Jagged city

Chapter 199 The more you dance, the harder you fall

Jagged City - Chapter 190 The more you dance, the harder you fall

Lin Tao arrived at the Xiliang Municipal Government at 45:55 p.m. and entered the conference room at [-] p.m. There were already a hundred people below, including heads of counties, districts, and towns, as well as cadres from the education and health system. Many people were whispering and talking. ╠中?文 ╣Seeing Lin Tao walk into the venue, the scene immediately became very silent. The three deputy mayors, Che Liguo, Liu Baoheng and Li Linwan, shook hands with Lin Tao, and Lin Tao took the main seat.

Che Liguo said: "Yesterday, a food poisoning incident occurred in a group of students in Xiliang Yingcai Private High School. 63 students were hospitalized for emergency treatment. Four students were in serious condition, but they were out of danger after timely rescue. At present, 63 students are in remission and are all under observation in the hospital. In response to this food poisoning incident, a health and safety meeting is hereby held. Let Mayor Lin speak next!"

Lin Tao scanned the venue and said, "This incident of collective poisoning of students has sounded the alarm for us. It shows that there are loopholes in our city's food hygiene and safety work, and the work is not in place. Why does Yingcai Private High School make the dish of pumpkin and small sea crab? When pumpkin and sea crab are heated together, arsenic can be produced, which is what we call arsenic. This explains the problem, and it shows that the cooks don't even have basic food safety knowledge. Why do schools use such people, and why don't they strengthen the canteen? Safe management, and the most hateful thing is that those sea crabs are still spoiled. In order to prevent further deterioration, the students are given "additional meals!". The toxins produced by a small amount of sea crabs and pumpkins can be decomposed and resisted by the human body, but this I put in ten times the amount for the first time, and put it in even though I knew it was going bad, so it’s not just food poisoning. The suspect’s confession provided. Zhang Keshan, the master chef of the cafeteria, discovered that the crab had deteriorated and wanted to dump the crab secretly. He was discovered by the logistics director Li Qiu and the principal Dong Guoliang. Zhang Keshan was reprimanded by Li Qiu, and Zhang Keshan argued that he was afraid of spoiling the students. Dong Guoliang said that it would be fine if it was deep-fried once. If you cook it once, it will improve your life. Zhang Keshan was fined 63 yuan, and he put all the crabs in the pumpkin according to the principal's order. As a result, [-] people suffered from food poisoning. The students. This is an obvious man-made accident. Although the poisoning was not intentional, but knowing that the food had deteriorated and returned it to the students, this is also a crime in disguise. At present, the three have been handed over to the judiciary. There has been a saying since ancient times that people depend on food , which shows that eating is the most important thing. We can’t ignore the importance of him just because we have three meals a day—”

The main purpose of Lin Tao's meeting is to strengthen the food safety inspection of all government agencies and units in the city, inspect the food bought and sold in the city, seal up all food that does not meet the hygienic conditions, and deal with it after rectification, resolutely remove poisonous food from shelves, and increase fines.Finally, it was announced that the municipal government had decided to revoke Dong Guoliang and Li Qiu's teacher qualifications and expel them from the party.The two are not allowed to engage in the education industry in Xiliang City.As for civil and criminal responsibilities, the courts will investigate them.The Director of the Education Bureau and the Director of the Health Bureau issued warnings within the party, canceled all the benefits and bonuses of their units and individuals at the end of the year, and fined them 5000 yuan, and made a review at the party and government meeting of their units.Lin Tao urged the Propaganda Department to cooperate with this safety and health work, and made follow-up reports on TV stations and Xiliang Daily.Commend the benchmarking enterprises with qualified hygiene, punish and seal up harmful food manufacturing enterprises.The mayor's hotline was set up two days after the food hygiene and safety inspection was carried out, and citizens can report black dens that manufacture food.Regarding the food poisoning incident, Xiliang TV station will broadcast the incident, the handling decision, and the upcoming safety and sanitation inspection that night.

