Jagged city

Chapter 379 The Power of Idols

Jagged City - Chapter 370 The Power of Idols

The construction of Xiliang University Town is in full swing. Since the designed area of ​​the University Town is as high as 36 square kilometers, it can only be carried out in two large areas of uninhabited wasteland, Xiangma Town on the outskirts of the city and Huangshagou in Guankou County. ╠Chinese? Text ╣This Xiliang University City will also be an economic growth point for the development of Xiliang.There will be three national-level experimental trials and six national-level research institutes within the University City.Not only Xiliang has invested [-] billion yuan, but the country has also invested [-] billion yuan.Therefore, with the support of sufficient funds, various buildings have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.Designers and architects of all colors can be seen within the confines of the university town.Even before the university town was completed, it was already internationalized, and not only the domestic media, but also foreign media paid attention to it.Xiliang University Town is not only a world-class building, but also purchases world-class teaching equipment. In addition, six Nobel Prize winners have become honorary professors of Xiliang University. They will participate in the ribbon-cutting activity when Xiliang University starts , and invited speakers.

It is said that Xiliang is a city where media wars are blowing up. Under the leadership of Lin Tao, Xiliang has indeed grasped this point. More than 30 provincial-level daily newspapers reported that Xiliang University hired well-known domestic professors and scholars with high salaries.Not only that, Xiliang University has already got the recruitment inspiration to Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hebrew University - and other world-class universities.Sitting in Xiliang University is Ma Ruoshui, an internationally renowned scholar who has just left the position of Minister of Education. This is a ministerial-level national official who was hired back under Lin Tao's operation.Ma Ruoshui is 63 years old. Although he is also an old man, he is in good health, especially open-minded and innovative. He used to have many obstacles in the position of Minister of Education, and he behaved more like a real official. This Ma Ruoshui Ruoshui was only one of Lin Tao's six candidate principals. After passing a waiver, he discovered that Ma Ruoshui did not behave like the Minister of Education.There are many new ideas in his head, and he and Lin Tao hit it off.Therefore, Lin Tao worked hard and finally hired Ma Ruoshui back to the position of president of Xiliang University.It can also be seen that Lin Tao's ability is strong.Ma Ruoshui seems to have a second spring, and it should be said that he is more energetic than before. From time to time, he flies to well-known domestic universities and visits some well-known professors and experts in person.Some real talents have been dug out.Now he is taking the planning and renderings of Xiliang University, traveling to and from five continents to speak at world-class universities to recruit talents.In Lao Zhao's words, it's all a group trick.Xiliang, the city that has fallen from heaven, has profound ancient charm and has great potential as a developing international city, and the welfare benefits of Xiliang University are also comparable to those of world-class universities.Once the internationally renowned scholars and professors sign the teaching agreement, they can get a [-]-square-meter luxury house, a million-dollar luxury car, and an annual salary of one million US dollars.One of the obligations to be fulfilled is to teach three hundred hours a year for three years.If you become a Chinese citizen of Xiliang, the salary will be doubled, and the experimental project will also be supported by the special funds of Uncle Xiliang.

At the beginning, some universities didn't take Xiliang University seriously, but seeing some professors and scholars ready to move, the presidents of these universities also panicked.Treat Ma Ruoshui and his party as wolves.But they had to accept them. Some were afraid of pulling away the pillars of the school, so they had to make a compromise and ask for joint teaching. They agreed to let some scholars and professors go to Xiliang University for teaching exchanges.Ma Ruoshui called Lin Tao and praised Lin Tao's policy of opening the way with money. With the strong support behind the Xiliang government, Ma Ruoshui felt that going to these first-class international universities was better than when he was the Minister of Education, because Ma Ruoshui had never been in the university before. The local newspapers and periodicals began to report all kinds of strange things about Xiliang University, such as the fact that the Nobel Prize winner became an honorary professor, the Minister of Education became the president of the university, the astonishingly high benefits, and how many CEOs of the top [-] companies Ten are visiting professors.What is really internationalized is so, such a media bombardment has indeed brought a powerful sensational effect.Some universities can't do it even if they don't want to invite, because Ma Ruoshui and his party have already arrived. Under the pressure of the media, the president of the university had to invite Ma Ruoshui to give a speech.

The matter of the university town is just a highlight of Xiliang's construction. The construction of the high-speed rail and sightseeing light rail in the five cities of Xiliang has also begun to lay the foundation and cut the ribbon.Open the Xiliang government website, one of the new changes in Xiliang column contains all kinds of updated news. Xiliang is indeed changing with each passing day. More and more businesses and enterprises have entered Xiliang in order to balance the development of the four surrounding cities. , Lin Tao had to reluctantly divert some enterprises, among which the most beneficial one was an economic development zone that Ouyang Qing was in charge of.

