Jagged city

Chapter 366

Jagged City - Chapter 360 Encountered a kidnapper

After Lin Zhiyuan had dinner, he went back to the hotel to video chat with Zhu Yueting. He was not interested in any dance.Lin Tao wanted to show Xiao Xiao around, so he took the invitation to the dance, took a car with Xiao Xiao, and went to the address on the invitation.

To tell the truth, the location of the ball was far enough away, an old castle on the outskirts of the capital.Lin Tao and his wife arrived by car for an hour.Lin Tao left Qin Liehu in the hotel to protect Lin Zhiyuan.Xiao Guan and Lian Rong led three teams to secretly protect Lin Tao.Parked the car outside the castle.

Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao drove the car and passed the invitation at the gate of the castle, and the four bodyguards in black let the car pass.It seems that the security of the castle should be good.Lin Tao drove the car into the parking lot. There were sixty or seventy sports cars on the field, all of which were world famous.

"Oh—here I come!" A convertible sports car carried excited howling men and women, and a drifter parked beside Lin Tao's car.If it weren't for Lin Tao's quick movements, if he drove down here, he would have been hit by them.

The man with the silver ring on his lips whistled at Lin Tao and his wife, then jumped out, winked at Lin Tao and said, "Hey, Cowboy, your girl is pretty enough."

This dance was a party for young people, and it was more casual, so Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao dressed up in western cowboy clothes, wearing riding boots, a belt, and wide-brimmed hats on their heads.Lin Tao also darkened her skin and put on a small black beard, she looks like she is from the Middle East... Xiao Xiao wore a golden wig, blue colored eyes, heavy makeup, long eyelashes, and sequins , I can't see Xiao Xiao's original appearance at all.It can be said that the outfits of the two are very suitable for this party.

Lin Tao kissed the very gorgeous Xiao Xiao.Then he jumped out of the car and smiled at the two women brought by the red-haired cockscomb man: "Your girls are not bad either!"

After Lin Tao finished speaking, he walked towards the door with Xiao Xiao in his arms.Xiao Xiao gave Lin Tao a twist, and said angrily, "I didn't see it, but you are very trendy, and those two girls are still winking at you!"

"Do as the Romans do, don't you want to take you to have fun. Otherwise, I won't go." Lin Tao laughed.

"How dare you!" Xiao Xiao glared at Lin Tao, and pulled Lin Tao in. Six security guards were set up at the gate of the castle hall. When passing through the gate, they were scanned by instruments, and guns and daggers were not allowed to be brought in.After Xiao Xiao's belt was scanned, it was not scanned because it was a special alloy.Originally, Xiao Xiao was thinking about calling out, but the security guard didn't mention it, so Xiao Xiao stopped taking the initiative.Xiao Xiao walked in curiously.After entering, he did not directly enter the hall, but passed through a corridor lit with torches, and then walked along the slope to a door with a terrifying shape.There was a red light in the eyes of a skull at the gate, and from time to time, he let out a sinister and strange smile.

After pushing the door open, some piercing rock and roll music came to the face.Torches were burning on the walls around the hall, and in the middle stood a cauldron burning with flames, which was supported by a one-meter-high iron frame.Although the fire in the hall was a bit dim, the maids who shuttled among the crowd of various shapes were very conspicuous, because these maids were all wearing black soft leather bikinis, wearing black eye masks, especially the fluffy tails on their buttocks as they walked around. , constantly swaying, such a catwoman costume is really sexy and coquettish.There are sofas randomly placed in the hall, some sitting opposite each other, and some forming a circle.There are not a few people who spit clouds and mist.Smelling the strange smell of smoke, Xiao Xiao couldn't help muttering to Lin Tao: "They don't smoke marijuana, do they?"

"It seems to be, I haven't smoked before!" Lin Tao said, scanning around.At this time, two catgirls walked up to them with trays in their hands. One tray contained cocktails, and the other contained ephedra long and thin cigarettes without filters.It seems to be the same as those people.

"You don't want to smoke, do you?" Xiao Xiao glared at Lin Tao who was holding a marijuana roll.

