Jagged city

Chapter 181

Jagged City - Chapter 180

The next morning, Lin Tao sat in the office and flipped through several newspapers. It was just Lin Tao's habit. Lin Tao usually read Northwest Daily, Northwest Life Daily, Xiliang Daily first, and then read financial newspapers issued nationwide, Xinhua Daily, People's Daily, etc. Daily and Global Times. ┌* ┐Basically, ten lines at a glance, and the reports that arouse interest are watched in detail.

When Lin Tao saw the Northwest Life News, the front page headline on the front page caught Lin Tao's attention: "Officials are drunk and have no morals to moles a masseuse!" '

There are also photos in the report, a man in a bathrobe seems to be touching the breasts of the masseuse, and the masseuse looks shocked and humiliated.Lin Tao looked down at the narration of the report, and the article vaguely mentioned officials from Xiliang.Although the man's eyes were painted black, Lin Tao felt very familiar with his figure and face.Who is the familiar person in Xiliang?

"Mayor Lin, Director Liu Ming of the Transportation Bureau is here. Do you want to see him?"

"Let him in!" Lin Tao put down the newspaper and looked outside the door, only to see Liu Ming walking in with red eyes and a look of guilt on his face.Lin Tao's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered that the man he looked familiar in the newspaper was not Liu Ming?Lin Tao's face became gloomy, and it was the first time he saw Liu Ming coming in without moving.

"Mayor Lin, I—" Liu Ming glanced at the newspaper on Lin Tao's desk, and the eye-catching headline made Liu Ming's eyes go dark.

Seeing Liu Ming's pale face, sweaty forehead, and swaying body, Lin Tao said in a cold tone, "Director Liu is not in the provincial capital, what are you doing here?"

"Mayor Lin, I've shamed you, and I'm sorry for your cultivation!" Liu Ming bowed to Lin Tao, tears streaming down his face.A northwestern man in his early forties and a dignified traffic director actually cried aggrieved in front of Lin Tao, like a child who has made a mistake.Lin Tao couldn't bear to look at it, but Lin Tao still had a frosty face. He trusted Liu Ming, the traffic director whom he single-handedly promoted. He didn't expect such a morally corrupt thing to happen. It was published in the Northwest Life News, which is widely read by the common people. This is definitely a heavy blow to the Xiliang government, destroying the great situation of Xiliang's vigorous development.I believe that Liu Ming will be spread out soon. Since Xiliang is mentioned in the newspaper, Liu Ming's identity will not be unknown.

Lin Tao said coldly: "You are not sorry for me, you are sorry for Xiliang. Do you know how much this negative report has affected Xiliang? The pioneering and enterprising image that Xiliang has erected now will be discredited. This is what I trust in you result?"

"Mayor Lin, save me—I was framed—" Liu Ming knelt down in front of Lin Tao's desk with a plop.

Lin Tao became even angrier when he saw it, and slapped the table and shouted: "Get up, you must know that there is gold under the man's knees, did I really misunderstand you? Stand up and tell me what happened exactly, without any concealment. "

"I told Director Ge Hong yesterday—" Liu Ming told Lin Tao what happened, and told Lin Tao what he and Ge Hong had inferred. Is it true?"

"Mayor Lin, if I conceal or fabricate you, you can just dismiss me." Liu Ming's eyes were filled with a look of desperation. Lin Tao nodded and motioned Liu Ming to sit down.Then start thinking about the ins and outs of this matter.According to Liu Ming, it was a health massage center without pornographic services, but the beautiful masseuse still attracted many repeat customers, and Ge Hong was one of them, and Liu Ming was invited by Ge Hong.While the two were sleeping soundly, the two masseuses changed into revealing clothes and put on a show for the anti-pornography team.It seems that these two women did it deliberately, and they cooperated seamlessly with the Public Security Bureau's anti-pornography. The molestation scene was being seen by the police and captured by the camera. It seems very problematic. This is a pre-set bureau, waiting Ge Hong and Liu Ming jumped in.But the newspaper only mentioned Xiliang, which seems to be aimed at Liu Ming or Xiliang, otherwise why didn't Ge Hong or the Communications Department be mentioned.

In Gao Bogu's office, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary Gao was standing and answering the phone with a very respectful attitude.

