Jagged city

Chapter 364

Jagged City - Chapter 360 Four Money Beauty**

"Let's go, let's change the gaming table." Binder seemed tired of betting big and small.Lin Tao followed Binder to the middle of the hall, where there were 40 to 3 people around. It turned out to be a circular gambling table with a diameter of 1.5 meters.There are clusters of colorful patterns on the gambling table. The bettors hand over the betting coins to the staff, and the staff will operate the computer and input the bet money.After that, there will be a small rectangular screen displaying the amount on the desktop where the gambler is.It is in thousands.The specific gambling method is to place a cube-shaped object similar to a dice on the display screen of the gambler. There are no points on it, but mythical patterns.On the patterns on the gaming table are petal-shaped line patterns around a five-centimeter-diameter circle.There are numbers in the center of the circle and inside the petals.For example, the twelve petals are all doubled and the center is five times the words.There are also positive and negative doping.These numbers also change every 36 minutes.Gamblers need to use their fingers to throw the dice into the concentric circle area with a diameter of 1.5 meters. If it falls into the flower, it corresponds to positive and negative digital gambling.Each pop of the dice is a $27 bet.If the payout is tripled, the amount displayed on the desktop will be reduced by [-].If it is multiplied by five times, it will increase the amount by [-].If you fall into the abyss in the middle background of those flower patterns, the bet will be reduced by [-].This table attracts many people because the maximum payout is [-] times.Sometimes this number appears on the sides of concentric circles, no more than [-] meters away.Winning or losing this game is very exciting and highly skilled.Therefore, more people are attracted, and there are also many people watching the fun.There are a total of nine places to bet on.But [-] people can participate at the same time.Because there is also a display screen on the left and right of the small display screen in front of each gambler.If you are optimistic about this person, you can also invest in the bet.Follow along to win or lose together.So shouting is very exciting.

"Understood, Lin."

"Understood, it's quite interesting." Lin Tao laughed.

"There is also a rule here, that is, the preparation time for popping the dice is only 15 seconds. If it exceeds, 20 will be deducted. You can only start the game for the second time. If you feel very sure of winning, you can also press the double button on the touch screen , There are five times and ten times. Both wins and losses are doubled. Accompanying bets can also be set for each round. You can also bet on other players to win or lose. Choose from one to nine. The bet is [-] to [-] each time. Betting on the winning or losing of players numbered one to nine. If you don’t bet on the winning or losing of other players, you will win or lose with the players around you. It’s actually very exciting to bet with. I’ve been practicing for a long time—I have a place. Number one, Number Seven is going down—get out of the way, I'm coming!" Binder shouted.

Under Binder's instigation, Lin Tao had no choice but to play and became a contestant.In fact, the positions of the nine high chair players at the gambling table are all very powerful.In the casino, it symbolizes the masters, and of course there are also low hands, and 100 million can be lost in just 10 minutes.Just like when Binder went up, there were boos. Obviously, some old gamblers knew Binder. Seeing Binder go up, the gamblers on the left and right immediately turned off the accompaniment button, and changed to betting on the player's victory or loss.Due to the high technical difficulty of this gaming table, more natural numbers win less, so betting on contestants can only bet on winning, not on losing!A player like Binder lost nine out of ten times. If he could lose, the casino would have to close in a few days.Many gamblers cast sympathetic glances at the two people around Binder.For Lin Tao, these gamblers are also waiting and watching.But mostly not optimistic.Because he is a raw-faced Asian, dressed like a ruffian.That gold skull necklace is so personal.

"Sir, please place your bet." A casino employee walked beside Binder and Lin Tao.Binder took out a card and threw it in the tray, and said nonchalantly, 200 million dollars.Lin Tao grabbed out ten chips, and then signaled his subordinates to give the chips to the waitress.Although it was a million chips, many people cast contemptuous glances.Xin said, this one doesn't have much money at first glance, obviously not as rich as the second prince Binder.Especially with ten chips remaining, it is even more underestimated.

"Haha won—twelve times!"

"Quack - I'm betting on number nine."

