Jagged city

Chapter 324

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 320: Killing and Skinning Walker

In the training room on the second floor of the basement, Lin Tao's S-level team, three of them are serving as referees at the side of the field. ╭(╯3╰)╮The middle of the field is a two-on-two match.Both fighters wore bulletproof vests.The special forces team members hold a one-foot-long hard rubber stick, and a sponge with red ink is tied to the front.The Lin sisters wore gloves with bare hands, and there were plastic bumps on the joints of their fists, which were also painted with red ink.There is a plastic field under their feet, both sides are wearing exercise uniforms and white socks, and the fight is in full swing. The members of the s-level team are the elite among the elites. Their fighting skills are extraordinary, and after fighting, their power is extraordinary.But these two not only didn't let the water go, but they used [-] points of strength, and their fists were full of vigor, as if they didn't know how to be compassionate and sympathetic.It's not that the two special forces are vicious, but the experience summed up in actual combat. When Lin Tao started to be a training partner for the special forces a few months ago, each of these boys couldn't move, their fists fluttered, and they didn't know where to go. I started, but I was kicked down by the pair of sisters three or two times, and then I started to work hard, but I still couldn’t beat the pair of sisters, and then I tried very hard, but I was still beaten by others. After being beaten several times, I was a little angry Well, I used my whole body and [-] points of strength to get even, but I still had less offense and more defense, and I was very depressed.After leaving the field, when they were free, these players thought about how to deal with the pair of sisters.

Today, I have upgraded, but even with weapons, they are still bare-handed. These two are a bit out of control, so they use their strength to make short knives with rubber sticks, and frequently greet the girl's chest, chest and abdomen, and her ribs.

"Bang!" A male team member took a step back after being beaten by Xiao Lian, before he could stand still, he was kicked by the girl and kicked into the bunker under the field.

"Come here!" Xiaolian pointed to a special team member outside the arena, who ran over with a loud voice, and jumped onto the ring with a rope.Holding a short stick, he rushed towards Lin Xiaolian.On the other side, Lin Xiaorong fell over her shoulder, twisted her arms and trampled the team members under her feet.


Alas, another one came up.Lin Xiaolian said: "One-on-one can't improve, you two come up again."

The special team got angry, yelled and rushed up two more, and the remaining one shouted deliberately, take it easy, but in the stands, those who punched and kicked opened their mouths and didn't speak.

One-on-two, the four special team members were even more fierce, but the younger sister of the Lin family's legs suddenly became sharper, and she jumped like flying, and her body was flexible. Lin Xiaolian hooked a chain leg and kicked it very quickly. Kicked away, another lazy donkey rolled and dodged in embarrassment, a carp pounced on it again, the other grabbed the rope to catch it, jumped, and stabbed with a knife.Lin Xiaolian dodges and dodges, and sweeps her foot towards the necks of the team members. When a team member bends down to dodge, Lin Xiaolian turns around and slips slightly on her feet. Lin Xiaolian's ass.

"Haha-haha-I got it." The team member felt like crying, it was really not easy, and finally met his opponent.

But seeing, Lin Xiaolian's pretty face turned cold, and she screamed: "You dare to stab my ass, go to hell!"

That man screamed, and was kicked sideways by Lin Xiaolian, kicking him off the ring.The unconvinced one sat up clutching his chest and gasped, "You're fouling, I stabbed your ass, you're injured, you can't fight back like this."

"I'll beat you to death!" Lin Xiaolian jumped off the ring to give chase, and the team member who beat her ran away with her head in her arms.

"This is a foul, why are you still beating me! I'm so angry—Sister, stop beating, can I admit defeat?" In the end, this one was beaten up by Lin Xiaolian and had to admit defeat with hatred.The others laughed while clutching their bellies, thinking, it's too nasty for you to stab a girl's ass, no wonder you were beaten like a pig's head.After a while, the two that Lin Xiaorong dealt with were kicked off the ring again.

At this time Lin Tao arrived, looked at the surprised man and shouted: "Major Liu, why did you get beaten into a pig's head? Who did it for you two girls? Didn't I say that you two can only use six levels of strength?" ? How did you do it at this time? Did you lose your teeth? Let me see."

When the five heard this, they wished they could stick their heads in the sand, and beat them so quickly. They only used six points of strength, and they made our elders unable to live. They wanted to practice with them and eat some bean curd from beauties, but in the end I was beaten again and again, and this time it was even worse.