"What's wrong with your Xiliang City? It's been discredited just after a little improvement. Your municipal party committee and government must do a good job in the ideological education of cadres. The evil deeds of Liu Ming from the Transportation Bureau are not only embarrassing for Xiliang, but also for the cadres of Northwest Province. discredit the overall image of—”

"Yes, you are right in your criticism. Our Xiliang Municipal Committee will definitely strengthen the ideological education of cadres. We will definitely deal with this matter seriously. Please rest assured Secretary Cui and the organization." Secretary Gao put down the phone and muttered :

"This Liu Ming really can't afford to support him. This is completely demolishing Mayor Lin's platform. But that's okay, Lin Tao's arrival in Xiliang is too smooth, and it's good to learn some lessons."

Governor Song Chunrong made a call to the office of Mayor Xu of the Xiliang City Government.

Mayor Xu's attitude is different from Secretary Gao's, but with complaints.Mayor Xu said: "Liu Ming's question needs to be investigated. If it's true, Xiliang City doesn't need such unethical cadres. If it's false, it means that some people have ulterior motives and want to destroy Xiliang's great development situation." Another point is that even if Liu Ming is at fault, Liu Ming cannot represent all cadres of the Xiliang government, nor can he represent all cadres of the Northwest Province. From this point of view, this daily newspaper is irresponsible, especially the reporter who reported it. Wei Zechang’s language is full of irony and sarcasm. Our Xiliang government will apply to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee to question the responsible person of Life Daily.”

Song Chunrong on the other end of the phone said, this old Xu is really old and strong, and there is no room for sand in his eyes.The question said hit the nail on the head.Song Chunrong said: "Mayor Xu Xiliang is in a period of great development, we must strengthen the ideological education of cadres. Some individual cadres will inevitably lose their principles in the face of money and power. We have to prevent the incipient development!"

"Yes, please rest assured, Governor Song. Our Xiliang government will implement the instructions of the provincial government and Governor Song to investigate this matter in detail. At the same time, we will strengthen the ideological education of Xiliang cadres again."

Mayor Xu hung up the phone, patted the table angrily, and quickly called Lin Tao.Soon Lin Tao took Liu Ming into Mayor Xu's office.Mayor Xu stared, like a lion ready to eat someone at any time. Liu Ming calmed down facing Mayor Xu after a while of training from Lin Tao.

Lin Tao first said: "Mayor Xu, there is another story about Liu Ming, let Liu Ming report what happened."

"There is an inside story?" Mayor Xu was slightly surprised. Could it be true that he guessed that someone had ulterior motives?

"Mayor Xu, I will first review this matter. Due to the large transportation project in Xiliang, I have had more contacts with Director Ge Hong of the Provincial Department of Communications. Therefore, when Director Ge Hong proposed to go to the bathing center for a massage, I did not No refusal—"

After hearing this, Mayor Xu said: "Flies don't bite seamless eggs. Although someone designs you, if you have a correct mind and don't enter that kind of place where troubles arise, you won't get into trouble."

"Yes, I will criticize!" Liu Ming is now the meat on the cutting board, and he really has no ability to fight back except to be slaughtered.If this matter is not handled well, the influence will expand, and Liu Ming's future will be over.

"Our city government can't sit idly by on this matter. This matter is not only aimed at Liu Ming, but also at Xiliang City Government! Let's discuss with Secretary Gao later to see how to deal with it—"

Mayor Xu hadn't finished speaking when Secretary Gao called, and he was talking about Liu Ming's affairs. Liu Ming's head was in a tizzy when he heard it, and he seemed to have to explain it again. A criticism is inevitable. Although I am extremely wronged by this matter, the bad influence has already been produced, and it is impossible to take it back. Even if it is clarified in the future, it is estimated that there will not be much attention. The immoral Xiliang official has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Frustrated, Liu Ming followed the two mayors to the office of the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Liu Ming made another round of self-criticism and told the story of his experience.Secretary Gao was silent for a while, and Secretary Cui of the Provincial Party Committee was harsh in his criticism. Will Secretary Cui listen to this self-justification?Will it increase his disgust, thinking that the Xiliang Municipal Party Committee does not pay attention to the attitude of the Provincial Party Secretary, and thinks it is sophistry.

Seeing Secretary Gao's silence, Mayor Xu said: "Our municipal party committee and municipal government are aboveboard. If there are mistakes, we will correct them. If there are no mistakes, we can't be slandered. The majestic Northwest Municipal Government even let a reporter force the palace to fail. Just now the governor told me I made a phone call, and my attitude was very clear. If Liu Ming did make such a low-level mistake, our Northwest government will not show mercy and remove Liu Ming on the spot. But Liu Ming was framed by someone, and our government does not accept this kind of thing. promise."

