Jagged city

Chapter 376 The Incredible Wine Bottle

Jagged City - Chapter 370 Six Incredible Wine Bottles

The first contestants were the black-haired Wolverine, and a big Russian guy known as Iron Fist.This iron fist once blasted the heads of nine people in the underground black boxing arena, and it is also very powerful. The difference in the number of votes between these two people is only five votes.

The two relatively large iron gates of the underground Colosseum rose at the same time.Walking out on one side was Wolverine with vajra claws.On the other side is an iron fist with lumpy muscles and silver metal gloves.

The sound of horns sounded in the arena, which was desolate and ancient, as if bringing everyone back to the ancient Roman era.The two are like enemies from generation to generation. They are going to have a fateful duel. They stare at each other as soon as they appear on the stage. Although Lin Tao sits far away, he can see clearly. The eyes of the two people are bloodshot and their faces are full of violence. .Both of these two people have a strong murderous intent, if ordinary people are stared at by them, they will probably pee their pants in scare.This invisible murderous aura and aura will produce a kind of spiritual coercion. People often say that those who have been in high positions for a long time have a kind of official authority, which makes people dare not look directly at them.This is a kind of aura produced by the human spirit.When the momentum of the two soared to the extreme, they opened their mouths and howled almost at the same time, and rushed towards each other quickly.That muscular iron fist was crushed like a tank. If the two hit each other, Lin Tao felt that Wolverine would definitely fly ten meters away.But Wolverine is clearly not head-to-head.

When the distance between the two was three meters away, Wolverine leaped up, like a wild wolf jumping high and pounced on the face of the iron-fisted man. belly.Moreover, this iron fist also changed his posture, he turned his body sideways and used his right elbow as a weapon to hit him. If he hit him, his bones would be broken.But Wolverine's speed and body flexibility were beyond the big man's expectations. Wolverine's claws were like hooks on Iron Fist's shoulders, and he turned over at once, and the body formed a strange circle, as if his hands and feet were connected. This kick coupled with the force of the iron fist sent him flying more than ten meters away, a cloud of dust rose up on the ground, and a two-inch-deep dirt ditch unexpectedly appeared.


"so amazing!"

"Wolverine, quick, catch him!"

"Get up, idiot!"


The square was immediately filled with cheers and curses.Of course, the applause was won by Wolverine, and of course there were those who lost by Iron Fist.This is a betting competition, not only win or lose, but also bet for a few minutes, and even subdue or kill the opponent with many moves.The smaller the bet, the bigger the bet, and if the bet is correct, the more you win.So the shouting was very chaotic.

"Ah!" The iron fist lying on the ground, bleeding from its shoulder, roared, smashed both fists on the ground, and got up with the help of its body. It turned over and stood firmly on the ground. The red mud and hard soil on the ground were stepped down three inches deep. The strength of the big man is great.It seems that Wolverine's blow didn't have much effect at all. Instead, it aroused the fierceness of Iron Fist, and rushed towards Wolverine again like a whirlwind. Wolverine sneered, and when Iron Fist rushed to his eyes, he jumped sideways, paw Grab the weakness of the big man.Iron Fist's thick arm swept straight down, Wolverine didn't dare to catch it, and immediately retracted, kicked Iron Fist's thigh, and dodged it.Iron Fist roared again and again, and kept rushing towards Wolverine. Unfortunately, it was much slower than Wolverine in terms of speed. It just couldn't catch Wolverine, and Wolverine jumped left and right, adding some wounds to Iron Fist from time to time. It's like chicken blood.

"Bet, bet, the last 20 seconds!" The beauty host Adele's sweet voice sounded.On the gambling item that appears in the notebook, there are three options.Wolverine locks the throat and kills, winning with one blow.Two, Wolverine wins within 1 minute.The third is to turn defeat into victory with Iron Fist.Fourth, the iron fist will kill Wolverine with one blow.

Many people booed, the fourth option is too unreliable.Although the odds are 2000 to [-], but the bet must be more than [-] million, only a fool will choose the fourth option.There are many people who choose the second bet, fewer people choose the first bet, and only a few people choose the third bet.The fourth item is only one person.The number of bets appeared on the big screen.

