Jagged city

Chapter 166 Strength background

Jagged City - Chapter 160 Six Strength Background

The private room of Song Yuli's restaurant in Mingyue Bay. 【 】

Ge Hong, director of the infrastructure department, frowned at Liu Ming, director of the Xiliang Transportation Bureau, and said, "This matter is a bit difficult to handle. This morning, Zhang Song, the executive deputy mayor of Huangliang City, also came to fight for the special fund, and it is Accompanied by Bai Dongbo, the mayor of Northwest City, Wen Dong, the executive deputy director, received him. The mayor of Bai is a person who has come to the capital, but Huangliang City has put in a lot of effort. You are the only one who came here in Xiliang. You are not a brother. You are a bit soft-spoken in Xiliang. You can’t compare with Huang Liang. One is that you don’t pay enough attention, and the other is that you don’t have enough strength. Although I am the director of the infrastructure department, but It is also under the jurisdiction of Director Wen."

"This—" Liu Ming was somewhat desperate, and Ge Hong couldn't help it. As the director of the Transportation Bureau, his ability was really limited.

"I'm ashamed, Brother Liu, I'm sorry. However, although I can't get the special fund, I can still get some other financial appropriations." Ge Hong was somewhat embarrassed. These days, Liu Ming spent ten dollars in the restaurant. It's coming.

"Hey! It's going to be long in the future. Director Ge has done his best for us in Xiliang. I am very grateful. There are still many places to trouble Director Ge in the future. Come to Director Ge and go." Liu Ming recovered his true colors, and what he said made people feel Director Ge was very smooth.

"Okay, it's been a long time to see people's hearts. When brothers go further, they will definitely support Brother Liu's work." Ge Hong drank it down, and Ge Hong felt a little unhappy. The main reason was that Deputy Director Wen received Bai Dongbo today. When I was with Zhang Song, I called him and criticized him in front of outsiders. I was not proactive in my work, I lacked an overall grasp of the traffic work in prefecture-level cities, and my work was not in place. It was obvious that I was belittling myself to please Bai Dongbo.In addition, Bai Dongbo looked down on him at all, and so did Zhang Song, who didn't take him as a dish at all. Originally, the transportation application of the prefecture-level city should be handed over to him first, but Zhang Song didn't even greet him, let himself Making a fool of himself in front of the executive deputy director made him hate Zhang Song even more, so he confided in Liu Ming.Through these few days of contact, Ge Hong really regarded Liu Ming as a friend, and he talked to each other about Brother Liu, which shows that Liu Ming's public relations is still very successful.

Suddenly, Ge Hong's phone rang.Ge Hong reluctantly took out his mobile phone, looked at the number, immediately sobered up, stood up abruptly, and said with a respectful expression:

"Hi director, I'm Ge Hong, please give instructions!"

"Well, the Transportation Bureau of Xiliang has handed over the materials to your infrastructure department!"

"Yes, the application for the special fund has been submitted, as well as the information on the Xiliang Grand Transportation Project." Ge Hong immediately changed his mind, thinking, how could the director care about Xiliang's affairs.

"Well, send the materials to me tomorrow. You must take the major transportation project in Xiliang seriously and do your work well. After all, Xiliang transportation is also a part of the entire Northwest transportation, and our office must do a good job in guiding it."

"Yes, director, let me report the situation to you. Liu Ming, the director of the Xiliang Transportation Bureau, has been in the province. Do you want him to report to you about his work?" The director of the department has instructed to care about the traffic in Xiliang, and it has been done.

"Okay, let him come at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Yes, I will notify Director Liu Ming immediately, please rest assured." Ge Hong hung up the phone excitedly.

Liu Ming asked in surprise: "Director Ge, has the situation changed? Director wants to listen to my report?"

"Haha, congratulations, Brother Liu. The director personally gave the instructions. It seems that someone has come forward. Brother Liu, we now have a [-]% chance of winning. You must seize the opportunity!"

"That's it, that's it! Thank you Director Ge for your kind words. I respect you!" Liu Ming said happily.I didn't expect the turn of events. I had already given up hope, but now it's a bright future.

"Okay, our brothers are going to have a good drink today! With the big boss making the decision, they all have to stand aside!" Ge Hong said excitedly, the director vented his anger now, and the previous depression was swept away.

At this moment, Liu Ming thought again on the phone.

Liu Ming looked surprised when he saw the number: "It's our Xilianglin mayor's phone number."

