Jagged city

Chapter 328

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 320

Lin Tao went to work, reviewed documents in the morning, attended a banquet at noon, and held a mayor's office meeting at two o'clock. When he returned home at 03:30, the two teachers, Zhao Banxian and Qin Liehu, had already arrived. ╞ Chinese? ╡

Lin Tao greeted the two teachers, and the two old monks were also very happy.Qin Liehu has been in Africa for two months, and he looks even tougher.Lin Tao asked Qin Liehu how Africa was, and Qin Liehu said that the people there were too dark, and his words made everyone laugh.Qin Liehu took out the presents from Jared, the commander of the Colombian border guards. There were two boxes of wine, two boxes of cigars, and a velvet jewelry box. When he opened it, he saw six diamonds the size of peas and three pink ones. The three colorless ones reflected the sunlight and were very beautiful. They immediately caught the attention of Zhu Yueting and Xiao Xiao. The diamond bracelet that Lin Tao brought Xiao Xiao back from Africa last time made Zhu Yueting envious for a long time.

Xiao Xiao said: "I think I can use these six diamonds to make a bracelet for my little mother, so as not to be greedy for mine."

"Who is greedy for you, let's go back to the room and enjoy it!" Zhu Yueting's little mouth burst open in joy.

"That's my diamond, it's a gift for Dad." Lin Tao shouted from behind.

"Stingy!" Xiao Xiao glared at Lin Tao.

"Don't be stingy, I estimate that the cost of the diamond is 500 million." Lin Zhiyuan laughed.

Lin Tao ran back to the room, took out the giant sword as if offering a treasure, and handed it to the two teachers for appreciation.The two old monks looked at it and said it was a real sword.Lin Tao took out a finger-thick steel bar, and cut off sections of small iron rods like a radish with a sword.Zhao Banxian smiled and said, "Junior brother, this sword was worth ten thousand taels of gold in ancient times, and it will be collected by the royal family."

"This is made of alloy. It is made of ancient iron smelting techniques combined with modern metallurgical forging techniques. The hardness of the sword body itself will not cause any damage if you hit it with a pistol."

These people have studied countless things, and Lin Zhiyuan is also very interested when he sits beside them.Lin Tao played a video of the sisters practicing martial arts for several people, hoping that Zhao Banxian and Qin Liehu would give advice on close combat and how to build weapons suitable for the two of them.

Qin Liehu said: "The two senior sisters are flexible and they are policemen. Apart from guns, the most suitable ones are of course daggers!"

"Li Hu is right. It should be good to use a dagger. When I was young, I made a good friend. That guy was small and good at using daggers, and he used them viciously. It was the sharpest offensive method. I told him I've been dating for six or seven years, and I know nine levels of the dagger technique, so I'll think about it and teach them. It's just that the two girls are too fierce to use it." Zhao Banxian asked.

"I'm afraid they won't be vicious. One of their sisters is in the anti-riot special brigade and the other is in the criminal police team. All they met were desperadoes. A few days ago, they and Xiao Xiao met the international killer Flayer and almost died. Both of them were murderers. The body is covered with blood, and the killing and skinning are heinous. When meeting such a person, you must use fatal tricks, because if you are not careful, you may die." Lin Tao said with emphasis.

"Amitabha, good! Good! Killing the wicked is doing good. You should teach those two girls well." The old monk Huineng clasped his hands together and said to Zhao Banxian.

"Yes, Master."

"I'm relieved to have my brother train me for a while. My brother's legwork is superb. With the use of a dagger, close combat will definitely be very powerful. Liehu, please help me, and train those bodyguards by the way." Lin Tao was happy. Said.

After a while, Xiao Xiao took out three sets of white silk Tang suits. Xiao Xiao asked someone to rush to make them privately, and asked the two old monks and Zhao Banxian to change the monk robes. .

The old monk smiled and said, "This clothes are more comfortable and natural than the monk's robes. In the future, the monk's clothes should be changed to this."