That night, the Xiliang TV station showed a picture of the secretary of the municipal party committee consoling the poisoned students. Zhang Yuhe kindly condolences the students and distributes nutrition.We attach great importance to food poisoning incidents and order the relevant responsible persons to be severely punished.Then there is the picture of Lin Tao holding a city-wide food hygiene and safety meeting, and the treatment of the Elite School, etc.It aroused widespread public concern. The headlines of the Xiliang Daily the next day were also publicizing the handling of food poisoning incidents and the city's food safety and sanitation inspections. Before noon, Xiliang Daily was sold out.

Lin Tao warned the director of health that if he asks for a card from a qualified company during the inspection, he will be dismissed on the spot, and if he covers up an unqualified company, he will be dismissed on the spot.This inspection work must be done seriously, and if there is a problem, he is the only one to ask.The director of health had to personally enter the companies closely related to him to do the work ahead of time, and he should be punished as necessary. If he didn't give him face, he would be dismissed, and the consequences would be even more serious.For those small black workshops, they will mercilessly cooperate with taxation, industry and commerce and the public security bureau to seize and fine them.

Zhang Yuhe called Lin Tao in the afternoon.

"Mayor Lin, food safety and hygiene are very important, but everything is too much to go too far. Such a big fanfare, especially if it is published in a newspaper, will have a huge social impact and the loss of the company will be irreparable. If you can not publish it in the newspaper, you should not publish it in the newspaper."

Lin Tao said seriously: "Secretary Zhang, don't worry, I will weigh this matter. For benchmarking companies and good companies, we will report and praise them. For those companies that are not only unqualified, but also have a very poor sanitation environment, we will also report. We will follow up and report on those black dens that produce poisonous food. For companies that are qualified and between qualified, we will fine and rectify them without exposing them. Most people will pay attention to benchmark companies and those dark dens, while other concerns will be weakened. It’s not very big, and doing so is also conducive to the development of the city’s food industry.”

"Okay, as long as you have a good grasp of the scale."

That night, the Xiliang News reported that the city inspected the benchmarking enterprises for sanitation, and smashed and banned five black dens, four of which were cooking food and one was selling waste oil.Not only was it seized on the spot, but a fine decision was announced.

The next day, Xiliang Daily published a large number of Xiliang City's health inspection work, benchmark enterprises, good enterprises, and dirty and messy enterprises that were seized and fined for rectification.Heavily fined black dens and destroyed reports.These series of reports have aroused widespread concern from the citizens, most of whom praised the government for the sake of the health of the people and that it is a government that does practical things.However, Lin Tao's rectification with such a big fanfare has aroused the hatred of many people, that is, the business owners who have also been fined or seized, as well as the temporarily unemployed workers.A conspiracy is also brewing along with it.

That day, Lin Tao received several favor calls, all from the province. Although the words were very tactful, what was in view of the overall situation, etc., but the only purpose was to make him show mercy.Although Lin Tao did not sternly refuse, he made it very clear: "This is a unified decision of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. It is not for me to do it alone. The specific implementation is the department below. Whether it is a fine or a seizure, it is the decision of the relevant department. It is in accordance with the rules and regulations, and it is inconvenient for the city to intervene."

China is a society of human relationships. Lin Tao also expressed his understanding of these phone calls. Qin Hui still has three friends. Besides, these businessmen who run businesses, whether they are related to interests or relatives, naturally hope that big things can be made small.In order to avoid rough law enforcement and damage to the interests of the company, Lin Tao gave the company a buffer time, and the time limit for fines of more than 30 yuan is one month.If the environment is greatly improved within a month, the fine will be appropriately reduced.But for those whose environment is particularly poor and whose food is highly unqualified, they will be resolutely seized, and there will be no mercy.What Lin Tao is dealing with is tension and relaxation, not a one-shot death. Most companies still express their understanding.

