Jagged city

Chapter 314 Interrogation

Jagged City - Chapter 310 Interrogation

Redstone Valley is a small town with only 20 residents. Under Jared's high pressure, the town is under martial law. There are soldiers on the streets. The police searched every house and checked their identities. 【 】House was exposed in a small hotel, and two of his men fired guns on the spot, killed two policemen, fled in a car, and was surrounded by police cars and military vehicles within two streets, and had to surrender .The temporary military control was lifted, and the tense atmosphere in Hongshigu Town disappeared, and the bustle resumed again.

Jared and Lin Tao watched House from outside the interrogation room.This House is a mixed race, of medium height, brown hair, and thin, but very energetic. At this moment, House is looking directly at the window of the interrogation room. Even though Jared knows that he cannot see the outside from the inside, he is It felt like House was staring at him.

"Damn, this guy really looks like a jungle cobra!" Jared scolded.

With a wave of Jared's hand, the interrogation experts under him entered the interrogation room and sat opposite House. A clerk next to him opened the file and made notes.In fact, there is a video recorder in a corner of the room, which can clearly record every word and deed in the interrogation room.

"What's your name, what country do you come from, what occupation do you do—" the interrogator started a routine interrogation, but didn't see anything special.

House, sitting on a silver metal chair, tilted his head and looked at the ceiling, as if something attracted him.

"Captain, please get me a glass of ice water, I don't like a room without air conditioning." The interrogator said with a frown.

Lin Tao laughed and said, "Your subordinate is quite impressive!"

"His name is Ram, and he is an interrogation expert, or it is more appropriate to call him an interrogation expert. You know, he is the kind of person who makes people die, die, and come back to life. Not to mention the enemy, just The soldiers who saw his interrogation were all scared. Among those who fell into his hands, there was no one who was not recruited. Just now, he just dismissed the captain."

As if to verify what Jared said.That Ram pushed the desktop away, and it turned out that there were many buttons hidden inside.This table turned out to be a console.

"I prefer light music, she can make people relax, what do you think?" Ram seemed to be talking to himself, and after pressing a button, soothing music came out of the interrogation room.Lin Tao listened to it, and it seemed to be something like "Serenade", but Lin Tao didn't have much research on this music.

That House actually leaned back on the chair, narrowed his eyes, and began to enjoy the music.

"My ideal is that after I retire, I can enjoy the pastoral pleasures, go fishing, and listen to music. What a pleasant life that would be! Heh heh—heh—" Ram said affectionately, and then followed Hum the music.Just when the music was very soothing and the two people in the interrogation room seemed to be falling asleep, Lin Tao noticed that Ram's finger that had been resting on a certain red button suddenly pressed down.

"Ah——" House suddenly twitched all over his body on the metal chair, screaming incessantly.The originally smooth hair also stood up a lot.

Lin Tao snorted, "That's an electric chair! It seems to conduct electricity well!"

"Yes, that chair can be adjusted to tens of thousands of volts, which is definitely enough for House to enjoy."

The style of music changed, and the interrogation room heard a passionate song similar to the March of the Volunteers.Jared's fingers jumped over the keys like elves, as if they were playing the piano.House on the chair screamed continuously, following the rhythm, he also formed a song of interrogation.

House screamed on and off for 15 minutes before yelling frantically: "Stop it, I'll say anything."

Ram, the interrogator, didn't seem to hear House's yelling at all, and kept tapping the buttons with his fingers, listening to the march with his eyes closed, as if he enjoyed the chorus.

Another 10 minutes passed, and House's voice was hoarse, and his voice was very weak, and his whole body was drenched in sweat.Ram finally opened his eyes, looking at the collapsed House in astonishment.

"Damn it, where's my coffee, Mr. Captain." Ram knocked on the table and shouted, and accidentally touched the button again. House had just stopped for a minute, and screamed again.

"Your Excellency, would you like coffee with sugar or no sugar?" The captain walked in with empty hands.

"Oh, damn it, I will find a chance to change to Jiling's assistant when I am not satisfied once." Ram said cursingly.The assistant captain wobbled back to his seat, as if he didn't hear what the interrogator said.Open the notebook again and pick up the pen.This time it was the captain who spoke and looked weak.

"Name - nationality - current passport - parents' names, address - wife -"

The captain asked in a slow voice, but House answered weakly, but he answered every question without any slack. The interrogation lasted for an hour and a half, and the question was asked back and forth three times.Finally, the two stood up, and Ram touched the button inadvertently. House screamed and cursed: "You are inhumane! I'm recruiting!"

Ram laughed and said, "The previous one was for work, but this time it's for the Commander who assassinated you to greet you, kid! You're ready to get out of prison!"

Ram stood beside Jared and respectfully handed the interrogation record to Jared. In fact, Jared had already heard it clearly just now.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that bastard Lahofind to hire an international killer! Damn it. We must teach him a lesson he will never forget this time. Lin, this operation still needs you to command it." Jared Said to Lin Tao.

"No problem, no matter from the cooperation between the two countries or our friendship, this is what I should do."

"Hehe, yes, come on, let's toast the cooperation between the two countries and our friendship." Jared raised his glass.Although this Jared is not a heavy drinker, he can't live without alcohol for a day. Lin Tao has been in the habit of drinking for a month.

The next day, Lin Tao and Jared sat in the information command room.The special forces who went to clear the six rebel camps that have been discovered have arrived at the designated positions.However, the situation suddenly changed. One of them was named Camp 208, and a thousand-scale rebel army came from the north.There were only 400 special forces participating in the encirclement and suppression, and they were unable to eat up the rebels who came. Therefore, Lin Tao decisively issued an order for the 208th Brigade to retreat quickly.Split into two groups and rush to the other two rebel camps respectively.Make a good response.

The high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the sky was still staring at the 208 camp. When the rebels reconciled, they quickly marched towards the border defense line.

"Oh, what are they doing?" Jared exclaimed.

Lin Tao murmured: "Maybe they also want to launch some kind of surprise attack, but we have already caught their whereabouts, so they are doomed to fail."

"Yes, I will let them come and go." Jared quickly mobilized two regiments to rush to the border defense line that the rebels were about to attack.

In the base of Rahofind, the Black Panther Brigade quickly boarded the plane, and Colonel Gail was preparing to use the night to attack the 301st Division of the Border Guards.

Two Black Hawks and one transport plane took off from Lahofind Base.Just after leaving Lahofind's old nest, the altitude of the three planes was only 200 meters, and when they came to the edge of the forest, they only took off to an altitude of 300 meters.At this moment, flames shot out from the edge of the forest.

"God, there's an ambush among us!" the driver yelled in horror.The flying plane was doing evasive actions, but at such a short distance, each plane fired two shells to greet them, and the speed of the shells was ten times the speed of sound, and the air suddenly exploded into three huge balls of flames.Lahofind's base is only about ten kilometers away from here, and the people at the base could clearly hear the flames shining in the sky and the huge explosion.

"Oh, damn it!" Colonel Gail rushed out of the base and roared to the sky.This time he didn't board the plane, and there were 200 people left behind.Unexpectedly, the plane had just left and was destroyed in the blink of an eye.

"Quick, we must catch the damned sneak attacker!" Gail growled towards Lahofind.

Although Lahofind was annoyed, he was also very surprised, and immediately sent mobile troops to the edge of the forest.However, the two teams ambushing at the edge of the forest have already made a quick strategic shift.

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