Xiao Xiao said happily: "Master, this is a Tang suit, a traditional Chinese iconic costume."

"It's not bad. Wearing this is fine for practicing. It looks neat and tidy." Zhao Banxian looked clean and tidy in his Tang suit.

Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao took a few people around Baishi Villa to familiarize themselves with the environment.Check out the basement again.Seeing the novelty of the gun, the old monk couldn't help but try it out. He fired a few shots. After Lin Tao pointed out, after ten shots, all the guns had ten rings.It seems that the feel of the gun is very important.In the underground practice room, Lin Tao practiced Wudang's Demon Sword, and even the old monk nodded frequently.

Monk Huiming laughed and said: "Although it is stealing art, this Wudang secret technique cannot be carried forward without innate talent!"

"That's true, but if there is a chance, we should pass this stunt back to Wudang." Huineng said after seeing it.

Lin Tao nodded.Qin Liehu's eyes lit up while watching, and he asked excitedly, "Master, when will you teach me this trick!"

Lin Tao smiled and said, "What are you in a hurry for? You have to put your heart on the cultivation of internal strength now, to achieve the unity of internal and external, and wait until your mind is calm."

Zhao Banxian stroked his goatee and said, "Fierce tigers practiced horizontally and reached the peak. Under nature, it is very difficult to have an opponent. If one day the mind and nature are the same, there is no chance to break through the innate."

The old monk was so excited that he asked his apprentices Zhao Banxian and Qin Liehu to attack Lin Tao. Lin Tao was at the same speed. In terms of moves, he was far behind them, because Lin Tao was most familiar with Bagua Lotus Palm and Hunyuan Thunderbolt Fist.Zhao Banxian and Qin Liehu learned mixed things and changed strangely.Lin Tao uses the eight trigrams lotus palms to walk like the wind, even though the two martial arts masters are so powerful and attack like a storm, they still stand still.In the fight with Lin Tao, Zhao Banxian's desperate kick was fully displayed. If Lin Tao hadn't dodged quickly, he almost kicked Lin Tao's left arm.Qin Liehu's iron-sand palm, the big slap was like a cattail leaf fan, whistling in the wind, Lin Tao occasionally felt his palm go numb. Ten minutes later, as soon as Lin Tao accelerated, the two of them couldn't stand it anymore. Seeing Lin Tao in front, back, left, and right, Baguazhang attacked like mountains and seas, and they were in a hurry to defend. One minute later, Lin Tao stepped back, and saw Zhao Banxian supporting his leg, beads of sweat dripping down his face, while Qin Liehu was panting heavily with his mouth open.

The old monk Huiming smiled and said, "You are born with a long breath, so you will inevitably suffer. If the inner strength of the two of you is a bucket of water, then Lin Tao's inner strength is the big pool of water outside."

"So much difference!" Lord Tiger asked in disbelief.

"That's right, look at your master, your breath is still even now, and you don't sweat at all."

"F*ck, I have to cultivate the unity of the inside and the outside. I'm so tired that I look like a bastard." Master Hu swears, and several people don't care.The two took a shower below, and Lin Tao brought new clothes to change into.The Tang suit Xiao Xiao made three sets for each of them, enough for changing.The changed clothes are sent to the laundry room, where there are dry cleaning machines, and there are special personnel responsible for washing and ironing clothes.

In the evening, Lin Tao accompanied the two teachers, Zhao Banxian, for dinner, so that the teachers would be restrained when eating with the Lin family.For dinner, Lin Tao prepared shark's fin and abalone for several people. They are not big fish or meat. They look very light and focus on high nutrition.Anyway, the teacher is only living an abstinent life, and it does not mean that he will never eat meat, so Lin Tao prepared these.Qin Liehu ate meat with the bodyguards. Master Hu would not like meat, so it was a trivial matter for him to eat five catties of meat every meal.

