Jagged city

Chapter 194 Scorned by the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee

Jagged City - Chapter 190 [-] was despised by the secretary of the municipal party committee

At [-] o'clock at noon, Ouyang Qing, head of the Provincial Party Committee Organization, not only brought Zhang Heming, the new Party Secretary of Xiliang City, but also Lin Tao, the mayor of Xiliang City. ┏ _┓ The auditorium of the municipal party committee was handed over from the old to the new.Mayor Xu and Secretary Gao felt a little sour. After all, it was hard to let go of the place where they had worked for many years.

The government guest house held a welcoming ceremony for the new secretary and the new mayor, and it was also a farewell banquet for Mayor Xu and Secretary Gao. However, this time Secretary Gao and Mayor Xu just spoke in a few official phrases, which was far worse than the previous one. Show your true feelings.

Although Lin Tao is not an official fan, when he came to the mayor's office in the afternoon and sat in the position of mayor Xu, he felt a little emotional, somewhat secretly proud. As the mayor of a city, the 28-year-old mayor, if he is a department-level cadre , 28 years old is not uncommon, but it is indeed rare to be the mayor of a city.Lin Tao is full of ambition and high-spirited.

Secretary Fang Liang cheerfully made tea for Lin Tao.

"Why are you so happy today?" Lin Tao said intentionally.

"I'm the boss's secretary. Of course, the boss is happy to be promoted." Fang Liang has been with Lin Tao for more than five months, and he has a basic understanding of Lin Tao's temper. But the respect for Lin Tao in his heart is increasing.He admired the boss Lin Tao from the bottom of his heart.Lin Tao is only two years older than him, but he is the official secretary, and Lin Tao is the mayor.Although Lin Tao is young, Secretary Gao and Mayor Xu respect Lin Tao. Fang Liang is also very honored to be Lin Tao's secretary.

"When you cry, I become the mayor, and your workload will be even greater. I'm afraid you won't have time to date Li Min." Lin Tao said teasingly.

"Xiao Min is as happy as I am, let me work harder by Mayor Lin's side, so as not to embarrass the mayor." Fang Liang said with a smile.

The knock on the door interrupted the conversation between Lin Tao and Fang Liang. Fang Liang hurried to open the door, and Office Director Li walked in with a smile.

"Mayor Lin, do you think this office should be renovated, the office equipment here is too old."

Lin Tao looked at the boss's desk, sofa, and floor in the office. They were all very old. This was not a problem with the office, but the entire office building of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government was very old.Lin Tao said: "Well, the decoration is also a unified decoration. I will talk to Secretary Zhang after meeting."

Although Lin Tao is somewhat displeased with these old office equipment, it doesn't feel good to decorate his office as soon as he takes office.Therefore, Lin Tao felt that it would be better to discuss with the new secretary Zhang Yuhe for a unified decoration.

Director Li left Lin Tao's office happily. He had already heard from Lin Tao's tone that Lin Tao agreed to replace office equipment and renovate the room. It's for interior decoration.The unified decoration of the municipal party committee and municipal government will cost more than 500 million yuan, and his brother-in-law will naturally pay him respect.

Lin Tao said to Fang Liang: "There are too many places to be remodeled, and the whole of Xiliang should also have a new look."

"Yes, there are too many dilapidated buildings in Xiliang, which do not match the development of Xiliang. It would be great if our urban construction in Xiliang was the same as the provincial capital!" Fang Liang said with emotion.

"Hehe, this day won't be too far away." Lin Tao has already made up his mind to carry out the renovation work of Xiliang City, but he has to consult Wen Xingyun, an expert, who came to Xiliang for investigation and research. It's been more than a month, and it should be fruitful.

At noon the next day, Secretary Cui went directly to Huokou County for inspection. He was accompanied by Secretary Zhang. Zhang Yuhe and Kong Ren are powerful and powerful.Many cadres have seen this, and they feel a little shaken in their hearts. Secretary Zhang Yuhe has the secretary of the provincial party committee as his backer. Wouldn't it be a bit stupid if they didn't unite around Zhang Yuhe?Secretary Cui is the top leader of Northwest Province. Although Lin Tao has high prestige in Xiliang, how does he compare with Secretary Cui?You, a mayor, are far behind the secretary of the provincial party committee. Those who follow the wind have completely turned to Zhang Yuhe since they watched Secretary Zhang and Secretary Cui rush to Huokou County.