"Pretending!" Lin Tao pinned the cigarette to his ear, then clinked glasses with Xiao Xiao. Lin Tao led Xiao Xiao straight to a single-seater sofa, because there were almost always people in other places.Lin Tao sat on the sofa, sinking half of his body, while Xiao Xiao sat casually on the armrest.The two are quite right.Xiao Xiao took a glance and found that many people were talking and laughing loudly. There were a few couples kissing and touching unscrupulously. There were also one woman and two men, and two women and one man. .

"This kind of gathering is very messy, isn't it suitable for us! It's too decadent." Xiao Xiao said leaning on Lin Tao's head.

"It's good to open your eyes!" Lin Tao grabbed Xiao Xiao in his arms. Xiao Xiao put one arm around Lin Tao's neck and held the wine glass in the other. The posture of the two of them completely blended into the party without any abruptness.

Xiao Xiao said: "Fortunately, I have put on makeup, and I can't tell who I am. Otherwise, I can't stay here anymore. Is this party just listening to rock, drinking, and smoking marijuana?"

On the stage in the north of the hall, there is a rock band playing, basically in the shape of vampires, and the songs they sing are also very scary.Xiao Xiao and Lin Tao were born and raised in China, and they basically grew up in a well-behaved manner until they were adults. They are still not used to this kind of gathering.After all, the cultural atmosphere and living habits are different, and it is still difficult to integrate in the bones.It's like diagonally opposite, a woman with low hips is riding on a man and kissing with her half of her buttocks exposed, and one hand is still inserted into the man's pants.Xiao Xiao would never be able to do this kind of thing, while other people turned a blind eye and got used to it.

"I'll go!" Xiao Xiao couldn't help exclaiming, Lin Tao looked up, and four strong men wearing leopard-print short skirts and naked upper body and thighs walked in the middle of the hall. These four men's faces were painted with oil paint, and their muscles Smeared with olive oil, smooth and shiny, especially the four men carrying a skinned calf on a wooden pole looked wild.There was also a barbecue grill in the middle of the hall. Several people quickly put the calf on the grill, and the charcoal underneath burst into flames.A woman in a feather and shell suit poured a bottle of wine into the fire, and the flames strung together.There was a shout in the hall.

The woman was set up by two big men, and the Feather Girl raised her arms and shouted: "Welcome to the Hellfire Party. Here you can cheer, play, and indulge. This is a free paradise and a crazy hell. you!"

"Oh—oh—" the crowd cheered.

There was a guy who was smoking marijuana and was in high spirits. He rushed over shirtless and shouted: "Beauty, let me kiss your ass!"

"Go away, you lowly slave! You are only worthy of kissing my toes." The Feather Girl yelled, kicking her foot on the man's chest, and the man fell on all fours, causing everyone to laugh, and the Feather Girl even more so. Splash the wine in the glass on the face and chest of the confused man.The man was not angry, but smiled lasciviously, sticking out his tongue to lick the drink.Then he got up, half-kneeled on the ground, reverently held up the girl's foot, and kissed the toes.He stuck out his tongue and licked it.

"Oh, you disgusting bastard, get out of here." With a kick in the face, the man fell down again, and the laughter in the hall became even wilder.The bassist plucked the strings quickly and made a high note.

"Ooh-oh-oh-oh" a group of wild half-naked women rushed into the middle of the hall and started dancing around the bonfire and roasted cows, accompanied by drum beats on the stage.Many men and women also stood up to the beat of the drum, dancing frantically and shouting.

Xiao Xiao stared at it with wide eyes, and after a while, took a sip of wine before saying: "It's quite lively."

Although his tone was light, the excitement in his eyes betrayed her. Lin Tao jumped up from the sofa holding Xiao Xiao in his arms, causing Xiao Xiao to exclaim.Lin Tao put the wine glasses of the two on the table, and then dragged Xiao Xiao into the venue to dance.On the bonfire in the center, the roasted cow is squeaking out of oil. A big man is turning the roasted cow to make it evenly heated. The other is holding a long brush and filling it with brandy, honey, salt—etc. After waiting for the various seasoning buckets, they quickly brushed them up.The aroma continued to diffuse around the hall.

