Jagged city

Chapter 317 A Terrible Surprise

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 310 Seven Deadly Surprises

Deng Shanshan's boyfriend, Li Yuliang, could only see Mrs. Deng for the first time, obviously not yet approved by the Deng family, so although Deng Zhan was upstairs, he didn't meet his daughter's boyfriend. 【 #_ 】Deng Shanshan is a little dissatisfied with this.Seeing the favored Lin Tao, she cast all her anger on Xiao Xiao, who was making trouble. Regardless of the three elders present, she chased Xiao Xiao from the living room to the bedroom, and chased her out again, causing the little girl to be very dissatisfied with this aunt every day. He pointed out that Aunt Shanshan was bad.

Deng Shanshan snatched the little girl from her mother's arms, kissed Tiantian fiercely twice, and said, "Your mother is worse than your aunt. It's your mother who bullies me. You cute elf."

"Auntie is bad, mom hugs me!" With tears in his eyes, Tian Tian asked Xiao Xiao for help.

"My dear mother is here." Xiao Xiao leaped across the back of the sofa without any image, snatched her daughter, and threw her up twice, causing the three wives to exclaim.Apparently the little girl often enjoys this treatment, giggling cheerfully above the heads of several people.The laughter woke up the sleeping Tianyu, got up from Mother Xiao's arms, and shouted childishly: "Mom, I want Feifei too!"

"It's really out of tune, playing trapeze with children!" Deng Shanshan snorted.

"Mom, I want Feifei." Xiao Tianyu ran to Xiao Xiao's feet and grabbed Xiao Xiao's skirt, shouting longingly.

"Come on, let's fly—" Xiao Xiao picked up her son's strap and threw it into the air. The little guy shook his hands and laughed along with his sister, and the living room was filled with childlike and cheerful laughter.

"Playing with the children again!"

"Ah!" Xiao Xiao exclaimed, clutching her butt angrily.

The three ladies just felt a blur in front of them, Lin Tao was already sitting there opposite the sofa, hugging a pair of giggling babies.It was as if Lin Tao had been sitting there before.I didn't feel how Lin Tao entered the room or sat down at all.

"Dad—Dad—" the two little guys cried happily, put their arms around Lin Tao's neck, and kissed Lin Tao's face twice.

"Brother-in-law, tell the truth, are you a Martian!" Deng Shanshan rubbed her eyes and said.

"I am a Hexenite from the Milky Way, you can call me Superman!" Lin Tao replied mechanically.

"Cut!" Deng Shanshan scorned.

"You attacked me!" Xiao Xiao regained her composure and immediately twisted Lin Tao's ears.

"Don't hit Dad!" Tian Tian held her mother's hand with a crying expression on her face.

"Small heartless people say that daughter kisses father, it's true." Xiao Xiao said dissatisfiedly letting go of her hand.

"Oh, it's really daddy's sweet baby, don't you want to see daddy being bullied?" Lin Tao kissed his daughter, and the little girl shook her head and laughed again.After playing with Lin Tao for a while, the two little guys climbed off the sofa, ran around on the living room carpet, and then got under the table to play happily, attracting the attention of several adults.

Mrs. Deng smiled and said, "Xiaotao finished his training?"

"It's to listen to the teaching!" Lin Tao smiled.

"Glib!" Deng Shanshan said, rolling her eyes.

Lin Tao looked at Deng Shanshan and asked, "Sister Shan seems to be a little bit offended, do you need me to support you!"

"Okay, you beat that girl up and vent your anger!" Deng Shanshan pointed at Xiao Xiao and said angrily.

"Ah, why did Xiao Xiao offend Sister Shan?" Lin Tao asked doubtfully.

"Hmph, you have to revitalize your husband. Just now, that girl was pretending to be a college student—" Deng Shanshan wanted to talk about seducing her boyfriend, but felt that the words were inappropriate, so she didn't say anything.

"What? Pretending to be a college student? Wearing a school uniform is obviously a high school student!"

"I can't take it anymore, I'll vomit for a while!" Deng Shanshan vomited, which made the three noble ladies laugh.

"By the way, where is the brother-in-law-to-be! I still want to help Sister Shan check it out!" Lin Tao lifted whichever pot he didn't open, which made Deng Shanshan angrily snort and roll her eyes.

"I just participated in the interview with Shanshan's boyfriend. I'm a handsome, nerdy turtle, and I'm a good match with Shanshan." Xiao Xiao smiled.