The warden thought for a while, and finally shook his head. This 2000 million is too much. Although Lin Tao is a bit weird, he still dare not follow.The Jewish elder next to him also wanted to follow his lead to choose the fourth item, but unfortunately he didn't have enough money from his own house, so he had to invest all 300 million US dollars on the third item. The odds were [-] to [-], which was not low.The deacon in black's eyes twitched, and he said in his heart, the elder is really full of confidence in that Lin Tao, this is probably all the elder's wealth!

"Pfft! I didn't expect two people to choose the fourth item! Isn't your head rusty?" Laughter came from one side of the stands.

The warden asked cautiously in a low voice: "Your Excellency, how do you judge that Iron Fist can kill Wolverine with one blow?"

Lin Tao said with a smile: "A little intuition is a bet on luck."

The warden chuckled, and said to himself, this man is really rich and powerful, he doesn't take money seriously!Even though he won a match just now, he can't be such a prodigal. The warden felt sorry for Lin Tao.Lin Tao's betting on the fourth item, the iron fist will kill with one blow, is also a bit judgmental, because Lin Tao found that although the iron fist screams fierce, it hides its strength. There was a flash in his eyes, as if he was about to strike ruthlessly, but he didn't make a move, but dodged stupidly.Lin Tao thinks that Iron Fist is looking for an opportunity.

Applause came again from the field, Iron Fist retreated steadily, his chest was grabbed by Wolverine one by one, Iron Fist seemed panicked, but Lin Tao saw that Iron Fist's back steps were almost the same distance, that is to say, Iron Fist was pretending .Wolverine let out a roar, and kicked the iron fist big man's chest fiercely with both feet. The big man couldn't dodge, kicked and kicked back. If the throat bone can be torn off at once, people will undoubtedly die.At this critical moment, the big man, who kept retreating, kicked back with one foot, as if eyes had grown in the back of his head, he kicked on the wall behind him, his body rushed forward like a cannonball, and raised his two big hands quickly Hugging Wolverine's head like lightning.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and blood spurted in all directions in the air. The big man stood on the ground with blood all over his face, and howled with his hands raised. The body of Wolverine was lying on the ground, half of his head was broken, and the blood was still there. It spewed out, and the ground was stained red.

"Oh, my God! How is this possible?" Adele exclaimed, covering her small mouth, and the replay on the big screen showed a close-up shot of their heads colliding. Seeing Wolverine's head being crushed by Iron Fist's head, blood , minced meat, and brains are slowly splashing out. This slow-motion shot is really bloody.

"Oh, my God, it turns out that this guy still hides an iron head, it's really insidious." Adele exclaimed constantly.

There was a lot of shouting and cursing in the field!There were also a few hysterical laughter, obviously turning defeat into victory with an iron fist.

The long beard of the elder on the warden's side kept shaking, and his old face turned into a chrysanthemum.The deacon in black smiled unnaturally, and thought to himself, could this Lin Tao be a prophet, "God, he is a prophet?" The deacon in black looked at the smiling Lin Tao in surprise, and was frightened by his bold guess.

The warden swallowed hard beside Lin Tao.I calculated in my head what twelve times 6000 million was.The warden felt that his brain was not enough. How could he be so stupid? He also has 2000 million yuan. king.Lin Tao is also very happy. After all, this is a windfall, so he is naturally happy to win so much. There is no need to worry about investing in the family or doing charity in the future.Lin Tao bet 6000 million at once. Apart from having a little intuition, it also shows that Lin Tao has a great gambling or speculative character.It's just that Lin Tao usually hides it very deeply.In addition, it can be seen that Li is still rational. He only bet half and kept half, but did not bet all of them. This shows that Lin Tao also left a way out for himself.On the other hand, it also shows that Lin Tao doesn't pay much attention to money, especially windfall.That's why he bet 6000 million very coolly.This is also one of Lin Tao's goals. The purpose is to confuse the warden. Lin Tao feels that he has achieved his goal. The warden is completely stunned by Lin Tao's luck and atmosphere.But he forgot his doubts and precautions towards Lin Tao.

Lin Tao took a look, the big iron fist man in the arena kept roaring, it seemed that the blood stimulated him even more violently, and Lin Tao also found that most of the wounds on this iron fist healed automatically.

