Jagged city

Chapter 321 White Stone Villa

Jagged City - Chapter 320 White Stone Villa

Lin Tao meddled in Beijing once, which resulted in a great success in the anti-drug and anti-pornography campaign in the capital. Some underworld organizations and drug trafficking organizations fled around, including big drug lords and human traffickers. Falling, but it has never been a crisis to him, but this time Singing Tian was confessed, not only the drug loss was 20 million, more than a dozen entertainment venues were also seized, the Baidao industry was also under investigation, this time the total loss was more than 3000 million, Singing Tian found out through the people in Guoan that it was Lin Tao who destroyed his property, and he was very angry with Lin Tao in his heart. After absconding to Vietnam, he began to plan to assassinate Lin Tao. ╔y╗

After Lin Tao returned to Xiliang, he began to be busy with the planning of the university town and the construction of Xiliang's electronics industry.After upgrading to a sub-provincial city, the four cities around Xiliang were merged into Xiliang. Therefore, the development of Xiliang cannot only consider Xiliang New City. The development and construction of the other four cities have also been put on the agenda.Due to the geographical environment, five cities are combined into one sub-provincial city, which is also a special case in the whole country.Bear the brunt of the personnel changes.When the sub-provincial cities were first upgraded, in order to stabilize the work of each city, no changes were made, but in order to truly become a whole, it is necessary to make personnel changes.In fact, the real purpose of the central government is to create a large municipality directly under the Central Government in the Northwest, through which the economic development of the Northwest will be driven and the pattern of the Northwest will be stabilized.At the same time, Xiliang's military position is also very important, so the establishment of Xiliang Municipality will have a far-reaching impact, but it will take a long time to upgrade from a sub-provincial city to a municipality directly under the Central Government. As for how long it will take, it depends on the actions of leading cadres up.This shows the importance of Lin Tao as the mayor of New Xiliang.

At the beginning, Lin Tao and other Xiliang cadres did not expect that the State Council's big hand was to pre-build a super-large municipality in the northwest. It was not until Lin Tao attended a meeting of the Ministry of Railways that he was invited by the Prime Minister to talk, and he suddenly woke up.Only then did I realize how heavy a burden was on my shoulders.At the same time, Lin Tao is also full of confidence, because Guojian will directly invest in the construction of some important national projects in New Xiliang.For example, with Xiliang as the central and western train station, the half-hour direct railway, the national physics laboratory, the electronic laboratory, the national grain reserve—and other dozens of large-scale projects, the prime minister simply took them over to let Lin Tao understand the country's strategic intentions , Let Lin Tao understand what is the overall situation.

Time flies by quickly, and the new year is approaching in a blink of an eye. As the new year approaches, we are busy not only with work, but also with entertainment. Xiliang is developing rapidly, especially in sports and entertainment, catching up with international standards, large golf courses, skiing Indoor ice skating rinks—heartbeat carnival large-scale playgrounds have opened one after another, and Lin Tao has to attend ribbon-cutting activities from time to time.The four merged urban areas in the surrounding area all asked for projects from the Xiliang government one after another, and it was not easy for Lin Tao to achieve peace.Although the old districts of Xiliang New District cannot be said to be different every day, there are many newly completed buildings and projects every month, and the jealousy of the surrounding urban areas is inevitable.The internationalization of Xiliang is not only reflected in the world-class buildings, more than 50 state-owned construction institutions have established foreign affairs agencies in Xiliang, ranging from consulates to offices. For unified management, a consulate was established on the east side of the old city of Xiliang The area is accompanied by the construction of office buildings, commercial streets, catering and entertainment industries, etc. The purpose is to let the consulate area drive the development of the old city.And more than a dozen countries and regions are applying for offices.Other countries in the world have also speculated about China's big move. Therefore, the application of many consulates and offices is not unexpected. In addition to participating in economic exchanges in the west, they also have a monitoring role.

Since the opening of the underground temple of the ancient Qiang people, in the past two months, the number of foreign tourists who have come to Xiliang has reached an astonishing one million.The number of foreigners buying real estate in the old city of Xiliang New District has reached [-], and this number is increasing by double digits every day. Not only businesses or individuals in Northwest China have seen the potential of Xiliang real estate, but foreigners have also seen it.Business opportunities and employment opportunities are increasing rapidly. The Xiliang Foreign Affairs Bureau, Commercial Bureau, Personnel Bureau, and Public Security Bureau have become the busiest units.Once the construction of the University City is completed, many international students will surely come.