The scene exploded.Soon before the start of the next round, Binder and Lin Tao also entered the amount on the screen.Binder is two hundred, Lin Tao is one hundred.Looking at the other seven players, even after playing for a long time, the least was five hundred, and the most was 3000 with the number nine. It seemed that they had won, but they didn't know how much they had won.

"How much did No. [-] win?" Lin Tao tilted his head and asked a middle-aged man next to him.

"It seems that I have won 1000 million." The middle-aged man said enviously.

This round has begun, and betting on number nine wins more.Lin Tao gambled and finished playing the dice for a while. It was quite heavy, about 100 grams. The table was as smooth as a mirror, but for those colorful petals, Lin Tao found that there seemed to be some ripples on the screen that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.This increases the resistance, and the dice is likely to stop when it slides there, and the small circle in the center is smoother, and even if the dice reaches the center of the circle, it is easy to slide out.This strength is definitely not easy to grasp.

it has started!

Lin Tao spotted a spot and threw the sieve over it.The result is a petal that pays out twice.Binder paid three times the compensation. After playing, Binder slapped his thigh and looked at Lin Tao. Lin Tao expressed helplessness.Lin Tao lost all three games in a row, and 100 million became 92.At this speed, 100 million in half an hour will be lost.The people next to the basic unit No. [-] had hope in their heads, and the hot spots focused on No. [-] and No. [-].Number six has won three times in a row, and number nine has lost once.

"Oh baby, I finally won!" Binder flipped the dice into the center of the petal for the fourth time, tripling it.Binder put his arms around the accompanying beauty and kissed her.Lin Tao still lost here.And what's even worse is that the admiration is ten times higher, and the desktop funds have become 82.

"Damn it, I should have doubled it just now!" Binder regretted very much.Then he shouted to Lin Tao, don't worry, the more you panic, the harder it will be to play.The result was a laugh.In the eyes of everyone, these two are saving money to send money.On Lin Tao's side, the plump beauty with blond hair and blue eyes was worried for Lin Tao, and the tip of her nose was sweating.Whenever Lin Tao loses, he always has a look of pity, and he is more nervous than Lin Tao when watching the dice slip.Lin Tao wore a tea mirror, but he couldn't see much expression, but when he lost, he would pat the armrest of the chair angrily.Lin Tao still lost the fifth time.The beauties around her have become completely disappointed. It is estimated that Lin Tao will not give her any more rewards after losing.It might as well bet on size and size just now, and won more than [-] yuan!The beauty Giancarlo really wanted to persuade Lin Tao to leave the gambling table.He didn't know that Lin Tao was constantly testing the friction of the tabletop, and contacted the degree of force exerted by his fingers.

Nine times, Binder only won once, and the table's 200 million became 150 million.Lin Tao only had 40 left, and he lost faster than Binder.Before the start of the next round, Lin Tao suddenly smiled and stuck a [-] chip on Giancarlo's face.The little beauty was a little startled, then smiled and made a gesture of cheering.Only then did Giancarlo realize that the ten chips left by Lin Tao were a tip for her.Giancarlo's companion on the opposite side cast envious eyes, but he became sympathetic again when he saw Lin Tao.These two directors are really bad at this gambling table!It's no wonder if you don't have the skills to play this game without losing light.Even if the skill of playing dice is good, it is not bad if you can keep neither losing nor winning, but you will lose after a long time.

"It's really a consolation prize!" Giancarlo couldn't bear to watch, Lin Tao had already lost for the tenth time.

"Oh, Fan 36 has appeared!" Many people shouted.The colorful 36th fan appeared in front of Lin Tao.Lin Tao is the closest to this pattern.A lot of people booed, even if he was the closest to Lin Tao, Lin Tao's level is still slim!

"It's a pity, why didn't you show up on your side!" The person next to contestant No. [-] sighed.

"It's started!" The scene immediately fell silent.

Lin Tao leaned down, moved his fingers a few times, but still didn't make a move. He looked very nervous. The other contestants popped up one after another, as if they were winning or losing. Their eyes were all on Lin Tao. Giancarlo even made two small fists, tightly Staring at Lin Tao's hand.

"5——4——3——" Several people had already started counting down Li's head, and their faces were full of smiles.

