Jagged city

Chapter 358 Riot

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 350 Chaos

Zhao Ronghua took the high-level route and bribed with huge sums of money. He thought he was sure of winning, but he was stunned by the huge rewards from Colombian radio stations, newspapers, magazines and other media. With a sneer, he said to himself, Gaotian Group, Junlian Group, and Jinlin Group, the first two companies are separated from each other. I don’t know why this Korean woman is ginseng?Do you think that donating money to those poor ghosts can make investment smoothly?Don't you know that the truth is in the hands of a few?As long as I hold the senior management of Colombia in the palm of my hand, the contract will naturally be signed with me.That night Zhao Ronghua visited the Vice President again and gave him a Swiss bank card worth 300 million US dollars.Zhao Ronghua has great ambitions, he also wants to monopolize the country's telecommunications system and exclude Xiao Xiao.Although before leaving, Zhao Guangzu told this nephew not to conflict with Gao Tian, ​​it would be best if he could seek cooperation.However, Zhao Ronghua looked down on upstarts like Gao Tianjunlian, so after arriving in Geguo, he didn't meet and talk with Xiao Xiao, and he was already prepared in his heart to eat alone.It just so happened that Xiao Xiao thought so too.The two are the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing its own ability.

This card is still very effective. Three days later, Ge Guo secretly held a telecom investment conference. The three parties, Ge Guo, Gao Tian Xiao Xiao and Zhao Ronghua participated in the meeting.Zhao Ronghua and Xiao Xiao officially met. Zhao Ronghua's heart seemed to stop suddenly when he saw Xiao Xiao's alluring beauty. This woman is so beautiful.If we can go to Wushan together, even if we lose ten years of life, it will be worth it!

"Mr. Zhao, I didn't expect to meet such a domestic business giant as Mr. Zhao in a foreign country. I am really lucky." Xiao Xiao greeted first.

Zhao Ronghua felt like waking up from a dream, and quickly stretched out his hand: "Mr. Xiao, I've heard you famous for a long time!"

The tip of Xiao Xiao's hand touches away, Zhao Ronghua feels a touch of tenderness, the aftertaste has not yet come, Xiao Xiao has already withdrawn his hand, Zhao Ronghua feels lost in his heart.I remember that a few years ago, Zhao Ronghua had a chance to get Xiao Xiao. It was the time Xiao Xiao and Guan Lanlan were drugged in the karaoke hall, but they were kicked to the iron board. Lin Tao and Zhao Dingtian took him to the karaoke hall. .Zhao Ronghua has always been ashamed of it.I didn't expect to meet again after three years, and Xiao Xiao's appearance became more and more beautiful, which made Zhao Ronghua's desire suddenly rise.

"Mr. Zhao, are you also interested in Columbia Telecom's investment?" Xiao Xiao sat across from Zhao Ronghua, raised her head and asked with a smile.

"Yes, the telecommunications market in Colombia has great potential. This time, in response to the country's call, I followed a business delegation to invest in Colombia. Does Mr. Xiao also want to invest in telecommunications?" Zhao Ronghua knew the consultant.

"Well, our company has been inspecting for a long time." Xiao Xiao meant that it was inevitable.

Zhao Ronghua said with a smile: "I know that Junlian has developed very fast in the past two years, but Junlian can't swallow such a big piece of telecommunications, let alone the distance between lines is like a mountain! This requires a huge investment, and there is no return on funds. If you invest in telecommunications, the company's development is likely to be delayed."

Xiao Xiao nodded and said: "As Mr. Zhao said, our company has also been carefully considered. Although there are certain risks, it is still worth investing in. We made this decision after a year of inspections in Colombia. Mr. Zhao just came It’s really courageous that the country will invest soon!”

"Hehe, it's not a big deal. Our company has had investment records of over [-] billion many times in the past, and the performance is not bad. This time is no exception."

"That's true. Mr. Zhao is rich and powerful. Has Mr. Zhao considered us to cooperate together? After all, is the market in Colombia very big?" Xiao Xiao asked tentatively.

