Jagged city

Chapter 349

Jagged City - Chapter 340 Nine Great Contest

In about 15 minutes, everything was arranged on the steps. On the rostrum, Wu Dang, the head teacher, the president of the Wushu Association, the second elder of Jin Shang, Lin Tao's grandfather and the two masters sat down respectively. ┠★ & ┨

On the left are Lin Tao, Zhao Banxian, a half-way monk, Qin Liehu, and the two younger generations of the Lin family, Lin Yun and Lin Tong.On the opposite side are other masters from other sects, and standing behind them are elite disciples from various schools, one eyeing Lin Tao and the others.

Someone on the opposite side smiled and said, "Are these few people able to stand up to us? Isn't this a little bullying?"

"Huh? Bullying people? He is the founder of a sect, can you bully the founder of a certain sect? Today is considered to be here."

Lin Yun and Lin Tong looked at each other, stood up and said, "Brother, we are willing to worship under the Hunyuan Wuji Taixuan sect, please accept us as registered disciples."

Lin Tao knew that these two brothers had been hinted by their grandfather, so they really helped him, so he nodded and said, "Okay, you two are qualified enough to become registered disciples. In the past year, you have improved rapidly, but practicing martial arts is like sailing against the current. You need to make further progress and work hard. Today, I will accept the two of you as registered disciples for the time being, and the initiation ceremony will be held after the establishment of the mountain gate in the future."

In the group of disciples standing behind the famous martial arts master on the opposite side, someone taunted him again: "It's interesting, I thought that just pulling two people on the street can form a sect. It's really annoying and funny."

"This kind of ignorant people, how do you know what kind of sect, and you don't have to be polite when you make a move later. This kind of person is owed."

On the stage, Tan Batian coughed, his voice was like a bell, and the old man was full of energy, and said loudly: "Today, Sun Lintao, the patriarch of Lin in Baishi Town, Hubei, and Lin Zhenwu want to create a new family. Everyone present is a witness. According to the rules of the world , To create a sect, it must be recognized by various factions in the martial arts world. Now Wudang Holy Land has gathered representatives and elites of various martial arts sects. As long as everyone present agrees, Hunyuan Wuji Taixuan will officially become a member of the Chinese martial arts world. According to the tradition, Mr. Lin and his sect will accept the challenge from the representatives of the sect present. Swords have no eyes, so it is safer for us to compete with fists and feet. Before the competition, we will announce a few rules: one is not to use hidden weapons, and two, after hitting the opponent to the ground , can not pursue; three, can not attack the eyes, throat, back of the head and lower genitals, the contest wins or loses, according to whether one party admits defeat or falls to the ground, and the judgment of everyone on the rostrum. If both sides are ready, start to end now. Mr. Lin, you go out first!"

All eyes focused on Lin Tao.

Lin Tao stood up and said, "The Hunyuan Wuji Taixuanmen was founded today, and Lin is very grateful to be witnessed by the masters of various schools in the Chinese martial arts world and famous martial arts figures. According to the rules of the world, I, the Hunyuan Wuji Taixuanmen, will accept the challenge. Although it is a new sect, there are already five people present in the sect. Let me introduce to you first. This is my Senior Brother Zhao. With the approval of my mentor En Zhun and my senior brother, I am now respectfully serving as the guardian elder of our sect. In addition, there are also registered disciples present The three of them are Qin Liehu, Lin Yun, and Lin Tong. Lin Tong, you are the first to appear on the stage and ask the talents of other sects for advice."

"Yes, head!" Lin Tong replied, walked off the stage, and came to the middle of the venue.

He clasped his fists to the people on the east side and said, "Lin Tong is a registered disciple of the Hunyuan Wuji Taixuan sect, and I hope all senior brothers will not hesitate to ask for advice."

"Lin Tong, I'll meet you!" A person jumped down from the stage, walked quickly to Lin Tao's side, cupped his fists and said, "Zhao Yan, a disciple of Five Elements Fist."

The two said please, and then opened their posture.Lin Tong was a master of the fourth tier of the Lin family last year. With the help of Lin Tao, he broke through to the fifth tier. After a year of stability and hard work, he is now in the middle of the fifth tier.Therefore, Lin Tong is still very confident.

Seeing that Lin Tong didn't attack first, Zhao Yan stayed patiently for a minute, but he seemed to feel the urging eyes on the stage, shouted and rushed towards Lin Tong.The distance between the two was no more than eight meters, and within two steps, Zhao Yan raised his fist and hit Lin Tong directly in the face.

