Jagged city

Chapter 157

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 150 [-] Dedicated to Death

"Secretary Cui, Mayor Lin asked us to report the situation of the underground tunnel. ﹛ (~ o ~)y﹜" Peng Fei and Zhang Jiaming said.

"Okay, tell me." Secretary Cui was a little anxious. The press conference was about to start at 09:30, and he had to give an explanation to the society.

"Based on the landslide situation, we speculate that the length of the middle section of the collapsed No. 100 tunnel is between 150 meters and 36 meters. According to the rescued worker Li Dagang, before the incident that night, 200 workers rested at the top of the tunnel. Li Dagang left Everyone was at a distance of more than 35 meters for convenience, when they suddenly heard the sound of an explosion, and then quickly collapsed, and he was buried in this position. According to Li Dagang’s narration and our speculation, the remaining [-] workers are very likely to survive. Now Mayor Lin is trying his best to organize a rescue team to dig. Mayor Li asked to send more people to speed up the rescue and try to open all the passages in the afternoon."

"Okay, okay, your rescue team has worked hard, and I will send in more rescuers immediately." Secretary Cui said repeatedly.

"Secretary Cui, I can send hundreds of soldiers here." Political Commissar Ma of the Xiliang Garrison said.

Secretary Cui held the hand of Political Commissar Ma tightly and expressed his gratitude.

Wei Xiaodong, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, went to a quiet place and answered the phone.There was an excited voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hehe, Lin Tao is finished now. 36 people were trapped. With such a big accident, Lin Tao's official career has come to an end."

"Dongbo, now there is a new situation, a worker has been rescued, only a broken bone."

"Then there are 35 more?"

"It is said that they may not be trapped at the top of the passage, and the possibility of suffering landslides is not very high."

"Hmph, as long as two or three die, it's enough for him to drink a pot, not to mention that the Prime Minister will arrive in person in the afternoon! This is a very bad influence on Northwest, and it is to discredit Northwest. He is a young and frizzy deputy mayor. Long is the best scapegoat." Bai Dongbo said viciously on the other end of the phone.

Wei Xiaodong sighed in his heart, saying that Bai Dongbo is really narrow-minded, but I have something to ask of the Bai family, so I have to express my anger for him.Bai Dongbo continued: "Although Mayor Xu of Xiliang has always said that he is responsible, Lin Tao is in charge of coal mine safety after all, and he cannot escape responsibility for this matter. It's just that Lin Tao has been saving people in the mine now—"

"What, he went down the well, it's better to have a second landslide and crush him to death. Damn, this kid is making a big move, trying to make up for it! It's so insidious!" Bai Dongbo cursed viciously.It made Wei Dongbo feel disgusted in his heart, and said to himself, it seems that it may not be a wise move to make friends with Bai Dongbo.

When the press conference was held after 20 o'clock, the Ma political commissar led 50 officers and soldiers down to the mine one by one, and 500 small carts collected temporarily entered the tunnel.Clearing landslides progresses at a speed of [-] meters per hour, with [-] people shoveling soil in rotation every half an hour. Nearly [-] people are working on their shoulders, and Lin Tao is like an unfallible banner, always standing at the forefront. His super large shovel One is worth ten, and the speed must be ten. Lin Tao has been working from [-]:[-] in the morning to [-]:[-] in the morning, and has rotated several rounds of rescuers in the middle, but Lin Tao is like a machine with unlimited power.

When the rescue team returned to the ground was served by government cadres and asked about their health, they all said that they did not work hard. If they said it was hard work, there was only one person who was Mayor Lin. Bibi speed, after half an hour, you are sure to be tired, and Mayor Lin's speed is more than seven or eight times faster than others' ten shovels with one shovel.