"Warden, have these contestants been injected with special hormonal drugs, and the wounds can heal automatically, this drug really has special effects!"

The warden was a little confused at the moment, under Lin Tao's gaze, especially that smile, as if he was bathed in the holy light, the warden said without thinking: "Yes, the contestants have been injected with special drugs. This kind of drug can not only stimulate the function of the human body, but also promote cell division. It is effective within three hours, and once the effect of the drug wears off, there will be three days of weakness, and it must be recovered with the drug."

"Can these medicines be sold?" Lin Tao felt a huge wave in his heart. If this kind of medicine could be swarmed on the battlefield, its power would be terrifying.

"Sell?" The warden's face changed, as if he was awake, but he still said, "You are a friend of the high priest, so there shouldn't be a big problem."

The head of the warden was sweating, and the elder next to him also looked at Lin Tao.Lin Tao said with a smile: "I have a security company at home, they need some, if possible, I will buy some at a high price."

The elder thought for a while and smiled: "I will report this to the high priest, it should not be a problem."

Lin Tao nodded with a smile and said, "This arena is very interesting. I will visit the underground cell later to see those special prisoners."

"It's our honor. The high priest has already ordered that everything here is open to you." The elder said respectfully.

In the next two games, Lin Tao didn't make any more moves, as if he had lost interest.After all, there is Judaism's shares here, so Lin Tao can't win again, so as not to affect his feelings. Another point is that Lin Tao is not fully sure that once he loses, his prestige will be reduced.Lin Tao's actions made these people feel awe of his mystery even more. Seeing Lin Tao smiling and tasting the red wine, he felt that Lin Tao was unfathomable.The image of Lin Tao grew taller in the eyes of these people, as if they all saw the holy brilliance of Lin Tao.

Lin Tao suddenly felt a gaze on him from the opposite side. Lin Tao looked up, and it was a young man with an evil smile, looking at him playfully at the moment.There seems to be some conspiracy.Lin Tao secretly took a photo of the young man opposite him and sent it to the national security department. The news was quickly sent back. Lin Tao opened it and found that the young man was named Caesar William.He is the sixth son of the head of the Italian Mafia.PhD in Economics from Harvard.He has Caesars Investment Company in his hands and is suspected of being secretly involved in drug and arms smuggling.He is an extremely shrewd and difficult character.There are many situations that the national security cannot investigate.Lin Tao completely deleted the message after reading it.

Caesar William on the opposite side is indeed very concerned about Lin Tao. He has just seen the information fed back by his subordinates, and he has learned a little about Lin Tao's situation, knowing Lin Tao's identity and the basic situation of the Lin family, but Caesar William wonders why Judaism should With so much respect for this Lin Tao, what is there for him to be wooed by the high priest? He is actually accompanied by an elder, even if his father would not have this kind of treatment.Although they cooperate with the Mafia, they have always appeared in a high profile, as if the gods are blessing mortals, which makes Caesar very annoyed.Therefore, before his players came out, this Kaiser Wilhelm played a trick.Mantis Knife is a player under Caesars. Under William's suggestion, the hypnotist and pharmacist cooperated to print Lin Tao's image in William's mind, and gave a hint that as long as a specific signal is issued, the hypnosis will start. The Mantis Knife will become a killing machine.

Just as Lin Tao was thinking about why William was smiling so weirdly, he heard constant shouting from the arena. The bettors were yelling crazily, because the mantis knife was kicked by a player nicknamed Black Spider. On the ground, blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.The guy with the evil spider tattooed on his back slammed at the Mantis Knife, as if he wanted to kill him with one blow.And the shouts became louder, and no one knew that one of the shouts was the password to activate the hypnosis of the Mantis Knife.

Seeing the Mantis Knife lying on the ground, the eyes suddenly turned blood red, they did not look like human eyes at all, when the black spider that rushed over felt a different murderous aura, it was already too late.I saw that praying mantis knife slashed with one palm, and released an invisible energy. The big black head of the black spider suddenly fell, and the headless body fell from the air.A cavity of hot blood spewed out, and what made people feel extremely terrifying was that the praying mantis knife actually grabbed the headless neck of the black spider, opened its mouth, and sucked the spurted blood into the mouth, and the sprayed blood made the praying mantis The knife is blood red.