Lin Tao is known as the king of dancers, and Xiao Xiao also met in the disco. The emotions of the two were mobilized, and they began to dance with the beat of the drums. The two danced face to face, and their movements were basically the same. Loud and very rhythmic.The two danced wildly and unrestrainedly, and they attracted everyone's attention in a short while.Someone yelled to get out of the way automatically, and there was a gap. Lin Tao and his wife danced even more vigorously. Anyway, they put on makeup and are still in a foreign country, so let's let go!The two have a tacit understanding, and when one starts to move, the other imitates immediately.Sometimes the two turned into hippies, and sometimes there was a mechanical dance, especially when the two hips slammed together, and the overfrequency shaking seemed to make everyone shout loudly.

"Fly!" Lin Tao yelled loudly, bent down and grabbed Xiao Xiao's feet, then jumped up, pulled Xiao Xiao over in the air, and threw him over his head.Everyone exclaimed.

Xiao Xiao put her feet up and down, covered her hat with one hand, and spread her legs apart. This posture was just a random swing. Lin Tao took three steps back, held the sky with one hand, grabbed Xiao Xiao's other hand, and turned around twice. Exclamations continued, some people thought, this must be a circus performer who was hired!But it seems to be more exciting than the circus I have seen.

Lin Tao bent down slightly, raised his hands upwards, Xiao Xiao flew up again, a full four meters high, Xiao Xiao turned somersault in the air, was caught by Lin Tao again, and then grabbed her arms and placed her After taking off his hat and paying tribute, the audience erupted in applause.

"Oh, that's cool, did you find my brother?" Philae the Feather girl jumped up and down with her arms around Binder's neck, because the performance of the two undoubtedly made Philae, the host, a big face.

Binder looked at the skull necklace on Xiao Xiao's neck, then at Lin Tao, and became very surprised.Although she wore makeup, but with the necklace as evidence, Binder undoubtedly recognized Lin Tao in the denim outfit, and that gorgeous cowgirl was undoubtedly Xiao Xiao. I didn't expect Xiao Xiao, the peerless oriental beauty, to have such a wild side. Binder was surprised.

"Brother, let's toast them! Well, I decided to reward them with a sports car." Philae was so happy, he pulled Binder and walked over.

Binder touched his nose and smiled slyly: "You should know them."

"I know it, it's impossible, I don't have a circus actor friend."

"Really, wait a minute, please don't say that! ——Oh, Allah, God praises you, my brother!" Binder walked over and gave Lin Tao a bear hug.Then he wanted to hug Xiao Xiao again, but Xiao Xiao flinched from it, bent over and hugged Fei Lai.Philae was both excited and puzzled.

"Lovely Princess Philae, I don't remember my sister!" Xiao Xiao tapped Philae's nose and said in Chinese.

"Oh my god, you are Xiao Xiao, it's incredible." Philai jumped up holding Xiao Xiao's arm, so excited.Then he recognized Lin Tao again, kissed each of their faces, and then laughed.

"Praise be to Allah, I thought you were super-class circus performers invited by Brother Wang just now! The performance is really wonderful. It's amazing." Philae's excitement still hasn't subsided, and he is even more curious about Lin Tao and his wife, feeling that the couple is full of excitement. Mystique.

Binder also said: "If I hadn't seen this necklace just now, I almost didn't recognize it. Ms. Xiao Xiao's transformation is really amazing."

"No, if the nose was bigger, she would become a real European beauty." Philae said gesturing.

"Go, let Zaarin bring some of the best barbecues here. Then bring two bottles of red wine." Binder ordered a catwoman.

Soon, a golden tray full of barbecue was brought over, and a circle of vegetable and fruit salad was sprinkled around the barbecue.The maid set the plates and poured wine for the four of them.

Binder smiled and said, "Taste the taste of the roasted cow. That man is my father's royal roaster."

Xiao Xiao tasted it and couldn't help but praised: "It's really delicious, much better than the barbecue in the hotel."

Philae said happily: "I didn't see you at my father's banquet yesterday. I was very disappointed. Fortunately, you came today. You can see that my skin is dark again. I have to ask you for beauty tips. !"