I saw Lin Tao's trembling fingers finally popped out, the scene was quiet, and everyone held their breath, but saw the dice slide across the table into concentric circles, then slide into the golden petals, slide past the number on it that pays six times, and stop there quietly 36 fans on the center of the circle.

"Oh, long live Your Majesty, come and pamper my family!" Fireworks were set off on the screen in the center of the table, a king held up the sword of victory, and seven or eight people ran towards the king without taking off their clothes. sound.Immediately explode the scene!All the patterns in the concentric circles have become 36 times ten!

Lin Tao leaned back on the chair and laughed.

"Oh dear, it's doubled, 360!" Giancarlo jumped up and down with his arms around Lin Tao, and the scene was full of exclamations.

"Oh my God, when did he order jiajufan! Oh, God!"

"Lucky shit!"

"Lin, you are amazing, cheers! Hahaha——" Binder swept away his decadence and laughed, after all, the person who came with him won.

Happily, Giancarlo showed his red lips, and Lin Tao also gave him a long kiss for the atmosphere.Giancarlo's little tongue flicked in Lin Tao's mouth, and he pressed his straight chest into Lin Tao's arms and rubbed it.Everyone booed excitedly, and Binder whistled!

"Boy, I am optimistic about you, next time I bet you win!" An old guy with white hair patted the gaming table and shouted.

"I want to win too!" Binder shouted hoarsely.

Lin Tao proudly piled nine chips in front of Giancarlo, then bent down, ready for the next round.


Lin Tao flicked it out without hesitation, straightened his body and watched, the dice slid a long way and finally passed the center of the petal and entered another petal, which was doubled.But the back is still multiplied by ten.

"I forgot to turn off Jiafan!" Lin Tao muttered with a smile.Giancarlo took a look at Lin Tao, thinking that Lin Tao was too cute.

Binder's side popped up cautiously after ten seconds, and the target was Huaxin, who was doubled by eight times.Seeing that the speed is a bit fast, it is estimated that it will be difficult to stop.However, Lin Tao smiled and moved his fingers quietly, and slowly blocked it with a movement of invisible true energy, and the dice finally stopped at Huaxin.Binder jumped up from his chair and cheered, because Binder also added ten times this time.I won 80 at once.

Several cursed Shet in a low voice.This Binder and Lin Tao had bad luck one after another.

"Boy, let's see if you can win three times in a row!" shouted the old man who had just bet on Lin Tao.

In the end, he supported Lin Tao again and lost, and Lin Tao paid three times the compensation.Lost 30 at once.Giancarlo next to Lin Tao whispered, "Can you turn off Jiafan!"

"It's shit luck!" Someone relaxed, a typical villain who follows others but does not favor himself, and is too jealous.

"Damn it, I don't believe it, I can't continue to win!" Lin Tao slapped the table and shouted, with the air of a gambler.As a result, the next round was upset again, and the exclamation continued, and eighteen times multiplied ten.Lin Tao also screamed again and again. The scene was once again driven by Lin Tao, and more people raised their bets.After playing for another hour and a half, Lin Tao lost more times and won less times, but each time he won six times, eight times, twelve times ten.The desktop fund display has become 1800, which is 800 million.Lin Tao felt that it was almost done, and it would be suspicious if he played again. After all, it was the second prince's casino, so don't win too much.During the period, Lin Tao also helped Binder several times, and Binder's 200 million became 350 million.Lin Tao asked Binder to change places.Binder left without further ado.

"Let's go, I'm treating you! Can I eat here?" Lin Tao said excitedly with his arms around Giancarlo.

"Of course, the restaurant is on the second floor, and the hotel rooms are on the upper floor." Binder winked at Lin Tao.

"Two beautiful lucky angels, how about we go eat French cuisine together?" Lin Tao invited the two girls, and the two girls naturally agreed.

"Sir, here is your card and check!" The waiter handed Lin Tao the bank card that had been transferred, and two cash checks worth $[-].

"Today is the good luck brought by two beautiful ladies. This is the reward you deserve." Lin Tao handed the two checks to the two women respectively, and he was also a dandy.

"Thank you, dear!" The two girls hugged Lin Tao's neck and kissed twice.

"You can buy a beauty's heart!" Binder punched Lin Tao, and Giancarlo's female companion flew into Binder's arms to offer a sweet kiss.The four laughed and entered the second floor of the hotel.The bodyguards followed behind.