"Well, in terms of telecommunications, we are very proficient in business. We can consider cooperation in other areas." Zhao Ronghua just refused.Xiao Xiao smiled and stopped talking.

In the meeting room of the presidential palace, the presidential palace, the vice president, and officials from various ministries sat together, looking at the plan submitted by Xiao Xiao and Zhao Ronghua.Both companies have full investment capacity.As for which one to choose, there are some differences.The southern forces headed by Jared naturally agreed to cooperate with Gao Tian.The northern and middle forces tend to favor Zhao Ronghua.Although the president has not made a statement yet, these people still classify him as a southern force.

The vice president coughed and said: "I think Ronghua Coal and Electricity Group is suitable. After all, this group has done similar investment and construction before, and it should be familiar with the road. Moreover, the group is strong and is a good partner. Although they have financing channels, they are laymen in telecommunications. My opinion is that Ronghua Coal and Electricity Group is suitable.”

"I don't agree with the vice president's statement. After all, Gao Tian has cooperated with us for more than a year, and he has a good reputation. In addition, Gao Tian's role in our country's national defense cannot be ignored. Our national defense construction in the next few years will need more Through the cooperation between Gao Tian and China, this cannot be achieved by Ronghua Coal and Electricity. Although Mr. Zhao Ronghua is also the son of a Chinese veteran, he cannot influence the opinions of the Chinese Communist Party. In addition, the group represented by Gao Tian has great influence on China’s education. , sanitation, and children's huge amount of aid have had a huge impact in the country, which is also a fact that cannot be ignored. Since Gaotian has the ability to invest and build, based on the above, we have no reason to reject Gaotian and choose another one. "The Minister of Finance refuted the Vice President's opinion on the spot, and the Vice President listened with a slight frown.

"This is an investment project worth tens of billions of dollars. I don't feel very good about categorically rejecting one of them. No matter which one we choose, it will hurt the face of the other. We should find a way to keep the money of both. I wonder if your Excellency is What's your opinion?" asked the Minister of Commerce.

The president smiled: "I'd better listen to everyone's opinions first. No matter which one you choose is a great thing for the development of our country, you can fully discuss it."

The president played Tai Chi, and the Minister of Commerce scolded the cunning rabbit in his heart.

"Competition leads to development. Gao Tian's family dominates, which is not conducive to the development of our country. If a monopoly is formed in the future, it will have a great impact on our country's economy. I think we should choose Ronghua Coal and Electricity Group." The representative of the northern forces said.

"Gaotian is not the only company, and this time there are Korean companies participating. Gaotian Group has been developing in my country for a year. According to statistics, Gaotian's construction efficiency is very high, and it has a good reputation locally. I think Gao Tian is suitable." The high-ranking official in charge of propaganda is an intermediate force, and this time he turned to Xiao Xiao, and everyone was helpless, because the attitude towards Gao Tian could be seen from the news reports in the first few days.

A total of twelve people participated in the meeting. Except for the president, they basically all spoke, and they still tended to the Gaotian Group in general.Finally the President announces the vote.Those who chose Gao Tian got six votes, those who chose Ronghua got five votes, and the president abstained.In the end, the president decided to cooperate with Gao Tian.The northern forces were unwilling, so the vice president immediately proposed the construction of the northern power plant. Due to the limited financial resources of Colombia, this plan was shelved for two years. Now the vice president proposed that the northern power plant plans to supply power to three provinces including the capital. .It is a very large power plant with an investment of more than 30 billion US dollars.The vice president meant to give it to the Ronghua Group, and the president was also inclined to the Ronghua Group. In addition, regardless of the North and South forces present here, they basically accepted Zhao Ronghua's bribes, so they let it go.The final result of the discussion is that Colombia cooperates with Gao Tian in telecommunications construction, and cooperates with Ronghua Group in power plants.