"Mayor Lin! I'm Liu Ming."

"Well, Director Liu, if you report to Director Wu tomorrow, you must take it seriously and seize the opportunity. In addition, thank Director Ge for his support of Xiliang's work for me, and cooperate with Director Ge to make Xiliang's work better. Do it."

"Yes, Mayor Lin, don't worry, I will be with Director Ge right now."

"Okay, toast me a glass of wine. You can invite Director Ge to go to Xiliang to learn about the work, and then treat him well."

"Guaranteed to complete the task, please rest assured, Mayor Lin!"

Liu Ming hung up the phone excitedly, and said with some doubts, "How does our Mayor Lin know that Director Wu wants me to report to work?"

"Oh, Brother Liu, why are you so confused, Director Wu and your Mayor Lin called one after another, they must be together, by the way, I heard that our director is going to a reception tonight, could it be you Mayor Lin ran it? It must be like this, or you, Mayor Lin, are better at it!" Ge Hong analyzed.

"Ah, Mayor Lin didn't mention it to me—by the way, our Mayor Lin asked me to thank Director Ge for his support of Xiliang's work, and asked me to toast you for him! He also invited Director Ge to Xiliang Guidance work!" Liu Ming thought that Mayor Lin seemed to have another way, this is a test for my work!

"Hehe, thank you Mayor Lin for your love!" Director Ge drank happily from the glass of wine.Although Mayor Lin didn't show up, he respected himself as the director in his words.Unlike Zhang Song, that guy looks down on people with dog eyes.

Song Liansheng took Lin Tao to talk with Zhu Caishen for a while. Although Zhu Caishen didn't do everything, he said that if the policy allowed, he would definitely favor Xiliang. Lin Tao immediately called the director of the Finance Bureau to visit Zhu Caishen and report on his work.Zhu Caishen also had no choice but to hit Lin Tao with a stick.The dance music stopped and came to an end. Several princes came to talk about Xiliang's big traffic and the future urban transformation of Xiliang. These three princes established a construction company last year. Most of the projects were subcontracted and earned off-the-shelf. Part of the money is made by the company itself, and the company has naturally given the green light all the way, and has won many projects. Although the company has only been established for two years, it is making money every day.In order to save face for me, the few projects I did were basically model projects, which ensured quality and quantity, making people speechless. This is also the cleverness of the three people. Once it's over, they lose their roots. They don't do this kind of thing that kills the chicken to take the eggs and destroys the family.When Zhao Jinlin, Ma Zhantao, and Hong Quanli were looking for Lin Tao, Zhao Sifang told Lin Tao about the three of them in advance, which meant that they were naturally taking care of the companies of the three princes.Under the premise of adhering to the general principles, this work must be done with a certain degree of flexibility. China is a country with a lot of human feelings, so taking care of oneself is indispensable. Although Lin Tao did not pat his chest to guarantee, he said that under the same conditions, the three-person company must be given priority.

Zhao Jinlin suddenly said to Lin Tao: "This major transportation project in Xiliang should not only be publicized in Xiliang, but should also be promoted in the whole province! Mr. Bi, Xiang Xiaofen, you two should contribute. Let the reporters of the provincial newspaper, the TV station, etc. for publicity."

"It's up to you to talk about it. If you say a few words in front of your father, it's better to give Xiliang some preferential policies than anything else. Don't just talk but don't practice, just wait to take advantage." Xiang Xiaofen said bluntly .

"Okay, around the provincial capital, if I see you shy away from me in the future, can't I afford to provoke you and hide?" Zhao Jinlin said exaggeratedly.

Xiang Xiaofen said bluntly: "Xiaomian, if you run away from the monk, you can't run away from the temple. Do you think I can't find your house!"

Zhao Sifang patted Zhao Jinlin on the shoulder and said, "Boy, the three of you can't just cause trouble for Lin Tao. If you want to make money, you have to work hard. What's the relationship between the households? Get a few to invest in Xiliang Yes, then Lin Tao will have something to say for you."

"Okay, brother, you have already spoken, can the three of us not follow suit! By the way, isn't Dr. Wen Da studying some urban planning and economic development topics? Xiliang City is typically poor and white. It's just right for you to go to the staff."

Dr. Wen, Bi Yuelian's husband-to-be, said with a smile, "I'm talking about it on paper, and it may not work in practice."