Lin Tao just sneered when he returned to the office, and said to himself, Secretary Cui's performance is too obvious. A dignified secretary of the provincial party committee is so capable, it really makes people laugh.Lin Tao said to himself: "I don't care what Secretary Cui you are, I just need to do my job well. Can you still find fault with the secretary of the provincial party committee?"

When Secretary Cui was inspecting Huokou County, Lin Tao directly invited Wen Xingyun.Wen Xingyun came to Lin Tao's office with the report.Lin Tao took the initiative to shake hands with Wen Xingyun.Wen Xingyun said: "Congratulations to Mayor Lin for making great achievements!"

"I need the help of you, an expert, to make a big splash! Does Dr. Wen drink tea or coffee?"

"Let's drink coffee. When I was studying abroad, Xi often stayed up late and made coffee to refresh himself. Now I'm used to it."

After a while, Fang Liang brought two cups of coffee.Wen Xingyun took a sip and praised: "This is authentic Blue Mountain coffee with a strong aroma!"

"I don't have much research on coffee, but everyone says this brand is good, and I occasionally drink a cup. What advice does Dr. Wen have for Xiliang's urban planning?" Although Lin Tao had Wen Xingyun's report in hand, he still wanted to hear it. I heard what Xingyun said in person.

"There are two proposals in my report. One is to renovate the old city, and the other is to build a new district to drive the transformation of the old city. Although each has its advantages, I still prefer the construction of a new district." Wen Xingyun's eyes sparkled with wisdom. of light.

"It will cost more to build a new district, and it will be very difficult in terms of Xiliang's finances!" Lin Tao said, frowning.

"Of course the administrative building has to be paid for by the government, but the commercial area and commercial residences are all paid by the developer themselves, and the land sold is enough to pay for the basic construction and administrative buildings of the new district, and it can also generate income for the government. For the transformation of the old city. The construction of the new city is enough to meet the city's development in the next 20 years. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages—”

The conversation between Lin Tao and Wen Xingyun lasted for two full hours, and Lin Tao asked many questions about urban planning.This new city construction Lin Tao also had this idea a long time ago, and now he has learned more about Wen Xingyun's report in order to answer questions from various standing committee members at the standing committee meeting.Back home that night, Lin Tao carefully read Wen Xingyun's report again. The next day, Fang Liang asked Fang Liang to copy more than 20 copies of the first set of plans for the construction of the new urban area. Let all members of the Standing Committee watch.

At 01:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Yuhe presided over the first Municipal Standing Committee meeting in Xiliang!The thirteen members of the Standing Committee once again congratulated Zhang Yuhe and Lin Tao on their appointment.

Zhang Yuhe said: "Xiliang is entering a period of rapid development. Dozens of domestic and foreign enterprises have been introduced in the past period, and the traffic and road construction has also changed its appearance, but the urban construction is a bit unsatisfactory. Xiliang, a century-old city, should also change its old appearance. Yan, today's Standing Committee I want everyone to discuss the renovation of the old city of Xiliang."

Ji Hua, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, said: "The urban construction of Xiliang is really backward, and it can no longer meet the development of Xiliang. It is time to rejuvenate."

Jin Hao, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, said: "Xiliang really should renovate the old city, but our Xiliang's finances are weak, and it is a problem to raise huge amounts of funds for urban construction!"

Zhang Yuhe nodded, looked at Lin Tao, and said with a smile, "Mayor Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Tao said: "Xiliang not only needs to be rebuilt, but also needs to be vigorously rebuilt. I once entrusted Dr. Wen Xingyun, an expert in urban construction and planning, to make suggestions on the urban construction of Xiliang. A feasibility report! Let’s take a look.”

Lin Tao took out thirteen reports and let everyone pass them on.

Zhang Yuhe said with a smile: "As expected of the mayor, he already wanted to be ahead of us. Please read carefully."