Just after Secretary Cui's press belly meeting ended, Northwest Daily published a report titled Scarlet Letter; Zhaojiazhuang Mine Accident, 36 People Trapped.Then there is the title and subtitle of "Leading by Example, Public Servant of the People"—Lin Tao, executive deputy mayor of Xiliang City, went deep into the landslide coal mine to rescue trapped workers.What was published above was the picture of Lin Tao carefully digging out Li Dagang. The north part was covered with thick iron plates, and the soil kept falling.The second picture is the picture of Li Dagang being lifted out, the third picture is the picture of Li Dagang holding Lin Tao's hand with tears of gratitude, and the fourth picture is the picture of Li Dagang lying on a stretcher and smirking at the reporter Zhu Xiaoyue.The background is all dark underground tunnels, and even the dripping water next to it and the puddles on the ground are clearly illuminated!Watching the picture is even more touching. The following text is described by Zhu Xiaoyue as a third-person onlooker, because Li Lintao's every word and deed was recorded by him with a video recorder.At the same time, a video recorded by Li Xiaoyue also appeared on Sohu, from Li Dagang being rescued little by little, to Li Dagang being escorted by an ambulance.Especially Li Dagang's two classic lines "You are Mayor Lin, I recognize you, Mayor Lin, you actually risked yourself to save us - you are such a good official!" I can see that you are a woman, hehe!" The matching moments of the picture are all touching, and the simple and honest smile makes people feel like a spring breeze.

The click-through rate of this video exceeded 300 million in just a few hours, and it is still increasing, and many websites have reproduced it one after another.

Secretary Cui received a call from the Propaganda Minister and said calmly, "Let it take its course."

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the Prime Minister's special plane arrived in Xiliang, and at [-]:[-], he took a helicopter directly to Zhaojiatun, and then walked to Zhaojiazhuang Coal Mine.

Secretary Cui and Song Chunrong went forward to shake hands with the Prime Minister.The Prime Minister looked serious, and just said: "Thank you, Comrade Zhiming, Comrade Chunrong."

"Prime Minister, the landslide is about to be opened up, and we have already made preparations in all aspects."

"Get through, get through!" The ground rescue team correspondent shouted.People gathered their eyes to one place, their faces were full of excitement.Seeing that everyone was paying attention to him, the correspondent was also emotional because he saw the prime minister's earnest eyes.

"They're all alive, they're all alive!" The correspondent shouted again, waving to the crowd with an excited look on his face, which aroused everyone's tense nerves.

Three or ten minutes later, the trapped miners came up in batches. Six were dehydrated and unconscious, and seven or eight were injured, but none of them were serious. coal miners, this is their true colors, but the dry lips, the excitement of the survivors, and the picture of crying with their loved ones will always be frozen in people's hearts. Although coal is a daily fuel, few people in the city know about coal mines Workers, seeing pictures now, think that it is these talents who bring warmth to thousands of households. These coal miners are great, and these pictures are worth moving.Rescue workers also came up one after another, and many tools were brought up.The prime minister first shook hands with the trapped workers and paid close attention to them. The workers were very touched. The fact that the prime minister of a country came here in person shows the concern for the coal miners.

But these people shook hands with the Prime Minister with the incomprehensible words: "Thank you Prime Minister, thank the party, thank the government, and thank Mayor Lin for your benefactor!"

Secretary Cui, Song Chunrong and the others glanced at each other, their hearts moved slightly, and they said, now that Lin Tao is famous, he must be remembered by the Prime Minister.

Mayor Xu and others stood in the back, far away from these important figures, and they didn't dare to steal the camera, but Secretary Gao and others heard the sentence: "Thanks to the party, thanks to the government, and thanks to Mayor Lin's benefactor!"

Old Xu's pale face finally showed a smile, and he held Secretary Gao's hands tightly. Their eyes were very sincere, mixed with joy and excitement, and the meaning was self-evident. Not only the workers were saved, but also the leadership team of Xiliang. saved.If these 36 people died, there would definitely be an earth-shaking official earthquake in Xiliang.