Secretary Gao finally said: "Secretary Cui called just now, and he was very serious, criticizing our Northwest Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for being unfavorable to the ideological education of cadres, and demanding that Liu Ming be severely punished. That's why I called you over, but what Liu Ming said was absolutely On the contrary. I believe in our comrades, but I’m afraid that no one will believe this excuse, and Secretary Cui will not believe it. What measures do you think we should take to change from passive to active.”

"I'll call right away and ask them what's going on with the Northwest Life Newspaper? They are talking nonsense, and they must publicly apologize in the newspaper!" Mayor Xu said angrily.

"After all, it's a provincial newspaper. I'm afraid people won't listen to us." Secretary Gao frowned.

Lin Tao thought for a while and said, "How about this, we divide into three groups, and are ready to sue Life Daily in the name of the government at any time."

Looking at the puzzled eyes of the three people, Lin Tao continued: "The first way is to send people from the Propaganda Department to the Northwest Life Newspaper, demanding that this report be pulled down, and the reporter and the irresponsible editor be held accountable. The second is to send police officers to bring Let Liu Ming go to the bathing center to ask the two masseurs to find out what happened. If it doesn’t work, he will be taken back to Xiliang for interrogation. Thirdly, go to the Fengming District Public Security Bureau to ask them how to make a judgment in the case of insufficient evidence. Xiliang Liang Daily is ready to publish reports suing Northwest Life Daily for harming the Xiliang government at any time, and file a public prosecution in the name of the government. It also publishes a large number of the work and achievements of the party's work style and clean government construction. If the published reports are fabricated, it will be in the name of the Xiliang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government Appeal to the Propaganda Department of Northwest Province and request to punish the relevant leaders of Northwest Life Daily”

Secretary Gao looked astonished, and said in a nasty voice, "Will this have the opposite effect?"

"Okay! That's how it should be done. Our Xiliang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government are aboveboard, and our honor cannot be tarnished. We must expose the conspiracies and tricks of those ghosts and monsters, so that the young people have nowhere to hide." Mayor Xu clapped his hands and said.

Director Bi of the Propaganda Department of Northwest Province was also reading the report in the Life Newspaper, frowned, thought for a while, and then made a call.

"I'm Bi Minghua."

"Hello, hello, Minister Bi, please give instructions!" Li Hanming, the president of Northwest Life Daily, stood beside the table and respectfully answered the phone.

"The headline on the front page of the Northwest Life Daily, how do you check it? Such ambiguous words will misunderstand the masses. This will not only cause passiveness for the Xiliang government, but also have a bad impact on the entire Northwest."

Li Minghan immediately explained: "Mr. Bi, regarding this report, as the president, I can't discourage the enthusiasm of my subordinates due to the factual evidence. Secretary Cui affirmed that it can alert those governments and officials who put the economy first and ignore the moral construction.”

Minister Bi felt very displeased when Li Minghan brought out Secretary Cui to press him down. He said to himself that Secretary Cui's hand was long enough to skip the Propaganda Department and directly give instructions to the media.Minister Bi put down the phone angrily.

Li Li Minghan smiled and said to himself: "I used to be under the control of your minister Bi, but now I have the secretary of the provincial party committee to support me. Who am I afraid of?"

Minister Bi hung up the phone, thinking about what Li Minghan said, he couldn't help thinking about Secretary Cui. If the report was instructed by Secretary Cui, it would be a bit scary. I don't know what this boss is going to do.

The troops from Xiliang City went to Northwest City in three ways. Lin Tao was entrusted by the secretary and the mayor to prevent things from getting out of control, so he also followed to Northwest City.Three groups of people contacted Lin Tao at any time to let Lin Tao know the progress of the matter and facilitate Lin Tao's command. In the words of Mayor Xu, this is a battle of Xiliang City's unanimous external, a battle of honor.

In the Fengming District Public Security Bureau, Hu Yang, director of the Xiliang City Public Security Bureau, was sitting in the reception room, accompanied by two police officers.Fengming District Public Security Bureau Director Wang Weihan strode into the reception room to give Hu Yang experience.In terms of rank, Wang Weihan is half a rank lower than Populus euphratica, so I salute.

"Hello Director Hu!"