Xiao Xiao blushed. Seeing Lin Tao's proud look, she stepped under the table with her foot, and then smiled at Fei Lai, "Your complexion is very healthy and beautiful. Just pay attention to maintaining moisture."

"Yeah, we're not white, so what's the point?" Binder interjected.

"Don't talk if you don't understand." Philae scolded.Binder smiled wryly and had no choice but to talk to Lin Tao.

Binder asked Lin Tao what plans he had next, and he wanted to invite Lin Tao to play, but Lin Tao said with a smile: "I'm here for a visit, and there are still many people under my command. It's not enough to just play, and I have to visit you tomorrow." water-saving agriculture."

"Ah, are you going tomorrow, and Xiao Xiao is going too? No, I have to follow—but, will I get tanned again? Xiao Xiao, can you stay with me here? Let Lin go alone." Fei Lai took Xiao Xiao's hand and said coquettishly.

Binder said in his heart, sister, can I accompany you for the reunion of husband and wife?I'm really ignorant.But he didn't dare to suffer from his younger sister.Not only because of doting on his sister, Philae is also the favorite princess of King Alva, the apple of his eye.All the brothers and sisters gave way to this Philae.Even if Philae played petty temper, the other brothers and sisters had to let it go.

Xiao Xiao smiled, touched the hat and said, "Put on a big hat and put on some sunscreen and you'll be fine. By the way, Philae, I came back from Africa and brought you a present."

Xiao Xiao took out a jewelry box from the big cloth pocket of the denim jacket and handed it to Philae.Philae happily took it and opened it.

"Wow, what a beautiful bracelet! But it seems a bit big!" Philae stared at the bracelet studded with broken diamonds, which was as wide as two fingers.Very beautiful and luxurious.

"You stupid, this is an anklet!" Binder pointed at his sister's forehead and laughed.

"Don't laugh!" Philae pouted and looked at a few people, then retracted his legs impatiently, and put the anklet on.Lin Tao couldn't choke on the wine, because Philae's smooth thighs were exposed, and Lin Tao even saw a few naughty grass sticking out.

Philae straightened his feet and looked, then stood up and turned around again.Lin Tao feasted his eyes, but he glanced casually, after all Xiao Xiao was beside him.

"Oh, it's so beautiful, I like it very much. Thank you for your gift, Xiao Xiao!" Philae kissed Xiao Xiao again, and then dragged Xiao Xiao to dance in the arena.

"Xiao Xiao brought Philae a gift from Africa, as well as your performance. This is the best adult gift Philae has ever received. Let me toast you!" Binder raised his glass and said.

"We are also very happy to participate in this party. I think these two women get along very well." Lin Taoxin said, who knew that this was Philae's coming-of-age party, if Xiao Xiao didn't prepare a gift, she would be ashamed.

Binder laughed and said, "Yes, Philai has been full of praise for Xiao Xiao since he came back from Xiliang!"

"Ah-ah!" There were exclamations and cheers from the field.

The two turned their heads and saw that Xiao Xiao grabbed Fei Lai's feet and lifted him up. Fei Lai kept screaming in mid-air, one leg was still shaking, Xiao Xiao walked around in circles, like a ballet in the air, The ice dance in the sky, especially the diamond anklet against the background of the bonfire, was colorful, causing everyone to cheer again. In the end Xiao Xiao also imitated Lin Tao and threw Feilai away, then caught him in his arms, half-kneeled and kissed Feilai. He also covered it with a hat. This handsome action caused strange screams and whistles in the field.After Philae stood up, his face was flushed and he was so excited.Loudly introduce to everyone present: "This is my best friend, the beautiful and amazing Ms. Xiao Xiao."

Not only Binder, Lin Tao was also a little dumbfounded, thinking, my wife won't have a tendency to flirt!

Suddenly, Lin Tao raised his eyebrows.

The music in the venue stopped suddenly, and a guy wearing a Batman mask and a cloak walked onto the stage, holding a submachine gun in his hand.Could it be a show, Lin Tao couldn't help thinking, but when he scanned the hall, he suddenly found that it was broken, because there were two masked men with guns standing at the door, and there were also two guys with guns in the middle of the hall.