Xiliang has newly established an anti-riot brigade to be responsible for the safety of Xiliang. The captain of the anti-riot brigade is Lin Tao's subordinate He Ning.A pair of sisters from Lin Tao's third uncle's family gave up the hospital. Under Lin Tao's arrangement, one entered the anti-riot brigade and the other entered the criminal police team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.In addition, four Lin family children joined Gaotian International Security Company, Lin Hao from Lin Tao's second uncle's family became the martial arts instructor of the security company, and Lin Qiang and other six Lin family children joined Gaotian.Lin Yun, Lin Xiaotong, and Lin Zhenjiang were trained in Wang Han's special brigade. Lin Tao is a man who does not shy away from relatives. He arranged for more than 20 Lin family children to work in Xiliang within half a year. , but these people arranged by Lin Tao are all elites in their units. The Lin family children who made Lin Tao feel ashamed, let alone come to Xiliang, will not be able to pass the test of Mr. Lin in Baishi Town.In addition, the Maolin Group of the Lin family also entered Xiliang to look for business opportunities. The heartbeat carnival playground in Baihua Town, [-] kilometers away from Xiliang New District, is the Maolin Group. Junlian Group and a Hong Kong businessman jointly built an [-] million joint venture. Lin Tao started in it Acted as a bridge.The amusement park sold [-] tickets on the opening day, and it is estimated that it will take less than a year to recover the investment. Lin Zhijian was not satisfied with the casino project, so he bought nearly [-] mu of land in four cities around Xiliang to prepare for real estate. invest.The Lin family's investment may seem huge, but it accounts for less than one-thousandth of all businessmen's investment in Xiliang's promotion, which is not too conspicuous at all.But once these projects are launched, they become like cash machines. Take Junlian Group's fast food city and five-star restaurants as examples, they can earn hundreds of millions of dollars every day.Lin Zhiyuan and Zhu Yueting flew non-stop at home and abroad. For their safety, Lin Tao arranged six accompanying bodyguards from Gao Tian to be responsible for their safety.

Lin Zhiyuan and Zhu Yueting came to Xiliang the day before yesterday. In the high-end villa complex of Qixing Bay in Xiliang, there is a large villa covering an area of ​​[-] mu with a building area of ​​[-] square meters. The name of the villa is 'Baishi Villa'. I don't know the origin of the name. Some people think that the name comes from the white stone of the villa, but in fact the name comes from Baishi Town, the town where the Lin family originated.The villa is under Lin Zhiyuan's name, and the current resident members are Lin Tao's family of four. Lin Tianhuan (Jinlin) attends a closed aristocratic elementary school, and only comes here on Saturdays and Sundays, most of the time he is still in Jin Zhenai's villa.Jin Zhenai's villa is in Zhaoxia Community, five kilometers away.In addition, Lin Hao from Lin Tao’s second uncle’s family, Xiao Lian from his third uncle’s family, and Xiao Rong are also frequent visitors here, especially the two cousins, Xiao Lian and Xiao Rong, who will come here every weekend to improve their meals. They are very affectionate, Xiao Xiao also loves the two sisters-in-law very much, Lin Hao, his wife and their children came to Xiliang with their family, and the number of visits to Baishi Villa is less on weekdays.

Lin Zhiyuan also purchased a nine-story residential building with elevators in the old district of Xiliang as a place for the Lin family's children to settle in Xiliang.Those Lin family children who were not very close lived there, and Lin Hao and his wife lived there and were responsible for managing the building and receiving the Lin family children.

As Lin Tao's bodyguards, Xiao Xiao's bodyguards, Xiaoguan Lianrong, Qin Ming and Shen Yue, and the three special teams protecting Lin Tao are all in this villa.The Baishi villa has three floors above ground and is 15 meters high, and there are two floors underground.

The public cost of the entire villa was 2000 million, but it actually reached 8000 million.It is the most luxurious villa in Seven Star Bay.This Seven Star Bay is a joint venture developed by Junlian Group's alloy family, and it is customized according to the needs of the residents.The villa designers are all world-class designers.There are only 36 villas in the 35 mu of land in Qixing Bay, and the transaction price of each villa is more than 35 million yuan.Such a luxurious villa already belongs to the world's first-class top-level mansions. It cost one billion yuan to buy the land. When designing the villa, the current plan was finally selected. The Jin family came forward and contacted the giant investment businessman who came to Xiliang to personalize it. Design and construction, I didn't expect such a luxurious price to be so sought-after. All [-] pieces of land were sold, and the integrated design and construction made Junlian Group and the Jin family earn [-] billion.The remaining [-] villas are basically used as group banquet villas, and the ones bought by simple residents like the Lin family are the only ones.

