Jagged city

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 People Oriented

Seeing Sun Dapao coming up and standing on his left, Lin Tao gestured for everyone to be quiet with both hands, and then said: "When we face the enemy head-on, how to quickly defeat the enemy depends on our usual experience, and on our own skills and eyesight. , the vulnerable parts on the front of the human body are the eyes, nose, Adam's apple, heart, ribs, and the facing bones of the lower leg. We can find the enemy's empty door according to the enemy's attack route. Let's demonstrate the first move first, to seal the eyes, here you go fist attack"

Lin Tao stood up and motioned for Sun Dapao to attack, and Sun Dapao hit Lin Tao's face with his fists like lightning. ▃ ( v?v )▃ Lin Tao stretched out, took a quick step forward with his right foot, stretched out three fingers of his right hand like eagle claws, and slammed into Sun Dapao's eyes. Sun Dapao had no time to react and just closed his eyes subconsciously. Lin Tao's fingers seemed to touch the hairs on Sun Dapao's eyelids, but he stopped.

Lin Tao went on to say: "Because of the swiftness of the strike and the strength of the two fingers, if you hit the enemy's eyes suddenly, it will cause the enemy's temporary blindness—"

When Lin Tao said this, Sun Dapao suddenly grabbed Lin Tao's wrist with his left hand, and slammed Lin Tao's trachea below his Adam's apple with his right hand.Lin Tao was angry in his heart. It seems that this guy wanted to make me ugly. Come on, Lin Tao's mouth showed a sneer, and he leaned back and fell on the sand. Sun Dapao was also brought down, but Lin Tao's right leg It also landed on Sun Dapao's lower abdomen. Lin Tao didn't dare to use force, but just climbed up. Just like this, Sun Dapao had a lot of fun and was thrown on all fours, and Lin Tao still grabbed his left wrist. Lin Tao used his strength to flip over Just riding on Sun Dapao's body, he clasped Sun Dapao's windpipe with his left hand.Lin Tao ignored everyone's gaze and continued to explain: "Slamming the eyes will cause the enemy's temporary blindness, but if the enemy counterattacks and hits our Adam's apple, we can use our strength to turn over and counterattack to defeat the enemy, just like now Grabbing the enemy's neck like this." Sun Dapao felt dizzy at this moment, his right hand desperately grabbed Lin Tao's wrist, and thought to himself, what the hell is with the iron pliers, **** this kid won't want to strangle me, right?

"Of course, it's not a heinous crime, and we can't strangle him to death." Lin Tao laughed and pulled up Sun Dapao, who kept rubbing his neck.Everyone laughed again.

"This student has done a good job in responding flexibly. Please return to the team." Lin Tao gave the order, and Sun Dapao had no choice but to return to the team depressed.With the episode of Sun Dapao, the whole class went smoothly, the atmosphere was rigorous and lively, and the teaching effect was very good.

"goodbye students"

"Goodbye, instructor" this time was really unanimous, representing this group of people who accepted Lin Tao. Lin Tao triumphantly left the police academy and took a taxi directly to the city bureau.

"Wow, brother, you are a first-class police inspector at such a young age. In which branch?" the driver asked enviously, thinking that this kid is about the same age as my son. I knew that I was urging me to ask for money, and my mother was so exhausted that it was cheaper to be a little bastard. It seems that people at the same age are first-class police inspectors. At my age, I can't be a department chief or something.

"City bureau, master works hard every day."

"It's okay to work hard. I'm afraid that people who are robbed will basically die. It's not like Wang Laosan hasn't returned all night. He just found a body in the suburbs. This ****—"

"A robbery and murder case, the master immediately turned around and went to the scene of the crime"

"Okay, I hope you catch the murderer as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in fear as drivers, poor Wang Laosan, there is still a 5 yuan loan to buy a car, and there is no wife at home, just a girl, I'm afraid I have to drop out of school. I heard that the child is a top-notch student. It's a pity that the college entrance examination is still a few months away." Listening to Master Luo's long and short sighs, Lin Tao was full of thoughts. How much psychological pressure would a child without parents have to bear? Ah, although Lin Tao has aunts and grandparents, his father is still serving his sentence. The blow of Zhenai's abandonment almost made Lin Tao disheartened.Lin Tao now has an idea, that is, the child of the victimized driver must not be dropped out of school.

When the taxi came to the scene, there were three police cars parked by the river, and a yellow cordon was pulled up. A group of people from the Municipal Criminal Police Brigade were there. Lin Tao paid to get out of the car and walked directly through the cordon.Technicians are surveying the site and taking pictures.

"Captain Qin, what's going on?"