"Hello Director Wang!" Hu Yang politely shook hands with Wang Weihan.

"Director Hu is a rare visitor! I heard that there is a great chief in Xiliang, and I am lucky to meet you today!" Wang Weihan looked like a profiteer to Hu Yang with a smile, and he probably guessed his intention for coming here. .It's really an old fox.

"Director Wang is overrated. This is the beginning of me doing police work. I can't compare with you, who have been a policeman for half his life." Hu Yang was humble, and the other party was very helpful.Wang Weihan poured tea for Populus euphratica himself, then sat down and asked:

"Although Director Hu has not been here for a long time, he is well-known. Xiliang's anti-crime work has become a benchmark in the whole province. I was just about to ask for advice, but I didn't expect Director Hu to come in person." Wang Weihan The hypocritical words made Populus Hu Yang queasy. Although he had been in Xiliang for four months, he was still unable to grasp the hypocrisy and intrigue in the officialdom. Such nasty words came out of this person without the slightest suspicion of affectation. people admire.

Hu Yang said with a smile: "I'm just following the orders of my superiors, so I can't say I deserve any credit. By the way, I came to the Provincial Department this time. By the way, I want to ask about the anti-pornography work carried out by your sub-bureau last night. It seems that the Xiliang City Liu Ming, I was entrusted by the mayor and the secretary to inquire about this matter."

Wang Weihan nodded with a slight sigh, and then said: "I also read the Life News this morning, but I didn't expect this to be exposed by the reporter. I'm afraid it has already had some bad influence."

"Yes, the impact of this matter is very bad. I am entrusted by the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor to inquire about the situation."

"You are too kind, and it happened like this—"

Wang Weihan talked about his subordinate Zhu Liming's anti-pornography raids and the reporter's follow-up. Finally, he met Liu Ming. When the police came in, the masseuse screamed. Afterwards, he learned from the masseur that it was Liu Ming and Ge Hong who had been drinking because of alcohol. Finally, he was a little unconscious, so he started to touch the waiter.But after they came to the bureau, neither Liu Ming nor Ge Hong admitted to the molesting masseur. Due to lack of evidence, one was the masseuse and the other was the customer, so we just gave general oral education and soon put People let go.

"So, your bureau didn't convict Liu Ming of any crime, but released him without charge." Hu Yang asked.

"Well—you can say that." Wang Weihan seemed a little reluctant.Populus euphratica saw it all.

"Then your bureau didn't give the reporter any comments on the article in the Northwest Life Newspaper before reporting it?"

"Director Hu, you are worrying too much. Our police officers only act according to the rules, and we don't charge people with random charges. It's just that the photos captured by the reporters at the scene seem to be Liu Ming molesting the waiter. It's not enough to have preconceived ideas. Strange."

Hu Yang nodded and said, "Has your bureau filed a case for this matter?"

"No. First, the evidence is insufficient. Second, although the masseuse claimed to have been harassed, he did not intend to report the crime. Therefore, we only gave oral education."

"Okay, your bureau handles affairs according to the law and strictly enforces the law. It is worth learning from Xiliang City." Hu Yang said politely.

Wang Weihan even said that he didn't dare, and it was about to take a lunch break. Wang Weihan invited Hu Yang to dinner, but Hu Yang declined once, but couldn't hold back Wang Weihan's enthusiasm, and finally stayed in Separation for a light meal.While eating, Wang Weihan received a call and walked out, and returned after a while with an unnatural expression on his face.He said apologetically to Hu Yang, "Director Hu, I'm really sorry, something suddenly happened to the Municipal Bureau—"

"It's okay, it's okay, we are all policemen, of course I understand, I've finished my meal, thank you Director Wang for your hospitality, I'll go to Xiliang another day." Hu Yang got up and said.

"I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, next time, Wang will definitely make amends to Director Hu. The matter is urgent, so I will leave now."

Watching Wang Weihan leave the hotel, Hu Yang sneered and called Lin Tao to inform him of the situation.Two plainclothes police officers from Xiliang City drove an ordinary Passat and followed Wang Weihan's hastily leaving car. Wang Weihan was driving in the direction of the bathing center.