Lin Tong shook his head and staggered his body. Zhao Yan was secretly excited. His punch was throwing stones to ask for directions, and it was a false move. Just waiting for the opponent to change, Zhao Yan let out a high and kicked Lin Tong's lower back.This foot is very sharp and fast, but in Lin Tong's view, there are many flaws. He twisted his body and staggered his feet. He didn't use much effort, but Zhao Yan was thrown away, fell five meters away, and lay there like a toad with a choked sound.Fortunately, a 15-meter-by-[-]-meter blanket was spread on the bluestone floor. It took Zhao Yan a long time to get up, groaning and feeling like his body was falling apart, and his nose was bloody when he touched it.Because the throwing posture was too ugly, some juniors behind the east stand couldn't help laughing, and some people looked back, but they didn't find who it was?

"Boy, you sneak attack. Watch!" Zhao Yan jumped over and kicked again.The five people on the stage stopped, and the people from the Five Elements Gate in the east stand also felt that Zhao Yan was careless just now, and they couldn't see the real ability.Therefore, five people spoke.Let Zhao Yan play tricks.

Lin Tao dodged and staggered, Zhao Yan stepped forward, and punched Lin Tong directly in the chest. Seeing that the fist was about to hit Lin Tong's chest, Lin Tong turned to one side, and the fist hit nothing, but Zhao Yan's wrist was caught by Lin Tao, and he went again. In the area around his arms, Zhao Yan had so much fun, he leaned his body and ran forward, running a full ten meters, and then stood in front of him, so as not to get down.

On the stage, Tan Batian frowned, thinking that it was embarrassing, and it was not a series at all.

"In the first match, Lin Tong wins!" Tan Batian shouted.

Zhao Yan, blushing and thick-necked, slipped to the east stand, lowering his head and not daring to look at anyone.

Now some juniors in the East Stand didn't dare to be sarcastic, because Zhao Yan's ability is not bad, at least there are seven or eight people in the East Stand who can't match him.

In the east stand, several sect representatives whispered to each other, and Tie Jianmen sent a person.Five short stature, axle shaft man, flashing his coat, revealing his vest, with lumpy flesh all over his body, this is Iron Fist Li Da.

Qin Liehu glanced twice, and said to Lin Tao: "Master, this kid also practices hard skills, and his footwork is very stable. He should have some strength, but he doesn't know how fast he is?"

"Little brother, I can smash a cobblestone in half with my punch. I'm afraid you won't be able to resist my punch because of your delicate skin and tender flesh. Why don't you simply admit defeat and let your sect master come down to compete with me."

This guy looks simple and honest, but in fact he is very sinister. Lin Tong sneered: "A martial arts competition is not a competition of throwing stones. Are you a stonemason?"

"Boy, I'll beat you like a stone today." Although this guy has short legs, he kicked backwards quickly, coming over like a roller.

Lin Tong kept dodging, dodging the punch-like attack.Two minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and the axle man swung his fists. He was a little short of breath and sweated from exhaustion. The boy cursed, "You are a monkey. If you dare not fight with me, you will surrender."

"Admit defeat, I was just warming up just now. I think your boxing skills are not bad. You can also try a few punches from me." Lin Tong rushed into this man's chest with his fist, and this man squatted there, trying to resist Let Lin Tong know his own strength.There was a muffled bang, and the fist hit his chest firmly. The man sat on the ground with his qi and blood surging, his face was very red, and he even felt a dull pain in his chest.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to still have the strength." The axle man jumped up and punched.Lin Tong didn't dodge, he blocked with his left arm, swung away the opponent's arm, and struck straight with his right fist.Hit in the chest again, this Teng Teng stepped back five steps, the corner of his mouth twitched, thinking that he hit another place.My chest hurts more and more, I'm afraid it's purple.

"Hey!" This one jumped over again, but was swung away by Lin Tong again, received a third punch in the chest, and took another five steps back.The car-pumping man stood there clutching his chest, his face was a little blue, the corners of his mouth were twitching, and beads of sweat were protruding from his forehead.

"Boy, you are amazing, I admit it, but I don't accept it?" the man said.

Lin Tong smiled: "Why don't you accept it?"

"You just hit me. Although I lost, I am still not convinced. If you can receive a punch from me, I will be convinced."

"Okay, I'll let you punch me." Lin Tong didn't care.

Lin Tao just frowned, and from the corner of his eye, he saw that Lin Zhennan on the stage had a bad expression. The old man snorted, thinking that he was still short-handed, and he was not waiting to be smashed. What if he was injured by the other party.And standing there waiting to be beaten, the opponent is fully prepared and can use [-]% of his strength, so it is still unclear who will win and who will lose.

"Good job! Get ready!" The axle man tried his best to restrain his smile. If he punched with enough strength, even a sandbag could be broken.This flesh and blood body can be compared to sandbags.