At night, the practice room was brightly lit, Zhao Banxian taught the two sisters the 'Death Dagger', and Qin Liehu trained the bodyguards.Lin Tao and two teachers exchanged their inner strength experience in the roof attic. The two old monks were very interested in this attic with a glass dome. You can see the stars all over the sky when you look up. It is very suitable for practicing meditation here.That day, the place was occupied by two old monks who told Lin Tao to have three meals a day delivered, so as not to disturb others.

Lin Tao said in his heart, okay, let's use the roof of the building as an iron brake mountain.Lin Tao told the two teachers how to use the remote control, and then got off the rooftop.

After breakfast the next day, Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao went to the golf course together. They were invited by the consul of the German Consulate, Mr. and Mrs. Max. President Ken and his wife.

Playing golf is nothing more than a means of communication, but you can’t do it well. Even if you can’t play well, at least you have to look good. Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao have played a few times since they built a golf course in Xiliang. They have an indoor golf training device at home. In order to cope with the scene, practice occasionally.Both of them are flexible with their hands, so they can get started very quickly. They can't be called masters, but they are superior in their graceful movements.

After the meeting, they exchanged pleasantries, walked into the court, and started playing. They said they were playing, but more of chatting. Undoubtedly, these people were centered on Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao. The Max and his wife were just a bridge. Yaozi Xiliang invested and built a factory.The three fair-haired ladies are all around forty years old, plus they have good maintenance and beauty, they look very temperamental, and their looks are also top-notch, but they undoubtedly become aunt-level characters when they surround Xiao Xiao, especially Xiao Xiao's skin makes her feel more attractive. The three ladies are envious and jealous.It's very delicious that her husband didn't glance at Xiao Xiao.

"Oh, God, birdie! Mayor Lin is a master at hiding!"

"Thank you!" Lin Tao laughed in his heart. This is just a three-shot ball. If it was a five-shot ball, I could hit it to the edge in one hit, and make a hole in two. Eagle shots are trivial. (If only 1 putt is used, the total score is only 2 strokes, which is one stroke less than the par, then it is a birdie. Two strokes less than the par is an eagle.) Lin Tao’s strength is naturally good at playing long distances The ball is just a little bit of force for fear of shocking the world.

Seeing Lin Tao smirking in front of the three foreign women, Xiao Xiao was especially angry, and swung out with a swing, the three couples opened their mouths wide and slapped their hands on the awning to watch.Seeing that the ball ran to the flagpole.Caddies gesticulate in the distance.

"A hole-in-one! My God! President Xiao is simply a god of golf!" Several foreigners immediately flattered him.Xiao Xiao didn't expect to hit the ball so accurately, she just wanted to hit it far away, this is really a surprise.

"Ouye!" Xiao Xiao swung the cue fiercely, and jumped twice excitedly.It made the foreigner's eyes flutter.Lin Tao saw that his anger rose.When it was their turn, these people were still playing and chatting. The Mercedes-Benz vice president and his wife had a par, and the other two couples were a little ashamed. They were one more than the par.Three strokes, four strokes, five strokes, only these three shots, eight people spent two hours.Several people returned to the hall in a golf cart to drink coffee.Lin Tao expressed that he welcomes the two companies to enter Xiliang, and will try his best to provide preferential policies, specific terms, and specific negotiations.Representatives of the two companies were also very happy.After changing clothes, dine at a high-end western restaurant near the golf course.

The shining diamond bracelet on Xiao Xiao's wrist eclipsed the jewels on the ladies.Mrs. McKee couldn't help asking: "Mrs. Lin, is this a raw-color diamond!"

"Yes, it was sent by my husband's friend, a diamond dealer in Africa. It took him more than ten years to get together these seven primary color diamonds. The design style has the style of African primitive religion. I like it very much." Xiao Xiao slightly Said proudly, quite a bit of the demeanor of a noble lady.Lin Tao is slanderous, and he loves smug beauty.

Mrs. Max said with some jealousy: "Isn't it true that Chinese officials cannot accept bribes?"

