Jagged city

Chapter 355 That's the truth

Jagged City - Chapter 350 Five is the truth

After the Spring Festival, Lin Tao has entered into a tense working state, and Xiao Xiao will also fly to Colombia, Africa. In addition to representing Junlian in investing in Colombia's water conservancy and electric power projects, she will also participate in telecommunications construction, and Jin Zhenai will also go with her.In addition, the southern region controlled by Border Commander Jared will continue to expand mining and metallurgical development.Xiao Xiao has another identity, which is to represent the Chinese government to cooperate with Colombia. The Chinese special forces will carry out various trainings and real battles under the cover of the security company.This time Xiao Xiao will send a group of radar technical engineers to Colombia. This is an agreement reached between the two countries to help Colombia build a radar station.It also involved 6000 million US dollars in arms business.Gao Tian secretly agreed to get two tiers of kickbacks, which is 30.00 million US dollars.Since Colombia is relatively backward and has less foreign exchange, the arms transactions are all exchanged with various resources.These include rare metals such as zinc, chromium, and manganese.In order to win the respect of the people of Colombia, Junlian Group, Gaotian International Security Company, and Jin Zhenai will invest [-] million US dollars to build a general hospital in the southern part of Colombia, where Jared controls the area. The main branches include Obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedic trauma, rheumatology, cardiovascular, and infectious disease prevention and treatment.Due to poverty in Colombia, pregnant women often die twice due to medical conditions. The mortality rate of children born one to six months is as high as [-]%. That is to say, one of the three babies born will not survive six months. However, Colombia does not control family planning, and even with such a high infant mortality rate, the country's population is still growing.

Xiao Xiao's trip is of great significance and has certain dangers, so Lin Tao also gave Xiao Xiao thousands of instructions, not only let Xiao Xiao wear bulletproof vests, but also gave Xiao Xiao his personal body armor suspected of being an alien civilization.Seeing her husband help her pack her luggage, Xiao Xiao was a little moved, but she still said angrily: "Why are you such a mother-in-law, nagging even more than my mother. This time, the people beside me are not only the elite team of the security company, There is also a fierce tiger following, there should be no problem, of course I will not be careless. Jared has already made security arrangements in Columbia, and our people will also eliminate dangers, and the protective measures are quite strict along the way."

"Be careful, there is no big mistake. In addition, Zhao Ronghua, the president of the coal and electricity company, will also go to the investigation group excluded by the country. I guess he is going for coal and hydropower. This person is cunning and greedy. You have to be careful, although we The relationship with the Zhao family is okay, but there is no need to let him go. With Jared here, he can’t make any troubles. In addition, the president of Colombia also sent me an invitation letter. On the one hand, you are going on my behalf. In trust In this regard, we still have a great advantage." Lin Tao analyzed that Zhao Ronghua joined the business delegation and was the deputy head of the delegation. This trip was instigated by Zhao Ronghua, and the news was disclosed by Zhao Sihai in advance.Once, Xiao Xiao wanted to go there a week in advance to finalize some things, so she was not afraid of Zhao Ronghua's interference.

"Well, I know that the southern region will not let him go. Even if he goes, Jared will have a way to make him get nothing. In addition, the port of Tiroia in the southern border of Colombia will be expanded and deepened. This investment will More than 15 billion US dollars, we still have to negotiate with Colombia. This investment is very important to both Junlian Group and us. Jared is expected to advocate this matter, because the Colombian navy has just emerged. If we invest, he will Mastering the emerging navy, the strength will be further enhanced.” Xiao Xiao is no longer a lawyer at the beginning, nor is she simply an honorary representative of a security company, but a real president of a large international company, whose business involves international arms and international politics. It is slowly growing into a big crocodile.