"Team Lin, you came at the right time. Now the identity of the deceased has been confirmed to be the taxi driver Wang Manshan. He was strangled to death. His belongings and mobile phone are gone. It can be concluded that it was robbery and murder. Now the traffic police department has been notified to find that taxi."

"Qin team, Lin team, preliminarily determined that the deceased was killed between one and two o'clock in the morning. You see, these are three hairs from the deceased's hand." Forensic doctor Song Ke took out a small bag from the material box with tweezers, Inside are three long red hairs.

At this moment, Captain Qin's phone rang: "I'm Qin Ming, what kind of CCB's president Ma was shot and died in the rental room—" Qin Ming stood there with a dark face, cursed a ****, and then Greet the two team members to get into the car and let Lin Tao be in charge of the robbery scene temporarily.Seeing Qin Dui leaving in a hurry, Lin Tao sighed and thought, why did he encounter such a thing in the first week of work? Xiao Li next to him stuck out his tongue at Lin Tao: "Qin is in trouble now. , Originally, in the second half of the year, I was going to accept the organizational inspection and get promoted, but if such a big case can't be solved, it will be ruined."

Lin Tao didn't argue, and thought that Xiao Li was well-informed, so he must have some backing. It seemed that he didn't respect Team Qin very much.

"Master, do you think this robbery and murder has anything to do with President Ma's death?" Feng Yuanyuan said familiarly, and Lin Tao had nothing to do with her, so he called her master when they met.It seems that it is impossible not to pass two hands, but fortunately, I am also an instructor, so it is no problem to teach a few catching moves casually.

"Hey, why don't you come here, are you waiting for the military law?" Wang Han's voice came from the phone.Lin Tao quickly explained that as soon as Wang Han heard about the two murders, he felt uncomfortable. He wondered what was going on with the Municipal Bureau, and he didn't know about such a big matter.But Wang Han can't intervene indiscriminately, so as not to add chaos to the chaos.We can only wait for the city bureau to ask for help.Just as Lin Tao put down the phone, Director Xiao called again.

"I'm Lin Tao, Director Xiao please tell me"

"Xiao Lin, let Xiao Li take charge of the scene of the robbery, and go to the Maolin Building immediately. There is a situation where someone has committed a murder with a knife and even took hostages."

As soon as Lin Tao heard that there were two big heads, he immediately confessed to Xiao Li who was stunned, and got into the police car of a comrade from the branch.Fan Hong, the third-level police inspector of the Nancheng Sub-bureau who drove the car, had top-notch driving skills and drove fast and steadily.He turned his head and smiled at Lin Tao: "Team Lin, you have encountered a lot of troubles since you came here. It seems that the time has come for you to show your talents."

Lin Tao smiled wryly: "When you say it, I feel like I've become a bastard." Fan Hong grinned, and didn't dare to answer, thinking that this guy might really be the reincarnation of a bastard, otherwise, why did he come out as soon as he came? So many cases. (Lin Tao smiled wryly in his heart, who let himself be the protagonist, the author arranged it like this, what can I do.)

Arriving at the Maolin Building, Lin Tao went through the crowd and entered the security zone. Director Xiao was on the scene at this time, and he was overjoyed to see Lin Tao coming. "Xiaolin, you're here. This is a downtown area, and the impact is too great. There is no place for snipers, so it's inconvenient to shoot. The murderer and the hostages are in the hall."

"Let me take a look." Lin Tao entered the hall and saw five police officers pointing guns at two people ten meters away. The murderer was in his 40s with a beard, but his face was thin and his hair was matted and matted.A 30-year-old company white-collar worker was strangled by her left arm. The woman's face was pale, and the dagger had already melted blood on her neck.

"Hurry up and find Kong Quan from Maolin Building, or I'll kill her and ask him to bring 30 to kowtow to me and admit his mistake. It's my hard-earned money, life-saving money, you bastards." The murderer was hysterical, emotional Out of control, he couldn't understand the surprise he said, but it seemed that this person had some great grievances.

"Calm down, if you need money, I can give it to you, let him go first," Lin Tao shouted.

"You fucking sounded good. You police and that bastard are on the same team. That bastard has deceived many people. Why don't you catch them? Don't come here. If you come again, I'll do it," the murderer yelled crazily.

"Our police are upholding justice. If the person you mentioned broke the law, we will arrest him as well and will never condone it."

"Okay, then you catch him, don't talk nonsense"

"Uncle, to arrest someone, you have to provide evidence—by the way, what's the matter with you saying it's your life-saving money?" Lin Tao wanted to distract the murderer, and he had already pulled out two steel needles in his hand.

"My wife is still in the hospital, waiting for the operation, but they just won't return my investment money. I'm going to kill them, kill them," the murderer burst into tears.