"I'm fine, I hit it myself." Major Liu was about to cry. He was the captain of the special team, but he was beaten into a pig's head by a girl.And it seems that he just stabbed the girl's ass, and he kept laughing, what's the matter!

"You did it?" Lin Tao looked at Lin Xiaolian who had a bad look.

A team member laughed and said, "It was a misunderstanding just now, our captain accidentally injured Xiao Lian."

"Ah? Where is the injury, let me see?" Lin Tao looked him up and down.

"You still said, are you looking for kicks?" Lin Xiaolian stepped forward, and that person shrank back in fright. Lin Tao couldn't help being stunned when he saw the red ink on Lin Xiaolian's buttocks.


"That's ink!" Captain Pig quickly explained.

"Oh, that's it, hahaha—" Lin Tao laughed loudly.

"You're still laughing at me, do you know that it was the pig-headed squad leader who made a nasty laugh that I beat him into a pig's head?" Lin Xiaolian gritted her teeth and approached.

"Xiao Mian, I still want to do two tricks with my brother, you two should do it together!"

Before Lin Tao could finish his sentence, the two of them had already rushed forward. As expected of a supernatural mind, one hit Lin Tao's head and the other swept Lin Tao's calf.Lin Tao fell sideways, kicked his feet to avoid it, and slapped Lin Xiaolian's ribs with his right hand. Lin Xiaolian dodged with a diamond iron bridge, turned over and stood up.This is Lin Tao deliberately slowing down his movements. If Lin Tao can beat the two younger sisters to the ground with one quick move, then how can he train.Lin Tao is gradually controlling the speed to tap the greatest potential of the two girls. Although it is two-on-one, Lin Tao is fighting around the two of them. Within 3 minutes, the two of them began to sweat profusely.Five people watched from the side, Lin Tao didn't seem to be moving fast, why did he force the two of them to turn around like a revolving lantern?

When it reached 5 minutes, the two women exhausted their strength and their movements became slow. Their legs seemed to be filled with lead, and they couldn't lift up a little bit. In the end, they were separated by Lin Tao and slapped on the ground.

The two women sat on the ground angrily, glared at Lin Tao and shouted, "Brother, you want to play us to death. If you don't train like this, I won't do it, I won't do it—"

The two girls were lying on the ground rolling around, and the five team members were so teased that they laughed and said, these two sisters are so cute, the pig-headed captain, with thick lips and bloodshot eyes Tooth is also constantly giggling.

"Brother, do you think this guy deserves a beating when he smiles!" The two girls suddenly jumped up and pointed at Major Liu.

Lin Tao was also having fun, thinking, these two girls are really playing tricks.Seeing Major Liu's miserable appearance, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Chief, you have to make the decision for me and return my innocence. Tell me, I am such an upright and kind guy, and I have a pretty face—" the pig-headed captain turned to Lin Tao and said.

"Who are you? Have I seen you?" Lin Tao was thinking in his mind, this Lin Xiaolian's strikes were neither serious nor serious, no matter how ruthless he was, he would be disfigured, and the handsome guy turned into a pig's head, with green and purple parts of.

"Captain, you should be in charge of the monitoring room for the next few days, don't go out and scare people." A team member comforted him kindly.

"Get out!" Major Liu stood in front of the mirror and almost cried. Is this still the romantic and charming Major Liu?Now it looks like it's really flat!It's okay, what are you doing stabbing a girl's ass?Just poke it!You're still laughing, it's really time to fight, I always wanted to have a crush, but now it's better to die.The image is completely ruined.

Major Liu walked up to Lin Tao tragically and gave a military salute and said in a low voice, "Sir, I want to ask for leave."

"Ask for leave?"

"I want to go to Korea?"

"Where are you going?" Everyone wondered.

"I want to have plastic surgery. When I come back, I will stand in front of the chief and Ms. Lin with a brand new look. I want to be a new man!" A strong wind blew up around Major Liu, and fallen leaves were blowing up.

"The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and once the strong man is gone, he will never return!" The four team members recited beside them.

"It's all for nothing, and you're turning into a pig's head when you come back?" Lin Xiaolian giggled.

Seeing the trembling of Lin Xiaolian's flower branches, Major Liu was stupefied, with the look of Brother Zhu, the corners of his mouth were still drooling and bloodshot.

"It looks like it really deserves a beating!" Lin Tao said, kicking Major Liu on the buttocks.