In the casino office, the second prince looked at the surveillance screen and couldn't help but smacked his lips and said, "That Oriental man's luck is really good, and he actually brought some good luck to Binder. It seems that Bender won money from me for the first time! Go get the restaurant specials and open a nice bottle of wine."

French baked snails, grilled lobster, veal steak, fruit salad, one after another.

"Your Excellency Binder, this is the deep-sea whitebait presented by the boss, as well as the fine wine from Chateau Beaubon!" A waiter pushed the dining car over and brought a plate of golden grilled fish. Binder waved his hand and dismissed the waiter.Then he said with a smile: "My second brother is pretending to be generous. Today we won his one day's casino revenue. Hahaha——It's so happy. I guess I have given him [-] million dollars in casinos in the past ten years. It’s a trivial point, but it’s very enjoyable! Come, let’s toast our victory!”

Lin Tao thought to himself that this casino is really a gold mine, so it won't earn nearly tens of billions of dollars a year. Lin Tao really wants to open a big casino in Xiliang, but he just thinks about it.One country, two systems, it is estimated that the mainland will not legalize gambling in the past few decades, and it can only be privately run underground casinos secretly.

"Binder, are you really a prince?" Giancarlo's female companion Jerry asked curiously.

"Why, am I not like a prince?" Binder asked back.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "This is the real His Royal Highness Prince Alwabind, the real thing, with an ixs international certification on his butt."

"You only have the certification on your butt!" Several people laughed.

"May I have a chance to appreciate the international certification?" Jerry asked, with affection in his eyes.

"Of course I don't mind. But I want to see yours too." Binder pinched Jerry's ass.

After supper, Binder said, let's go upstairs and rest, where I have my special suite.Lin Tao just opened his mouth to refuse.Jerry immediately said: "If you are a man, don't reject this kind of beauty, don't disappoint!"

Lin Tao looked at the blond beauty Giancarlo, who was looking forward to springing up, and his heart was pounding. He said that he had never tasted a golden cat in his life, and he just had a meal today.

"You don't do perverted sneak shots, do you?" Lin Tao continued to speak in Chinese, and the two women looked at them with some doubts, but couldn't understand.

"If you have that hobby, I can arrange it!" Binder laughed.

Lin Tao really did as the Romans did tonight, entering the hotel room with the beauty in his arms.

"I'll go wash it first!" Giancarlo kissed Lin Tao, jumped and ran across the carpet, and scattered the clothes on the ground. Lin Tao admired his fair and delicate body, and Giancarlo covered his chest with his arms. Turning around and giving Lin Tao a charming look, she entered the bathroom a little shyly. The bathroom is surrounded by glass and is very transparent.Lin Tao can enjoy the beauty bathing outside.Giancarlo has a slender figure, with plump peaks, not very big, but very round, his buttocks are also very upright, and his skin is milky white. Although he is not as good as Xiao Xiao, he is still full of vitality.Giancarlo raised his legs to apply bath lotion, and glanced at Lin Tao outside.Lin Tao was also burning with desire at the moment, he put everything behind him, quickly took off his clothes, and walked into the bathroom.The little brother stood upright on Carlo Beauty's butt. Giancarlo let out a coquettish snort and leaned into Lin Tao's arms, wrapped one arm around Lin Tao's head, and turned around to ask for a kiss. Lin Tao held Carlo's belly with one hand and rubbed it With plump breasts, she eagerly kissed Giancarlo.The smooth bath liquid made Lin Tao's hand feel even better. His left hand went all the way from the lower abdomen to the gully, and when he rubbed it, Giancarlo trembled and hummed heavily.Feeling the fingers full of magic slip into his sensitive place, he couldn't help clamping his legs, and his butt was gently shaking and rubbing against Lin Tao's little brother. Lin Tao also moaned comfortably, and couldn't help but flash, foreign countries Niu really has a lot of means.Then touch and rub more passionately.Under the faucet, water droplets continuously splashed on the intertwined bodies of the two Bai Huanghuangs, and the glass was covered with a layer of water mist, and the figures of the two became hazy inside.