Lin Tao said with a smile: "That friend and I fell in love at first sight, and we have no mutual interests. When we met for the first time, he insisted on giving me this bracelet. You may not believe me, but when I refused, he would give me 100 million yuan." The dollar has to be accepted by me, and I can't refuse my kindness."

"And this thing, it's really a fantasy." A few people didn't believe it, Max gave his wife a wink, and said in his heart, prodigal girls, it's none of your business to receive gifts, don't spoil the atmosphere.

"President Xiao, I heard that your company undertakes international business." Ken asked politely.

"Yes, as long as the security tasks that meet the company's business requirements are met, we will accept them. If we cooperate for a long time, we can offer discounts. Our security personnel are world-class. Although they are not so famous now, in the near future, I believe that people from all over the world There will be shadows of our company." Xiao Xiao said confidently.

"Are you taking on the task of escorting the freighter?" Ken continued to ask.

"Currently, escorting freighters is also one of our main tasks. Various routes in Southeast Asia, the Red Sea, passing through Somalia, and many routes in the Pacific Ocean are escorting tasks; in addition, we also undertake personal security, such as the protection of heads of state. Personal protection, etc.; and investment protection in other countries; if you are interested, I can send you a fax." Xiao Xiao said eloquently.

"Send me a copy too! I'm very interested." Mercedes-Benz representative interjected.

Ken thought for a moment and then asked: "Our company's investment in Africa has been affected by some local turmoil. Can this situation provide security?"

"This requires our company's actual investigation, and the fees charged for such security will be very high." Xiao Xiao said calmly.

"The cost is not a problem, I really hope to cooperate as soon as possible."

"No problem, you send the information to our company, send out invitations, and sign the inspection cooperation agreement, and we can enter the formal procedure. If it is in the interests of our company, we will sign a contract and send people." Xiao Xiao is very familiar with business, so Speaking of it, all the rules are right.

Ken asked with a serious expression: "According to our company's own assessment, we need more than 200 security personnel. Can President Xiao improve in time?"

"Personnel is not a problem. If we sign the contract now, we can send out enough security personnel tomorrow." Xiao Xiao smiled.

"Then I wish the two companies a successful cooperation!" Ken said, raising his glass.

After clinking glasses, Xiao Xiao said: "If you are interested, you can visit our company, at least to have an intuitive understanding, otherwise, you will think I am bragging."

With this episode, the lunch proceeded a little faster, and then, these people went directly to Gaotian International Security Company by car, while Lin Tao returned to the city hall.When these people saw Xiao Xiao's entourage of security personnel, they believed three levels. After arriving at the base, they saw the training of several special teams, and the group clapped their hands from time to time.

McKee praised: "It doesn't look worse than the US Marine Corps!"

Xiao Xiao said: "Although we haven't encountered it before, if the teams meet each other on a narrow road, we are confident that we will win."

Ken was very satisfied, nodded and said: "After I return to the office, I will ask someone to prepare relevant materials, and please send inspection personnel in time. The sooner our cooperation, the better."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said: "If the agreement is signed today, our inspectors will be able to reach your investment location within two days."

"So fast?" Ken couldn't believe it.

"In Africa, there are our corporate people."

"I see! It seems that your company is really powerful. I will go to the Middle East in two days. The environment there is a bit complicated. It seems that I need to hire your security personnel! Why don't you sign an agreement now!" The representative of the Mercedes-Benz company laughed road.

"No problem! Let's go upstairs!"

According to McGee's request, a ten-page A10 contract in both Chinese and English was prepared in 4 minutes.McGee read it twice carefully and signed it directly.Xiao Xiao opened champagne to congratulate, half an hour later, the group left Gao Tian.Xiao Xiao called Lin Tao and said that with Lin Tao's help, she signed a small personal security contract today. In addition, the security of the Persian Gulf Energy Group is definitely a big contract, which is very profitable.

"Hmph, how are you going to thank me?" Lin Tao asked.

"Let you give me a kiss!" Xiao Xiao said sweetly.