"Quiet—" Batman on the stage roared, and the scene suddenly became quiet. Most men and women thought it was a show.So he focused his attention on the stage.

"This is not a show, but a kidnapping! Da da da——" The submachine gun spewed tongues of fire upwards along with the words, and a woman in the hall began to scream.

"Don't move around, go back to your seat and sit down, and squat on the ground if you don't sit. As long as you cooperate, I won't hurt a single hair of you——"

Binder was startled and angry, and there were layers of security guards. How did this kidnapper get in? Damn, there must be an inner ghost to respond, otherwise it would be impossible to bring the gun in through the main entrance.Everyone returned to their seats honestly. Although it was kidnapping, there were so many people that they were relatively less afraid.

"Very good, just cooperate with us to ensure that you are safe. Catgirls, go use the tray and put away all the jewelry and watches." The people on the stage shouted excitedly.

Xiao Xiao and Philai returned to Lin Tao's side. Philai was terrified to be hugged by Binder and still trembling, while Binder looked at Lin Tao and his wife sitting there very calmly.Xiao Xiao looked at Lin Tao, who said in a very low voice, "Wait and see."

"We are asking for money, not life! All of you present are of extraordinary status. I think your family is very willing to pay us a considerable ransom. Dear Prince Bind, Princess Philae, please come to the stage .” Batman on stage said into the microphone.

"Brother, I'm afraid." Philae was very frightened, his body trembling a little.

"It's okay, with Brother Wang here, you'll be fine." Bindra picked up Philae, glanced at Lin Tao and his wife, and then walked to the stage.

"Very well, thank you, Prince and Princess for your cooperation. Friends present, no matter what your status is, even hidden bodyguards, please do not act rashly. We all have explosives hidden in our bodies, which are powerful enough to kill everyone. So for Everyone's safety, please don't mess around, and again, we are just asking for money." Batman showed the vertical detonator explosives around his waist.Binder frowned, and looked carefully at the audience. There were six kidnappers standing around the gate, plus seven on the stage.I didn't expect so many criminals to get in the gathering of hundreds of people.

"Sir, why don't you give me an account number, and I'll transfer 3000 million US dollars to you right away! Then you leave quietly immediately, how do you think this is good for everyone?" Binder said calmly.

The kidnapper didn't expect Binder to cooperate so much, and was stunned for a moment.

Binder immediately said: "It is unrealistic for everyone to pay the ransom. If there is any delay, the place will be surrounded by the police and guards. At that time, it will be difficult for you to escape. Do as I said, and you can easily take the money away. Don't Hesitated. I will transfer the money immediately."

The gangster rolled his eyes and said, "3000 million is too little, I will leave immediately after transferring [-] million dollars."

"500 million is too much, I don't have that much cash, don't you know that I am selling oil fields, that is not cash. I can only take out [-] million US dollars at most! This is enough for you to spend a lifetime, time is life, Are you still hesitating!" Binder pressed while tempting.The gangster hesitated.

"I think it's okay, let's do it!" A gangster shouted from below.Seeing the other people nodding, Batman immediately said: "I told you to transfer the account number! Hurry up!"

Binder took out his mobile phone and quickly transferred the money. After 3 minutes, the Swiss bank transferred the money. After Batman confirmed it, he said in a trembling voice: "Thank you for your cooperation, Your Highness. This will bring you good luck. Let's go."

Several gangsters ran over quickly, and there were already a lot of jewelry and watches in two trays. The kidnappers grabbed two and put them in their pockets, and then seven people ran to the backstage corner door.After the last kidnapper went in, the kidnapper who was holding the corner door closed the door, waved to everyone, and blew a kiss.Everyone was startled and angry, Lin Tao in the corner thought and thought, and finally stabilized.If Lin Tao ran over to kill the gangsters, it would be shocking to the world. Besides, if one of the gangsters shot and injured these sons and daughters, he would become a sinner instead.Although Binder broke his fortune, he gained fame.Therefore, Lin Tao considered again and again, but still did not move.In addition, Lin Tao and his wife had nothing to lose, so they couldn't help being a little secretly proud.It's lucky that Catwoman hasn't come to them to collect jewelry.

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