Xiao Xiao and Zhao Ronghua were waiting for the news. An hour later, the assistant to the president came and called Zhao Ronghua away. Zhao Ronghua was very happy, and pretended to be polite to Xiao Xiao and left.Xiao Xiao frowned tightly, could there be some changes?But at the moment, there is no other way but to listen to the news.After 10 minutes, Zhao Ronghua came back, but his complexion was a little bad.He reluctantly smiled at Xiao Xiao.Soon, the president, vice president and others came over, and the Minister of Commerce announced that Gaotian, Junlian and Jinlin, represented by Gaotian Group, had officially become partners in the telecommunications construction of various countries. The people present applauded excitedly, Zhao Ronghua also applauded with a half smile.Then the Minister of Commerce announced that the Ronghua Group participated in the construction of the northern Colombian power plant.

Soon a press conference was held in Colombia, Gaotian Group, Junlian Group, and Jinlin Group, three foreign groups participated in the telecommunications construction of each country.Ronghua Coal and Electricity Group participated in the construction of the largest power plant in North Africa.Under flashing lights, representatives of both parties signed.Xiao Xiao, Zhao Ronghua and the Colombian Secretary of State answered questions from reporters.

A European reporter immediately asked: "It is said that Gaotian Group is just a security company, why can it participate in the telecommunications construction, does Gaotian have such strong financial resources?"

Xiao Xiao was not angry, and said in English with a smile: "Since it is a Gaotian Group company, there is more than one subsidiary company. The security company is just a subsidiary of Gaotian Group, not all of them. Currently, Gaotian Group owns rubber Enterprises, mining companies, metallurgical companies, construction wages and medical companies, etc. Gaotian has the strength to participate in the construction of Telecom in Colombia. In addition, it is not Gaotian who participates in the construction of telecommunications, but Junlian Group and Jinlin Group. It’s a big, well-funded group, so you don’t have to worry about money.”

"Why, these two groups have not been represented, can you represent the other two groups?" A black reporter asked.

"This question is a good question. Although I am the president of Gao Tian, ​​I am also a shareholder of Junlian Group in another identity. Furthermore, Jinlin Group entrusted me to represent their company. Three groups led by Gao Tian participated in the investment in Columbia Telecom, so I Here is the full authority." Xiao Xiao talked in a calm and unhurried manner.

"Will the introduction of too much foreign capital have an impact on Colombia's enterprises and economy? How does Colombia protect the interests of domestic enterprises?" Someone asked the Colombian Secretary of State.

"Thank you to this reporter for his concern for the development of various countries. Colombia is currently only a developing country and is still very backward economically, but being closed to the outside world is not conducive to development. Only by citing reasonable foreign funds can it better stimulate the development of the country's economy. In addition, the introduction of foreign enterprises has been carefully considered by the state and will not cause conflicts with domestic enterprises. The introduction of foreign capital and enterprises will accelerate the development of the domestic economy and enterprises. It is conducive to the improvement of people's living standards." Secretary of State The clichés come out as soon as you open your mouth, and dealing with reporters is pediatrics, and reporters can't grasp anything.

Someone asked the Northern Power Plant whether Ronghua Group was capable of building the largest power plant in Africa. Zhao Ronghua listed some past investments and seemed very confident, which won the favor of the reporter.When the last time was approaching, a female reporter suddenly asked: "President Xiao Xiao, you are so beautiful, I feel that no beauty pageant in the world can compare to you, your skin is so good, is there any secret? And would you mind revealing it?" Age? I feel like you're under 20."

Everyone laughed, and two reporters also booed and asked Xiao Xiao's age.

"A woman's age is a secret, and I don't want to say it, but I can tell you that I already have two lovely children. As for good skin, I think the most important thing is to be in a good mood, ensure sleep, and use some Cosmetics that suit your skin type are fine. Thank you for your interest.”

After the press conference, Colombia held a banquet to entertain investors, journalists and friendly people.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xiao won the first place!" Zhao Ronghua quickly stepped out of the shadows, and walked up to Xiao Xiao with a wine glass.

"Congratulations, the largest power plant in Africa has become famous in one fell swoop. I think with this name, Mr. Zhao's investment in Africa will go smoothly in the future." Xiao Xiao smiled, feeling a little dissatisfied with the president in her heart, and said in her heart that before The news of the construction of the power plant has not been disclosed, and I was caught off guard. It seems that the Colombian country does not want to be the only one. This is the introduction of funds from multiple parties, and mutual restraint and competition. It seems that I cannot be careless.