"Hey, is it up to me to decide where to kiss?" Lin Tao smiled lasciviously.

"Rogue!" Xiao Xiao hung up the phone.

In the afternoon of the same day, Ken came over in person again and signed an invitational inspection contract with Gao Tian.During the 20-day field trip, Ken will be responsible for all basic necessities, food, housing, transportation, and transportation. In addition, he will pay [-] US dollars in advance for the field trip.

In the afternoon, Lin Tao received a call from Hao Guoqiang, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, asking him to go to the Commission for Discipline Inspection tomorrow morning.After Lin Tao hung up the phone, he frowned, and said to himself, someone else is doing tricks, and Cui Zhiming still wants to hit me.Thinking about myself, it seems that I have not taken bribes from lower-level officials financially, and I have cheated emotionally. However, it seems impossible to find out the spy chief Di Anne.It seems to want to disgust me.Forget it, I haven't been born for some days, and it's time to go around and see some of the standing committee bosses.

Recently, Zhao Jinlin, Ma Zhantao, and Hong Quanli have been busy with the construction of high-rise residential areas in the northeast of Xiliang New District, and they haven't come to Baishi Villa for a few days.A year ago, the land surrounded by several people received dozens of times the return, and the earning was full of trenches.Now the million-square-meter high-end residential complex is about to be completed, and two-thirds of the high-end suites have been sold. Due to the high property prices in Xiliang New District, all investment and loans for these two-thirds of the buildings have been recovered. One-third of the suites are pure profits.Therefore, the three of them were working overtime, watching a lot of money coming into the account every day, and also considering whether to increase the house price by half a floor.That would earn nearly tens of billions. Lin Tao scolded them for being unscrupulous, and the three of them said that Xiao Xiao also had two shares, so Lin Tao kept silent.

Lin Tao called a few people to have dinner at Crescent Bay Hotel.The Crescent Bay Hotel was invested and built by the Junlian Group. It has been open for half a year, and the [-] rooms are fully booked every day, and it is also full of money.After receiving the call, the three of them said they were too busy to spare time. Lin Tao scolded, "You are busier than me, the mayor, as if I begged you!"

"Brother Lin calm down, there is really a contract for [-] houses to be negotiated, why don't we make an apology to you tomorrow?"

"I'm still busy tomorrow. Actually, I don't really want to invite you to dinner. The main thing is to let you ask if the old man is free. I will go to the provincial capital tomorrow and find a chance to get together." Lin Tao laughed.

"Bai has been guilty for a long time, feelings are such a thing, you just wait!" Zhao Jinlin snorted.

"Dare to forget, kick you out of Xiliang!"

"The landlord is rich and powerful, we really can't offend him, hang up."

Lin Tao said to himself: "I don't have a good time, so I can go home early and stay with Master."

When Lin Tao came home, he saw two old monks watching TV on the roof. It turned out that Xiao Xiao was afraid that the two old monks would be bored, so she took a flat-screen [-]-inch high-definition color TV to the attic.The two old monks were looking at the comments with great interest.

"It's really indecent to walk up and down the stage wearing two strips of cloth like this for everyone to see!"

"At the time of the Kuomintang, I went to an art school and saw a group of male students painting around a big naked girl! It's called body art." Senior monk Huiming said.

Lin Tao was amused when he heard it, and the old monk Huineng hurried to change the channel, but the sound became louder and louder.

Lin Tao smiled secretly, and said to the two old monks: "Master, tomorrow I will accompany you to the underground temple of the ancient Qiang people. It is quite mysterious there."

"You are a busy person, why do you accompany us two old monks, the twins said to take us." The old monk said.

Feeling still unwilling to accompany Lin Tao, Lin Tao touched his nose and said, "That's fine, let the two girls accompany the old man around. Isn't there a river bend under the villa? You can go fishing if you have nothing to do."

"I have been meditating all my life, and I have no interest in fishing." The old monk said.