"I'm standing up, come on!" Lin Tong came into a squatting position on a horse.

"Then I'm on it—hey!" The axle man took three steps to run up, and then punched with all his strength.All the strength of the whole body is concentrated on this punch.

"Ha——" Lin Tong shortened his body and swept his legs under his feet. The axle man flew out directly due to his own inertia, and ended up on a big horse.

At this time, many people on the stage were amused, and Tan Batian couldn't help laughing out loud, thinking, this kid is too fucking bad.Fuck that guy.Lin Zhennan even laughed out loud, stroking his gray beard, grinning to his ear, and cursing in his heart, this fucking boy is so listless.

That one finally got up, blushing and cursing with a thick neck: "Why the hell are you not trustworthy. Why are you still stumbling?"

"Who said I'm not trustworthy?"

"Didn't you say let me fight?"

"Yeah, I let you hit me, but I didn't say, you can't fight back, you can't hit me, who can be blamed, this is not a mason hitting a stone, can I wait for you to hit it? Are you stupid or I'm stupid!"


"Shut up, this is a martial arts contest, not cursing on the street, if you don't end, I'll continue the fight?" Lin Tong shouted with a sullen face.

"Wait for me, boy, someone will take care of you." This man threw down a harsh sentence and ran back to the East Stand.Liu Jinglin from Iron Sword Sect scolded trash,

"Master, why don't I end?" Liu Jinglin's first disciple asked in a low voice.

"No, let's take a look first. The opponent is just the weakest one. We lost two games in the east stand. Let others try the water. It was just because this kid took advantage of his quickness to beat your junior brother." .”

Sure enough, as Liu Jinglin expected, he couldn't hold back.

Tan Jifeng's eldest son, known as Whirlwind Keg, came to the court. After exchanging names, this Whirlwind Kick began to attack frequently. These legs were very flexible, and the upper and lower three lanes were all within the attack range of Tan Ji.It was very interesting, but the whirlwind kick sent out twenty moves, but Lin Tong couldn't be kicked.Instead, Lin Tong took advantage of the loophole and kicked him where the lower back went down and the buttocks went up.The whirlwind leg was kicked out a somersault.These are young people with a good face, especially young people who practice martial arts, who pay more attention to their face. The whirlwind legs changed several times, and attacked again, with a pair of feet constantly greeting Lin Tong's lower abdomen. This time Lin Tong Instead of hiding, he saw the trick and used his legs to defend.After retreating ten meters, I found a chance to fight back and forced the whirlwind legs into a hurry. For the first time, I felt that my legs were not in control. It seemed that my legs were not as fast as I thought. Not only was I unhappy at the moment, And it pales in comparison.The whirlwind leg was forced to go more than 20 meters, sweat was on the face, and some mechanically kept retreating.

After a while, the whirlwind leg stopped by itself, because he found that the other party didn't seem to be chasing and attacking. He looked up and saw that the other party was smiling at Mi Kaiwai.Xuanfeng's face turned into a liver-colored face, and he threw a fist at Lin Tong, admitting defeat, and turned to go on stage.

"Little boy, you have won three games in a row, it's time to rest!" Lin Yun came down from the stage, just as Lin Tao ordered.Because Lin Yun had won three games, the opponent was going to be unable to hang on. If Lin Tong was injured, it would be a loss if he sent a strong player, so Lin Tao asked Lin Yun to replace Lin Tong.

"Okay, brother, take it easy. Don't be too cruel." Lin Tong is lively and arrogant. Although he is arrogant, he knows how to advance and retreat.Xiang Lin Yun cupped his fists and went up to the stands.Seeing that Lin Tao didn't smile, the complacency in his heart disappeared immediately, and he sat down neatly.

"Master, what is Lin Yun's strength?" Qin Liehu didn't know Lin Yun's details, so he asked Lin Tao.

"The cultivation of internal force has already entered the family room. It is close to the elders of the Lin family. If the internal force is divided into eleven levels, Lin Yun is close to the eighth level. The heads of some small sects are probably not Lin Yun's opponents." Lin Tao smiled. .

Master Hu laughed and said, "Didn't it make him wrap the bag round, I didn't even have a chance to use my phone."

Lin Tao smiled and said: "You are the chief registered disciple, you should give up the stage, and Lin Yun can't take the limelight alone, but there are people outside the people, and there is a sky outside the sky, so don't be careless. Of course, with your current cultivation base, you need to find It's not easy to be an opponent. After a while, Dingtian should come back."

"Yeah, I miss him so much. I just enjoyed fighting with Dingtian. We are two equals, and we can play hard."