"So, he's a little more handsome than me!" Lin Tao asked.

"Of course, I'm more handsome than you, you think you're a handsome man!" Deng Shanshan said dissatisfied.

"Sister Shan, why do you keep hitting me? I'm on your side." Lin Tao said aggrievedly.

"Hmph, if you don't hit me, you two will fly into the sky."

Xiao's mother also smiled and said, "Your sister Shanshan's boyfriend is really good. He is the leader of the national project, but he is a great scientist! He has pulled you and Xiao Xiao thousands of miles away in terms of knowledge."

"It seems that I have to ask for progress, get a doctorate earlier, and my mother-in-law is a little dissatisfied with me! This is a dangerous signal!" Lin Tao turned to Xiao Xiao and said.

"This kid has a lot of eyesight." After Madam Wang finished speaking, she laughed with the other two. Obviously, these three were very satisfied with Lin Tao.Mrs. Deng thought, if this was ancient times, Lin Tao would have to marry her daughter.Mrs. Deng compared Lin Tao with Li Yuliang, no wonder she didn't like Li Yuliang.

The three wives faced Lin Tao as if they were looking at their own children. They had no airs on them, and their eyes were full of loving mothers. Thinking about their future boyfriends, Deng Shanshan was really worried.To be honest, Deng Shanshan also admires Lin Tao very much, but with such a family background and her own moral constraints, she can only bury this love in her heart and accept Li Yuliang's pursuit. Lin Tao can be said to be Deng Shanshan's dream lover , maybe Lin Tao is also the dream lover of the three mother-in-laws, who can see what everyone is really thinking?

That night, the family had a meal together, laughing happily from time to time. Deng Zhan also said that after a while, if Shanshan still loves each other unabated, he will meet Li Yuliang and discuss the engagement of the two families.Li Yuliang is also a well-established person. His father is the deputy director of the Science and Technology Commission and the vice president of the Academy of Sciences.One of the heavyweight academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Several families are close, and Deng Zhan said this in front of everyone at the dinner table. Although he has not met his prospective son-in-law, in fact, Deng Zhan has already acquiesced in the relationship between his daughter and son-in-law.Only then did Deng Shanshan's anger turn into joy, while Xiao Xiao shaved her face and made faces at Deng Shanshan, and the two fought with their feet under the dining table.The little guy Tianyu found out about the little actions of the two, and made a small report to everyone: "Mom and Aunt Shanshan are fighting and kicking people!"

Facing the gazes gathered by the elders, the two women blushed, and immediately pretended to be ladies, and ate carefully.

Xiao Huating smiled and said: "How old are both of you, one has two children, the other is about to get married, and you still treat yourself as a child, messing around in front of your elders."

"She kicked me first!" The two women said in unison, complaining together!It was the tone of a child, which made everyone dumbfounded.

"You two are not as sensible as two children!" Mrs. Deng said with a smile, her eyes full of doting.

"I'm used to being a mother!" Deng Zhan snorted.

"Are you obviously discriminating against our women! Sister-in-law should give her opinions at the CPPCC meeting!" Mrs. Xiao said dissatisfied.

"I admit my mistake, I admit my punishment!" Deng Zhan said while holding up his wine glass, and then punished himself with a glass.

Wang Zhengdao said with a smile: "At this dining table, there are obviously more women than half the sky, and we are at a disadvantage!"

"It's not many that can make the vice premier punish himself, but my wife is pretty good." Xiao Huating took the opportunity to say.

"Isn't that obvious? My sister-in-law belongs to the level of nuclear deterrence, and my elder brother has to act according to the wink!" Mrs. Xiao joked.

"If you talk too much, you will lose it. It seems that I can only eat in silence." Deng Zhan said self-deprecatingly.

"Just eat it, don't look at me!" Mrs. Deng said, and everyone couldn't help laughing.The executive vice premier became the object of ridicule at the dinner table, which is rare in a century.

"Mom, can you save my dad some face?" Deng Shanshan interjected again, Deng Zhan shook his head helplessly amidst the laughter of the crowd, sighed and said:

"It's a bit of a slump! It made the two virtuous younger brothers and Mr. Lin Xian laugh."

Mrs. Wang finally couldn't help it anymore, she burst out laughing, the shark's fin sprayed out from her nostrils, she blushed, covered her mouth, and ran to the bathroom.

Wang Zhengdao pointed to the vermicelli-shaped shiny shark's fin on the table and said, "This shark's fin is really slippery!"