"I would like to borrow your good words. By the way, Mr. Xiao, Telecom construction in Colombia is a big piece of cake, especially the materials for telecom construction are the most important thing. Our group can produce high-quality telecom materials, and the price is also very cheap, not as good as Mr. Xiao Consider the cooperation between the two parties. With the participation of our company, the speed of telecommunications construction will not only be greatly improved, but the quality will also be guaranteed." Zhao Ronghua really wanted to win the piece of telecommunications materials, which is a very big cake, but he also knew in his heart that it was impossible to completely Take it down.

"After our overall planning, we will give priority to Mr. Zhao's company. I wish us a happy future cooperation." Xiao Xiao's verbal promise made Zhao Ronghua elated and drank all the champagne in one gulp.His gaze unconsciously swept from Xiao Xiao's face to Xiao Xiao's chest.

"Mr. Xiao——" the Secretary of State came over with a mouthful of white teeth, Xiao Xiao turned around and toasted with the Secretary of State, Zhao Ronghua cursed a nigger in his heart, and also walked over.

In China, Lin Zhiyuan, president of Junlian, is signing a document. The integration of the three telecommunications materials companies acquired years ago has been completed. One-third of the business backbone and two-thirds of the skilled workers will go to Africa to open a new one in Colombia. enterprise.As for the telecommunications materials, Xiao Xiao and Lin Zhiyuan had long planned to go to Colombia as soon as the contract was signed.The freighter to Colombia this time not only transported domestic porcelain, silk fabrics, tea, wine, but also a large number of daily necessities such as soap, washing powder, toothpaste and other small things.In addition, there are color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners and other household appliances.Furthermore, there are 32 production line equipment in the Telecom Material Factory.There are ready-made raw materials locally in Costa Rica, and opening the store locally will greatly reduce the cost.Xiao Xiao plans to start production within a month.Because in the south of Colombia, the telecommunications material production enterprise has been completed, and it is only waiting for the production line and technical personnel to arrive.At that time, it will start at full power, which will meet the speed of telecom construction in Colombia.

Every night, Lin Tao has to make video calls with Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao naturally needs others to praise her achievements. Of course, her husband Lin Tao's praise is the most gratifying.

Xiao Xiao said: "Although the investment and management rights have been won, the investment will exceed 100 billion US dollars in the next five years. It will be difficult to get back the investment within ten years!"

"Hehe, is it taken from the people and used for the people? We can harvest 30 billion in mining and other resources in five years, which is ten times the investment. Don't forget, this is a [-]-year management right. Ten years later, the economy will develop at a high speed, the market will mature, and the return on telecommunications will be hundreds of times. If we hadn't invested so much in the country's infrastructure, the country would not be so tolerant to us. Think about it In order to get a good return, we must cultivate the market first. We need to invest in industry and lead the development of the country in agriculture.” Lin Tao said with a smile.

"Well, such a big country allows me to flex my muscles. It's really fun. I plan to build a 'Colombia Economic Development Research Think Tank' this year. I will start in many industries in Colombia, but the mining industry is still the main source of our income. The most important thing. Although it is a bit unethical to do so, we have to speed up the acquisition of mines and speed up the mining." Xiao Xiao said seriously.This is primitive accumulation, although it is not a naked plunder, but it also takes advantage of the country.

"Well, we have to keep one-third of the smelted metal reserves, put one-sixth into the international market, and three-sixth into the domestic market. This can also be considered a strategic reserve!"

"It's okay to store more gold, there is too much copper, iron and tin, and there is no place to pile it up!"

"The price of metal is getting more expensive every year. It is a hard currency. It will be stored in the southern base for the time being, and will be shipped back to the country at the right time. As long as Jared does not fail, our investment is safe. We will take nine out of one One point of investment is nine points of return. Especially the feedback on people's livelihood needs to be publicized more, so that people's hearts can be used."