Lin Tao's soldiers were divided into three groups, all the way to the Fengming District Public Security Bureau to inquire whether this is a strategy to stabilize the king.Erlu He Ning took the three policemen straight to the bathing center where Liu Ming massaged.The police who claimed to be from the City Bureau came to investigate what happened last night.In He Ning's words, that is the mutual supervision within the police to see if there is any violent law enforcement. The boss kept praising the Fengming police officers for their strict law enforcement. It was a joy to be in the newspaper today.He Ning said a few words politely, and asked the boss to find the two masseuses to understand the situation.The boss found the two girls with one phone call.He Ning proposed to inquire alone, but the boss withdrew from the door.At the beginning, the boss was not suspicious, but the time passed, and it was 10 minutes, and neither of them came out. The boss wanted to go in and ask, but was stopped by the police at the door, and told Boss Wang not to worry, it was a routine matter Just wait a little longer.Boss Wang wandered around the door.

When the two masseuses in the room were first heard about, they looked like they were on the verge of tears, and they narrated the process of being harassed.But He Ning asked suddenly: "Who ordered you to set up a trap to frame the department-level state cadres."

The two women were stunned for a moment, with panic in their eyes, they quickly waved their hands and said: "We have no one to instigate, they are indeed harassing us—"

"Nonsense, you used massage to put the two of them into a deep sleep, then changed into naked clothes, and deliberately made it look like you were being harassed when the people from the branch office came. Do you think the people in the branch office are fools? Do you think they can't see The two of you are acting. Don’t hesitate to tell the truth, do you want to be detained, you will only say it in the criminal police team? If you confess, you will be lenient, and if you resist, you will be strict!"

"I - we - didn't act, it's true." The two women became even more flustered.

"Humph—" He Ning sneered and said:

"You guys think you're smart, but there are some things that are not missed. Your every move was recorded by the phone camera that the customer accidentally turned on. I'm giving you a chance. You're still young, don't you want to be in the middle of the night?" There is a criminal record on the file. Do you know that you will be sentenced to prison for framing a state official? This is what you want? Don’t worry, as long as you name the instigator behind the scenes, we will plead with the judge—”

"Captain, it's been found out. The two of them are third-year students of the Industrial College. They are currently in the internship period." A police officer said after answering the phone.

"Oh, it seems that you will not be able to graduate." He Ning looked at the two girls regretfully and said with a sigh.

The two women were terrified. They looked at each other and fell to their knees, crying and begging for mercy: "We both said, can we not tell the school, we can't be expelled, we are massage girls to earn tuition fees. Please. You, please, we all said that we were actually forced—"

It turned out that the two masseuses, one named He Lili and the other named Li Xiaojing, were third-year students of Northwest City Institute of Technology.The family is relatively difficult. Although the tuition fee is a loan applied for, it has to be repaid after all.The two used holidays to work as waiters in restaurants, but they didn't earn much.It's a drop in the bucket for tuition.Later, I saw an advertisement for a masseur with a monthly salary of 11, which attracted the two girls.The two girls came to this bathing center with the attitude of giving it a try.This boss Wang fell in love with the appearance of the two girls. Although they are students who don't know much about massage, as long as they study hard, they can master some basic things in a few days. This person looks sweet, but his skills are poor. Customers It doesn't count either.So the two stayed.Every day after school, I come to the bathing center to work as a masseur. I work from 4:3000 pm to [-]:[-] pm, sleep on the sofa in the bathing center, go to school the next day, and stay in the bathing center all day on Saturdays and Sundays.These two people did exactly what the boss expected. Although their skills were poor, there were many people around the clock.The five-hour working hours are full, and some customers still have complaints if they cannot be arranged. These two female students can compete for more than [-] yuan every night, and sometimes customers will give hundreds of tips.In the past two months, they each earned more than [-] yuan, and they were so happy psychologically. If they worked for half a year during the internship, they would not only earn tuition fees, but also save a lot of money. The two imagined Making money from massages might be able to pay for studying abroad.So during practice, that's what they do.With the improvement of their technology, more and more customers ordered, and the daily tips reached more than two to three thousand yuan.Even though their chest and thighs were accidentally touched by bad uncles occasionally, they endured it.