The news that night also reported that a noodle factory was seized. The noodle factory had 30 tons of spoiled wheat in stock, and the noodle produced was not up to standard.A fine of [-] yuan was seized on the spot.When Lin Tao returned home, he received two calls. One was from Liu Limin, director of the Department of Agriculture, pleading for the flour mill.One was a phone call from Zhang Yuhe, who said that Lin Tao handled it arbitrarily and did not consider the interests of the majority of employees.Lin Tao's restraint was all euphemistic refusal.Unexpectedly, the next morning, hundreds of people surrounded the gate of the city hall, and they held a banner saying "give us a way to survive" and 'severely punish the corrupt mayor! 'There are also several reporters interviewing on the side.

A worker said, spitting all over the place: "Stupid security inspection is nothing more than an official's card. As long as you give the mayor a gift of [-] yuan, the unqualified enterprise will become a benchmark enterprise for health and safety. Those who pass the pass will not be given gifts. They also have to be seized, nitpick and fined, totally disregarding workers’ interests, that mayor is a big corrupt official.”

Lin Tao saw more and more people gathering at the gate of the city hall, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The phone rang, and Lin Tao frowned. Seeing that it was Zhang Yuhe's call, he thought to himself, this guy must be in trouble, what would he say?

"Hello, Secretary Zhang?"

"It's me, Mayor Lin, what's going on at the gate of the government? Why are there so many people here, and the impact is so bad!" Zhang Yuhe said in a bad tone.

"I'm sending people to find out, first to see why they came to surround the city government?"

"Why? It's clearly written on the banner. You see, this is the consequence of acting arbitrarily. If you go your own way regardless of the interests of the broad masses of people, you will inevitably suffer bloodshed. Secretary Cui knows about this. You can bear the consequences. Well, this is a mistake in your work—hey—”

A blind voice came out from the phone, Zhang Yuhe's face turned livid, and Lin Tao actually hung up on him.Zhang Yuhe sneered and said, "Little hairy boy, you are the mayor before you get rid of your yellow hair. You think this is a play, what do you do?"

In Northwest Province, Cui Zhiming's office, the secretary of the municipal party committee, the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee walked in with a file bag.

"This is the material to report Lin Tao, Mayor of Xiliang City? Sit down and introduce me." Secretary Cui opened the file bag and took out a material with photos pinned to it.

"The main reaction is that Lin Tao's property source is unknown, he lives in a high-end villa, and drives the world's top luxury car; in addition, he accepts bribes and suppresses enterprises in the food safety inspection work carried out in Xiliang City, but there is no real evidence for this. But at present The door of the Liangshi government was surrounded by hundreds of workers to demonstrate, and the impact was very bad," said Hao Guozhu, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

"Young people, it's still a matter of short practice. You can't proceed from the overall situation. Enthusiasm alone is not enough. Since someone reports it, you should go to Xiliang City to verify it yourself. If the report is true, you will be severely punished. If it is not true, you will be beaten. It’s okay for a while, this is also our protection of the cadres. You go!” Secretary Cui handed the file bag to Hao Guozhu, and Hao Guozhu turned and went out.

Secretary Cui showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said to himself, Lin Tao, Lin Tao, do you think you can be the mayor with just a little background, but in reality it will make your head bleed.

Xiliang City.

Lin Tao was on the phone while watching the grand occasion outside.

"Director Hu, you send armed police to wear bulletproof vests to maintain order, to prevent them from being sabotaged by Xiaoxiao, and let comrades take care of their own safety. If the crowd does not disperse, don't forcefully disperse it for the time being, just take down the banners, don't expand the conflict, and investigate separately Know who is making trouble, monitor who is taking the lead in making trouble, and be ready to arrest at any time."

"Yes, please rest assured, Chief, I will definitely complete the task."

Lin Tao called Ma Danian, political commissar of the Xiliang army, and asked him to prepare [-] soldiers to be on standby at any time.Lin Tao called the Director of the Taxation Bureau and the Director of the Health Bureau to give instructions.