Lin Tao took out a cigarette with an extended filter tip from the chimney.Lian Deng took a deep breath, and the image of Jared kept appearing in his mind.Jared has a rough appearance, but the city is extremely deep, and he is a little greedy, but in order to obtain greater benefits, he also dares to take risks, even spend money like water, such as selling half of the mining gang in the south of the country to Xiao Xiao's company and Junlian Group.Lin Tao pondered for a while and said: "For Jared, we need to support, but we can't meet all the conditions for him to speak up. We need to let him know our importance. Especially the special team is very powerful. We can give him what he wants, and we can Take everything away at any time. You have to grasp this measure well. Last time you promised him [-] unmanned reconnaissance drones, send ten first, and keep the other ten at our base. You can’t give him all at once. Anyway, they are all unassembled He doesn't know how many parts he has shipped."

Xiao Xiao hugged Lin Tao's neck and giggled, "You are really cunning."

"We are exchanging interests with him, and we are not relatives. It can be done with a solid eye. You little fox don't think so?"

"Hmph, originally, I planned to give him only eight planes. Because I wanted to send two to the country of Riga. Kazakhstan's two countries in the southwest of the country have been hostile for thousands of years. We try not to flow into Kazakhstan as much as possible, but Kl country has approached our people and wants to get our help. If we give them some sweetness this time, their country will also be open to our group, and it is estimated that they will come to our country to apply for a consulate in the near future."

Lin Tao was startled, and then smiled and said, "It seems that the intelligence of Li Jia is not simple. Although Li Jia is only half the size of Costa Rica, it is also a member of the United Nations. Our country has never drawn Li Jia over, maybe This time you go there, and you will make another great contribution. I will report this matter to my superiors, and you can talk about it in detail."

Lin Tao thought for a while after hearing this, and then called Mr. Jin directly.Jin Lao reported to No. [-], and No. [-] immediately sent Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao to fly to Beijing to report on their work.Lin Tao frowned after hearing this. Isn't this just looking for trouble for nothing? It's for the benefit of the country. Although he uttered a few complaints, he rushed to the airport non-stop and took a special plane directly to Beijing.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, accompanied by Lieutenant General Li, Lin Tao and his wife entered Zhongnanhai, a small meeting room, and made six old men, number one, Mr. Jin and Mr. Shang, needless to say, were naturally present.The chief of staff, the prime minister, and He Changqing, the head of national security, were also there.Seeing Lin Tao and his wife coming in, they all looked at the couple with smiles.

"Hi sir! Lin Tao, Xiao Xiao is here to report!" Both Lin Tao and his wife saluted the military.Elder Jin sat there, his eyes full of joy, looking at this pair of golden boys and girls, no matter how you look at it, how comfortable it is.

No. [-] waved his hand and said: "Sit down, because time is tight, so the politeness will be saved. Let's go directly to the topic. The people from Li Jiaguo are looking for Xiao Xiao to approach, let Xiao Xiao introduce the specific situation!"