Lin Tao was a little depressed when he heard it, and he couldn't help asking: "Master, have you had dinner yet? Disciple—"

"Just finished eating, it's okay, go down, we still have to watch TV."

Lin Tao had no choice but to go downstairs even more depressed.Lin Tao came back a bit late, everyone had finished eating, so he had to go to the kitchen on the second floor to eat something by himself.Then he went down to the practice field on the second floor of the basement, and saw two girls holding double daggers, fighting against Qin Liehu!The two maids moved forward and backward, left and right, high and low, jumping up and down, and the dagger greeted Qin Liehu's vitals from time to time with a cold light.Like two butterflies flying around a gorilla.

Next to him, Zhao Banxian was still pointing: "Cross his eyes—yes, aim at the heart, the arms are too straight—the lower abdomen—both ribs, kick the genitals—scratch the throat—"

When Lin Tao heard it, he felt chilly, and said to himself, these tricks taught by Zhao Banxian are really vicious.

"Be careful behind your back—oh——" Zhao Banxian slapped her thigh anxiously from there, and Lin Xiaolian was sent flying by Master Hu's backhand palm. Although Master Hu only used one layer of force, Xiaolian was still wearing a bulletproof vest, but it still hurts He yelled and lay down on the ground.

"Follower—ah——" Lin Xiaorong was knocked down to the ground by Master Hu.Lin Xiaorong grinned and rubbed her calf.

"Why are you exerting so much energy? Can this delicate little girl hold your big palm-leaf fan hands and those two-foot-long feet?" Zhao Banxian said with a jump.

"I'll just use one layer of energy!" Master Hu said aggrievedly.

Lin Tao came over, activated the meridians and muscles of the two girls, channeled some true energy, and the two became lively again, and rushed forward fiercely again.Seeing Lin Tao by his side, Lord Tiger couldn't let go of his hands and feet, but Lin Xiaorong pricked his chest. Although the clothes were torn, the skin didn't even have white spots.In the end, Master Hu grabbed his wrist and threw him flying. Lin Xiaorong flipped and landed firmly.Cursed perverted.

"Brother Hu, stand still and let me stab you a few times!" Lin Xiaolian gestured with a dagger.

"There is no enemy who stands still for you to pierce, you two are too embarrassing for me!" Lin Tao snorted.

"Who made Brother Hu so perverted? He looks like a humanoid robot. He doesn't react when he stabs it with a knife. He probably won't be able to pierce the bullet. The skin is so thick! How is it so long? Could it be a Titan?" Lin Xiaolian said with her head tilted. .

"I think you two are lazy people, so you know how to be lazy and slippery. In future training, you will hang five kilograms of iron sand on your calves and arms. Exercise your explosive power and speed."

"Ah, if you don't bring iron sand, you won't be able to pierce it. How can you play with it?" Lin Xiaorong said dejectedly.

But after hearing Lin Tao's next words, the two girls were overjoyed.Qin Liehu, who is the training partner, wears a 25-kilogram iron vest, with [-] kg of iron sand on each of his arms and legs.These equipments were all ready-made, and the three of them quickly equipped them, and now Lord Tiger really looked like a robot.Bare arms, exposing lumpy muscles.When practicing again, the speed of the two girls slowed down, but Master Hu's speed was even slower.It's not for fun to have a hundred kilograms of weight on your body.That is Lord Tiger, another special team member would not be able to move at all.Master Hu was a little uncoordinated at first, but after a while, he began to adapt, and his speed increased a bit. Under the attacks of the two girls, he was somewhat flustered, but he could still defend himself.

After 10 minutes, both sides were already sweating profusely, Lin Tao called a stop.Let the two girls go outside and run [-] laps around the court and swimming pool, and then come back.Qin Liehu also ran with a load.

"Brother, you want to play us to death! That lap is 1000 meters long." The two women ran out of the basement angrily, and Qin Liehu followed behind without daring to make a sound.