Zhang Daguo, the director of the municipal party committee office, received a call from the municipal party secretary to convene the standing committee temporarily, and immediately notified all the standing committee members. An hour later, the standing committee meeting was held in the municipal party committee office building.Zhang Daguo figured that this was the secretary of the municipal party committee who wanted to attack Mayor Lin. This secretary belonged to Secretary Cui of the provincial party committee. The leaders of Xiliang knew about it, and he seemed to dislike Mayor Lin.At this moment, the gate of the city hall was blocked, and Lin Tao couldn't absolve himself of the blame. Secretary Zhang used Secretary Cui to suppress Mayor Lin. I'm afraid Lin Tao would have a hard time going to the Standing Committee.Zhang Daguo just thought about it, he was not qualified to participate in Lin Tao's affairs, so he immediately notified the standing committees to hold a meeting.

"Chief, according to preliminary investigations, the workers at the gate include workers from the Heping District Noodle Factory, workers from the Hongguang Soy Sauce Factory that was just seized in Xihe, and—"

"The directors of the four factories immediately sent people to arrest them, and we must be particularly vigilant against those idle personnel who make up their numbers. Prevent them from taking the opportunity to harm workers or the armed police." Although Lin Tao is not afraid of causing trouble, he also does not want the matter to escalate, so he told Hu Yang.

Lin Tao opened the text message on his mobile phone. It was a text message from the tax bureau and the director of the health bureau. Lin Tao asked Fang Liang to go downstairs to get the materials.

In the office of the municipal party committee, Zhang Yuhe held his mobile phone, with a very bad expression on his face, and said in a low voice, "I hope you can stop in moderation. Lin Tao will be unlucky if things get serious, and I will have to follow suit and get implicated."

"Hehe, Secretary Zhang, don't worry, you will never be implicated. You just need to keep putting pressure on the Standing Committee. People from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection have already set off. I believe that Lin Tao will be taken away to talk with the Standing Committee soon. This This is your best opportunity to suppress Lin Tao and take control of the Xiliang Standing Committee, you must seize it!"

Zhang Yuhe hung up the phone with a gloomy expression, took three deep breaths to calm down, and then opened the door and left.

Standing Committee of Xiliang Municipal Party Committee.

The thirteen members of the Standing Committee were seated, each with a serious expression, and the atmosphere in the venue seemed a bit depressed.Several people cast sympathetic glances at Lin Tao, while two of them gloated in their misfortune, saying in their hearts, you can make a fuss, the more fun you have, the better.

Huang Cheng, head of the United Front Work Department, lit a cigarette and handed it to Ma Danian on the left. He seemed to pass one to Lin Tao with a little sympathy, and lit it for the two of them. Lin Tao usually doesn't smoke, but today he didn't refuse. He took a puff and exhaled a puff of smoke.The smoke slowly drifted towards the secretary of the municipal party committee, Zhang Yuhe waved his hand in annoyance to disperse the smoke.

"Presumably everyone has seen that three or four hundred people surrounded the city government, holding slogans and asking the government for an explanation. This not only affected the office, but also seriously discredited the image of the municipal party committee and the city government. Secretary Cui called Asked, I have no face to answer. Why are the people so excited, why are they besieging the government? You'll be famous. It's just notoriety!" Zhang Yuhe looked at Lin Tao gloomyly.

Lin Tao blew another puff of smoke, which made the secretary of the municipal party committee's face very hazy.Seeing Lin Tao's frowning, the other members of the Standing Committee were also very depressed, but a few of them were depressed because since Secretary Cui inspected Huokou County and the secretary of the municipal party committee accompanied him all the way, they completely fell for Zhang Yuhe. He secretly approached Zhang Yuhe and expressed his loyalty.Nian Huailiang, secretary-general of the municipal party committee, said: "The incident of petitioning and besieging the city government this time is very bad. We must solve it in time. The most important thing now is to evacuate the besieged people. We must stop the wrong way of working in time and apologize to the people." , to regain the respect of the people of Xiliang."

Nian Huailiang was more vicious, and when he apologized, of course it was Lin Tao who apologized, then Lin Tao would lose face, which would definitely be a heavy blow to Lin Tao.

Che Liguo also followed up and said: "As the executive deputy mayor, I feel very sad about the conflicts caused by the mistakes of the government's working methods this time, because some comrades insist on going their own way and let the municipal party committee and government fall into a passive position. To smear, someone must take responsibility."