Wu Yongfu, a 50-year-old veteran worker on the stretcher, half sat up and shook hands with the Prime Minister, and said with tears in his eyes: "Thank you, Prime Minister, for caring about us, the party, the government, and Mayor Lin. All 35 of us are Mayor Lin. He was a good cadre of the party! Although the innermost part did not completely collapse, but the pillars were tilted, supporting the wooden boards, the iron boards fell, and the water seeped and rushed. As long as a wooden board or wooden column is knocked down, the entire passage will collapse. The landslide is about to happen. It was Mayor Lin who risked his life and passed through many barriers to lift us out one by one. It was carried out. When Liu Bajin finally carried us out, a pillar fell and crushed Mayor Lin's back. First, Mayor Lin insisted against the pillars and ordered Liu Bajin to be picked up. He ran out after everyone evacuated to a safe place, and then it all collapsed. Mayor Lin was almost buried inside because of us! He What a good cadre, Prime Minister! He is a good cadre of the party!" Wu Yongfu held the Prime Minister's hand and wept bitterly, talking endlessly.

The Prime Minister was very moved after hearing this, and kept comforting Wu Yongfu. In the end, Wu Yongfu was reluctantly carried into the ambulance, and he waved to the Prime Minister vigorously: "He is a good cadre of the party!"

The Prime Minister looked at the people who kept coming out. All the trapped workers had come out, and then there were batches of rescue team members. The Prime Minister still shook hands one by one. He wanted to meet the Mayor Lin that Wu Yongfu was talking about. Although he had heard of Lin Tao a little, But it does not agree with a 27-year-old military officer as the executive deputy mayor.He more or less thinks that the military is exaggerating, and the matter of the [-]th bureau makes the Prime Minister very troubled, because the rights drafted by the [-]th bureau are too great, and such a big and very special right is taken away by a young The Prime Minister was very worried, so although he did not insist on opposing it, he remained silent.

Today he came to Xiliang, came to Zhaojiatun, and heard Mayor Lin from the workers' population, and he also wanted to meet this person in person.There are not many cadres who can move these workers so much in today's society. It has to be said that it is a tragedy.The president's desire to see Lin Tao is even more eager.

More than a dozen waves of rescuers have come out.Someone advised the prime minister to take a break, because it has been occupied for more than two hours.The prime minister shook his head, he must see Lin Tao.

The last wave of 18 people finally rose up slowly amidst the warm applause of the people.I don't know the prime minister, but I see it almost every day on TV.This kind-hearted old man is the prime minister of a country. Zhang Zhiming and Peng Fei were so excited when they shook hands with the prime minister. One can imagine the feelings of the other team members!

"Comrades have worked hard, you are real heroes!"

"The Prime Minister has worked hard!" The two of them didn't know what to say.The Prime Minister looked at the muddy little faces behind him, and the clothes were basically the same, so he couldn't tell who was who?But when Lin Tao walked over, with his upright figure, different temperament, and that faint smile, the Prime Minister saw Lin Tao at a glance.Lin Tao, who was covered in mud, still couldn't stop the faint brilliance, especially the kind smile, which warmed people's hearts. This young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes made people like it very much.

"You are Comrade Lin Tao, Executive Vice Mayor of Xiliang!"

"I'm Lin Tao. I would like to thank the Prime Minister for coming to condolences to the trapped workers. Please rest assured, the Premier, our Xiliang government will properly handle the aftermath and satisfy the people."

"Well, Comrade Lin Tao is indeed a good cadre of our party. You can rush to the front line of rescue, risk your life to rescue the trapped workers, and let the banner of the party stand in the hearts of the workers. You have done a good job! It is rare !"

"This is what I should do. First of all, I should review. I am in charge of coal mine safety, but I did not notice that criminals carried out terrorist activities and nearly killed these workers. This is my dereliction of duty."

"I have learned a little about the situation. You have done a good job!" The Prime Minister and Lin Tao kept shaking hands and talking, and they shook hands two or three times. This scene shocked many people.

In 15 minutes, Lin Tao, who was separated from the Prime Minister, went to change clothes, but was stopped by reporters from Xinhua News Agency and blocked by CCTV cameras. Lin Tao did not want to be interviewed.Dodge hard.The reporter kept asking: "Mayor Lin, you are the first city leader to enter the underground coal mine to rescue the trapped workers. How do you think?"

"This is what a party member and a government cadre should do. As for my ability to go down, there is another reason. My physique is very good and I can adapt to the rescue environment below. The work of other comrades is also very important. It is the unity of all people." With one heart, the rescue of the trapped workers can go smoothly, you should interview those rescue team members who have been in and out of danger all year round, they are the real heroes!" Lin Tao waved his hands and strode away, the cameras couldn't keep up, so he had to give up, But Lin Tao's figure still appeared at the first time of CCTV at night.