Lin Tao looked at the frowns of the people holding the report, and couldn't help but said: "This feasibility report is written in great detail by Dr. Wen, with more than 8 words. Take it easy, we will discuss it next time at the Standing Committee."

"Okay, Mayor Lin will introduce it first. I'll read it carefully when I get home. These 8 words are enough for my presbyopic eyes to read for a long time." Huang Cheng, head of the United Front Work Department, is 57 years old, with gray hair and a pair of reading glasses. He seldom expresses his opinions on the Standing Committee, and he is a good old man who does not easily offend others.

Everyone nodded, and Lin Tao briefly talked about the content of the report. Wen Xingyun wrote in detail about investment promotion and urban construction, so Lin Tao's introduction was not empty at all, and the theoretical data were very convincing.

After Lin Tao's introduction, Zhang Yuhe was the first to say: "This report is very detailed, and the ideas proposed for the construction of new cities and the transformation of old cities are also very good and practical. I think everyone should study carefully after going back. Next time the Standing Committee will Focus on discussion."

"I think this new city construction plan is very good. Next time, the Standing Committee can definitely decide on it, and we have to race against time for urban construction." Organization Minister Chen Feng said while holding the report.

"I heard that this plan is not bad. If you can build a new city with little or no money, that would be great." Nian Huailiang, secretary general of the municipal party committee, said happily.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "I also think Dr. Wen's report is very feasible, but now I want to make a suggestion."

"What suggestion?" Zhang Yuhe looked at Lin Tao.

"Because Dr. Wen's site selection for the new city is located between Chengguan Town and Xiliang South City, in order to prevent developers from speculating on the land, we should stop the sale and transfer of land in Xiliang City South and Chengguan Town from tomorrow. Wait for the unified planning of the city."

"Okay, this suggestion is very good. If the developer is allowed to intervene in advance, I am afraid that the government will spend hundreds of millions more. I think the relevant documents will be urgently drafted this afternoon, and the documents will be communicated to all units before get off work at 04:30 .From tomorrow, the transfer of land in the area where the new city is located will be terminated."

This topic is over for the time being, and the Standing Committee has started to discuss the Sannong issue again, but at this moment, the members of the Standing Committee have different ideas, and several members of the Standing Committee are looking forward to the early conclusion of the meeting.During the meeting, several people started to go to the toilet one after another.There are huge business opportunities for building a new city. If you can use this afternoon to acquire some land, it will definitely be a huge profit!Therefore, as soon as the one-and-a-half-hour Standing Committee ended, all the Standing Committee members left one after another, much faster than before.Lin Tao is not a saint either. He called Zhao Sifang as early as yesterday and told Zhao Sifang that the proposal for a new city is likely to be passed, but the chance is only one day.Zhao Sifang laughed and said: "Wen Xingyun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Half a month ago, we acquired six plots of land. Among them, Xiao Xiao has a plot of [-] mu."

"Okay, I won't get involved in your affairs, as long as there are no problems."

"Don't worry, our brothers can still hold you back. All the procedures are complete, and there is no problem. However, your Junlian company is a prophet. The mountainous area is nearly [-] square kilometers. Although it is in the It’s on the edge of the new city, but it’s basically included in the scope of the new city’s planning, so it makes people greedy!”

"That's the reward of doing good deeds. I never thought that Xiao Xiao would choose the orphanage there!" Lin Tao was indeed a little excited. Although he didn't value money, the Junlian Group bought such a large mountain land, and it was only more than one yuan. Yue was assigned to the Xincheng area, and its value has increased dozens of times. This is something Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao did not expect.

At 10:[-] p.m., a joint document from the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government was sent to the Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources and the Land Office of Chengguan Town.There was an uproar.The news about the construction of Xiliang New City spread like wings in Xiliang City.Many people are clapping their thighs, why not buy some land in Chengguan.Among them, some smart ones started contacting the land transfer right away, but it was too late. Within [-] minutes after the document was issued, people from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Public Security Bureau jointly entered the Land and Resources Bureau and the Land Office of Chengguan Township to conduct a review of the land within three years. Copy the transfer sales contract, and then take it back to the city government to seal it up. It's too late to fake it.If you come up with a contract tomorrow and say it was signed before, it will be invalid.