Everyone could hear it. When Che Liguo jumped out, he almost pointed at Lin Tao's nose and said, these people are going to make trouble!Propaganda Minister Zhang Yue raised her mouth slightly, looked at Lin Tao, her expression didn't change, she seemed to be thinking about something?

Ji Hua, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, said: "I think the most important thing is to solve the siege incident at the moment, and not let the conflict escalate and make the incident worse."

Liu Baoheng, newly elected member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, said: "This incident was caused by improper sanitation and safety inspections. As a member of the inspection team, I want to conduct a review. Although I have reported the situation to my superiors many times, they have not received much attention from them. , My heart is also very heavy at this moment.”

Although Liu Baoheng came out to conduct a review, the spearhead undoubtedly pointed to Lin Tao, a mayor of the 'superior' government.Zhang Yuhe looked at Lin Tao and said to himself whether you can calm down or you have resigned yourself to your fate.

"Mayor Lin, what do you want to say?" Zhang Yuhe sneered in his heart, and said to himself, just like my son, you still want to play politics, you are still young!

Lin Tao flicked the cigarette ash and said: "Just now Mayor Liu said that he would conduct a self-criticism, but he just mentioned it briefly. We ** people pay attention to criticism and self-criticism. Since you have problems in your work, you can find them in time. That's good. You and Members of the Standing Committee, tell me, what mistakes have you made? Let’s discuss it.”

Liu Baoheng's face changed at that time, and he said to himself, "Your mother, what did I do wrong? I just said it. I mean you, you are pretending to be deaf and dumb!"Zhang Yuhe, Che Liguo and the others were also taken aback, and said to themselves, it's too low-level for you to change the subject, any fool knows that everyone is talking about you?

Zhang Yue lowered her head and took a sip of the tea, she burst out laughing in her heart, thinking that Mayor Lin is too funny, he deserves it, you, Liu Baoheng, don't want to criticize, now you can talk about it carefully.

Ma Danian took the opportunity to say: "Yes, as long as you find a problem, you can correct it in time. Our chief designer also said that reform and opening up is to cross the river by feeling the stones. Mayor Liu, what mistakes did you make? Now that you have said it, Just spit it out quickly."

Liu Baoheng's face turned black, and he said to himself, you kid is with Lin Tao, you are fucking embarrassing, what's wrong with me?

"Although those people are under the banner of severely punishing the mayor of **, I believe that Mayor Liu will not make such a low-level mistake. I have issued repeated orders and orders, and it is absolutely forbidden to take the card. Once found out, he will be dismissed on the spot. Is there something in it? Misunderstanding, Mayor Liu, please tell the truth, you have to trust the organization, as long as you are dedicated to the public, no matter any rumors or harm, the organization will make decisions for you, if you have anything to criticize, feel free to say it boldly?" Lin Tao said encouragingly .

Zhang Yue followed suit and said, "Yes, if you have any questions, just ask?"


"What? Mayor Liu, you let me down so much. The organization believes in you, so it recommends you to be a member of the Standing Committee. As the newly elected deputy mayor, how can you commit suicide? How can you be worthy of the people of Xiliang, how can you be worthy of the organization? Your trust!" Lin Tao said sadly.

Jin Hao, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, said solemnly: "Although the Commission for Discipline Inspection has also received a report of corruption and bribery from Comrade Liu Baoheng, there is no conclusive evidence. Secretary, let me ask you for instructions first, it seems that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection needs to intervene."

Liu Baoheng's face turned blue, originally he wanted to say out of rage, 'Did I commit suicide?That's not about me at all, it's about you. ’ As a result, I couldn’t say anything in that tone. I don’t know what’s going on. It’s so uncomfortable to hold a bad breath in my chest.

"I—corrupted——" Liu Baoheng couldn't say the word 'what' anyway.It made Zhang Yuhe and Che Liguo very anxious.

"Mayor Lin, why did you change the subject? Now we are talking about your leadership mistakes. Why do you keep biting Mayor Liu?" Zhang Yuhe finally couldn't help but said.