Foreign girls are indeed wilder than Asian women. Although Carlo is only in his early twenties, he has a lot of sexual experience and proficient skills. He sticks out his tongue to lick Lin Tao's chest, and Lin Tao can't help humming. Next, the tip of the tongue slid across Lin Tao's lower abdomen, and then he moved the blond hair to the side with his hand, looked at his head charmingly, rubbed Lin Tao's lower body with his small hands, then gently picked it up, stretched out the tip of his pink tongue to lick it, especially occasionally Looking at Lin Tao with flickering blue eyes, Lin Tao only felt waves of electricity paralyze his whole body.The blond beauty knelt down to play the flute, and Lin Tao finally started to move. Recalling the porn movies he had seen in his mind, he felt a little disgusted at the time, but now he is so urgent and full of a sense of conquest.This night, Lin Tao's body was steaming, and Giancarlo experienced difficult moves that he had never experienced before.She felt like a doll being arbitrarily manipulated into various poses by Lin Tao. The three secret caves had all been baptized by Lin Tao. Waves of ** hit the cerebral cortex. Giancarlo yelled hysterically and fainted several times. Waking up again, for a while, heaven, and for a while, Giancarlo felt that he had met Prince Charming before, and then he felt that he had met the devil, the god of sex.

When Giancarlo woke up at noon the next day, he felt numb all over his body and didn't want to wake up lazily.

"I'm still alive!" Giancarlo whispered, the man was no longer around, but there was a card on the pillow, which read: "Thank you for giving me a passionate and wonderful night, excessive indulgence I am very sorry. You are a girl who deserves God's favor. I wish you happiness in the future."

Giancarlo looked at the card feeling lost, the mysterious man was full of magical power, his black eyes were so deep and charming, his hands touched his skin, and his whole body trembled with excitement, which was an experience he had never had before.Maybe I will never see him again in this life.Giancarlo grabbed the satchel and wanted to take out the mirror to have a look at himself. When he saw the thirteen chips in the bag, he became slightly excited again. He secretly thanked Lin Tao for being such a good man. This is 13. A check of 100, when Giancarlo opened the card holder, took out the check and exclaimed again, rubbed his eyes, and checked carefully with his fingers, the [-] turned into [-] million.Giancarlo suddenly had a sore nose, and tears fell down drop by drop.

At this moment, at the Saudi International Airport, Lin Tao was holding a large bunch of roses and waving to Xiao Xiao who was walking over the railing, his eyes were full of joy and tenderness, and the indulgence of last night did not leave a trace.Last night, after Lin Tao was passionate, the true energy in his body was surging, and after performing the exercises for a week, he actually broke through the eighth layer of Hunyuan Kung Fu.After work was over, Lin Tao felt ashamed looking at Giancarlo lying naked on the bed, and felt pity for the girl who was curled up and sleeping.After helping Giancarlo to wash it, he put it on the bed and used his true energy to help the woman sort out her meridians again.Afterwards, Lin Tao went downstairs to get a million check and put it in Giancarlo's wallet.Then quietly return to the hotel where you stayed.Lying on the bed, I said sorry to Xiao Xiao silently to teachers and students several times.Try to get rid of the image of Giancarlo in your mind.The next day, I greeted my wife who flew from Africa with full enthusiasm.

Xiao Xiao walked into the hall, and seeing Lin Tao open her arms, she was slightly touched, and threw herself into Lin Tao's arms happily. Lin Tao held a rose in one hand, and flew around his wife three times in the other, and kissed her hard. Only then, under Xiao Xiao's coquettish anger, walked out with her arms around Xiaoman's waist, attracting countless men and women in the hall.Xiao Xiao's handsome face, all-powerful appearance, and invincible aura make all the Middle Eastern beauties in the hall and European and American flight attendants pale in comparison.The appearance of Xiao Xiao is like the arrival of a goddess, the arrival of the queen of the kingdom of thousands of flowers, every frown and smile affects the nerves of several people.The top models who originally participated in the World Model Contest have also become fallen leaves.Wherever it passes, a channel will automatically spread out.I can't stay here, Xiao Xiao is followed by more than 20 black suits!In particular, Lord Tiger has a ferocious and frightening expression on his face.

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