Jagged city

Chapter 19 The Consequences of Picking Up on a Beauty

Chapter 19 The Consequences of Picking Up on a Beautiful Woman

When Lin Tao returned to the dormitory, he saw the heavy atmosphere in the room. Qiao Kun, the eldest, was lying on the bunk in a daze. ┠ ⊿ & ┨

"It's so choking, the fourth brother opened the window." Lin Tao sat opposite Hu Lin.

"Damn, how did you do it?" I saw that Hu Lin had a black panda eye and a bruise on the left side of his face.

"It's all because of the broken mouth of the second child." The boss, Qiao Kun, poked his head over, and Lin Tao looked at him in disbelief. Qiao Kun's eyes were only swollen.

"Fourth——" Lin Tao stood up and pulled the fourth child. The fourth child was even worse, with two panda eyes and blood under his nose.

"Second brother, tell me, what's going on?" Lin Tao was so angry that he didn't see him for half an hour, and all three brothers were beaten.If people don't attack me, I will not attack others. If people attack me, I will attack them.Lin Tao has always been in this state of mind.So he is usually very low-key. The third brother in the dormitory only knows that Lin Tao goes for a run every morning. He doesn't know that he knows martial arts.

Hu Lin stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said, "Damn, after we left the cafeteria—" It turned out that the three of them didn't feel like eating after they left the cafeteria. They wanted to go to the soda shop for a drink. The beauty is walking in front. The beauty is wearing high heels, and her slender and white thighs have attracted the attention of many passers-by. The three of them are 20 meters behind the beauty, looking at the twisting circle, and they are still visually measuring her measurements. Suddenly The beauty fell to the ground with an oops. It turned out that her high heels were stuck on the iron grate of the sewer. Who made her eyes look higher than the top? This is the result of underestimating the ground. Of course, Hu Lin couldn't miss the hero's chance to save the beauty, and ran over quickly .

"Sure enough, she is a beauty." Although her brows were furrowed, her ruddy lips, charming eyes, and small nose were all beautiful.

"Sister, are you okay?" Qiao Kun asked with concern.

"My ankle is sprained" the beautiful woman wanted to cry in a low voice, and her appearance was even more lovable.The three of them saw that the beautiful woman's ankle was red and swollen, and the injury was not serious.

"There is a clinic in front, I'll carry you there," Hu Lin said.

"Then—please." The beauty hesitated a little, Qiao Kun tremblingly supported this stunner on Hu Lin's back, and Hu Lin held his two white and tender thighs, feeling the softness of his back, and strode towards the clinic with big strides go.

"It's a big loss, why am I not as thick-skinned as my second brother?" The boss Qiao Kun was jealous of the second brother's boundless beauty from behind.Seeing that there are still 50 meters to the clinic.Suddenly the beauty called out "Bing Ge" with infinite grievances in her voice.

The three stopped, and saw three people walking towards them from the opposite side. The leader was a gloomy guy, 1.8 meters tall, with an earring on his ear.At first glance, he was a ruthless character, and the two people next to him came to Hu Lin with murderous eyes, and helped the beauty down.

"Bingge, I sprained my ankle thanks to the help of a few juniors."

"Nothing." Of course Hu Lin knew how to read words and expressions.

"Thank you little brother, you two greet them, and I'll take Linna to the hospital." The gloomy guy picked up the woman and walked towards a red sports car. The three of them watched the car disappear quickly enviously.

"Isn't it nice?" one person asked.

"It looks good," Hu Lin replied subconsciously.

"Just look good." The man suddenly swung his fist, knocking Hu Lin to the ground with one punch, and kicked Hu Lin mercilessly with his leather shoes.

"Brother, we mean the car looks good--don't call it--oops--"

The man turned around and punched Qiao Kun again. The fourth child was also attacked by another person at the same time, and three students who were not familiar with the world were beaten violently by the two.The two guys spit and walked away, "Boy, I will make a bright spot in the future."

Hearing this, Lin Tao lifted the second child's clothes, only to see many bruises on his body.

"Damn it, you're bullying too much." Lin Tao slapped the table, this was the first time Lin Tao scolded someone.

"By the way, is that girl from our school?" Lin Tao asked.

"That girl's name is Tong Tong, she's a nursing major, she's from the 98 world, and her dormitory phone number is 324—"

"What are the measurements?"

"About 88, 21, 94—" Hu Lin scratched his head in embarrassment when he saw the beanbag-sized eyes of the three.

"Grass, second child, your beating is not in vain. You really have the potential of the king of color and the dragon of the world." Qiao Kun said while covering one eye. The three of them marveled that within a hundred meters, Hu Lin could actually With so much information, it seems that I will have to ask the second child for advice in the future.