Lin Tao smiled at Zhao Banxian: "Their explosive power is not bad, but they all lack stamina. They need to train hard."

"It's a good idea to increase training, but the key is recovery. You have to train like this the next day. This requires long-term persistence."

The consequence of increasing the amount of training was that the three of them had an extra meal of stewed beef every night at ten o'clock. The two maids used big bowls to fill the beef, and Mr. Tiger held an iron basin.Because the two girls were afraid of growing fat, they added another 3000 meters of swimming the next morning. Lin Tao saw that it was good, and he knew that he had increased the amount of training.

The two sisters happily took the credit card Lin Tao gave them, put on windbreakers, drove a Hummer, and went shopping with three old men in Tang suits, woolen waistcoats and fox fur hats.Qin Liehu stayed in the villa to sit in charge.Lin Tao went to the province, and Xiao Xiao went to the company.

Walking on the street, many people noticed. The old monk looks like a landlord and rich man, Zhao Banxian has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, like a treacherous butler, and the sister flower with sunglasses in front looks like Miss Yang.After visiting the underground temple of the ancient Qiang nationality, the three old people were also amazed.

Then the two girls took the three old men to the carnival amusement park, where they went up and down on the roller coaster, and the three old men had a great time.The two girls bought marshmallows for the three old men, and the three old men were still childlike, playing with the two girls.In the game of throwing the ball into the box six meters away, the three old men were all grand slams, and the stall owner gave the best plush toys to the two girls with a bitter face.

The two sisters took the three old men to taste the snacks.Lin Xiaolian asked the old mage with chicken wings stuffed in his mouth, how does it taste?The old monk raised his eyes and said, there is a murderous look.

"Murderous?" The two sisters asked in confusion.

"Someone is following us, with a strong killing intent!" The old monk said as he swallowed the chicken wings.

"It's delicious!" A wounded woman with furry paws and a fox headgear ran over, followed by a man with a wolf's head, pushing towards the two sisters at the same time.

"It's the two of them!" The old monk pointed at a man and a woman running over with his chicken wings.

The two women were also polite, grabbed their wrists with their backhands, pulled down, and pulled their gloves off.Two shining daggers were exposed in the air.These two people were suddenly seen through, and they were a little passive.But he reacted in an instant, holding the dagger and slashing at the throats of the two of them.

"Xiayin!" Zhao Banxian also reminded that it was the training content of these two days.

The two women had the same conditioned reflex almost at the same time, and kicked them quickly and ruthlessly with one tan leg.

With a sound of "Aw!", the man had caught up with the non-human beings, and the man turned around and kicked on the thigh. The woman didn't dodge, screamed and sat on the ground, and began to roll over on her legs.The woman's lower body was also fragile, and Lin Xiaolian was wearing pointed leather shoes, so it was estimated that her nipples would have been kicked open.The man staggered a step with a muffled grunt, Lin Xiaorong couldn't help it, she jumped up, and the second leg spun over, the instep was wrapping around the man's ear.The man with the wolf's head fell to the ground and twitched, blood began to ooze from the snow-white wolf's mouth.The woman with the fox head next to her was still screaming and rolling.

The son and daughter quickly took out the handcuffs and handcuffed the two of them.Shout out to the panicked crowd around us, we are the police!

"Yes, female police sister Hua!" A young man in the crowd shouted, and then excitedly took pictures with his mobile phone. He didn't know him well, and someone was a step ahead, and even the fight was photographed.

Zhao Banxian pecked at his teeth and said, "They are all seriously injured, I guess they have to go to the hospital first."

The two sisters called Hu Yang and took them directly to the hospital, leaving behind Lin Xiaolian, while Lin Xiaorong took the three old men back to Baishi Villa, sent them home, and then rushed to the hospital.When I went to the hospital, Hu Yang, the bureau chief, and He Ning, the team leader, were there.Two suspects, undergoing surgery. Ten minutes later a man was pushed out, with a shattered skull, severe brain damage, and was pronounced dead.Hu Yang opened it and saw that he was a European with red hair, blue eyes and big nose.People from the technical department next to him rushed to take pictures.Hu Yang said to his subordinates, send him to the forensic department.