The living room burst into laughter again. Although the two little guys didn't understand what was going on, seeing everyone laughing, the two of them couldn't stop giggling.

The dinner lasted for two hours, and it was always in a cheerful atmosphere. After dinner, everyone sat together drinking tea and chatting. They didn't go back to their rooms until ten o'clock in the evening.

The next morning, Lin Tao received a call. After breakfast, Deng Zhan went to work, Xiao Huating and Wang Zhengdao rushed to the airport by car, while several women and children stayed in the hotel. Lin Tao used an excuse to go out to meet friends at noon , rushed to a hotel in Chaoyang District.

When Lin Tao rushed to Chaoyang District, he was a little uneasy, because the person who called him was the ambassador to the United States who had just returned to China, that is, the father of Diane Li Lu, who had a marriage with Lin Tao in March.

With a slight guilty conscience, Lin Tao met Ambassador Li and his wife. After exchanging a few pleasantries, Lin Tao pretended not to care about the situation of the embassy, ​​and then asked Diane about Li Lu's recent situation.

Ambassador Li pondered for a moment, and then said to Lin Tao: "A few people want to see you. It's in the suite at the end of the corridor. Go and have a look!"

Lin Tao left the reception room a little uneasy, and walked towards the end of the corridor, thinking in his mind that Ambassador Li should be referring to Diane, as if he knew something about his relationship with Diane, otherwise he would not have let him meet alone , but Ambassador Li said that several people met him, which made Lin Tao a little puzzled.

Lin Tao walked to the door and heard voices in the room. What surprised him was that there were still a few children babbling.Lin Tao nervously pushed open the concealed door.I saw two little dolls sitting on the floor and playing in the living room, and one staggering around, a beautiful woman who was unusually charming and full of maternal brilliance, half lying on the sofa, wearing a black nightdress, unable to hide her moving The ketone body, slender and fair legs, and the squeezed beautiful breasts make people's blood spurt, and those soul-stirring peach blossom eyes are staring watery at Lin Tao who pushed open the door.

Lin Tao looked at the woman lying half-lying on the sofa, the resentful eyes, and the three small things on the ground, let Lin Tao clearly feel that his heart was beating faster, every time, the sound of blood squeezed out of the ventricle , are like drums ringing in the ear.The blood is connected, and with Lin Tao's extraordinary perception, he has already seen the relationship between the three little things and himself, but Lin Tao couldn't believe it. He just felt dry and slowly closed the door behind him.

"Diane!" Lin Tao called softly, as if he didn't even hear him.

Lin Tao walked towards Di Anne with a somewhat flamboyant footsteps.Diane didn't move at all, still in that seductive posture, her eyes seemed to be even more resentful, and the two pools of autumn water seemed to be about to overflow.

"Diane!" Lin Tao whispered again.

The woman still moved slightly, but the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, as if she was smiling, but two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Diane!" Lin Tao had already walked to the sofa and sat down gently.

The woman looked at Lin Tao with a smile, but her tears fell in pairs.A corner of Lin Tao's heart seemed to open a valve, and suppressed emotions gushed out.

"Diane!" Lin Tao held up the pear blossom in front of her pretty face with rain, and kissed her with tears in his eyes.

"If you want to cry, you can cry out loud!" Lin Tao put his arms around the charming woman.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of

"Mommy!" A little guy crawled over, while the other two sat on the ground and cried loudly.

It seems like a moment, it seems like a long time.Diane stopped her mourning, half-lyed in Lin Tao's arms, looked at Lin Tao resentfully and said, "What a ruthless person!"

"You are more ruthless than me!" Lin Tao took out a handkerchief and wiped Diane's tears. With one hand, he hugged the staggering little guy in his arms, and glanced at the two little guys on the ground.

Di Anni smiled through her tears: "Haven't you heard that the mouth of a green bamboo snake and the needle in the back of a hornet's tail are the most poisonous to a woman's heart?"

Lin Tao loves and hates Di Anni at the moment. He never thought that Di Anni gave birth to three children without telling him. They look about the same size, and they should be triplets. The only difference is that the word "Lin" is engraved on her forehead. There is no doubt , These are Lin Tao's own three sons. Thinking that he has three more sons, Lin Tao's head immediately grew four circles.

"Mummy—grandma——" the little guy lay on Diane's body, pulled down Diane's chest nightgown with his small hands, and immediately revealed a plump and delicate beautiful breast with a pink cherry standing on it, the little guy's eyes widened Just want to jump over.