After Lin Yun left the field, it took about 5 minutes before he sent someone. The person who came was Cai Lifo, a master of boxing in Guangzhou. He was in his early thirties and had a well-proportioned figure. look straight at.This Cai-Li-Fo boxing emphasizes quickness, refined and ingenious techniques.If the opponent's skill is low, he can be knocked down in a few hits, even without a single face-to-face meeting.Practical techniques.However, although Cai Lifo's boxing is fast, it is not as strong as Lin's boxing, and faster than him.After receiving more than 30 punches from the opponent, Lin Yun began to counterattack, wide open and close, and the punches were fierce. The opponent only felt that his arms were rubbed so hot that he was forced back twenty steps by Lin Yun in the blink of an eye. He was unable to parry at all. After Lin Yun stopped Lin Yun's powerful Linjiaquan, this one immediately surrendered.Looking back at the queen mother, she looked at Lin Tao eagerly, struggling in her heart, and wanted to find a time to learn from her teacher.

After another 5 minutes, Xingyiquan dispatched a disciple who was also in his 30s. This kind of martial arts sect started practicing at the age of seven or eight. More than 20 years of cultivation is enough to become a teacher.Xingyiquan pays attention to the coordination of steps. Xingyiquan is one of the more difficult boxing methods. It pays attention to ten years of Xingyi.Moreover, Xingyiquan combines body and shape, and uses internal energy to resist power.Very powerful.The fight between the two was very exciting this time. The master of Xingyiquan has steady steps, flexible and quick body, whistling fists, round moves, and looks like a master.Lin Yun was originally a young and mature figure, otherwise, he would not have been hidden in the Lin family for ten years without being known by his tribe.

Tan Batian murmured to Lingyun: "This boy from the Lin family is very experienced in boxing, and his calm momentum doesn't seem to be deliberate. The disciple of Xingyimen may not be Lin Yun's opponent."

Taoist Lingyun nodded and said, "Lin Yun shined in the Lin Family Martial Arts Competition last year. We in Wudang Mountain must have three heroes and two heroes to compete with him. Now this Lin Yun is the leader of the younger generation of the Lin Family."

"Isn't the leader of the younger generation of the Lin family that Lin Tao?" Tan Batian asked.

"In the Lin family, Lin Tao's status has surpassed that of the second generation. I heard that he is a member of the Zonglaohui, which is about the same level as his grandfather. No one in the Lin family regards him as a junior."

"How high is Lin Tao's hand?" Tan Batian asked.

"Houshan's uncle Fei Hezi has competed with him, and he admires him very much!" Ling Yun said solemnly.

"There's such a level, no wonder—" Tan Batian's face was a little grim.Fei Hezi is one of the top elders in Wudang Mountain. If Fei Hezi can admire him, Lin Tao is really not ordinary tall!Even if he ends up on his own, he might not be able to win a move. If he loses a move, he will be ashamed instead. Thinking of this, Tan Batian is in a bad mood.However, when he saw an old Taoist and a few young Taoists coming from outside the venue, Tan Batian's eyes lit up, and then he said to Lingyun in a low voice: "Senior brother, let Wuchen and those few Let the juniors from the back mountain end."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had thought of something.Taoist Wuchen was over 60 years old, and he was supposed to take over as the head of the sect, but in the end he was overthrown by Lingyun, an old Taoist. Of course, this was also a compromise between Wudang inner sect and outer sect.Lingyun was originally an elite disciple trained by the Wudang inner sect, but there is no shortage of talents in Wudang Mountain. Lingyun has always been unable to realize his ambitions. When he was in his 50s, he went to a small Taoist temple at the foot of Wudang Mountain.No one expected that Lingyun would take over as the head. Although Tan Batian, the top strength of Wudang's outer sect, and the current director of the Central Security Bureau supported Lingyun, after all, Lingyun was trained by the inner sect, so Lingyun was recognized in this way.But Wuchen can only continue to stay in the back mountain to cultivate his body and mind.Because Lingyun is also in his eighties, Wuchen still has a chance.This Wuchen went to the mountain at the age of eight, and practiced martial arts at the age of ten. He has been practicing martial arts for more than half of his 50 years. Therefore, Wuchen is a master of Wudang. No one knows how high he is, because Wudang Mountain does not fight. , can't see the specific strength at all.Tan Batian just wanted to use this opportunity to verify Wuchen and Lin Tao's skills.If Wuchen wins, then Wudang Mountain will shine, and Lingyun will have a good reputation for not suppressing people.If he loses, then Lingyun's position will be even more stable.

For this idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone, Lingyun naturally agrees very much.

In the arena, the two separated, the sweat dripped on the face of Xingyi Quan's Naeh, while the opposite Lingyun was slightly short of breath, and there was not a drop of sweat on his face. This is the gap, so this one is also very Bachelor's throw in the towel.

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