"Okay, the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten. I'll go buy medicine for you, and I'll discuss how to vent my anger when I come back." Lin Tao was furious and mournful for his misfortune!Run downstairs quickly.

"Damn it, you can't just leave it like that - I'll call the chairman of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission"

"Hey, is that Brother Zhao?——I'm Hu Lin——the third brother in our dormitory was beaten so badly." Hu Lin spoke with tears in his voice. Although Hu Lin was very moved by Lin Tao's loyalty, he didn't believe that Lin Tao had The ability to take revenge.So the first person that came to mind was Zhao Zhenshan. As the chairman of the school's karate association, Zhao Zhenshan was very righteous. During this time, Hu Lin got along well with him.

"What - where are you - well I'll be right there"

Lin Tao returned to the dormitory and saw three people coming into the room. They were Ma Zhenshan, the chairman of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee whom he met on the first day of school, and Hu Lin was explaining the incident to them.The three of them even lifted up their clothes to let them see their wounds, Ma Zhenshan frowned.Hu Linxin said it was over.

"Xiao Hu, I know the Tong Tong you mentioned. She is the beauty of our school. There are many people who pursue her, ranging from professors to students. Many people were beaten, and from now on, the men in the school will basically keep her at arm's length," said Zhao Zhenshan.

"Who is he, so awesome?" Hu Lin was a little reluctant.

"Xiao Hu, it's not that we don't help, let me tell you the truth—" Wang Chunlai, a big man next to him, asked Zhao Zhenshan for his opinion and said slowly.

As soon as this Tong Tong appeared at the school, she became famous in the medical university. Her suitors were like fish in a river, but she always politely rejected her. She became the deputy secretary of the school youth league committee as soon as she was a sophomore. This shows the leadership's love for her.Zhao Zhenshan was one of the suitors back then. Zhao Zhenshan was a tall man with a high prestige in the school. He held two positions.Originally, Zhao Zhenshan was full of hope, and occasionally invited the school belle for dinner. Although there was no substantial progress, he thought it would be a matter of course. The school belle Tong at that time was very pure, but the inadvertent charm that emanated from his bones was overwhelming.At the end of last year, a powerful person suddenly appeared, took away love with a sword, and snatched away the goddess in everyone's mind. I don't know how many people wanted to get justice, but they all returned home. Of course, Zhao Zhenshan was not convinced. He went to find that kid and ended up with He was singled out and was kicked into a serious injury, lying in bed for a month.After some inquiries, I found out that the kid was Han Bing, a well-known master in the underground boxing market. Dare to move him easily.

Zhao Zhenshan could only bear it, but he had nowhere to vent his sulking anger, as if others owed him 800 million, he was absolutely selfless in the discipline inspection committee, his face was darker than Bao Gong, and the teacher was afraid of him.

Lin Tao sneered when he heard this: "Karate can't deal with his Muay Thai, and Chinese martial arts may not be good."

"Boss is a master of Hongquan, but that guy is not bad either." Wang Chun looked at Lin Tao angrily, Zhao Zhenshan raised his eyebrows, wanted to say something, but held back.

"Boss, why don't we go and beg Eldest Sister again—" Ma Lin, one of Zhao Zhenshan's second humming generals, dared not speak further when he saw Zhao Zhenshan's cannibalistic eyes.

"Brother, I'm sorry for this matter for the time being, but you give me one year, and I will definitely avenge you after one year." Zhao Zhenshan said this seriously, and looked at the three injured boys apologetically. , turned around and left with two men.

"Who is Big Sister?" Qiao Kun asked suspiciously, mostly talking to himself.Unexpectedly, Hu Lin really knew about this situation, and when he talked about this big sister with joy, he forgot the pain.

It turned out that the eldest sister Marin was talking about was also a student of the Medical University, her name was Zhao Shengnan, and she was Zhao Zhenshan's sister.When Zhao Zhenshan's mother gave birth to a girl in her first child, Zhao Zhenshan's grandparents were not very happy, because in traditional families, there is still a patriarchal concept.But Zhao Zhenshan's mother named her daughter Zhao Shengnan out of anger. This is indeed the case. This Zhao Shengnan is talented and smart. Passing Zhao Zhenshan, not only that, Zhao Zhenshan's grandfather has three brothers, all of whom are martial arts masters. On the surface, they are serious masters, but secretly they are the three elders of Beihongmen. There are thirteen male grandchildren and seven female grandchildren in the Zhenzi generation. Zhao Shengnan is the oldest, and this is the eldest sister of twenty siblings.Zhao Zhenshan is ranked third, and he is the junior in the Zhao family.Zhao Shengnan is not only old, but also surpasses the crowd in martial arts.It's funny to say that Zhao Zhenhai, Zhao Zhenjiang and Zhao Zhenshan were all born in the same year. They can be said to be the three treasures of the Zhao family. When these three boys were five years old, the three old men trained them together. These three boys were very naughty, didn't they? To pee in grandpa's tea bowl is to draw a turtle while the old man is asleep.But these three fuckers behaved well in front of Zhao Shengnan. If they were told to go east, they would not dare to go west. If they were asked to beat dogs, they would not dare to ride chickens.Ever since she was sensible, she has been oppressed by the big girls of the Zhao family. Zhao Zhenshan's mother seems to intend to fight against the men of the Zhao family. He forced her husband Zhao Changshui to hand over the martial arts skills of the Zhao family to his daughter Shengnan. If the Zhao family can't, she will find him. Uncle Qin Han handed it to Zhao Shengnan's inner family work brocade palm.Everything overwhelms the Zhao family, and the three old men are angry and stubborn, but there is no way to do it. Whoever makes the daughter-in-law's natal family is not easy to mess with, it is the direct descendant of Wudang, and the truth is that the Zhao family is only from Shaolin. How can the branch of the lay family compare with Wudang's direct succession to Qin and Han.

