tomorrow. Maybe it will be interesting. If this base is really completed It will greatly promote the economic development of Xiliang, and will also have a huge impact on the animal husbandry in surrounding cities."

"This is a good thing. It can also be seen from this incident that young cadres are capable, active in thinking, and able to keep up with the times. The fairs are also in full swing these days. The leaders of all cities are all eight immortals crossing the sea. How many companies can Xiliang introduce?"

Song Changsheng didn't know much about Lin Tao who was parachuted into Xiliang, but from today's banquet, he saw that Lin Tao had great energy, not only backed by military leaders, but also tycoons from international consortiums.Moreover, he speaks well, has a quick mind, and has certain insights into the economy. He is a talented person, and he is not a son of an official who depends entirely on his background.

"Xiliang has a poor foundation and there are few places to attract foreign investment. However, it should be able to attract a few companies to enter Xiliang. It depends on the results of the last day of the fair. I don't dare to guarantee it now."

Governor Song looked at Lin Tao, and seemed to see confidence in Lin Tao's eyes, so he said, "Is Xiao Lin still holding back? He is planning to make a big splash at the fair, but being able to bring Trola to the Northwest is already impressive. gone."

"I was sick and went to the doctor. In order to attract a few companies, I was asking for help. Since I have become the executive deputy mayor of Xiliang, I have to do my best to do a few good things for Xiliang. I can't take advantage of it." There is nothing to do in the position.”

"Yeah, the cadres of the Communist Party have to do good and practical things for ordinary people. Thinking about how to make political achievements and do some face-saving projects every day is not only unpopular, but also corrupt. Now the state is strongly supporting the development of the west. An opportunity for the development of Northwest Province, which requires a group of pragmatic cadres, who must not only give sincerity, but also be good at seizing opportunities. The wheels of economic development have already rolled in the Northwest, and by then we will be able to see which cadres are the propellant and which cadres It is a roadblock. Xiaolin, you should seize the opportunity. I know that you are like a fish in water in the army. The army is the guarantee of national defense, but only when the national power becomes stronger can the national defense be stronger. China not only needs to resist the iron fist of powerful enemies, but also needs an extremely powerful body."

Lin Tao nodded and listened to the teachings. Lin Tao has heard these words several times. He said it on the [-]st, Vice Premier Deng said it, Secretary Zhang said it, his father-in-law said it, and Wang Zhengdao also said it. They usually keep their revenge deep in their hearts, and they will not say it easily. These people are like-minded people.Lin Tao has never set his goal at the No. [-] position. That position is absolutely tiring. He has to consider the affairs of the whole country. I am afraid that he will not be able to sleep peacefully for a day. Lin Tao is so troubled as the executive deputy mayor now. Such a high-ranking Lin Tao is somewhat respectful.Lin Tao now somewhat misses the days when he was an instructor in the capital. He can accompany his wife every day when he gets home, and sleeps very sweetly with his arms around her.It's good now, I haven't seen my wife and two children for more than a month.He had to be careful of being assassinated when he went out, and he was so busy these two days, running around for Xiliang, and had to pay for the banquet himself, Lin Tao felt a little wronged!What day is this?

Governor Song was very satisfied to see Lin Tao humbly being taught.Turning his head and talking to Zhao Guangzu about supporting the army at the end of the year.This is a tradition. Every year, the government will condolences to the army and solve some practical problems for the officers and soldiers of the army.This is the relationship between the legendary Yubang Shuishuibangyu.

Lin Tao chatted with Tello and asked Tello how to arrange the itinerary.There are some things that cannot be discussed at the wine table, and Lin Tao has just mentioned them all. Anyway, Tello still has to go to Xiliang, and there will be time to arrange talks.The dinner ended happily at 09:30.Everyone left one after another. Zhao Guangzu patted Lin Tao on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Lin, when you come to the military region, I will treat you well."

Lin Tao smiled and said: "I must go, I have settled down with you, can I not visit you?"

Lin Tao watched all the officials get into the car one by one, and Lin Tao waved goodbye.

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