Jagged city

Chapter 374 The Underground Colosseum

Jagged City - Chapter 370 [-] Underground Colosseum

Lin Tao followed the warden to visit the Beaver Island Prison. The security measures of this Beaver Island are very strict. The prison is a circular closed building, and the gate is even more heavily guarded. Prisoners cannot escape from here.

The warden introduced Lin Tao as he walked, and because he was accompanied by Jewish elders, the warden naturally respected Lin Tao very much, and he did not shy away from Lin Tao along the way, introducing him wherever he went.Beaver Island Prison is not simply a place to hold prisoners, but also cooperates with military medical institutions.Do some experiments.There are now three hundred prisoners in the prison.The elder explained next to him: "It doesn't count the special felons detained underground."

The warden glanced at the elder in surprise, and then met the deacon's eyes. He really didn't expect that such a confidential matter would be told to this Oriental man. It seemed really unusual.Thinking of the elder's introduction that this Lin Tao is a friend of the high priest, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted.It seems that Lin Tao is very important in the eyes of the high priest!If he could accompany Lin Tao well during this trip, the High Priest might look up to him. In the future, he would have the opportunity to leave this ghostly place and enter the real high-level government.Thinking of this, the warden's smile became more sincere.Lin Tao also commented from time to time.Then enter the place where the prisoners are released to watch.

"The recreational facilities here are also good! It seems that the human rights of the prisoners have been fully respected." Lin Tao looked at the prisoners surrounded by wires, some playing basketball, some football, and some playing rugby.The prisoners here are not only Jews, but also black, white, ugly, and handsome.Most of the prisoners here are muscular. It is also very strange to see Lin Tao and others looking inside.Because Lin Tao was accompanied by the warden and the deacon in black, and there was an elder with a white beard beside him, many prisoners guessed Lin Tao's identity.

"Yes, we attach great importance to this aspect. The various benefits for prisoners are the best in domestic prisons."

"Is everyone here except for the underground felon?" Lin Tao asked casually, looking for Coman, the prodigal son of Byrne.

"Almost, our prison is fully subsidized. There is no need to use prisoners to make money. Besides, here are all repeat offenders, so prisoners are not allowed to participate in any service work. They only need to exercise their bodies. Although there is no real freedom, but It can be said that this is also a paradise for prisoners. Of course, sometimes they have to cooperate to do some—”

Lin Tao nodded, expressing his understanding, and said to himself, he treated these people like little mice.

"Here are the most ferocious and cruel criminals in Israel. You see, that old guy sitting on the ground and meditating on the Bible looks weak, but he is actually a serial murderer. This old guy has killed more than 20 people in 80 years alone. Some he doesn’t remember himself, and the police have nowhere to investigate.”

"He is possessed by a demon, distorting the scriptures of the Bible, thinking that killing people is saving people!" The black-clothed deacon explained beside him.

"He was also occupied by evil spirits?" Lin Tao asked.

"That's not true, but his mind has become depraved, which is even more dangerous. Some of the special felons detained underground were occupied by evil spirits. I heard that Your Excellency helped the high priest and others eliminate the evil spirits that invaded Grumman—— "

"Stop being presumptuous!" The elder snorted and interrupted the black-clothed deacon, who immediately fell silent and stopped talking.

Lin Tao smiled and said, "It's okay, I also want to meet those special repeat offenders, to see the so-called evil spirits."

After walking around, the square chief rang the bell, and the prisoners entered the corridor under the watchful eyes of the guards.

The warden explained: "It's time for the prisoners to have lunch. Elder, Your Excellency Lin Tao, please go to the restaurant for dinner!"

Lin Tao waved his hand and said, "I also want to experience the lunch of the prisoners. I think I can eat with them."

"This—" The warden looked at the deacon and elder in embarrassment.The elder nodded, and the warden had no choice but to lead the two to the prisoner's dining room.

The food for the prisoners was also good. Lin Tao looked at the sausages, mashed potatoes, a roast goose leg and a few slices of cantaloupe on the plate. They smelled good.

The warden looked at the black-clothed deacon and the elder, eating slowly, and occasionally flashed a cold look at the prisoners, making the scrutinizing prisoners turn their heads quickly.Lin Tao, on the other hand, ate deliciously, eating the food on the plate bite by bite.The warden ordered four glasses of orange juice to be brought over. Lin Tao took a sip and said, "Well, the food here is pretty good. They shouldn't have any complaints!"

"Occasionally, I will ask for a change of taste, but I will not ask for it lightly." The warden laughed, and it seemed that there was another reason.

"What's going on?" Lin Tao asked with interest.

"These people are raised here, and sometimes they have excess physical strength, so they have to vent. So there is a free fighting event. As long as the neck is not twisted, the medical conditions here can basically be cured, so the group arena is very lively. And , we still have some foreign contestants who have passed the competition, and sometimes some ferocious beasts will be arranged. If Mr. Lin is interested, you can bet two bets. The game will start in half an hour." The warden looked at the elder and then Said to Lin Tao a little excitedly, the elder didn't say anything, so the warden was relieved.