Lin Tao said quickly: "Dr. Wen is too polite, you are a genius with double doctorate degrees, if Dr. Wen can give advice to Xiliang, it will be a blessing for the 300 million people in Xiliang; If it can be used in Xiliang, our Xiliang City will definitely do our best to support it!"

"Well, I heard that Mexico's Tello Group and South Korea's Kim Foundation have entered Xiliang. Without plane trees, Golden Phoenix cannot be attracted. I want to go to Xiliang!"

"Welcome, welcome, when the time comes, you can call me directly, and I will definitely do a good job in logistics! By the way, I am a layman in this area. Should I issue a formal invitation to the National People's Congress and Dr. Wen in the name of the Xiliang government?" "Although Lin Tao has only been in Xiliang for more than three months, the matter of transforming Xiliang has already been brewing in his mind, but he is currently busy with major transportation projects. It would be best if he had an expert in urban planning to guide him. up.

"I'll go there in a few days and make a decision at that time, because the research team is not up to me alone, and I have to seek the consent of other researchers. This is not brotherly hypocrisy, please forgive me, Mayor Lin! "Dr. Wen said politely. Dr. Wen was proud in his bones, but he was still full of curiosity and respect for this young major general.

Bi Yuelian said: "At that time, our provincial radio station will also go, Miss Xiaofen can contact the reporter of the provincial newspaper, and we will go together to support Mayor Linda!"

"Thank you so much, I wish you could go tomorrow." Lin Tao said with a smile.

"It seems that Mayor Lin is anxious for justice, but the soonest will be the day after tomorrow. But I have one condition?" Bi Yuelian said with a smile.

"What condition? I will definitely meet it!" Lin Tao said confidently.

"Let sister Xiao Xiao accompany us to Xiliang." Bi Yuelian said while pulling Xiao Xiao's arm.

Xiao Xiao said: "No problem, our company still has a subsidiary company in Xiliang. I haven't been to it once, so I can go and see it when I get the chance."

"Subsidiary enterprises? Law firms and subordinate enterprises?" Bi Yuelian asked in confusion.

"Ah, no, what I'm talking about is not a law firm, but a company founded by Lin Tao, a few classmates, and me. It has started a little in the past few years. It has set up a small electronics factory in Xiliang. It's just a small business. Don't fall into your eyes!" Xiao Xiao said in a little embarrassment, and couldn't help but glance at Lin Tao, Lin Tao didn't say anything, that is, he didn't care, and there was nothing wrong with doing business openly!

Zhao Sifang said with a smile on the side: "You guys are not a small business, don't be fooled by these two couples, this banquet is not for public funds, this is Xiao Xiao's siblings paying for it themselves. Xiao Xiao's siblings are also rich women ! Not as poor as you guys!"

"Really? Brother Lin, please forgive me for being so blind. I was so dazzled by my sister-in-law's overpowering appearance that I haven't had time to think about other aspects. Let's explain to my brothers." Everyone asked with interest.

Lin Tao was really ashamed to put gold on his face, Zhao Sifang said with a chuckle, "You guys are wandering around in the northwest, like country folks, how do you know what's going on at the emperor's feet? Brother Lin is a man who calls the wind and rain in Beijing."

"That's right, brother Zhao, just fool around, what kind of person am I in Beijing, I'm not the bottom one at the deputy department level."

"Okay, brother, didn't I let them follow Zhang Zhang to see it. I won't embarrass you when I go to the capital in the future, right?" Zhao Sifang said with a smile.

The three princelings and Bi Yuelian were full of curiosity.After all, they are not members of the military, and they don't know Lin Tao's background. The Zhao family knows Lin Tao's details out of ten. Otherwise, Zhao Sifang wouldn't be so enthusiastic about Lin Tao.

"Let's talk about Xiao Xiao first. Lin Tao's company is Lin Tao's own disciple. He started his own business as a student and created the world by himself. Now the company is booming. Xiao Xiao is the major shareholder of the company. The Mingyue Lake Hotel in West Beijing , That’s Lin Tao’s, even though it’s a four-star hotel, it’s still worth [-]-[-] million yuan in fixed assets. It’s not the purse company of the three of you.”

Lin Tao smiled wryly and said: "Brother Sifang, don't be sarcastic. Compared with your Zhao family's business, it is simply a world of difference! Besides, there are several antiques in the company, not just from our family."