Lin Tao sneered: "Secretary Zhang, did I hear you right? You said that I made a mistake in leadership? Why did I make a mistake? What did I change the subject of? Now Mayor Liu wants to explain the issue of corruption. As the secretary of the municipal party committee, why do you want to stop it? What is the intention? Or are you afraid that Mayor Liu will speak out?"

"You're making unreasonable words. Who said that Mayor Liu has committed suicide? What am I afraid of? If you don't work hard as the mayor, why are you messing around?"

"Secretary Zhang, Mayor Liu said it himself. All the members of the Standing Committee here heard it. Could it be that your hearing is not very good when you are old? If so, Secretary Zhang should go for treatment immediately. If you have hearing problems, you often misunderstand The speeches of the members of the Standing Committee, this Standing Committee has become a joke." Lin Tao immediately countered, and Zhang Yuhe's face turned blue.Abnormal anger.

Che Liguo quickly chimed in, "Mayor Lin—"

"Wait a minute, Deputy Mayor Che, please don't talk, I want to confirm Secretary Zhang's hearing ability, Secretary Zhang, did you hear what I just said? I mean, Mayor Liu took the initiative to speak out about himself* *Fuck, can you hear me?" Lin Tao said in a long voice, the others didn't hear the voice loudly, but Zhang Yuhe's ears were buzzing, watching Lin Tao dryly open his mouth, but couldn't hear what Lin Tao said?

Zhang Yuhe's expression changed from anger to panic, and he looked at the members of the Standing Committee.Seeing that he didn't answer Lin Tao, everyone was a little puzzled.

Nian Huailiang hurriedly asked, "Secretary Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Tao also said with concern: "Is it because Secretary Zhang is too tired from work, or because of the siege incident, he got caught up in a fire and became deaf!"

"Secretary Zhang?"

"It seems that I can't hear you anymore. Let's go to the hospital!" Chairman Liu of the trade union stood up and said. Everyone looked at Zhang Yuhe in panic, anger, panic, and their faces changed continuously. They only thought that Secretary Zhang was really sick.

"What's wrong with you? What are you going to do? The Standing Committee hasn't finished yet, who told you to leave." Zhang Yuhe watched the crowd get up, and shouted loudly.

Chairman Liu stood there in embarrassment, looking at Secretary Zhang with an angry face and backed away.Nian Huailiang quickly asked: "Secretary Zhang, shall we continue the discussion?"

Zhang Yuhe twisted his ears to see that Nian Huailiang was talking to him, but why couldn't he hear it.

"What are you talking about? Louder!" Zhang Yuhe shouted again. Everyone looked at each other and said to themselves, this is a typical hearing loss or deafness. He can't hear others, but he speaks very loudly, just like shouting.

Lin Tao said solemnly: "I think everyone should be quiet first and let Secretary Zhang calm down. He is too excited and may not be able to accept it for a while. Maybe Secretary Zhang will hear it after a while. Physical health is very important to our leading cadres. Secretary-General , I think we should give our comrades from the municipal party committee and municipal government a physical examination, which will help to find problems in time, so as not to delay the illness like Secretary Zhang."

"Well, it should be arranged once. Everyone has been very busy with work in the past six months. The body may not be able to bear the load for a while, and problems will inevitably occur." Nian Huai nodded and said, but looked at Secretary Zhang and felt very upset. He said, this is How did you do it? Secretary Zhang, you are usually fine, but why did you get sick today, and you still have hearing problems? It’s really strange.

Liu Baoheng finally caught his breath, and said to Lin Tao with a bad expression, "Mayor Lin, I—"

"Okay, if you don't want to tell everyone, tell me later in the office and let Secretary Jin be a witness." Lin Tao interrupted Liu Baoheng.

Liu Baoheng opened his mouth to refute, but couldn't make a sound. He wanted to stand up and sat down again, with a look of panic in his eyes.The members of the Standing Committee looked at it and thought to themselves: "There is something wrong with Liu Baoheng, why is he so stupid, he took the initiative to say that he is a dick in the Standing Committee."