The next day, Zhan Feng, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, came again to announce the appointment of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.Liu Baoheng, the former secretary of the Xiguan County Party Committee, took over Che Liguo's position as the new deputy mayor of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.Chen Chen, the magistrate of Xiguan County, became the secretary of the county party committee.Ouyang Qing, deputy magistrate, was promoted to magistrate, and Wang Guilin, deputy magistrate, became executive deputy magistrate.A series of personnel changes shocked Xiliang official circles again, because these personnel changes were all ordered by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Xiliang Organization Department was not informed beforehand.

Lin Tao smelled something unusual.It seems that these changes are all related to me.Could this be Secretary Cui's arrangement?Lin Tao called Ouyang Qing.

"Ouyang, congratulations on becoming a real beautiful county magistrate."

"Hmph, the county magistrate is the county magistrate, why add two words? This is discrimination against women!" Ouyang Qing said unhappily.

"How dare I discriminate against you! Your aunt is the organization minister of the Provincial Party Committee, and she is in charge of my official title. If you sue me for black, I'm done."

"You just need to understand, kid! Don't think that being the mayor can command me!"

"I said you are fat and you are still panting. Come and report to me tomorrow! See how I train you!" Lin Tao hung up the phone directly.When Ouyang Qing became the county magistrate, he had to get a report from him as the mayor. This was the rule, so Lin Tao was so confident.

The next day, when Ouyang Qing came, Lin Tao took the initiative to bring tea and water to him. He didn't mean to criticize him at all. Fang Liang was sent away. At this moment, Ouyang Qing looked like the mayor.

"Is Mayor Lin coming to see me today?" Ouyang Qing crossed his legs, took a sip of the tea, and was full of style.

"Well, let me ask the organization. Why is the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee so resolute? It has issued several personnel appointments in a row without going through the Xiliang Municipal Party Committee? Is this what my aunt means?" Lin Tao asked in a low voice. .

"Who is your aunt, don't try to get close to me? Stand up straight." Ouyang Qing said bluntly.

"Yes, magistrate!" Lin Tao immediately stood up straight.

"Hmph, for the sake of your being sensible, I'll tell you that this is all arranged by the top leaders above. My aunt is just conveying it." Ouyang Qing's aunt, Ouyang Qing, had already talked to her on the phone The purpose is for Ouyang Qing to tell Lin Tao that this is Secretary Cui's arrangement, because Minister Ouyang also found that Secretary Cui's personnel arrangements are a bit beyond common sense, and he seems to be paying too much attention to Xiliang.

Lin Taoxin said that Secretary Cui moved quite quickly. He just inspected Huokou County yesterday, and today he issued a series of personnel orders.

Fang Liang pushed the door open and entered the outer room, making noise on purpose. This was to remind the leader that he came in. It wasn't that he discovered the ambiguity between Lin Tao and Ouyang Qing. Leader's Secret Talk.

Ouyang Qing immediately put Erlang's legs down and sat upright.

Fang Liang only heard Lin Tao say: "Major Ouyang, your burden is even heavier now. As the county magistrate, you must control the overall situation, unite closely with Secretary Chen of the county party committee, and improve the economy of Xiguan County. Especially the special Don't be careless about Luo Group's affairs, and pay more attention to the farmers who signed contracts with the company to ensure that the interests of farmers will not be damaged!"

"Yes, I must keep Mayor Lin's instructions in mind, and try my best to do my job well, so as not to disappoint Mayor Lin and the organization." Ouyang Qing said respectfully.If Fang Liang heard the first half of the conversation between the two, he would definitely think it was a movie, the contrast would be too great.

When Fang Liang entered the inner room, Ouyang Qing said goodbye and walked out.

"Boss, the newly transferred Mayor Liu will be here soon." Fang Liang whispered.

"Okay, please come in." Lin Tao stood up and walked out of his room.Ouyang Qing outside greeted Chen Chen and left quickly.Fang Liang opened the door, and Chen Chen walked in. Seeing Lin Tao coming out, he quickly took two steps forward.