In Baishi Villa, there are tall trees on both sides of the street, and there are low shrubs inside, flower gardens, and a swimming pool. You can also play beach volleyball, basketball, and ball games next to the swimming pool. All facilities are available.This white stone villa with a European style has a guard room and a worker's room on the west side, where Lin Tao's bodyguards live.On the east side is the garage, which is basically hidden in the woods and does not affect the beauty of the main building. There is a reception hall on the first floor of the main building, which can hold banquets and dances for hundreds of people.The main residents on both sides are the entourage of Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao, the kitchen, and the service staff.These people will not show up in the hall until their playing time. Guest room, guest room.The third floor has a large study room, music room, billiard room, mahjong room, reception room, small restaurant, nursery room and nine sets of bedrooms.

On the basement floor, there are surveillance room, confidential secretary room, confidential studio, information room, and rest room.On the second basement floor there is a physical training room, a sanda room, and an indoor shooting range. Even if you use a submachine gun, you won't hear the sound of the gun on the ground.In addition, on the second basement floor, there is also Lin Tao's exclusive practice room. The ground is half a meter thick of sand, and the bottom is two meters thick of red clay.If not, Lin Tao's feet will be hard, even the bluestone ground will turn into gravel ground.There is an elevator in Lin Tao’s bedroom to go directly to the underground exercise room. This exercise room is closed on the second basement floor and the underground shooting range. It is blocked by 1.5-meter-thick reinforced concrete and special soundproof equipment is laid, so that the gunshots cannot be heard. In addition, the training time of the underground shooting range and Lin Tao's practice time are also inconsistent.This underground practice room is where Lin Tao practices his moves. As for the place where Lin Tao meditates, it is a small attic on the top of the building with a semi-circular glass roof that can open and close automatically.

From the outside, the White Stone Villa is Lin Zhiyuan's private villa, a place to receive relatives and friends, but in fact it is also the Lin family's private studio, a safe fortress in Xiliang.This villa is nominally owned by Lin Zhiyuan, but in fact almost all of it is used by Lin Tao.Like Lin Zhiyuan who came the day before yesterday, he could not stay for a week at most before he had to leave.

There are nine sets on the third floor of Baishi Villa, eight of which have the same area, but the interior design is slightly different. Each room has its own bathroom and study.Lin Tao's house should be called the master room.Although Lin Zhiyuan is the head of the family, Lin Tao is resident in Xiliang, so the master room belongs to Lin Tao and his wife.The master suite of Lin Tao and his wife has everything from a study, a kitchen, a living room, to a dining room, and it is three times the size of other suites.

Lin Zhiyuan and Zhu Yueting came to Xiliang for the first two days to inspect the company they belonged to, held two small meetings, and basically had nothing to do, and wanted to recuperate for a few days at Baishi Villa.It was the weekend, Lin Tao had a rest, and Xiao Xiao rarely served her in-laws, so she also stayed at home. If there was nothing important in the company, it could be resolved with a phone call.Although the whole family got up early on weekends, Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao got up at six o'clock, knocked on the door of Lin Zhiyuan's room, and found that he had gone out early.

Xiao Xiao smiled and said, "Dad and Mom must have gone to exercise."

"Let's do some exercise too!" In fact, Lin Tao would exercise at least half an hour in the kung fu room every day, practice qi and meditate on the roof for an hour, and get three hours of sleep a day is enough. This is also the difference between Lin Tao.Xiao Xiao is relatively lazy. Apart from exhaling for an hour a day, she doesn't exercise at night. She only runs in the morning, kicks her legs, bends her waist, and practices a set of palm techniques.She spends more time exercising on weekends, even so, Xiao Xiao's physical fitness is increasing day by day, and the Yinyue Kung Fu practiced has also made great progress.Because he and Lin Tao have double cultivation once or twice a week, which is unshakeable.Therefore, although Xiao Xiao is not as good as Dianne who practiced martial arts since she was a child and exercises every day, she is gradually getting closer under the double cultivation. If this continues, she will surpass Dianne sooner or later.

It was cold winter. Although it was not too cold in down jackets, it was still minus ten degrees. Lin Tao and his wife were wearing sports vests and thin cotton sweatpants. They went downstairs. There were two people playing on the court not far away , If you just look at these two people, you will definitely think that this is midsummer. Two beauties in camisoles and shorts are fighting with each other. On the side of the field, there are two people wearing sportswear jumping rope.

"Oh! I won. Xiaolian, your bonus for this month will buy me leather boots, but I was not willing to buy that type last time." The girl who won the ball jumped and shouted, waving her racket.