Xiao Xiao was sitting upright, except for the Chief of Staff and Guoan Investment He Changqing who had never met Xiao Xiao himself, the rest of the leaders had seen Xiao Xiao several times.Because Lin Tao and his wife have met at least twice just to give them New Year's greetings, especially the leader's wife and daughter, daughter-in-law and the like are all around Xiao Xiao, because Xiao Xiao's face and skin are so attractive.They all want to learn beauty secrets from Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao stabilized her mood. After all, this is to report to the national leaders again. It would be a lie to say that she is not nervous at all. Xiao Xiao smoothed her thoughts and said, "Report to the heads of state, this is what happened."On New Year's Day of this year, the special envoy of Lijia country secretly contacted Minister Jiang, the person in charge of our security company, hoping to contact Gao Tian's senior management and strengthen cooperation. In particular, he wanted to get in touch with our country through Gao Tian and obtain military support. "But at that time, the special envoy opened his mouth and said that to support our country's actions in the United Nations, we have to provide him with one billion dollars in arms. When my subordinates reported to me, I sent them away directly. Weeks later, I secretly revealed to them the gossip about increasing military cooperation with Colombia. On New Year’s Eve, they were in a hurry, and sent a special envoy to contact them. I asked my subordinates to tell him that they might consider selling a small amount of arms , other conditions will not be considered. The high-level domestic leaders in Liga are arguing endlessly and are eager to cooperate with us and seek help. On the fifth day and the eighth day of the new year, the special envoy met with the person in charge of our company twice in a row. We did not make any concessions. Instead, he disclosed the investment in water conservancy and electric power in Colombia to him. After he fed back the news, the senior management of the country became more anxious. They made two appointments with my company's subordinates on the tenth and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year. I still did not agree to meet with me. Spring Festival Afterwards, the special envoy of Lijia entered Xiliang secretly and wanted to meet with me. I just asked my subordinates to tell him that he could increase some arms trading projects, but I didn’t make an appointment to meet the special envoy. Just yesterday afternoon, the special envoy made an appointment again. It was very urgent, and I didn’t want to procrastinate too much , let Li Jiaguo feel disheartened, so they met once. They offered to submit the application for diplomatic relations and apply for consulates in Beijing and Xiliang as long as they agreed to exchange materials for arms and invest in civilian projects reaching 20 billion U.S. dollars. I support China's decision at the United Nations. I wanted to make fun of them at the time, but I only agreed to increase some arms deals and send people to their country for investigation, but I didn't agree to the rest. I just wanted them to know, and if I wanted to tell them It is up to our country to establish diplomatic relations. The initiative is on our side, and it is not something they can bargain for. The special envoy returned home with some anxiety, and I guess they will make some concessions. Comrade Lin Tao believes that the time is ripe, Taking advantage of my trip to Colombia this time, I can strive for greater benefits, so I reported overnight.

After everyone listened, they looked at each other and smiled, and everyone waited for No. [-] to speak. No. [-] showed kindness in his eyes, and said emotionally: "I think Comrade Xiao Xiao is a woman who does not give way to men. Can she be a vice minister of foreign affairs? The matter was handled very well. I used limited conditions to fight for greater national interests. Here, on behalf of the country and the people, I thank you for everything you have done."

"Chief, this is what I should do. I am not only a son and daughter of China, but also a member of the Communist Party. I will actively and enthusiastically participate in everything that is beneficial to the country, the nation, and the people's livelihood. I am no less loyal to the country and the nation than Lin Tao. "

"Well said, everyone here believes this. Let's do some research. How to conduct diplomacy with the country of Li Jia, of course, the first step is through Xiao Xiao, because we can see that the country of Li Jia trusts Xiao Xiao's company Yes, the strength of Xiao Xiao Company is also very taboo. In addition, the influence of Xiao Xiao Company in Colombia is also seen by Li Jia. Seeing that Colombia is getting stronger, Li Jia cannot sit still. I want to ask for an appointment again. I want to take a shortcut through Gao Tian, ​​establish diplomatic relations with me, and get more benefits. Therefore, the premise of our discussion is to use Gaotian Company as a vanguard and gradually conclude diplomatic relations. Let’s discuss it!"

The Chief of General Staff said: "Although Rica and Costa Rica have long-standing friendly relations, national interests come first. Seeing the development of Rica, Rica has no choice but to release it. National defense is the pillar of economic development, which is an international norm. , that’s why Li Jia country can’t wait to seek military cooperation. Xiao Xiao’s handling is very effective. Li Jia country has repeatedly shown weakness and lowered conditions before formally negotiating with our country. Forced to run away, I think it can give them some sweetness, of course, the premise is not to damage the interests in Colombia."

Xiao Xiao raised her hand suddenly, as if a primary school student was about to speak, everyone laughed, and number one said: "Xiao Xiao, speak up!"

"Reporting to the heads of state, Liga and I proposed that there is an urgent need for fighter jets, radars, missiles, and special forces training cooperation. I said at the time that I would consider trading several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and special forces training cooperation. The report is over."