Major Liu, seeing himself in the mirror, shouted: "This is not me, I'll let you see your ID card! Xiao Lian, look at my ID card, don't look at my face."

"Captain, don't be ashamed!" The four team members hurriedly carried away the sad pig-headed captain.

"Xiao Lian, I will come back—I am a good and honest young man!" Major Liu's pitiful echo echoed in the hall.

"This little Liu is pretty good." Lin Tao said with a smile.

"He's a good young man who deserves a beating. Brother, your subordinates are really inferior. I can beat three with one look like this." Lin Xiaolian said disdainfully.

"They are desperate when they perform missions. If you meet on a narrow road, one-on-one, you may not be the one who can survive. Especially when you let them get close, if you hug them, lock your throat and insert your eyes, it is a fatal move. You One punch may break three of his ribs, but he can bite your throat and tear out your eyes. To deal with such a vicious enemy, it is best not to let him get close. If you get close, pay special attention to protecting your throat, chest and abdomen, Because the opponent's dagger will come in. This requires your explosive power, a strong knee bump, or a fist hitting the opponent's Adam's apple, or hitting the opponent's nose suddenly with the head, as long as you separate, quickly use your feet Kick to the opponent's vital point or a powerful side kick. To deal with the murderous gangster, use the most direct and deadly attack, and don't tolerate any softness. If you give the opponent an opportunity, maybe you will fall down instantly .” Lin Tao said to the two somewhat proud younger sisters.

"Wow, biting my throat again, gouging my eyes, brother, what you said is disgusting. Then how many can you deal with?" Lin Xiaorong said.

"If the other party didn't have a gun, it might take a day and a night." Lin Tao laughed.

"One day and one night? How many people did Xiaorong ask? — One day and one night?" Xiaolian suddenly came to her senses.

"Drop one at a time? How many can there be in one day and one night?" Lin Xiaorong snapped her fingers.

"I'm just kidding you guys. I smell like sweat. I'm going to wash it off quickly." Lin Tao held his nose and left. The two girls looked at each other and ran past Lin Tao screaming.

On the weekend of the next day, Xiao Xiao accompanied Zhu Yueting to the hospital. The two sisters were resting and arguing to see the baby. The four women took this extended Mercedes and the other two cars as guards. They drove out of Qixing Bay and rushed to Xiliang New District. Completion of Maternity and Infant Hospital.The hospital Junlian Group donated 3000 million yuan to purchase world-class advanced testing equipment to show its care for women and children and support for the medical cause. In return, Xiliang Maternity and Infant Hospital hired Xiao Xiao as the honorary president of the hospital. Attended the opening ceremony of the hospital.Therefore, Xiao Xiao called the director of the hospital, Liu Ruzhen, a gynecologist, and took the green channel.When you arrive at the hospital, you will be checked directly.The Lin family sisters watched curiously as if the baby was watching the doctor smear ointment on Zhu Yueting's belly, and then put a stethoscope-like thing, one end of which was connected to a B-ultrasound machine.

"Bang - bang -" a strong heartbeat.

I really don't know how something as big as a finger can have such a strong heartbeat.

"The baby's development is normal, and the fetal position is also normal. Do you have any discomfort in other parts of the body?" the doctor asked kindly.

"Physically, I feel fine, nothing unusual." Zhu Yueting sat up and said.

"Oh, that's good, as long as you check up regularly, if you have a cold, remember not to take medicine indiscriminately, and come to the hospital to prescribe medicine if necessary." The doctor instructed.

Just when Xiao Xiao accompanied Zhu Yueting into the hospital, the Skinner who had entered the country followed him to the hospital.But Xiao Xiao's bodyguards didn't notice it at all.This pair of killer brothers has been observing the Lin family for a week. Gaotian International Security Company and the city government have all been there, and Qixing Bay has also observed from a distance. There is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, so there is no approach.The pair of brothers don't know about Lin Tao's strength. They know that Xiao Xiao is the president of a security company, and he is an incredible person. If it wasn't for the fact that there were many bodyguards following him when he was traveling, and he didn't have the opportunity to get off the phone, it would be hard for the Skinner Brothers to not take this reward offer seriously. .

Today, through long-distance follow-up, I finally found a rare opportunity.The thin-skinned walker brother, entered the hospital, and quickly got two white coats, masks, and hats. From the side of the corridor, through passers-by, the two observed the door of an office, and there were two standing in black There were bodyguards in suits, a woman sitting on a chair in the corridor, who seemed to be a professional bodyguard, and there were many nurses walking around in the corridor, as well as patients and family members with registration sheets.If such a situation kills, it is easy to cause chaos, that is to say, it is easy to escape.