Lin Tao glanced at everyone and said, "Although Secretary Zhang is a little ill, the Standing Committee has to continue. Let me talk about the criminals besieging the gate of the city hall this time."

Che Liguo sneered and said, "Mayor Lin, those are ordinary workers and ordinary people. How can you say they are criminals? This is a bit ridiculous."

"Oh, you know those criminals who surrounded the city government?" Lin Tao asked back.

"I don't know him." Che Liguo said with a livid face.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "Since you don't know each other, don't speak nonsense, just shut up and listen, and you can express your opinion after I finish talking."

Che Li was so angry that he was about to smoke, and looked at Lin Tao with a darkened face.

"This time the lawbreakers besieged the city government in an organized and premeditated way. This is an attack on government agencies. As the Xiliang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, we represent justice and the interests of the people of Xiliang. It is absolutely impossible. Bow down to criminals, not only can't bow down, we have to take corresponding measures to dig out the organizers behind, black umbrella, and give Xiliang a clear sky." Lin Tao finished speaking and looked at Che Liguo.

"What do you want to say, Deputy Mayor Che?"

"I want to say that Mayor Lin is slandering ordinary people. You can't cover up the sky just because you are the mayor. Someone will make decisions for them." Che Liguo simply turned against Lin Tao and blatantly confronted each other.

"Why do you want to make decisions for them! Protect them!" Lin Tao sneered.

"Yes, I will make decisions for them and protect them. Even though you are the mayor, you are not the only one who has the final say." Che Liguo followed Lin Tao's words and said angrily.

"Comrade Che Liguo, you let me down so much. I didn't expect you to openly clamor at the Standing Committee to be the umbrella of criminals and evil forces. I don't know who gave you the courage, but I tell you, in Xiliang you It doesn't work, no matter who is behind you, if you insist on standing in front of the Xiliang government and the people of Xiliang to openly protect criminals and evil forces, I will punish you." Lin Tao said righteously.

"You fart! I'll f*** beat you to death!" Che Liguo stood up suddenly, and pulled Liu Baoheng aside. Liu Baoheng couldn't sit still, and fell back on the ground.Che Liguo was extremely angry, and hit him with a fist.

This punch hit Lin Tao's chest, and Lin Tao was forced to retreat.

"You black umbrella is too rampant, you dare to hit the mayor openly!" Lin Tao pointed at Che Liguo and roared.

"I'm going to beat you to death!" Che Liguo rushed towards Lin Tao again as if mad.All the Standing Committee members were dumbfounded, Ma Danian rushed over and kicked Che Liguo to the ground.

"Damn it, you've turned back your black umbrella, you're too crazy." Ma Danian stepped up and kicked Che Liguo down.

"I didn't expect Che Liguo to be the mastermind behind the scenes. This is too shocking. Comrade Chen Feng asks you to report this situation to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee immediately." Lin Tao said righteously.Ma Danian twisted his arms and stood up, Che Liguo looked at Lin Tao fiercely without saying a word.

"This—" Chen Feng was a little confused.

Lin Tao turned on his mobile phone and pressed a number: "Director Hu is waiting for reinforcements, and he should cooperate with the outside world. Don't let criminals run and jump, pay attention to the safety of comrades. Political Commissar Ma!"

"Yes, Chief!" Ma Danian also dialed a number.

"Act now."

"What's going on? What's going on? Why did you beat Che Liguo? Political Commissar Ma, why are you still holding him?" Zhang Yuhe slapped the table and shouted. Zhang Yuhe felt a burst of panic. He didn't understand why Che Liguo beat Lin Tao. I don't understand why Ma Danian insisted on setting up the country by car.His ears were ringing, and he had no idea what was going on.Looking at the crowd in horror, the members of the Standing Committee were also puzzled.After a while, the siren sounded, and the heavily armed armed police jumped out of the car and surrounded the crowd, but in 5 minutes more than a dozen green military vehicles arrived, jumping off one by one with submachine guns.

"What are you doing?"

"This is**?"

"Is there any law for the king? I'm an ordinary citizen!"