Lin Tao felt a little funny looking at Xiao Xiao's serious look, but he also sat upright and didn't dare to smile.Jin Lao said with a smile: "The fighter jets are too sensitive. It is impossible to trade with them before establishing diplomatic relations. In that case, the international pressure on our country will also increase greatly. The old US will give pointers again. I will not consider this for now, but missiles and radars. On the one hand, you can think about it, but the standard is lower than that of Costa Rica. After all, our cooperation with Costa Rica is better than that of Rica. This can also increase the pressure on Costa Rica, and they will open up more cooperation with my country. .”

No. [-] smiled and said: "Jinger is still hot, what Jin Lao said hit the nail on the head, this transaction list must be grasped well. The general staff should take more care."

"Please rest assured, Chief, to ensure that the task is completed." The chief of staff said immediately, No. [-] nodded, and then looked at the prime minister.

The prime minister coughed and said: "The main purpose of this visit to Colombia is to explore the market in Colombia. Although Colombia is also a developing country, it has great potential and there is a lot of room for cooperation. I think it will achieve a lot. However, Gao Tian’s assistance is still needed during the visit to Colombia. After all, Gao Tian has gained the trust of Colombia now. Therefore, although Xiao Xiao is not in the delegation, your role is very important. I still hope that Gao Tian’s company will continue as always. The overall interests of the country are the most important. Of course, the country will also support Gao Tian’s development in Colombia. In addition, in contact with Liga, Chairman Gao Tianxiang said that he should act as a vanguard and take the lead in developing the Liga market. The country of Riga is based on the trust in Gao Tian. The country should also step up the collection of various information about the country of Riga to lay a solid foundation for the openness of diplomatic relations and economic cooperation between the two countries. Therefore, the delegation will not contact the country of Riga for the time being. This is my Views."

Everyone nodded, and they all supported the Prime Minister's pragmatic suggestions.The meeting discussed the specific details for a while, and finally formed ten suggestions, which were prepared to be implemented immediately by various departments to cooperate with Xiao Xiao's upcoming missions to various countries.

It was already 10:30 when the meeting ended, and Chief No. [-] invited everyone to have supper.For the leaders of these countries, it is an ordinary meal, but for ordinary people, it is beyond reach.Standard four dishes and one soup, one lettuce lily almond, one oyster sauce broccoli, one crab roe tofu, one red braised lamb, one pot of wild mushroom soup.These four dishes and one soup are not placed in the middle for everyone to eat around, but are used at a western table, with four waiters quickly and safely sharing meals for eight people.Although these four dishes and one soup are exquisite, they are common dishes for the Lin family, but the flavor is slightly different, but Xiao Xiao feels that this is the best meal she has ever eaten in her life.It's no wonder that I feel this way, and I don't even look at who is eating with me.

No. [-] suddenly laughed and said: "Old Jin and Shang Lao came back from Hubei, but he was full of praise for the Lin family's ancestor worship banquet. I'm afraid you won't taste anything if you eat these things now?"

Old Shang put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth and said, "The flowing water feast of the Lin family is unique. The cooking and serving of dishes all have strong martial arts characteristics. I used to watch Shaolin Temple movies to cook rice hanging and use a big shovel to cook. The comparison is still eclipsed. The dozen or so big pots are out of order, and it takes two people to stir fry with three-meter-long shovels, and they are cooks, ranging from twenties to forties. Wait, I guess in the Northern Song Dynasty they were all female generals like Yang Paifeng. The dishes are served with flying claws, and the plates and casserole are flying above the head, just looking at it is enjoyable."

Faced with the old aftertaste, the chairman, the prime minister and others are also very interested.Mr. Jin made an excuse and said: "The Lin family's cuisine is nothing but grandeur, ostentation, and excellent taste. Some dishes are even better than the famous dishes of the eight major cuisines. When I asked later, what did you hear from the elders?" explain."