Lin Tao has been busy with government affairs in Xiliang these days, so he has neglected Xiao Xiao a bit. When he saw the news about Xiao Xiao in Japan, he couldn't help laughing, because Xiao Xiao appeared in the Japanese media several times and was sought after by young Japanese men and women. For the 'Oriental Goddess! There are also a group of photos in the report, including Xiao Xiao participating in the sailing regatta, offering incense to Toshodai Temple, condolences to the poor people in the mountainous areas of Japan, offering songs to the Children’s Congenital Leukemia Foundation on Donation Day, and Xiao Xiao attending the International Financial Chamber of Commerce.There are also photos and videos of the press conference for the listing of Junlian Group today.Xiao Xiao quickly let the Japanese know Junlian Group with different gestures, like a witch of ever changing.Moreover, the Tokyo Daily that morning reported heavily on Junlian Group, especially Junlian Group’s major acquisitions in Europe, America, Africa and Asia in the past three months.Which involves pharmaceutical groups, mining groups, gas fields, shipyards and so on.

However, on that day, there were also quite a few Japanese who held slogans against the listing of Junlian. These small Japanese could not see the rise of Chinese companies and wanted to sabotage them.But before the sale of Junlian Group, some fanatical fans holding Xiao Xiao's portraits and photos threw countless mineral water bottles into the opposing crowd. Several Japanese right-wing old men were beaten to death. into the ambulance.The absolutely eye-popping world news that the Japanese beat the Japanese was reported by the world's major media on the same day, and countless comments were freshly released. Some said that there was a division of thought in Japan, and there were differences in attitudes towards China, and some were pure comments. Xiao Xiao is very charming, some people talk about the China threat theory, some Japanese youths have been brainwashed by the Chinese, so be vigilant.However, in any case Junlian is famous.The stocks sold that day were sold out, and the scene was extremely hot.

The next day I don't know who came up with the idea, Xiao Xiao was on the news again, because Xiao Xiao competed in karate with Nanako, the eighth dan of Japanese karate.Nanako is a master of Iga style, not just karate.It is very famous in Japan, and the Japanese thought it was a gimmick on Xiao Xiao's side, but they didn't expect Xiao Xiao to be good at martial arts.When the two rabbits rolled over eagles, tigers pounced, leopards punched, and punched and kicked tit for tat, there were countless exclamations immediately. Many people had never seen such a wonderful duel. The movements of the two were fast and ruthless. Leaping two or three meters, sometimes kicking and gliding on the floor, sometimes rolling, the audience was stunned. In the end, the two palmed each other, and the winner was not really determined. The two embraced each other, and finally went to soak After entering the hot spring, the guy who originally wanted to engage in a Sino-Japanese confrontation plot didn't curse at all, because the two were in love with each other like sisters in front of the media.In the afternoon, Xiao Xiao held another press conference, announcing that his subordinate Gao Tian would also go public.For those who did not buy Junlian shares, especially young people began to pay attention to Gaotian. The next day, when Gaotian Group went public, there was another wave. Most of them were young stockholders, and even high school students appeared to buy collectively. News about Gaotian stock.When Xiao Xiao was invited to give a speech at a high school in Tokyo, Xiao Xiao conquered everyone with her fluent Japanese. At the end of the speech, the students screamed and rushed over to get Xiao Xiao's autograph.Then the University of Tokyo and Waseda University issued invitations one after another.Xiao Xiao's popularity in Japan surpassed many Japanese celebrities and political leaders for a while.Became an idol group in Japan.When Lin Tao saw some music king in Japan dancing and singing next to Xiao Xiao like a flattery, he was very jealous and wished he could fly to Japan and punch him all over the place.Thinking that although my pentameter is normal, my singing is really not pleasant, it can only be regarded as mediocre, I can't help but feel very miserable, and I think about whether I should specialize in music in the future.

Xiao Xiao is very popular in Japan. In China, Lin Tao also received a lot of calls, from friends and leaders from Jingli, all congratulating Lin Tao, saying that Xiao Xiao is China's No.1 idol in Japan.Some Japanese reports also reported that China's beauties went on the offensive and belittled Xiao Xiao. As a result, the glass of the newspaper was smashed by a group of middle school students, and the website was even scolded.The power of this idol is really too great. If someone dares to stand up and scold Xiao Xiao, the consequences will be hard to think about. The fans are so fanatical, especially Little Japan, who is a bit paranoid and perverted.

When giving a speech at the University of Tokyo, some students or reporters asked Xiao Xiao how she viewed the historical issues between China and Japan, as well as the Diaoyu Islands issue.Xiao Xiao said: "It is not terrible for a nation to make mistakes, what is terrible is that they dare not admit history. The development of society is to carry on the past and open up the future. There is no need for a nation to carry the burden of history forward and let a historical mistake be passed on to generations. It is wrong to assume that the trend of world development is peace, we must have a forward-looking vision, think about it, let the students present and their future generations still take responsibility for that historic issue, I feel it is irresponsible I hope that the historical issues between China and Japan can be perfectly resolved in our generation, so that young people in the future can grow up without burden and work hard for the prosperity of the country and the peace of the world.”