The other one was pushed out in three hours. According to the doctor, the penis was broken and one side of the pubic bone was crushed, requiring a second operation.Hu Yanghe Ning looked at the pointed leather shoes of the two women, feeling a little urgent to urinate, so he arranged for guards, and then rushed to the toilet one after another.

"Director, this sister of the chief is so cruel. One move is terrible! One kick smashed the skull, and the other kick smashed the buttocks, just thinking about it makes me shiver!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you talk, I can't urinate." Hu Yang became more and more anxious and couldn't urinate, and his bladder felt uncomfortable.

He Ning was amused by Populus euphratica.

"You boy!" As soon as Hu Yang relaxed, the water flowed out cheerfully, Hu Yang shivered and almost peed on his pants.

"I just killed the international killer Skinning Brothers, and this time it seems that the two dead are not small. I just declared for the reward, and I have to declare this time! Blessings come from misfortunes!" He Ning said, shaking his head.

"Stop dragging, and send people to step up patrolling in a dense crowd. This is an attack on Chief Lin's family. If you change to ordinary people, maybe these two guys can kill hundreds of people."

Hu Yang is really right, these two are also international assassins, they want to get the reward from Singing Tian, ​​they have been here for a week, but they have not found a chance, and finally saw the time when the two women were singled out, and found that they brought three bad The old man thought that the bonus would be easy to get, but he didn't expect to die.These two killers are also very good in close combat, but these two days of training with Lord Tiger, grabbing the wrists, and Tan's legs are conditioned reflexes, plus the explosive power is strong, the female killer was hit on the spot, the male killer Although Dodged the lower part of the vagina, but the tendon of the thigh root was kicked and broken.So one move was defeated.If it was an ordinary crowd, it was at the playground, and it is estimated that these two people could kill hundreds of people.

In addition to the dagger, the two killers also had a pistol hidden in the hood.These two were mainly careless, thinking that using a dagger would be enough to kill the two policewomen calmly without anyone noticing, but they really didn't expect Sister Hua to be so powerful and ruthless.

The technical department compared the video data of the prisoner with the international wanted criminals of the Ministry of Public Security. After 10 minutes, they searched for the information of the two people. Unexpectedly, these two are also husband and wife killers, known as the jackal couple.One was born in Denmark and one was born in Iceland.Both were wanted by their respective countries, and later met when they assassinated the same target, and fell in love at first sight, forming a powerful husband and wife killer.Famous in Europe.Although wanted many times, he has been at large.

"Oh my God, my dream girl, Sister Hua, has made great achievements again." The guy from the information department pointed to the two pictures of wanted criminals on the screen and shouted.Others gathered around to take a look, envious and jealous again.

One of the women shouted, "Why can't I meet an international killer!"

"You—you're waiting to be cut into pieces. You think international killers are cockroaches that can be trampled to death! Just these two, they killed more than a dozen big shots, and stabbed more than 20 bodyguards with guns to death."

"Cut, I can't flirt!" The office lady rolled her eyes, turned her butt and left.

Although the two sisters made meritorious deeds again, they were severely reprimanded by Lin Tao, saying that if the two teachers hadn't followed and were killed by others, they wouldn't know how they died, and they wouldn't be vigilant at all.Wear a bulletproof vest when you go out.

"The bulletproof vests of the police force are too thick, and they look ugly." The two sisters said coyly.

"It's to make you look good!" The foreheads of the two were knocked immediately.

Xiao Xiao hurriedly said: "Don't we have ultra-thin ones! Why don't you just wear them when you go out in the future? Why do you play assassination every day? It doesn't make people worry."

"Yeah, didn't I buy a batch of ultra-thin ones, which can resist daggers and pistol bullets, why have I never thought of it!" Lin Tao said, patting his forehead.

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