"Hmph, I won't call you sister, I won't buy it for you! The ball just now looks like it's out of bounds!" Another beauty shouted.

"If you want to be stupid, uncle and aunt are watching!"

"Xiao Rong, didn't Xiao Lian buy it for you just because she said she was calling her sister. She is your sister in the first place, so it doesn't hurt to call her!" Lin Zhiyuan stopped and laughed.

"Hey, sister, big sister, it's alright." Xiao Rong shouted mischievously.

"Tch, I was fooled this time. My bonus this month is [-] more than last month. I'll give you [-] for the [-] bonus." Xiao Lian said reluctantly.

Xiao Rong pouted again to retort, Lin Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Uncle bought it for you, is three thousand per person enough?"

"Uncle, you are so kind! Thank you, Uncle!" The two girls flew over like butterflies, each holding one arm and shaking them.

"I think these two girls are acting, just wait for your father's words!" Xiao Xiao walked over and said.

"Scared, I was seen through by my sister-in-law. The eyes of my sister-in-law are not hidden, she is really powerful. I guess the big brother can't do any tricks." The twin sisters laughed.

"Why are you two girls trying to change the topic to me? How can I make such small moves?" Lin Tao rubbed his nose and said.

"I think Xiaotao's actions seem to be guessed by others. It's a sign of guilty conscience!" Zhu Yueting stopped, took the skipping rope, and walked in front of several people.

Lin Tao is really guilty, because Diane came to Xiliang yesterday to train the national security personnel in Xiliang. Diane was a senior member of Guoan in the past, but now she is transferred back to China. I don’t know how to transfer to Xiliang. After the meeting with Lin Tao , It is inevitable to fight hand-to-hand, so Lin Tao has subconscious small movements.

"Really?" Xiao Xiao looked at Lin Tao suspiciously.

"Go, do you know how to cooperate? You really treat me as a class enemy! You two girls, change your clothes quickly. I want to watch you practice." Lin Tao began to change the subject.

"This dress is pretty good!" The two girls put their hips on their hips, tilted their heads, and posed in a cute pose. The passing guards couldn't help but cast a second glance. Those snow-white thighs can make people's blood boil even in the cold winter.

"Okay, let's roll with a lazy donkey first!" Lin Tao said.

"Puchier—" Zhu Yueting and Xiao Xiao were amused.

"Brother, you are burning pianos and cooking cranes, what a disgrace! Why are we rolling around like kittens, I really don't understand the style." The twins pouted and said, after finishing speaking, the two ran to the dressing room outside the venue.

Lin Zhiyuan smiled and said: "The twins of your third uncle's family, one is in the anti-riot brigade and the other is in the criminal police team. Can those energetic young men concentrate on training after seeing this sister?"

Xiao Xiao said: "These sisters are Bingdilian sisters in the Xiliang police system, and they are well-known in the Xiliang public security system."

"I made this arrangement to exercise the willpower of those boys. There are two sisters. Their training is like a competition. They scream and scream, all in order to impress the beautiful woman. This matter Juan even reported it to me once! In a few months, it will be time for cadre adjustments. Although these two girls have only been in the police force for half a year, they are strong enough to be promoted to the police force's fighting coaches." Lin Tao said with a smile.

"Master——" Sister Bing Tilian rushed over, pretending to be Sun Houzi calling Tang Seng, which caused everyone to laugh.

"Naughty ghost, how can you get married like this!" Lin Tao scolded with a smile.

"Tch, big brother is too old-fashioned, who would marry so early, we only fall in love and don't marry!" The sisters said in unison.The two sisters are connected with each other, and they often say the same things together, so the sisters entered the anti-riot special brigade and the criminal police team respectively.So as not to mess up during training.

"Don't be too smug—Dad, mom, you should also practice Baguazhang together. You've already done something well, and practice makes perfect in the future."

Under Lin Tao's leadership, Lin Tao's family began to practice Baguazhang. This Baguazhang can not only cultivate Qi and cultivate character, but also strengthen the body.Compared with Tai Chi, it is more vigorous.

Lin Tao took everyone to contact them again, the movements were relatively slow, it took about 5 minutes, and then Xiao Xiao asked his parents to practice.He is guiding Xiaolian and Xiaorong.Lin Tao and the others were practicing inside the court, and outside, Xiao Guan and Xiao Qin were also practicing. I don't know when they stood there.

Lin Tao practiced with the sisters, and then fought against the sisters. The sisters attacked fast, and Lin Tao defended slowly. Although the sisters were twice as fast as Lin Tao, they couldn't hit the slow-moving Lin Tao.