Last night, two guests came. They drank too much wine. Although their eyes were a little pale, they got used to it. They lay on the bed and did not make any sneak attacks. They quickly became faint under their nimble fingers. drowsy.At this time, a masseuse greeted the two of them at the door, saying that the manager was looking for them.Unexpectedly, Boss Wang asked them to frame the two guests.He Lili and Li Xiaojing naturally quit. Later, when the boss showed some photos, they fell into panic and shame.That photo was a naked photo of them in the locker room. Boss Wang threatened them that if they didn't do what he said, they would mail the photo to their school.Under the coercion and lure of the boss, they had no choice but to change into two revealing clothes with tears in their eyes. They acted as ordered when the police entered the door, messed up the clothes, put Liu Ming's hand on their chests, and screamed.This is what happened in the past.This morning, Boss Wang gave the two of them 2 yuan as a hush money, and they couldn't tell anyone about it, but now the two of them have said everything, and it was recorded by He Ning.

At the corner of the corridor outside the door, Boss Wang started calling Wang Weihan, director of the Fengming District Bureau.

"Director Wang, is there something wrong?"

"what's the situation?"

"Someone from the Municipal Bureau came to check and said it was to supervise the law enforcement of your branch. Now they are interrogating the two student masseuses. They have been in for half an hour and they haven't come out yet. I am a little worried!"

"What? Is there such a thing? I'll be there right away!" Wang Weihan put down the phone and came out of the bathroom. Then he said goodbye to Hu Yang and hurried to the bathing center. Does the bureau have any actions to supervise the work of the branch.

He asked Zhang Ligong, the executive deputy director of the Northwest Public Security Bureau. Zhang Ligong smiled and said, "Why, are you scared? Did you do something shameful?"

Zhang Gong is his good friend's best friend for many years, so he often jokes with him.However, Wang Weihan was not in the mood for joking at the moment, and asked anxiously: "I don't have time to joke about meritorious service. Is there any monitoring operation today?"

"No, what's wrong with you kid, like you stepped on your tail?"

"Someone seems to be pretending to be a member of the Municipal Bureau. I'll go and see the situation." Wang Weihan's heart skipped a beat. He thought of Hu Yang's honest face, but he didn't expect this Hu Yang to give him a hidden smile. This must be from the Xiliang police. Surprise attack, I didn't expect Populus euphratica to have such courage, to carry out investigations across regions, just under his nose, and fooled his people, which is not bad.Wang Weihan didn't have time to elaborate, so he immediately called Boss Wang back. Boss Wang's phone call was slower than usual, and Wang Weihan was anxious and didn't care.

"Old Wang, they are not from the Municipal Bureau, so don't say anything, just wait for me to pass. Remember not to say anything."

He Ning quickly wrote down on a piece of paper, "Two female student masseurs have been recruited! What should I do?"

Over there, Boss Wang, who was held down by a criminal policeman, said to the phone in horror: "Those two students have been recruited! What should I do?"

"Trash, they don't know that I asked you to do it. As long as you don't implicate me, I guarantee you nothing will happen. If you confess me, you will not only harm me, but also yourself. I think you should Understand this, don't I need to explain more?" Wang Weihan threatened Boss Wang.

"No need to explain, I understand everything, Director Wang Weihan!" He Ning said into the phone.

"Who are you?—" Wang Weihan's voice changed.Countless images instantly appeared in my mind, starting from a small policeman, working hard by myself, getting twice stabbed in a life-and-death fight, and finally caught a robber.He made third-class meritorious service, and he became the deputy director of a police station in the second year after he recovered from his illness.That year he married a beautiful wife.Double harvest in love and career.With the increase of social experience, he moved forward step by step, learned to flatter, learned how to be an official, and learned how to make money. Now 40-year-old Wang Weihan has become the director of the Fengming District Bureau. Although his position is not high, But he has a lot of power, he secretly controls many entertainment venues, and collects millions of commissions every year. With this money to pave the way, he believes that sooner or later he will be the head of the city bureau.But right now, everything is over, and I was careless. I thought Xiliang would not have much reaction, but I didn't expect the other party to come to counter-reconnaissance, and I took the initiative to vent the truth. It must have been recorded by the Xiliang police.His way is over.He was so unwilling.


On the fast-moving main road, Wang Weihan stepped on the gas pedal in a daze, and the speed continued to increase. When he was about to hit the rear of the large truck in front, he realized that he slammed on the brakes and slammed on the square disc.

The mobile phone that He Ning was facing first heard Wang Weihan's terrified cry, and then the sound of sudden braking and collision.

He Ning frowned and shouted: "Director Wang, please answer, Director Wang, please answer!"

A guardrail on the main road was smashed, and Wang Weihan's car rolled and rushed out.The windshield was shattered, Wang Weihan shook his head, blood trickled down his cheeks!

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