The great elder stroked his white beard and said, "The martial arts of the Lin family have been passed down for more than two to three thousand years. The same is true for cooking, and it is also the essence of imperial dishes and folk dishes of various dynasties. It also has nourishing effects. No wonder Lin Tao's great-grandfathers are all in high spirits." Live over a hundred years old! The ancestral hall of the Lin family is built like the ancestral temple of the Qing Dynasty, which is magnificent. It is enough to apply for the United Nations World Heritage List."

No. [-] nodded and said with a smile: "The Lin family is a real hermit family. Its inheritance is no worse than that of the Confucian Temple. It can be called the Holy Land of Martial Arts! Listening to the description of the two elders and the first, I feel itchy in my heart. I really want to spare time to go there." Take a look! After my term of office is up, I should really go to the great rivers and rivers of the motherland to take a good look, and this life will be worthwhile."

Old Jin said with a smile: "You don't have to wait until you retire. If you have the opportunity to go there for inspection, let Xiao Lin accompany you. You didn't see us two old guys. We went up to Wudang Mountain for a while and didn't breathe at all. With Xiao Lin here, all this It's not a problem."

"Comrade Xiaolin is really a treasure. I told the chairman yesterday that after drinking the wine given by Xiaolin in the past two years, I think my body will be healthier than in the past few years. Especially this year, Xiaolin gave me snake bile wine. Lingcha, I am more energetic, as if I am ten years younger. When I am tired, I can fall asleep when I touch the pillow, and I don’t have insomnia at all. My wife’s rheumatism seems to be gone. , I can walk this year by myself.”

Listening to several old men happily talking about Lin Tao and the benefits he gained, the chief of staff and He Changqing looked at each other and said to themselves, this is such a treasure, we don't have any of it.The chief of the general staff coughed and asked: "The chiefs are amazing. Where did you get these treasures from Xiao Lin?"

Lin Tao's face was a little embarrassed, because he had never given a gift to the chief of staff, the main reason was that he was not familiar with him.Lin Tao immediately said: "I got it by accident, very rare. If the chief of staff likes it, I still have some snake bone wine. The tea leaves can only be squeezed out. It's not that I'm stingy. When I was planning to give the chief a gift , also after some ideological struggles. It’s not that I’m reluctant, but that things are too scarce. People send wine in several boxes and boxes, and I only have a small bottle. They send tea in a wheel. I’m talking about one piece here. It’s not that I’m familiar with the chiefs. I’m really afraid of being kicked out when giving gifts. The main reason is that I look too stingy. But for the health of the chiefs who work day and night for the country and the people, my face is nothing, chiefs The more healthy the motherland is, the stronger it will be. So I have the cheek to express a little care. Then the Chief of Staff just don’t scold me for being stingy.”

The chief of staff laughed and said, "The chiefs all praise you, how dare I scold you, I'm taking advantage of you."

"Thick-skinned can eat enough, but thin-skinned can't afford it. The chief of staff insists on getting it. Xiao Lin's stuff is precious. If it is piled up like Chinese cabbage, who would care about it?" Mr. Jin laughed.The Chief of Staff blushed a little when he was told by Elder Jin, but the Chief of Staff was once under Elder Jin's sect, so he didn't care.

"Listening to what you say is better than ten years of reading, so I will say it cheekily, Major General Lin, think of me if you have something good." He Changqing's interjection eased the embarrassment of the Chief of Staff.

Lin Tao immediately said: "I'd rather I don't use it, but I have to be close to the chiefs! Chief of Staff, Director He, don't worry. I still have two teas in this bag. Let's try it first."

"I'm going to pour water!" Jin Lao said to get up.

Xiao Xiao hurriedly stood up and said, "It's enough for the chiefs to wait at ease. Lin Tao and I will serve the chiefs."

Everyone watched Xiao Xiao take out a small jade bamboo tube from the bag, and poured out two tea leaves from it.Jin Laoshang asked everyone to take a look first, mainly because the chief of staff had never seen it.The chief of staff and He Changqing saw the chubby, silver-white silkworm chrysalis-like thing with gold threads and exclaimed, "Is this tea?"