Even Adele, who was standing on the cantilever in mid-air, screamed in fright, and there were constant screams in the field, which was really scary.

But seeing the Mantis Knife, he threw the corpse aside and walked towards the wall step by step with blood-red eyes.

"It's too scary. Could it be that he is a devil? God, isn't he a vampire? He actually drank human blood—" Adele exclaimed again and again, her body still trembling.

"Oh, he's crazy, he wants to rush up!" Adele exclaimed, pointing at the praying mantis knife that rushed towards the wall.Lin Tao looked down silently with his sunglasses on. This oriental man was probably of Chinese origin, because he had Mantis Hand and Hong Fist moves in his outstretched hands.Such a person has become a plaything and a killing machine in the Colosseum, Lin Tao felt a burst of sadness.Just when Lin Tao was thinking wildly, amidst Adele and the exclamation from the field, the mantis knife quickly climbed up the wall, and finally jumped up, rushed over the top of the flashing blue arc, and headed towards the prison. He rushed over in the direction of the chief.

"Quick! Kill him!" the warden exclaimed.

"Da da da! Da da da!" The two guards fired at the same time, but this man moved so fast that the bullets tilted above the ground and did not hit the crazy player.This Mantis Knife was faster than a monkey, dodging left and right, and within two seconds of the gunfire, it was in front of Lin Tao.The warden didn't even have time to dodge, his face turned pale with fright.The black-clothed deacon watched in horror and wanted to help, but it was too late.Although the elder was also scared, he was very calm on the surface, staring at the monster and pounced on Lin Tao.

Lin Tao seemed to pick up the crystal red wine bottle in a slow manner, only to hear a bang, and the head of the praying mantis knife seemed to hit the wine bottle picked up by Lin Tao directly. With an arc of color, the Mantis Knife screamed and fell into the Colosseum again, lying on the ground and twitching continuously.The scene became extremely quiet.But Lin Tao was pouring the wine slowly, then picked up the wine glass and tasted it with a smile, as if nothing happened just now.

"What's going on? What's going on?" A suspicious voice came from the arena. It was the voice of a gambler from the Colosseum's network. The video equipment was only used to capture the scene in the arena, not the VIPs above the Colosseum. This is the rule.So these gamblers don't know what happened during the time when the Mantis Knife rushed up?Only gunshots were heard.

"Oh my god, this crazy guy was actually photographed by a distinguished guest with a wine bottle. It's really unbelievable, so--sorry, please forgive me, sir!" Seeing the black-robed elder raising his hand, Adele seemed to remember Following the rules, the honored guests in the stands are not something that the host can talk about, and Adele's little face turned even paler.

Lin Tao smiled like a gentleman, raised his glass to signal, and Adele returned to normal.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "This protective measure seems a little unsafe, but this red wine bottle is really strong. It seems that it should be stored and used as a weapon."

"My lord—Your Excellency, I'm so sorry that you were shocked! We will definitely strengthen our protective measures." The warden wiped the sweat from his forehead, not because he was worried about offending Lin Tao, but because he was frightened just now. I, I am afraid that I will be killed by this lunatic.But how this lunatic couldn't help beating him so much, he was actually blown away by a wine bottle, it's really inconceivable.That guy chopped off the black spider's head with his hands, but he didn't expect to turn into a paper tiger in the end. Many people were puzzled.Caesar William on the opposite side was even more astonished for a while.The hypnotist next to him said that it might be due to an overdose of drugs, which eventually destroyed the nervous system, and the hypnosis suddenly disappeared.Caesar was skeptical about this explanation, but the unbroken wine bottle on Lin Tao's table was obviously an ordinary crystal, and it hadn't been smashed. It must have not been so powerful, but the praying mantis knife rolled all the way, which is really a bit contradictory.

In fact, just now when the Mantis Knife rushed towards him, Lin Tao sent out his energy secretly to seal several large holes of the Mantis Knife. What rushed to Lin Tao was nothing more than a pile of meat of about a hundred catties. As soon as the Qi was pushed outward, the Praying Mantis Knife was naturally pushed away.Others couldn't see it, so it caused an incredible scene in front of them.

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