Xiao Xiao's answer did not cause any disgust, and received warm applause from the students present. Xiao Xiao's words implied that Japan did not dare to face up to its own history, but the reporters present did not continue to ask, "Are you saying that Japan is not Dare to admit historical mistakes? ' silly x question.These reporters had no choice but to applaud bitterly.

Lin Tao didn't expect Deng Zhan to call himself and highly praised Xiao Xiao's speech at the University of Tokyo.Some media and the Internet even appeared the title of "Goddess of Peace", and praised Xiao Xiao again.Many Japanese commentators also made reflection-like comments, but were silenced by the right wing.Fortunately, the right wing did not use radical language, otherwise it would have caused some Japanese people to fight among themselves, which is what the right wingers do not want to see.Although the right wing hated Xiao Xiao so much, they did not dare to take drastic measures and had to secretly protect Xiao Xiao. If Xiao Xiao had a problem in Japan, even the Japanese government would not be able to face the condemnation of public opinion.What's more, Xiao Xiao has already received invitations from some European and American universities in Tokyo.

Xiao Xiao is winning glory for the country, and there are many fans of Xiao Xiao on domestic websites, and they are doing human flesh searches one after another, but there is no information about Xiao Xiao's family.Countless people were scratching their heads about the birth of this female president who shocked people both at home and abroad.In particular, the videos of Xiao Xiao and Nanako and the videos of university speeches were reposted one after another.There was another wave of Xiao Xiao fever in the country.Lin Tao suddenly felt that he was a little low-key.The stock index of Junlian Group rose again and again.The British Consul General in Xiliang talked to Lin Tao on the phone, saying that he had made a lot of money with Lin Tao's help. He not only bought the shares of Junlian listed in Tokyo, but Gao Tian also bought 20 shares.Lin Tao answered more than [-] such calls, and then praised Xiao Xiao.The people who talked to Lin Tao were all well-known people, and Lin Tao had to answer one by one, which was a bit annoying.People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. It seems that it is not a good thing for a person to be too famous, and even his family will suffer.When Xiao Xiao called back, Lin Tao vomited bitterly, saying that Xiao Xiao's name made his ears callous, and he had to answer dozens of calls a day.

Xiao Xiao giggled and said, "Hey, listen, why is your tone so sour! Did you drink a bottle of old Shanxi vinegar?"

"Don't be stinky, come back quickly and see if I don't enforce the family law!"

"Do you miss me a little bit, sister Zhenai is in Africa, do you feel a little empty around you?" Xiao Xiao said provocatively.

"Hahaha——I miss you? No way!" Lin Tao gasped. In this month, not only Jin Zhenai and Xiao Xiao were not around, but even Di Anne went abroad. Lan Ling can only deal with the more mischievous Tianyu and Tiantian.Ever since the twins could run, they have been tossing about upstairs and downstairs. For this reason, Lin Tao had to lay thick carpets on the stairs, because the two little guys rolled down the stairs not once. The bones of the two little things have been very strong since childhood.If you fall down, as long as the adults don't stare at it, you will hold back the tears that roll around your eyes. If you run over to hug it, you are guaranteed to cry.These two little creatures have always been fed with special fungi collected by Lin Tao from underground caves in Shaanxi. In the words of the old monk, they are spiritual creatures, so the two little creatures are full of aura and loved by the family.Lan Ling's oblivion of sorrow has a lot to do with these two little things sticking to her, and they called each other very affectionately.Jin Lin often acts like a big brother, sometimes Tianhuan and Tiantian fight over toys, and Jin Lin educates his two younger siblings like little adults.

Lin Tao sometimes thinks that if his sisters Hua Xiaolian and Xiao Rong, who went to the police academy for further training, come back, the Baishi Villa will definitely be turned upside down.Every night Jin Lin has to practice kung fu. Under Lin Tao's order, Jin Lin will take Lan Ling to practice Taekwondo for a while, and Tian Tian and Tian Huan will also make gestures beside him, ha ha ha, sometimes somersaults on the mat, but often Brother and sister roll together and finally fight.Jin Lin and Lan Ling had to hold a frame each.Lin Tao sent the video of the four little guys in the practice room to Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao was also overjoyed.Jin Zhenai, who was far away in Africa, asked Lin Tao who the little girl in the video was. Lin Tao smiled and said that she was a child bride-in-law for his son.Jin Zhenai smiled and said that her son's eyes on Lan Ling were indeed a little different.Moreover, Jin Lin seemed to be smiling very happily, especially Jin Lin was educating his younger siblings like a little adult, which made Jin Zhenai feel very happy, because his son gradually grew up and knew more and more things.

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