Lin Tao said with a smile: "My ancestors named this tea Jinsi Xuechrystea. This tea was born in the ice cave of a thousand meters underground. It is in the shape of a silkworm chrysalis and is usually stored in the refrigerator. I was lucky enough to be rewarded by the elders this year when I went home to worship my ancestors. There are only more than [-] pieces. This golden silk snow chrysalis tea has the functions of nourishing the brain, improving eyesight, clearing the lungs, and nourishing the spleen , nourishing effect. It is a treasure gifted by nature."

When Xiao Xiao put the tea into the teapot and brewed it with hot water, the aroma was overflowing, and the smell was refreshing, the original tiredness was swept away, and the chief staff exclaimed repeatedly, "This is a god!"rare! Everyone drank, each with a small cup of tea, slightly touching their lips, looking contented, Lin Tao and his wife looked at each other, and secretly smiled.There are more than 150 bottles in Lin Tao's family, and they are all over 30 years old. These leaders drink the worst.Speaking of drinking tea, there is another allusion, that is, during the investigation of Qianlong, the tea prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the palace was often old tea, and it was not the best tea. I drank it.This is not to deprive the emperor of the tea, but because he is afraid that the emperor will drink the taste. Once the year is not good, it will be a death penalty if the supply of top-quality tea is not available. Therefore, the tea provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the emperor is only first-class, not top-quality.

When they came out of Zhongnanhai, Mr. Jin and Lin Tao took the same car, and said to Lin Tao, "Do you know why you two were invited to attend the high-level meeting today?"

Lin Tao frowned, and although he was hesitant, he still said respectfully: "Please give advice to the old chief!"

"As far as your age is concerned, your political status can be said to be second to none in China. But your achievements are obvious to all, so everyone also favors you. In addition, Gaotian Company was established on the basis of the Military Commission, which can also be said to be in the national interest You need such a private enterprise status to enter the international market. Your contribution to the country is appreciated, so you also strongly support Gao Tian's development of the country. But all premise is based on national interests, not just the development of self-interest. Originally, the diplomatic relations between the two countries were a matter for the foreign ministries of the two countries and high-level national officials, but due to special reasons, Xiao Xiao took the lead and acted as a representative of the country. Letting you and Xiao Xiao participate in this kind of secret meeting is because the head of state expressed his importance to you , and at the same time, it is also a spur to you." Jin Lao looked at Lin Tao, but did not continue, because a few words have been very clear.That is, everything you have is given by the country, and if the country is not satisfied, it can be taken back at any time.

Lin Tao thought so, nodded quickly and said: "Please rest assured, the old chief. The national interest is the highest criterion, and I will keep it in my heart. In addition, both Gao Tian and Junlian pay more attention to giving back to the society while seeking corporate development. Absolutely It is a conscientious and moral enterprise. It is not a capitalist enterprise centered on personal interests."

"Well, actually, I don't need to tell you this at all. Don't I know you well? Your loyalty is unquestionable, but you two have many identities and responsibilities, and your positions are very sensitive. Some people It is inevitable to be jealous or suspicious, so you have to be more cautious." Jin Laoyu said earnestly.Lin Tao nodded, his gaze became firmer.One is the determination to be loyal to the country, and the other is the determination to develop the Lin family.Only when the Lin family develops into an international financial and economic giant can it stand upright in the wind and rain.Otherwise, if you change to a leader who hates you, just a word, the Lin family will be doomed forever.

In the other car, Xiao Xiao basically listened to the same words. Mr. Jin and Mr. Shang drove to the husband and wife separately, which shows how much he attaches importance to Lin Tao and his wife.Leaving aside the country, the superior and the superior don't talk about it, just use Lin Tao to make the two elders and their families healthy, and the second elders have to love the couple.This is the truth of the so-called cannibalism.

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