"Hi Mayor Lin, Liu Baoheng is reporting to you!"

"Hi Comrade Liu Baoheng, welcome to join the team of Xiliang City Government!" Lin Tao warmly shook hands with Liu Baoheng, and the two sat down on the sofa.Fang Liang served the freshly brewed Longjing tea, and then withdrew.

Lin Tao looked at the Secretary of the Xiguan County Party Committee and now the Deputy Mayor of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. This officer was personally promoted by Secretary Cui.Liu Baoheng is 43 years old, with a thin body, a slapped face, gold-rimmed glasses, and small eyes hidden behind. He looks like a very shrewd but mean person.Although Lin Tao has no research orientation, this is the first impression he gave Lin Tao of this person.

"Mayor Lin, it's my first time to work in the city, so you have to criticize and correct me more in the future!" Although Liu Baoheng is 43 years old, he is still respectful to Lin Tao, who is [-] or [-] years younger than him.Lin Tao is the mayor of the city government, who dares to underestimate him, let alone Lin Tao is his immediate boss.

"Criticism is still out of the question. Your original work in Xiguan was remarkable. Your promotion as deputy mayor is the organization's trust and test for you. I hope you will continue to work hard in your new job and make the deputy mayor's If you do a good job and make achievements, then I will not only not criticize but also reward you. I will hold the mayor’s office meeting later to study your work.” Lin Tao’s words were very empty and serious, which made Liu Baoheng confused for a while. Through Lin Tao's opinion of him, he was a little bit guilty.But on his face, he accepted criticism humbly.

"Yes, I will definitely follow Mayor Lin's instructions and work hard so that Mayor Lin and the organization will not be disappointed." Liu Baoheng said immediately.

Lin Tao nodded, the two chatted for a few more words, and then walked together to the small meeting room of the municipal government.At the meeting, Lin Tao rearranged the division of labor between Che Liguo and Liu Baoheng.Then we started to discuss the construction of the new urban area. Although the construction of the new urban area will not be decided until tomorrow by the Standing Committee, Lin Tao wants to inoculate the vice mayors and discuss it in advance.

The members of the Standing Committee raised several questions about urban planning and investment promotion. It seems that these members of the Standing Committee carefully read the contents of the report after returning home, and the questions they raised were very targeted. He has basically discussed the question with Wen Xingyun.Everyone admired Lin Tao's confident appearance.This Lin Tao came to Xiliang in a hurry to do a lot of great things, and today he is going to build a new city, and it seems that he will show his face again.

Zhang Yuhe, secretary of the municipal party committee, said: "Since the construction plan of the new urban area is unanimously agreed, then Mayor Lin's government should organize all departments to implement it immediately. Commander-in-Chief, Mayor Lin presided over the urban construction work of the new urban area as the deputy commander-in-chief. The specific staff members will be selected within three days, and the planning of our new urban area will begin immediately.”

Amid the applause of everyone, the construction of the new district in Xiliang started a new chapter.The Standing Committee has been held twice, and the new secretary Zhang Yuhe has not shown any strength, and the atmosphere is very harmonious. Lin Tao hopes that this harmonious relationship can be maintained, but the reality is often unexpected.Among the specific staff members of the preparatory committee drafted by Lin Tao, among the actual persons in charge, Lin Tao recommended Wen Xingyun as the team leader of the preparatory committee, and the director of the Urban Planning Bureau and the director of the Transportation Bureau as the deputy team leaders.But when they arrived at Zhang Yuhe's place, they were all changed. The team leader became Che Liguo, the deputy team leader was Liu Baoheng, the director of the Planning Bureau and the deputy mayor, and Wen Xingyun became a consultant.Liu Ming from the Transportation Bureau became an ordinary team member.And without Lin Tao's consent, it was directly issued as a document of the municipal party committee.

Holding the document issued by Zhang Yuhe, Lin Tao felt annoyed for a while, and said to himself, you can change people, at least tell me, it turned into a document and issued it directly to various departments without me, what does this mean?despise me?

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