With their hands in their pockets, they walked and talked, laughing from time to time, as they strode toward the end of the corridor.

"I didn't expect that Professor Zhang would be able to have a son in old age. It seems like a good time to celebrate, but the salary must not be small. Although he has just been transferred, we will work together in the future!"

"Yes, yes, let's discuss it." The two pushed open the door of the office as if no one was there, and closed the door with another hand. The sound of locking made Lian Rong frown. The doctor's accent didn't look like a local, and Lianrong's mind flashed the appearance of the two walking over. Their steps were neat, neither light nor heavy, and the scales were consistent. They looked like soldiers, with their hands in their pockets in unison. Something went wrong, but there seemed to be some dust on the shoes, not as clean as other doctors, and when I walked past, there seemed to be a faint smell of cigars on my body, and it lacked the clean smell of a doctor, which seemed wrong.The moment the two of them closed the door, these things flashed through Lian Rong's mind.

Lian Rong walked over quickly, pushed the door, it was locked, Lian Rong immediately knocked twice.Still nothing.

In the office, the entry of two male doctors attracted everyone's attention. Liu Ruzhen looked at the two of them. As the director of the hospital, she knew every doctor and nurse in the hospital. After a careful look, he did not know these two doctors.

"Which hospital are you from? Is there something wrong here?"

"Hush!" One of them made a hissing motion, and suddenly strangled the neck of a female nurse next to him with one hand, the three-edged thorn gleaming coldly pressed against her neck, and her slightly opened mouth was covered with one hand .

"We don't want to be born, we only want money." The male doctor smiled, but he didn't know that the height and eyes of these two people quickly passed through Xiao Xiao's mind. A message from the thin-skinned walker brothers.In particular, the triangular thorn resting on the nurse's neck was extremely thin on one side and could easily cut off the neck.The two sisters are so connected that they don't need to look at each other at all.

"I'll give you all the money, don't come here—" The sisters of the Lin family took out their wallets, opened them tremblingly, and took out less than 2000 yuan, so that they could check the wallets for the other party to look at, and then put them on the table in front of them. He retreated in a panic, took another two steps, and bumped into a lifting rack.

"This is not the cashier's counter. Why did you come here to steal money? Hurry up and leave before the security finds out." Professor Liu Ruzhen said calmly, although she was frightened.

"Don't be afraid—" the two approached, the nurse's legs were trembling, her neck was already bleeding, and her eyes were full of horror.

"Open the door, what's going on inside, don't open and kick the door anymore." Lian Rong had already pulled out a gun outside the door, and the other two bodyguards had also pulled out guns, and the three of them hid to one side, ready to break the door immediately.

"Don't come in, the hostage is in our hands, once you break the door, the hostage's neck will be taken off." One of them shouted.

Lian Rong was anxious and hated, this office door was made of solid wood, without glass, so she couldn't see what was going on inside at all, she was all to blame, why didn't she stop those two fake calls and ask.Who are the hostages?The younger sister of the Lin family is very powerful and cannot be easily restrained. The president Xiao Xiao is not an ordinary person. Could it be her aunt Zhu Yueting or a doctor or nurse.

"Please, don't hurt the nurse!" Smile cried.

Lian Rong outside the door suddenly woke up, thinking that it was too late, Miss Nurse, God bless you!I can't wait any longer.

"Second brother, I can only do it without skill this time." The hostage-taker used his left hand, and the nurse fell to the ground directly. He rushed over with Zhu Yueting.

"Bang bang——" the skinner's second child took out his two guns and fired two shots at the door.

"Bang!" Two male bodyguards kicked the door open, and the skinner's second child inside squatted on the side of the sofa against the wall, using the sofa as a cover to shoot outwards, and the left leg that hadn't retracted was shot immediately. .Lian Rong was holding the door frame with one hand, hooking the other foot on the bulletin board on the wall, leaning against the wall, hanging above it, with her head on the upper left corner of the door, when the door was kicked open, she poked her head out and stretched out her gun. He opened his mouth and shot suddenly. As a skinner with extremely keen perception, he leaned back, leaned against the wall, and shot at Lianrong.