"That's incomparable. Our Zhao family has been in business for decades. Your Junlian Group started from scratch. You didn't have any background to start the company. I admire you too. We are relying on the shadow of our ancestors. Brother, you stand alone, but I heard from our old man that he has interviewed you several times." Zhao Si pointed upwards.

"Brother Zhao, you mean No. [-]!" several princes exclaimed, none of them had ever been interviewed by No. [-].The gap was too great, and the originally incomparably haughty aura suddenly withered.

Lin Tao said lightly: "It was necessary for work, and you made it so mysterious. At first glance, he looked like your old man. He is a kind old man. I only met three times to talk and accompany the old man. Had one dinner, no big deal."

"I'll go!" Everyone raised their middle fingers in their hearts at the same time. It's nothing to eat alone with No. [-]?

"Okay, Brother Lin is keeping a low profile. Today I want to let the brothers know a little bit about Brother Lin's background, so that I don't care about the big or small in the future. I feel that I am unambiguous. In addition, let's talk about Xiao Xiao's younger brother and sister, who are also the vice governor. The godfather is the deputy secretary of Liaobei Province. Just like my father, Xiao Xiao is a precious daughter. She is the daughter of two governors. In the future, the two will work in the Northwest. Tell me, as friends, what should you do? ?”

"Ma Zhantao, Hong Lili, you both brought two knives?"

Everyone was very puzzled and looked puzzled: "What are you going to do?"

Zhao Jinlin said seriously: "One side at a time, go in from here, I want to stab Brother Lin in both sides!"

Everyone laughed, Zhao Sifang patted Zhao Jinlin and said with a smile: "Okay, brother, you are really kind. You didn't embarrass me brother."

"It's not that brother is scaring you. I'm afraid when Brother Lin stares at me. Many of the things he does are secrets that the state will not release. It's enough for you to know your brother's background. You can't brag about it with others."

"Yes, don't we know about this? Why are you leading your children? You definitely have the awareness." These princelings were indeed suppressed by Lin Tao.Lin Tao didn't stop Zhao Sifang either, because what Zhao Sifang said, apart from seeing No. [-], anyone with a solid foundation will know about it sooner or later. In addition, this is a superficial matter, and it is not a state secret, but it is not suitable for publicity.

"Sister Xiao Xiao, is what Brother Sifang said true?" Bi Yuelian pulled Xiao Xiao and asked.

"Tell me about him if you can tell me, and I won't ask if you don't." Xiao Xiao laughed.However, he still has a bit of a grudge about not being able to fully grasp Lin Tao's whereabouts.

"Isn't it often acted in the movies? If you know the secrets you shouldn't know, you will often be—" Bi Yuelian stroked her neck and stuck out her tongue.Made everyone laugh.

Xiao Xiao said again: "Junlian Company started as a fast food restaurant. This month, No. 15 will open a Northwest branch at No. 95, Xi'an Avenue. When the time comes, please cut the ribbon. If you have time, you should join us!"

"Ah, that's opened by your family. When I passed by the day before yesterday, I stopped to take a look curiously. The fast food restaurant occupies a street corner and is very conspicuous. The decoration is simple and bright, very modern. The only one, our sisters in the TV station are still talking about it, there are two or three thousand square meters outside to watch, it should be bigger than this."

"The rent in Northwest is relatively cheap, so the flagship store is bigger, with an area of ​​more than 9000 square meters. On the second floor, some high-end fast food is prepared, and the decoration should be better. Then I will invite you to eat the special abalone of the chain store. The rice tastes absolutely top-notch.”

"Is it that big?" Lin Tao was the first to ask.Xiao Xiao snorted angrily.

"You are really a shopkeeper, you don't even know your own store." Several people laughed.

Lin Tao smiled awkwardly: "If I'm not in my position, I won't seek my own affairs. I completely got out of the company four years ago. I rarely ask about the company. It seems that I should go around tomorrow, so as not to find trouble for dinner later. to the place."

"Brother, you are not mean enough! Such a big business even keeps me in the dark! When you open, I will only ask for abalone, without extra rice," Zhao Sifang said viciously.

"Head of the family, that's all we can do!" Xiang Xiaofen's words made everyone laugh.Zhao Jinlin and Hong Lili also said that the opening of such a large catering company in the Northwest did not find out, it was a mistake, and they had to look ahead tomorrow.Xiao Xiao said that Lin Tao will go back to Xiliang tomorrow, and she will accompany a few people. Anyway, the interior decoration is basically finished, and there is no problem with the visit. She has also bought a lot of raw materials, so you can try them in advance.