The next day, Xinhua News Agency published a headline on the front page of the Northwest Daily about Lin Tao rescuing worker Li Dagang in the coal mine.There is also a picture of Lin Tao holding a worker Liu Bajin with his body bent over a two-foot-thick sloping wooden pillar with thick iron plates and earth and stones on it. He greeted him and opened his mouth to shout.The last one is a shocking photo of Lin Tao running out from the collapse of wooden pillars and iron plates under the impact of earth waves.

The main title is "Who gave him such strength to save the trapped coal miners!" The subtitle is - Comrade Lin Tao, a good cadre of the party, dedicated himself to the people, devoted himself to the death, and died.Many ordinary people burst into tears without reading the content of the article, and some old revolutionaries also burst into tears, sighing: "It is rare that another hero of the party has emerged, but it is a pity that he died at an early age!"

Many people thought that Lin Tao was dead. The Xiliang government and the Northwest government even received many condolence calls for Comrade Lin Tao, asking to come to mourn.The phone number of Xinhua News Agency was also ringing, and there were inquiries.Comrade Lao Ma, the special commentator who wrote this article, has black lines all over his forehead.Who said he was dead, why don't you people read the content of the text, I mean Lin Tao's revolutionary spirit of devoting himself to death, who said he was dead?

Lin Tao appeared at the business fair the next day, and he couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the news.

The No. [-] head of Zhongnanhai, the monk Lao Jinlao, took this article and talked about the many condolence calls received by the Xiliang government, and he also laughed.

Shang Lao, pointing to the end of the article, a paragraph, "Comrade Lin Tao's fearless revolutionary spirit, which is dedicated to death, is a high embodiment of our party's purpose of serving the people and a model for Communists!" ' Then he said: "Although the spirit is commendable, I don't understand whether Comrade Lin Tao has sacrificed or not, it is quite suspenseful!"

After finishing speaking, Old Shang laughed again.

Mr. Jin said: "This kid doesn't stop wherever he goes, but this time he is trying to win glory for our party and establish a tall image among the people. This is worthy of praise and respect."

"I heard that the Northwest is holding a business fair. I don't know what kind of achievements Lin Tao can achieve?" No. [-] said with a smile, but he was very relieved of Lin Tao in his heart, because Lin Tao must be more accomplished in the government than in the army.Therefore, No. [-] is also a little vacillating in its judgment on the Eleventh Bureau. The Eleventh Bureau is a special department that secretly protects the country. No. [-] always feels that Lin Tao will go further in his political career, and he will be upright and will have a greater impact. , This is a keen eye as the country's No. [-].Why is it said that people are old and mature, if there are many people who look at it, they will naturally look at the face, and you can know the approximate future achievements of the person after a few conversations, this is the gaze of a person in a high position.

Mexican bearded Tello was talking to Lin Tao with great interest: "Lin, you have become a hero again. That photo is even more shocking than American blockbusters. It's just right to enlarge it and hang it in a local theater as a promotional poster!"

"Tello, to be honest, I went to Xiguan yesterday for inspection. Do you still want to invest? Are you intimidated by the poverty in Xiliang?"

"No, Lin, I will definitely invest. I have asked a think tank to make business plans and investment plans. I believe in you, and I am also very optimistic about the plan of Ouyang County Mayor. By the way, I will go to Yinhai tomorrow to inspect and confirm the same The Junlian Group managed by your father cooperated to establish a bilateral seafood trade."

"I'm sorry, you big boss is running around. I'm too busy to get away now. I'll ask the driver Xiaoqin to bring you another jar of old wine to nourish you. What do you think?"

"Okay, Lin, you are amazing. This wine is better than Viagra, and afterward, I am still alive and well. I feel ten years younger these days. It would be great if there were more of this wine!"

"Things are rare and precious. I only have these few altars. If I give them away, they will be gone. Remember, you can't drink too much every day, and you won't make up for your deficiency."


Lin Tao hung up the phone amid Tello's laughter.

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