"Pu your mother, you are a gangster." The soldier went up with a gun butt.

"Squat down for me, and those who riot will be severely punished." Three hundred soldiers and more than 100 armed police quickly surrounded the demonstration team of more than 350 people.

Director Hu.Standing on the police car, he commanded: "Take these ten people away first—take these five away—here—"

Seeing this situation, who would dare to move around? He squatted down in extreme horror, and was taken away obediently.

City Council Office.

Lin Tao said to Zhang Yue: "Let the TV station's interview vehicle come over immediately and inform the newspaper reporter that I will hold a press conference for the municipal government."

"Yes, please rest assured, Mayor Lin, they are on standby at any time! I will notify you immediately."

The members of the Standing Committee watched Minister Zhang Yue make a phone call in astonishment.Could it be that everything was prepared in advance? What is going on?Most people are dumbfounded.

The gate of the city hall.

The special police escorted more than 30 troublemakers who had been observed by Populus euphratica in advance, and turned over their bodies. There were more than 40 daggers and controlled knives, and two imitation May [-]th pistols.People from the Criminal Investigation Bureau quickly took pictures.

A soldier next to him kicked the worker in the noodle factory hard.He scolded: "This is what you mean by ordinary people. You raped the underworld and even promoted to a government agency. If it wasn't for the superiors to get stuck, you would have been shot."

"Oh my god, they have nothing to do with us, we don't know them, we are workers in a noodle factory!"

"I know that you are from a noodle factory. You are an organized crime. The evidence is solid. You openly attacked government agencies and carried guns. This is anti-socialism. Just wait until you get out of prison!" A policeman came over and slapped the man. The worker has a mouth.Handcuff him.

The worker cried out in fright, and hurriedly shouted: "Our factory director, Zhang Defang, asked us to come. We were paid [-] yuan each, and he forced us to come—"

"My knife is a fruit knife. I wear it for fun. I'm not a gangster!" A soy sauce factory worker who was usually pretty fucked up was whipped on the back with a rubber rod by the armed police. Not only did the dozens of unemployed people carry knives, There were more than a dozen demonstrating workers also carrying knives. They didn't want to take advantage of the opportunity to stab someone, but they were used to it and felt that they were awesome with knives.Now he is being handcuffed, greeted with a big mouth, and violently whipped with a rubber stick.The three reporters were also frightened.

"I'm a reporter, here's my press card. I have freedom of speech, you can't arrest me!"

"Take them all away, confiscate the camera equipment, and wait for processing. Paralyzed, aren't you a reporter from Xichuan, why did you come to Xiliang. Paralyzed—boom" The reporter was kicked.

Half an hour later, the press conference hall of the municipal government.

Lin Tao, Ma Danian, and Populus euphratica sat on the stage, and below were reporters from TV stations and newspapers.

Lin Tao said: "This morning, there was an incident of vicious underworld elements and illegal traders attacking government agencies. This was an organized and premeditated public confrontation with the government. Our Xiliang government cracked down on gangsters in the city four months ago and achieved It was a huge success, but there was still hidden fish. This time, criminals used the government to investigate food safety and sanitation work, incited unscrupulous businessmen and criminals, demonstrated in front of the city hall, and hidden 47 controlled knives, two imitation The May [-]th pistol was intended to assassinate government officials and police officers. However, under the joint operation of the Xiliang Military Division and the Xiliang Public Security Bureau, the criminals were caught in one fell swoop, and none of our personnel was injured or injured. Let Director Hu introduce the relevant case. "

"Dear Xiliang citizens, I am Hu Yang, Director of the Xiliang Public Security Bureau. This anti-shock operation has been a complete success under the command of Xiliang Government Mayor Lin Tao. So far, five illegal organizers and 53 criminals carrying murder weapons have been arrested. , other illegal personnel and 290 people who were instigated to make troubles need to be further investigated. Please rest assured that the Xiliang City Public Security Bureau is capable of protecting the safety of one party. Regardless of any criminals or evil forces, as long as they violate For the benefit of the Xiliang people, we will resolutely eliminate him—" The camera turned to that

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