However, a big hand fell from the sky and lifted the little guy away. Lin Tao roared: "Don't fight with me, it's mine."

Diane's face turned red, and then the flower branches trembled with laughter, beating Lin Tao with her hands

"It's not as shameless as you!" Diane blushed, she loved and hated Lin Tao, and she couldn't laugh or cry because of Lin Tao's nonsense.

The little guy was crying in Li Lintao's hands, obviously very dissatisfied with this hateful person, grandma was so close, but he couldn't eat it.

"What are you crying for? I've let you eat for nothing for more than a year. I'm taking back the ownership right now." Lin Tao said while putting the little guy on the sofa, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Diane snorted, her legs stiffened.

"Stop sucking, it hurts, weaned early." Diane thumped Lin Tao's shoulder.However, Lin Tao didn't stop moving, and the other hand apparently climbed up to Yufeng and began to rub.

Diane couldn't help moaning, at some point, Lin Tao's big hands had already focused on the land of Taoyuan, rushing in like a tidal wave of excitement.

"Ah!" In just a few tens of seconds, Diane's whole body tensed up, her hands tightly hugged her head, her body twitched, waves of incomparable excitement spread throughout her body, and Diane reached the point of tears with tears in her eyes. The long-lost **.When Lin Tao raised her head, Di Anne was already tender and her face was flushed.

"You're a big hooligan!" Diane's head was empty at the moment, her body was still enjoying the aftertaste of sex, and she couldn't express her mood.Diane once fantasized about Lin Tao's various behaviors after the two met, but this kind of behavior beyond normal human beings was obviously beyond her understanding. On the ground and on the sofa, three dolls were crying, and her long-lost boyfriend was molesting her. , she committed suicide, where is all this!Therefore, Diane's mind became a mess.

"I want to be a good hooligan!"

When Diane was picked up by Lin Tao, she suddenly found that the three guys were lying side by side on the sofa at some point, and had already fallen asleep.

"You are a rascal and a scoundrel—" Diane put her arms around Lin Tao's neck and covered Lin Tao's mouth with her red lips, and began to kiss in pain.

When entering the bedroom, Diane in Lin Tao's arms had turned into a naked lamb. Lin Tao's kisses fell like raindrops. Abnormally full and excited, he couldn't help but let out a long moan.

10 minutes later, Di Anni had her second sexual intercourse in the rhythm of Lin Tao, but Lin Tao was still working hard. The convulsive Di Anni was excited and excited again. The double sexual intercourse made Di Anni's waist stand up, and then violently twitched stand up.This time Diane changed her groan into a cry, which seemed to be a mournful cry on the verge of death.

"Do you still hate me?" Lin Tao walked around the jade body with his hands, touching the sensitive places, and on the other hand, channeled a trace of true energy to sort out Di Anne's meridians.And the following world communication is still going on.

"I don't hate—" Diane replied feebly.

"Miss me?"

"miss you!"

"Remember the intercourse technique you taught me!" Lin Tao turned over and lay down, hugging Diane on his body, with no gap between his chest and abdomen.The two went down to the dantian to face each other, a trace of true energy entered Dianni's navel from Lin Tao's navel and then entered Dianni's dantian. Dianne collected her mind and circulated the true energy all over her body. After a small cycle, it circulated into Lin Tao's body again , and back and forth 36 times in this way, completing a big cycle. After the two of them finished work, they both found that their internal strength had increased a lot, especially Di Anne's internal strength had increased a lot.

Diane lay limp in Lin Tao's arms, and was carried into the bathroom by Lin Tao. In the luxurious bath, stimulated by the massage water, the two soon intersected again, and had a great time in the bath. splash.

In the suite at the other end of the corridor, Ambassador Li and his wife were talking about why Lin Tao didn’t come over after being away for so long. But I didn't expect that the two of them were working on business.I thought the two were talking about parting again, talking about the child.

"Big villain, don't do it, Daddy, Mommy should wait." Di Anni escaped Lin Tao's hand wiping her body, and jumped away like a deer. I don't know how attractive the eyes are.

Lin Tao smiled, but panicked in his heart. There are ways to deal with Di Anne, but he really doesn't know how to deal with cheap father-in-law and mother-in-law.What's the matter with Di Anne quietly giving birth to three sons!As soon as he returned to reality, Lin Tao had a headache again. This sudden incident was a terrible surprise for Lin Tao. My son's mistress, I can't admit it or not.It is far from comparable to the one-night stand with the beautiful doctor back then.

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