"Husband, you are so insidious!" Xiao Xiao said with her lips curled up.

"Okay, don't be too tired where you are, and don't be too happy to leave. After clarifying the context, leave it to the people below."

"You really want me to go back? Didn't you lie to me?" Xiao Xiao asked with her head tilted.

"Nonsense, of course it's sincere. Can you do without you at home? There are old and young ones."

"Hmph! It's strange to believe you." Xiao Xiao turned off the video.Thinking about whether Lin Tao and Jin Zhen'ai have had a hot fight these days.In fact, Lin Tao and Jin Zhen'ai were tepid. Although they had sexual contact, they were not sexual. Instead, they were with Di Anne. The two were hysterical every time.I can't wait to rub each other into my body.Di Anni met the nectar after a long drought, and Lin Tao wanted to make up for Di Anni with guilt, so both parties put in effort.In fact, love and love should be done in moderation, if you do it every day, you will feel nauseous.Lin Tao has a limited number of dates with Diane, so his desire is great.Jin Zhenai devoted all her affection to the company and her son. Although she also longed for Lin Tao, she was not as hungry as Diane, so she acted calmly and contentedly.Lin Tao is also happy to get along with Jin Zhenai like this.

Xiao Xiao finished the video chat with Lin Tao, exercised in the room, turned on the treadmill to the fastest frequency, and ran on it.Since Lin Tao is not around, Xiao Xiao spends time exercising.Run for an hour every night, meditate for an hour, and read information files if you still can't fall asleep.I sleep about three or four hours a day, but even so, I am still full of energy every day.No wonder Xiao Xiao often complains, why can't she take a nap?It was night at Xiao Xiao's side, and it was still daytime for Lin Tao in China. After talking about the video with Xiao Xiao, he leaned on the back seat of the car and watched the scenery outside the window.In fact, Lin Tao was very restless.Because of an illegal fund-raising case in Dongchuan City, which was included in Xiliang, the owner of Sanchen Co., Ltd. illegally raised 20 billion yuan, and now donated money and escaped.Leaving the mess to the city government.Now there are [-] people in Dongchuan City asking for an explanation at the gate of the city government, and the city government can't let people out at all.This was too much trouble, and the Dongchuan City Government couldn't solve it, so they hurriedly asked Lin Tao for help.The governor and secretary of the provincial party committee also called Lin Tao and asked Lin Tao to deal with it as soon as possible to reduce the impact.

People in this world are all greedy, so Sanchen set up a fundraising fund for nutrition and health care products, one dividend every three months, [-] invested will return [-].You can also get it back together with the principal and interest.At the beginning, there were not many people who raised funds. They were all employees and relatives of Sanchen Company.According to word of mouth, more and more people are raising funds, not only ordinary believers, but also government officials.In less than two years, two billion yuan was raised.Seeing that this month is the day for the rebate, but there is no money in the passbook, the company shirks that it will take two days, but after two days, there is still no money. This makes people panic. Many people inquire, and then it is reported that the boss has disappeared.When the case was reported and the Public Security Bureau intervened, it became clear that all the money in the company's books had been wiped out.The boss and two secretaries, as well as the financial director, have disappeared.Checking the records of going abroad, there is no news of the four people.When I asked the family members, the family members were also baffled, because the boss of Sanchen was often away from home for a week or two.Everyone in the Public Security Bureau admired Boss Sanchen, he was black enough and ruthless enough, he didn't even want his home, he probably left the country illegally.The case was reported to the province, and the province reported it to the Ministry of Public Security.

Lin Tao was thinking about how to solve this problem in the car. If the government compensates the 20 billion, the Xiliang government can afford it, but it cannot be completely paid by the government. Although the government is responsible for ineffective supervision, after all, it is the common people who voluntarily It is risky to raise funds for other people to invest in shares, and the common people must also bear part of the responsibility. Otherwise, if the investment fails, they will make trouble and seek the government, which is not a mess.Lin Tao quietly entered the building of the Dongchuan Municipal Committee. Fortunately, the common people only recognized the municipal government, but they were not strict with the Municipal Committee. Lin Tao entered through the back door of the Municipal Committee.Members of the Standing Committee of the Dongchuan Municipal Party Committee were all there. Seeing Lin Tao coming in with a serious face, the applause became sparse, and everyone felt a little uneasy.