Leaving Xiao Xiao to answer the elders correctly, Lin Tao approached Director Song, Director Wu, the God of Wealth, Chief Engineer Liu and others on the other side, and talked with these important officials.Especially when it comes to traffic in Xiliang, I implore Mr. Liu to check it out.Mr. Liu naturally agreed. All the powerful directors here are very polite to Lin Tao, so he naturally has to show face, not to mention that the boss of the Transportation Department has promised others to help, and he is even more duty-bound.

The atmosphere of the reception was very good, everyone was very relaxed, and the second dance lasted for half an hour. Everyone had some desserts and drank some liqueur to help sleep, and then the show ended in a sluggish mood. Lin Tao not only held a reception, Gifts are also prepared.In a paper bag, there are two small boxes, one is Chanel French perfume, and the other is a razor worth about [-] yuan.Perfume costs ten times as much as a razor.These women were all smiling, and the men said that Lin Tao valued sex over friends.All of these people returned happily in a small car, and they were talking about the reception, the real situation of Lin Tao and his wife, and they were all very satisfied with the reception.

As soon as the black Audi was lit, Director Song said: "Xiaoli, this Lin Tao is very mysterious and has a deep background. You and Xiaofen will inquire carefully again to find out the tone of the Zhao family."

"Cut, you men! You are all political animals." Xiang Xiaoli said while fiddling with perfume.

"You women, you are vain little beasts, and you can be bought with a bottle of perfume." Song Changsheng laughed.

"Hmph, you're still reluctant to buy it for me!" Xiang Xiaoli pouted.

"I don't want to part with you. You're not all over my body." Song Liansheng said ambiguously.

"Thick-skinned, interrupt as soon as you get to a critical point!" Xiang Xiaoli slapped away the big hand that touched her.

Song Liansheng said: "We are all civil servants. We claim to be upright and honest, and we have no gray income. Such high-end gifts are still unaffordable. Your bottle of perfume is enough for the two of us for more than a month's salary. This Lin Tao is generous enough."

"Xiao Xiao said that the razor was given by Lin Tao, and the perfume was given by her. Xiaofen told me that this Xiao Xiao has a company, and this treat is a private banquet, not a government fund. This little gift is Reciprocity is polite, you don't have to worry about bribery, or anything else. Lin Tao's status in Beijing is extraordinary. Although he is only a major general, the people who pay attention to him are all top figures. Even your governor and secretary of the provincial party committee can't touch him. He is a special existence, Xiaofen said, according to the details of the Zhao family, many of Lin Tao's things are not unsealed state secrets. They cannot be treated as ordinary government officials. Therefore, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in making friends with Lin Tao In addition, Xiao Xiao is not simple. His father and godfather are both deputy provincial officials, and it is certain. To get to know you is actually to help you. When the province held a business meeting some time ago, Lin Tao had a private banquet with the governor and the secretary of the provincial party committee, and they attended together, and the bridge was built by Chen Guangyan, commander-in-chief of the Northwest Military Region."

Xiang Xiaoli casually shared the news, which made the chief housekeeper of the provincial government unable to calm down for a long time.

Xiang Xiaoli continued: "You know Zhao Ronghua from the Zhao family. He is a man with all-hands and eyes. He secretly offended Lin Tao. As a result, Lin Tao took care of many friends. Zhao Ronghua was banned by the old lady of the Zhao family for half a day. Lin Tao I don't know that it was Zhao Ronghua who offended him. Now that the Zhao family is making friends with Lin Tao, it must be the grace of Mrs. Zhao. The reason why the family is prosperous is not only its own strength, but more importantly, making friends, those friends with a bright future. Helping others is It’s like helping yourself, that’s the reason.”

Song Liansheng nodded. Xiang Xiaoli's grandparents were also old revolutionaries, one of the important leaders of the party. Although they are in decline now, their interpersonal relationship is not comparable to those of the upstarts.If a person wants to make a difference in the officialdom, it is not enough to rely solely on being honest and honest, nor is it possible to be strong. They all need help, someone from above must appreciate them, and someone below must support them.Fucking hard with your head down may not have any good results.The Datong officialdom of human relations is closely related, and this is the reality in China.It's just that some places are obvious, some places are obscure, and light and dark are intertwined.This is the truth that one prospers, one prospers, one loses, and Song Liansheng deeply believes it.

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