This kind of free fighting is similar to underground black boxing, but it is more exciting. There are special felons from different countries, but these people are bought by the organizer tycoon, and then set a handicap to gamble.In every group arena match, billions or even tens of billions of dollars are gambled.These gamblers are temporarily notified of an address, and only by entering a password can they watch the video and place bets.The identities of the bettors are extremely secretive and come from all over the world.

Lin Tao also became interested when he heard it, and wanted to see it.More importantly, Lin Tao looked at the people who were eating and checked, and the number was three hundred, but Coman was not among them.It seems that we can only pin our hopes on the prisoners held underground or the players participating in the competition, but Coman is a drug addict and should be weak, so it seems impossible to become a player.However, there is no Coman among the criminals detained on this ground, which only shows that Coman is very special, and there may be some unexpected situations.Holding the juice, Lin Tao looked around at the prisoners, and then said with a smile: "It seems that these people are indeed full of energy, and they seem to need a good vent."

"Yes, but most of these people are not qualified. Only a few people can be trained as players. The real players are locked up underground. Some players are too violent to stay with these people. They all have their own private rooms. "The warden laughed.It seems that the single room is not as good as imagined.

Half an hour later, Lin Tao, accompanied by the warden, entered an underground venue, which looked like a small Colosseum in ancient Rome.The site is a large cylindrical pit with a diameter of 30 meters and a height of ten meters.There are three arched openings at the bottom of the pit, all of which are blocked by iron gates.

In the stands above the venue, there were not many people, only a dozen or so were scattered, and the rest were guards with live ammunition.However, it can be seen that the people sitting around the southeast, northwest, and west are all of great status. The warden didn't introduce them, and those people didn't come over either.

The five people sat there, as stable as Mount Tai. Lin Tao felt that three of them were very energetic and should be masters, and the bodyguards behind the other five were not simple.Among them, a young man sitting at the south end looked a little evil, and he took a glass of wine in the direction of Lin Tao and others, showing a faint smile. With a clear face, it seems that he doesn't want to meet these people.Just staring at the Colosseum below.

A mechanical arm protruded above the Colosseum, with a small white fence at the top, on which stood a veiled Jewish woman with a slim figure and straight thighs that looked more sexy.

"The mysterious Colosseum reproduces the splendor of ancient Rome. Here you can not only see bloody battles among the most powerful warriors, but also enjoy the fighting between warriors and ligers, cheetahs, and giant pythons—" the woman said Sexy and provocative words came out of the small mouth.Then came the background music, very desolate.

"Crackling——" an iron door slowly opened, and three people walked out of it. In front of them was a man with a hood and handcuffs, who was held by two fierce guards with guns and walked into the Colosseum.

"Where are you taking me? Although I am a criminal, I should have the right to know." The voice of the man wearing the hood was amplified by the Colosseum's PA equipment, and the echo was heard throughout the Colosseum.

"Oh, this poor samurai, don't know where he is now?" The hostess standing on the cantilever of a crane sighed while clutching her forehead.Lin Tao glanced at the warden next to him, and the scene in the Colosseum was appearing on the computer on the desktop in front of him.

Two fierce guards removed the prisoner's shackles and handcuffs, and kicked him abruptly. The prisoner stumbled forward.Feeling that his hands and feet were free, the prisoner finally stood still, and then forcefully tore off the hood on his head. It was a black man with dyed blond hair.The body is thin, but the muscles in the arms look strong.The man looked around in doubt, and was a little stunned for a moment. The beauty in the sky in the distance stood there like a fairy.There is a smile in the eyes, with pity.The prisoner looked around again, and there were some people sitting sparsely in the stands, some were drinking red wine, some were smoking cigars, all talking and laughing were watching him.

"Who are you? Where is this?" The prisoner shouted in panic, the huge echo startled him.Turning around and looking, there were three black lacquered iron gates, could it be that he was escorted over there.

"It's a poor man. He doesn't know what he's going to face? But don't be deceived by his seemingly innocent appearance. This man participated in the Gulf War and was a special soldier. I don't know if he suffered from the sequelae of the war. In three years, he brutally raped sixteen beautiful girls, and cut off the girl's penis in a perverted way, and stored them in a jar for appreciation. He is violent and evil, and he doesn't know that he faces hunger and thirst Will the African lions after three days still be violent? Let us enjoy the fight between wild beasts and humanoid beasts!" The female host's slightly mocking tone resounded through the hall.

"Hey - where is this? What do you want?" The prisoner became panicked and angry, bloodshot eyes burst out.

"Of course, it would be too cruel and uninteresting for this man to fight a full-grown African lion with his bare hands. Oh, poor Gillis. Guess what comes out of that door?" the hostess continued. Said.

"I don't want to know what will come out, let me out quickly, I have human rights, I want to sue-you stinky bitch!" The man named Gillies shouted hysterically from below, as if realizing that there would be terrible things happen.