"I'll give you money for surgery, okay, you let him go"

"You treat me as a three-year-old child." The murderer obviously didn't believe it.Lin Tao took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to a policeman: "Withdraw 30 immediately, the password is six seven, go quickly."

"Okay" The policeman saw Lin Tao for the first time, and was infected by Lin Tao's aura. It seemed that the card was really rich, not just a bluff.

Opposite the Maolin Building is a commercial bank, and within 10 minutes, a bag of money was withdrawn.The policeman handed Lin Tao the card and money, and looked at him with complicated eyes.Why is the look complicated? Because when the money was withdrawn just now, Lin Tao had more than 300 million deposits in his card. How could he get so much money? The policeman even had the idea of ​​absconding with the money at the moment of withdrawing the money. I took a sip of my mouth to calm down.

"Uncle, look, I have brought the money. You can use it for surgery on your lover." Lin Tao walked over with the money in his hands. When the man saw the bundles of brand-new bills, he was a little dazed, and his arm holding the knife was slightly lowered. down.

"I'll throw the money over and you'll take it—" Lin Tao walked four meters in front of the two of them, and threw the money bag over. The man saw the safflower bills flying over, and subconsciously took them with his right hand. Grab, Lin Tao took the opportunity, jumped over with a stride, grabbed the man's right hand holding the knife, and slid it down, only heard a click, and then the man squatted on the ground and screamed, and the fruit knife fell to the ground with a bang.Lin Tao picked up the dagger and helped the fallen woman up. At this moment, the policeman behind rushed over, twisted the murderer's arm backwards, and handcuffed the murderer.

"You fucking words don't count, fucking your ancestors, you're going to die, you little boy," the man screamed and jumped up and down, which made people feel blocked.

"Wait a minute"

"There are people outside Xiaolin—" Director Xiao thought that Lin Tao wanted to deal with the murderer, but in such a large crowd, isn't he looking for trouble?

"His wrist is dislocated. I'll put it on him and take off the handcuffs first." Lin Tao's words were an order. The policeman was still agitated at this time, admiring Lin Tao's reaching out, and opened the handcuffs without thinking.As soon as the man let go of his hand, he rushed towards Lin Tao. The policeman next to him turned pale with shock. Lin Taodong didn't move. He grabbed his left wrist with one hand and stroked his right wrist with the other. With a click, the wrist bones were pushed together.

"Do you still want to save your wife?" Lin Tao roared, and the man froze for a moment.

"Bring me the money"

A policeman nearby collected the money and handed it to Lin Tao. Lin Tao put the money in the man's hand and said, "I want you to hand over the money to the hospital yourself. What do you think?"

"Really?" The man asked in disbelief, but he believed it eight times in his heart.

"Of course, but we have the discipline to put handcuffs on you"

"Take it, if you can save my wife, you can do anything," the man said excitedly, with tears in his eyes.

Lin Tao saw Director Xiao who was in a daze, and laughed with the flashing lights outside, "Director Xiao, should you say a few words in front of the citizens to calm everyone's emotions."

Five minutes later, Yinhui City suddenly interrupted the news: "Hello everyone, I am Ma Tao, a reporter from Province D. This is the on-site report. A knife-taking hostage incident occurred in Maolin Building 5 minutes ago. Now the hostages have been arrested by the Yinhui City Public Security Bureau." The comrades from the police station were rescued safely, and the murderer had already been pushed into a police car, but the direction of the police car was neither the police station nor the detention center, but the hospital. Why did the police car go to the hospital? It wasn’t that the suspect was injured, but that the suspect’s wife was Continue the life-saving operation, it is understood that the suspect committed the crime to get back the investment money and save his wife’s life—you see, the suspect has handed over the money to the hospital’s billing office, and the suspect is crying bitterly with the receipt, and—” The suspect was about to kneel down to Lin Tao, but was mixed up by Lin Tao.Then he was pushed into the car by other policemen.

Yinhui City News: "Protecting people's lives and property is the responsibility and obligation of the police, but with the development of the rule of law in our country, the concept of people-oriented has become more prominent. Although we lament that the suspect took the road of breaking the law for his wife, his The wife was treated in time. Let us bless the wife of the suspect who is about to undergo surgery. While the society is progressing, our judicial civilization is also improving. The concept of civilized law enforcement and people-oriented has been well reflected in this incident—— —" Then there was the scene of Director Xiao's serious statement.In fact, my heart is full of joy, why?Right now there are two homicide cases, I don't know how to explain to the leaders, it's rare to be on TV first, the little girl reported really well, civilized law enforcement, people-oriented, it's really high, *** Xiao Lin is worthy of being a high-achieving student, his brain should be have to.

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