Zhao Shengnan has become the eldest sister of the third generation of the Zhao family since he was ten years old, because all the younger brothers were bullied by him to grow up.Zhao Shengnan wanted to say "Little Wu, you are not allowed to eat tonight", then Xiao Wu was forced by his parents, so he dared not eat a single grain of rice.And back then, Zhao Shengnan asked Zhao Zhenhai to burn and eat his grandpa's favorite starling. As a result, the nine-year-old Zhao Zhenhai was whipped with a feather duster more than a dozen times by the old man. The eldest sister, Zhao Shengnan, actually gave him a scorched bird head, but neither Zhao Zhenjiang nor Zhao Zhenshan had it, so the beating was worth it.It can be seen from the time that Zhao Shengnan's majesty surpassed the three elders. If Zhao Shengnan gave them a little favor, they would be happy to be fooled by them.Pocket education should start from the baby. The brothers and sisters of the Zhao family have been educated by Zhao Shengnan since they were young, and it still has a profound influence on them when they grow up.

This Zhao Shengnan entered the medical university one year earlier, so he became the president of the Wushu Association of the medical university. There are three branches under it: Taekwondo, Karate and Sanda. Someone asked how these three became branches of the Wushu Association. , the students of today will definitely tell you that the presidents of the three branches were beaten all over the ground by Miss Zhao, and the three of them could not do three tricks and five moves together.In the second year, Zhao Zhenshan was admitted to the medical school and naturally couldn't be the president of the Wushu Association, so he had to let the president of karate, Tian Musaburo, step aside.Tian Mu Saburo was a little dissatisfied with being kicked down by Zhao Zhenshan. A smart person told him that Zhao Zhenshan was the younger brother of the president of the Wushu Association, and Tian Mu bowed and abdicated on the spot as the vice president of Ganju.

As for how Zhao Shengnan was compared to Han Bing who was punching black, Zhao Zhenshan felt that his sister should be able to slap Han Ping and vomit blood in about ten strokes.Not only did Zhao Shengnan dominate the Zhao family brothers in martial arts when he was a child, but as he grew older, he stood out from the crowd, surpassing their elders by a fraction, reaching the level of their parents, and even surpassing them. After so many years, the three elders of the Zhao family can't help but think Now, the third generation of the Zhao family only sees Zhao Shengnan as the leader, so he has no choice but to acquiesce in his heart, and even thinks viciously that it is best not to marry Shengnan, because that is really a huge loss for the Zhao family. Zhao Shengnan left the Zhao family.This is what the three old men thought.

Zhao Zhenshan picks up girls, but he can't beat Han Bing in the martial arts competition. Zhao Shengnan also wants to stand up for his younger brother, but he just waits for his younger brother to speak up, but Zhao Zhenshan is also a well-known figure in the medical university.Therefore, he would rather endure the humiliation than go to find his sister. This year Zhao Zhenshan practiced martial arts hard, and he wanted to avenge his revenge one day.This is what happened in the past.

Lin Tao didn't expect that Zhao Shengnan was still in the Medical University. It would be great if he was a man. Lin Tao must know it.But women are also good. If it is a beautiful woman, it is best to compete with him in judo or wrestling. Maybe your hands will inadvertently touch those places that make people feel distracted. Maybe a beautiful woman loves because of hatred.But judging by Zhao Zhenshan's gorilla-like appearance, his sister should not be a beautiful woman.Lin Tao sighed for a long time, which made the brothers feel even more heavy.Lin Tao saw Qiao Kun, Hu Lin and Jin Xin's three buddies looking sad, and he was thinking in his heart how he could teach that Han Bing a lesson.As for Xingyiquan, the master has also talked about its mysteries, so if I haven't learned it, I naturally want to experience it.

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