"Change to Lin Family Boxing!" Lin Tao yelled, and the sisters changed their tricks, and their movements became faster. This cousin has a life-and-death vengeance, and he is desperate for his life.At this time, Xiaoguan and Xiaoqin in Ziwaidi could only wave their arms occasionally, and stared with their mouths wide open, looking dull.Afterwards, there was inevitably a sense of shame. How could the chief's personal guards not keep up with the two girls? Thinking of this, Xiao Guan and Xiao Qin felt that they were not even considered vases, and they would sweat profusely in the underground training ground every day after get off work.

"I'm counterattacking, change Baguazhang - pay attention to the flexibility of the head - don't leave two types - the lower body is unstable - pay attention to the throat - the heart, the lower abdomen -"

Lin Tao corrected the moves of the two while fighting, and after 10 minutes.

"Ouch————" The two were beaten to the ground by Lin Tao. Although Lin Tao was so gentle that he basically pushed them to the ground, they were so aggrieved that they wanted to cry immediately.

"Uncle, brother hit me!" Sister Hua began to act like a spoiled child.

"Your elder brother has a hard bone, and uncle can't beat him!"

"Look at me, Feitian twisted his ears!" Xiao Xiao jumped over and pinched Lin Tao's ears.

Seeing Lin Tao grinning, Zhu Yueting was amused.

"Wife, dad is watching!" Lin Tao reminded quickly.

Xiao Xiao blushed, she was a little excited just now, after all, she was a little rude in front of her father-in-law.Xiao Xiao changed from twisting to touching, stuck out her tongue, and jumped away.After running for two steps, he changed to walking again, and found that running and jumping was also very inappropriate. Seeing Xiao Xiao's shy look with drooping shoulders, Lin Zhiyuan also laughed.

"Why are you two smirking? Run [-] laps around the court with a load of [-] kilograms. Execute immediately!" Xiao Xiao shouted angrily while looking at Xiao Guan and Xiao Qin who were smirking outside.

"Yes!" The two put their sandbags on their backs with bitter faces, and started running in circles.

"How about swimming this time, freestyle, a month's salary." Xiao Rong encouraged Xiao Lian again.

"Bijibi, I'm afraid of you, let uncle and brother be the referee!" The two quickly ran to change into swimsuits.

Zhu Yueting couldn't help but said amusedly: "These two girls will definitely eat you two, and you must be hacked."

A moment later, two mermaids appeared in the 200-meter-long swimming pool, and they were competing in the 200-meter freestyle.Lin Zhiyuan and Lin Tao pinched the watches for the two of them. After they dived, they made a waterline in the water. After ten meters, they began to swim quickly.A round trip of [-] meters ended quickly. Xiao Rong lost [-] second this time, showing an expression about to cry, looking at Lin Tao with misty eyes, muttering that next month she will only be able to live on instant noodles.

Xiao Lian said happily, "Ho Ho, I can buy two trench coats, one for the day and one for the night, and switch between the two."

"Don't look at me, look at your uncle, my brother's salary is not much, in addition to eating, I have to buy milk powder for your two nephews and nieces, and your sister-in-law is very careful!" Lin Tao said sympathetically to Xiao Rong .

"Tianhuan has been weaned early, okay, iron rooster! Uncle loves me the most." Xiao Rong shifted her gaze to Lin Zhiyuan again.

"Okay, don't soak in the bath, you will catch a cold in winter. Come up quickly. After breakfast, you can accompany your aunt and sister-in-law to go shopping. You spend, and uncle will pay for it." Lin Zhiyuan smiled, and said to the two A coquettish niece, Lin Zhiyuan doted on her very much, not to mention buying a few clothes, just buying a few houses.

"Little Mom, remember to buy me a new dress." Lin Zhiyuan shouted to Zhu Yueting who was about to walk away.

"Oh, we're shopping, and you're in charge of carrying the bags. If you behave well, Mom will consider it." Zhu Yueting left with a smile.

"Mom, am I your own?" Lin Tao shouted aggrievedly.

"Bah, bastard!" Zhu Yueting said blushing, and then gave Lin Zhiyuan a smirking stare.This little daughter-in-law looks more and more iconic, and the whole family has never blushed.

"It's not big or small, looking for a smoke - wait for me for a while, my wife will go together, don't run so fast."

"Giggle—" the sisters were teased and rolled twice in the pool.

Small snowflakes began to fall from the sky. In such a winter, the White Stone Villa can still be as warm as spring, full of laughter everywhere, which is really a rare scene in Xiliang.

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