The lieutenant general's iron door slowly opened.In an iron cage covered with canvas, an adult African male lion walked out. When the iron door was closed, he turned his head and looked a little puzzled, and then looked at the venue. The lion's eyes slowly gathered On the side of the field, Gillis's eyes burst out, his mouth opened wide showing his fangs and bright red tongue, and he walked towards Gillis step by step.

Gillis froze for a moment, then became terrified, and kept backing away, turning his head and cursing, "Stinky bitch, let me out. You can't do this to me, it's not allowed by the law."

"Beast Gillis, think about how to deal with that lion! That lion has been hungry for three days. In his eyes, you must be a very delicious meal. Oh, I can remind you, look at your left side Ten meters away, there is a wooden stick lying quietly there. The stick is very strong. Although it is not enough to kill the lion, it can resist it for a while. The lion is about to run over. Your time is running out. ——Look at that, the eyes of the African lion are so sharp, it has aimed at its prey, and its mouth has begun to salivate, it must be very hungry now——Look, the lion is about to run, will this lion kill Gillis? one strike!"

"Ow!" roared the Lion, and then sprang at Gillis.

"Oh, the bastard Gillis finally moved. Look at how agile he is. Just now he was just a deceiving illusion. Look, he picked up the hardwood stick as soon as he rolled over. It is said that the stone age was used by primitive people Animal leg bones used as weapons. Yes, that's not a stick, but an adult bison's leg bone, oh my gosh, Gillis looks murderous too, this hungry lion seems a bit wary - yes , that lion seems to smell the same kind, and this Gillis is equally bloodthirsty. I forgot to add that Gillis was forced to rehabilitate because of the torture and killing of prisoners of war on the battlefield. After his demobilization, he not only raped and killed sixteen beautiful girl, he also killed three policemen, a special police officer—oh, look, the lion moved—” the host Adele explained excitedly.

The adult lion rushed towards Gillis fiercely.Lin Tao watched intently. Although this kind of entertainment was inhumane, this Gillis seemed even crueler.This terrifying serial killer calmed down at this moment, facing the lion pounced fiercely in his eyes, Lin Tao saw not only the fierce eyes of Gillis from the stands, but also the contraction of the calf muscles at the moment Gillis bounced, this Gillis must be in good physical condition, Lin Tao thought.Gillis jumped out obliquely with the bison's thigh bone in his hand, dodging the lion's pounce.

The lion jumped five meters, turned around, and became even more furious, drooling even more, the lion looked very hungry, and hunger would make the lion more brutal and faster.Sure enough, the lion pounced again.

Gillis squatted there, picked up the bison's leg bone and smashed it fiercely at the lion's head.




Gillis did hit the lion on the forehead, and the lion screamed and slammed into Gillis, but the ox bone seemed unable to withstand the force of the impact, and it broke in two.Gillis was also knocked down by the lion and rolled to the side in an instant.Before the lion could catch up, Gillis turned and ran.

"Oh, did you see that Gillis's fierce blow just now almost knocked the lion unconscious, but the corbel seems to be a little calcium deficient and not so strong. Look, the lion's head is bleeding, but this lion looks Seems even more angry. He didn't expect a thin human being to give him a violent blow. He's only a lion, and there's no way to know Gillies' cruelty and cunning. Oh - Gillies, it doesn't seem wise for you to run, because The venue is not big, you can’t outrun this lion. Oh, it seems that you have discovered that there is indeed a Teng shield hanging on the wall! The Teng shield is made of mountain vines soaked for half a month, and it is from the Burmese Skill, this shield can stop the sharp teeth of a lion! Look at that, how nimble Gillis is, it is three meters high, and he can actually take off that shield!"

The lion pounced on Gillis again, and Gillis rolled aside with his shield.He quickly picked up the leg bone that had been broken into two pieces, it was more than two feet long, and one end was broken, and a sharp bone spur three inches long was formed.

Host Adele once again exclaimed for Gillis. "Everyone, have you seen that the cruel, insidious and cunning Gillis already has a bone spear and a shield, and he looks more like a tribal warrior now. But the injured lion doesn't seem to be ready to give in, it wants to kill this injury Its food. Listen, how furious the lion roared! Oh, the explosive power of that hind limb—he threw it. My God—Gillis took advantage of it too.”

Gillis used a rattan shield to buffer the force of the lion's pounce, but was still knocked down, but the moment he fell, Gillis stabbed the lion's front leg fiercely.The lion screamed, and a two-inch-long bloody mouth appeared under the lion's neck, at the position of the shoulder blade, and blood flowed out immediately.Gillis, who was half kneeling on the ground on one side, was also panting, and seemed to be having a hard time.Lin Tao looked at Gillis's trembling right hand holding the shield, and knew that Gillis' left arm was also injured by a powerful force under the pounce of the lion.It seemed that there was not one man and one beast in the arena, but two ferocious beasts in the midst of a life-and-death battle, both of them had bloodthirsty gleams in their eyes.

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