Look at the boss of the Skin Walker, who quickly slid towards Xiao Xiao, and the military thorn pierced Xiao Xiao's forehead with a cold light. Xiao Lian, who was trembling on the lifting frame, held the iron rod, and slammed the base at the Thin Skin Walker who was rushing over.The thin-skinned walker showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly pulled out his left hand in his pocket. Xiao Lian could see clearly that it was a triangular dart with a cold light.At the same time, on the side of the skinner, the target of the military stabbing instantly became Lin Xiaorong.

"Pfft!" Just as the thin-skinned walker was about to shake his hand and throw the dart, a green light flashed, and a green jade hairpin pierced the skinned walker's wrist.

The skinner groaned, but still quickly stabbed at Lin Xiaorong, and Lin Xiaolian's drip frame was smashed empty.A shiny golden thing flew towards Flayer.

"View treasure!"

Skinner narrowed his eyes, the flying thing was too dazzling.Skinner suddenly felt that something was not going well today, he didn't realize that the beautiful woman was actually a master, and the hairpin he threw out was faster than him, and he shot his wrist first, preventing the dart in his hand from being thrown out.And what is this shiny golden thing?The Skinner tilted his head, and the thing flew over.

The moment the skinned walker squinted, Lin Xiaolian shook the drip stand again and hooked the thin-skinned walker's calf.The Skinner, whose footing was not stable, leaned on the table with his right arm, only three feet away from the Skinner, Lin Xiaorong, who was leaning on an adjacent table, grabbed the crystal nameplate on the table, and slammed it at the Skinner's head, However, the accuracy of the head was too poor, and it flew directly above the head.Just as the boss of Skinner Walker leaned on the table and got up, Lin Xiaolian's small leather boots suddenly kicked towards his crotch, as fast as lightning.

The Skinner could pierce Lin Xiaolian's shoulder, but he didn't have time to pierce her chest, because the small shiny boot would arrive first, so he, who hadn't practiced iron gear skills, would be beaten like a chicken.Based on the experience honed in life and death many times, the skinner made another evasion.Flash back.

"Ah!" There was a scream from behind the Skinwalker, and the muffled gunshots sounded one after another, and a chill flashed in the head of the retreating Skinwalker boss.It turned out that the first time Lin Xiaorong smashed out was a gilded bronze statue of Bethune, the reflection of the sun made the boss of the peeling walker close his eyes.The crystal nameplate that was smashed out for the second time was not facing the boss, but a little farther away, the second son with his head exposed on the other side of the room. In an instant, a bodyguard hit the Skinning Walker in the chest, and the moment Lianrong fell from the door frame, a bullet hit the Skinning Walker's second child between the eyebrows.Xiao Xiao was also touching and throwing something. One hand accidentally broke off the metal ball on the head of the bed. Although it was hollow, it was still very heavy. The jaw or neck position.

The boss of the skinning walker couldn't dodge in time, so he could only block with his right arm.Seeing the opportunity came, Lin Xiaorong suddenly jumped up and kicked the Skinner's ribs and back with both feet.Skinning Walker's right arm blocked his line of sight, and he only felt that the white iron ball hit his right forearm, which hurt very much, as if the bones were broken, and he was still thinking about how this delicate woman was so strong.Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a pair of leather boots flying towards him, and the skinner made a roll to the left under such circumstances.He actually avoided Lin Xiaorong's flying right foot, but gave his waist to Lin Xiaorong's left foot.

With a dull sound, the Violent Walker rolled and hit the opposite washbasin stand.Skinning Walker followed the force of the impact and was about to stand up. Lin Xiaolian, who was gaining momentum, jumped into the air. A cold light flashed in the eyes of the boss of Skinning Walker, and a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth. Jump through the girl's belly and she will bleed to death.And he was bound to be blown in the head by a bullet from the bodyguard who broke into the door. This was the fate of his two brothers. The skinning walker boss was like looking at his brother behind him before dying, but he probably would never see it again.

"Pfft!" The sound of piercing the flesh, as well as the spray of blood, made a sound of piercing the air. The boss of the skinning walker widened his eyes in disbelief, looking at Lin Xiaolian who jumped up for the second time on the B-ultrasound machine. The frame stabbed over.The skinning walker's arm plus the army spine is 1.5 meters long, but Lin Xiaolian's arm plus the drip frame is two meters long.Although the boss of the Skinner was the first to attack, he held his grudges on the inconspicuous drip rack. The hook on the end of the drip bottle pierced the skinner's neck fiercely. He was standing up and was caught Nailed fiercely to the ground, Lin Xiaolian's dive force was too great, the drip frame crushed the skinner's throat, and when he couldn't bear it, it broke from the front end, and the broken lever pierced him like an iron spear. Flayed Walker's left chest, yes, definitely through the heart.Originally, at the moment when the skinner's throat was broken, he wanted to use a dying blow to eject the two-inch tip of the military thorn. This mechanism is enough to pull a backrest as a dying counterattack, but how could the drip frame break? It broke so quickly. Actually pierced his heart like lightning.