Lin Tao unceremoniously sat upright and waved his hands to signal everyone to sit down.Lin Tao opened his mouth and said: "Tell me the latest progress of the case. Then talk about the solution you discussed."

The mayor of Dongchuan reported the situation to Lin Tao with a gloomy face. Although Sanchen Company had no money in its account, it still had an office building worth about 20 million yuan.In addition to the 1000 billion principal invested by ordinary people, there are also bank loans of 1000 million.[-] million wages owed to the company's employees.There are [-] employees of Sanchen who are making trouble outside.

"It's really unreasonable. I heard that the employees of Sanchen have been paid high wages in the past two years, and their bonuses were higher than their wages. Although the boss raised funds illegally, these employees are also responsible." The secretary of the municipal party committee said with a dark face.

"What's your opinion?" Lin Tao asked, frowning.

"This kind of thing is not without precedent. Illegal fundraising in the South also caused riots among the common people. In the end, the government paid the bill and probably returned it. For the sake of social stability, we also have the same opinion. First, stabilize the emotions of the common people. Top priority."

Lin Tao nodded and said: "Dongchuan City has just developed. Although these ordinary people have stepped into the trap for profit, they are hateful but also worthy of pity. Our government should solve the practical difficulties for ordinary people. Many of them are caught in illegal fund-raising cases. Borrowing money to invest, if the money is not returned, some people will go bankrupt and have no way out. Although the South’s fund-raising case is worth learning, it cannot be implemented according to their method. It will be returned according to the seven levels. The bank will not deal with it first. , you, Dongchuan, will settle the [-] million. You must strictly check the investment and shareholding records, as well as the bank's return records, and there must be no incidents of false claims or fraudulent claims. Immediately type out a return document and contract, and those who agree to the return will return according to the contract. If you disagree, no refund will be given. Let the common people teach Zhang Zhang a lesson. Alright, let’s organize people to implement it immediately!”

"Mayor Lin, do we issue documents directly to these people?" the mayor asked.

Lin Tao slapped the table and couldn't help cursing: "Is your head full of mud? Why don't you have any strategy? How can you talk in front of the city hall? Let people shout on the loudspeaker, and go home to find investment receipts and passbooks Wait for the relevant things, and hand them over to the Sanchen headquarters in three days, waiting for the government to return the money, so I don’t need to teach you the details, right?”

"Understood, I was blindfolded for a while. I didn't even turn my head." The mayor said with a blushing face.The corner of the city party secretary's mouth rose slightly, and he immediately covered his mouth and coughed softly.But this action was captured by Lin Tao.

Lin Tao snorted and said, "We must do a good job in persuading the masses after the incident. Even if we return the seventh floor, some ordinary people will not buy it. We must explain the policy to the ordinary people. In addition, it has been illegal to raise funds for two years. Even the ordinary people who have been investing , and got back a lot of dividends. Therefore, with the addition of dividends on these seven levels, most investors will not lose money. They cannot be made to think that the government is a fool and weak to be bullied. Although the government is the government of the people, it is by no means to let someone An organization where greedy people extract profits. If this matter is not handled well, and there are group petitions again, a secretary and a mayor of you are all ready to resign."

"Mayor Lin, please rest assured, we promise to complete the task!" Mayor Dongchuan and the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee assured at the same time.

"When we persuade the masses to leave, we must pay attention to the safety of comrades and avoid being harmed by criminals."

"Mayor Lin, don't worry, we have applied for the support of the armed police."

The meeting broke up, and the leaders of Dongchuan started to get busy. Lin Tao looked at the bustling crowds in the street outside through the window, and couldn't help thinking that these ordinary people were like wronged children. Just like parents, parents can always tolerate their children.From this point of view, at critical moments, the people still trust the government.

Just when Lin Tao was thinking.Xiao Xiao's hotel is in crisis.

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