Lin Xiaolian rolled over and fell to the ground, with panic in her eyes, because the army thorn was very close to her.The Skinner seemed to have found a sense of satisfaction again. Just as he was about to close his eyes, he saw a sneer at the corner of the woman's mouth and a scalpel that was about to fly out of his hand.

"Yeah, with that woman's strong wrist, I don't have time to hurt the girl in front of me. I will definitely be pierced through the forehead by a scalpel, and dying in the hands of a master is my best destination!" The eye had such a thought for a moment, and then fell into eternal darkness and nothingness.

"Ah!" The little nurse leaning on the bookshelf screamed, looking at everything in horror.

"President—how are you doing?" Lian Rong's right arm was bruised on the ground, so she stood up a little slowly, but she saw the process of the skinner's boss going to death, from breaking the door to Lian Rong standing up, it only took three seconds However, in these three seconds, there was an extremely thrilling life-and-death shootout, military thorns and darts against drip racks, a bronze statue of Bethune—and a hodgepodge duel of crystal cards.

"Ah—ah—" Zhu Yueting and Professor Liu Ruzhen yelled twice, a little unresponsively. Although they were terrified, they were more in disbelief.Dazzling for a moment, the man rushed over, and then there was a loud noise, and it became what it is now. There were two dead bodies lying on the ground, blood flowed all over the floor, and the little nurse leaned on the bookshelf and screamed.The bodyguard rushed in with a gun.Professor Liu's mind is a little messed up. He has seen many dead people over the years, and blood is seen every day. The scene in front of him is not scary, but he can't accept it for a while.

Xiao Xiao waved her hands and said, "No one is injured here, is the pony outside?"

"I hurt my calf, it's a skewer and it's not a big deal." The bodyguard Xiao Li also walked in with Xiao Ma supported.

"Follow me to the treatment room, and I will disinfect and suture the wound for you." Professor Liu Ruzhen woke up with a start, and did not ask what was going on.Go straight to the injured pony.By the way, he pulled the little nurse up.

"Little Mom, are you okay? Close your eyes, and I'll take you out." Xiao Xiao held Zhu Yueting's hand, but Zhu Yueting didn't close her eyes, she just looked up at the sky, didn't dare to look at the ground, and followed Xiao Xiao out .The younger sister of the Lin family followed closely behind.

"Go into this office and wait for a while." Lian Rong pushed open the door of an office, Xiao Xiao dragged Zhu Yueting in, and the girl next door followed.Two more bodyguards ran over from the other end of the corridor. They heard the gunshots from downstairs and ran up. Lian Rong called Lin Tao and reported the incident.About 5 minutes later, the Criminal Police Team of the Public Security Bureau arrived, and Hu Yang came in person to comfort the client.After a while, Lin Tao led people to arrive, held Zhu Yueting's hand, comforted her a few words, and let in a trace of true energy, Zhu Yueting only felt comfortable all over her body, and her panic was relieved.

"Chief, I'm a bit dereliction of duty." Lian Rong saw sweat on her forehead, her expression was a little painful.

"Let me see!" Lin Tao put his hand on Lian Rong's right shoulder, and he could perceive the reason of Lian Rong's pain through the aura.


"Tell me, how did you get those two people close?" Lin Tao asked in a deep voice.

"Just 15 minutes ago -- oops --" Lian Rong yelled in pain, her arm thumped and was reset by Lin Tao, it turned out that Lian Rong fell and dislocated.Lin Tao massaged a few times with his palms, and Lianrong felt his shoulders were warm and numb, but there was no pain at all.Move your shoulder as if it wasn't hurt.

"Okay, let's talk about it when we go back. Let's go home first. Hu Yang sent someone to investigate the scene. Afterwards, come to my house."

"Yes, Chief!" Hu Yang felt a little heavy in his heart. Although the death of the two killers is something to be happy about, it also highlights the increase in vicious criminal cases in Xiliang, especially those with guns. For the mayor and his family.

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