Jagged city

Chapter 381 Outing

Jagged City - Chapter 380 Outing

Zhang Yuhe, who was visiting and inspecting in Montreal, Canada, couldn't help being stunned when he heard the news from the Northwest Province in China. He thought to himself, don't offend Lin Tao if you offend anyone. Although Cui Zhiming died of a cerebral hemorrhage, he has nothing to do with Lin Tao. , Since then, I have been more in awe of Lin Tao.After returning to China, apart from maintaining the demeanor of the top leader on the surface, the government work is absolutely up to Lin Tao, and he never raises objections, that is, sometimes he beats the drums and makes supplements. In this way, the Xiliang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will be more harmonious It is completely condensed into a rope, absolutely unable to be blown by the wind, oil can not be splashed in, it is extremely strong, and of course the fighting power has become stronger.Cui Zhiming's death did not affect the development of the Northwest. If he died, he would be dead. Just a month after Governor Song served as the secretary of the provincial party committee, he officially became the secretary of the provincial party committee. What excites Lin Tao is that the governor is actually Xiao Xiao's godfather Wang Zhengdao.And it was Lin Tao's father-in-law Xiao Huating who took over Wang Zhengdao's position.Although his father-in-law and Wang Zhengdao didn't say anything, Lin Tao was sure that Deng must have shown his strength.

When Xiao Huating returned to Xiliang's son-in-law's house on the eve of taking office, Lin Tao's family naturally celebrated enthusiastically.Xiao Xiao said: "It would be better if the godfather and godmother also come over."

Xiao Huating smiled and said: "Your godfather has to avoid suspicion, you can visit them after a while."

Seeing his father-in-law in high spirits, Lin Tao toasted again and again.

Mrs. Xiao smiled and said, "Your dad has finally straightened up, otherwise he would be ashamed to kick his son-in-law's door. Your dad said, if you are equal, whoever meets you will greet whomever you meet!"

One sentence made Lin Zhiyuan's family and Xiao Xiao laugh.Xiao Huating followed with a burst of ridicule.Being teased by my wife, I was a little speechless.

Lin Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Weng and son-in-law should also maintain such a good sense of competition. But when will Lin Tao be your half-son, isn't he? How dare he commit the same crime? Come, let's have a cup to wish your in-laws great success!"

Xiao Huating smiled and said: "Good cheers, I also wish my in-laws to make great achievements and build the Lin family's business empire."

Xiao Huating had to leave after staying for a day, Xiao Xiao cared about his parents, although the governor's safety should not be a problem, but Xiao Xiao was worried, and sent two high-level bodyguards to be Xiao Huating's drivers.Seeing his daughter's heartfelt fists, Xiao Huating couldn't refuse, so he accepted the two of them.In the future, these two bodyguards did solve a life crisis for Xiao Huating. Thinking about it, I can't help being afraid. If it is an ordinary driver, it is absolutely impossible to save his life.

After Xiao Huating left, the Lin family returned to their daily calm state again, what should everyone be busy with.Lin Zhiyuan and Zhu Yueting were working in Baishi Villa, and several secretaries and financial personnel on the second floor came in and out like a revolving door every day.Junlian Group has to deal with a lot of business every day, and Lin Zhiyuan has to look over many of them in person. As the chief financial officer, Zhu Yueting has to read countless reports. In addition, Junlian Group’s plan to list in the United States is also on the agenda, which requires a series of operations .The same is true for Xiao Xiao, Gao Tian is now a big group, not only the security business has increased, but the business in the African country is the top priority, and a lot of information is fed back every day waiting for Xiao Xiao to deal with.When Lin Tao came home from get off work, he found that he was so busy with his own work that he didn't even take care of his children. He couldn't help but sigh that his home was like the headquarters of the United Nations.When Lin Tao went to visit the second floor, he ran into Jin Xin head-on. Lin Tao was depressed for a while, and shouted angrily: "Fourth, what's the matter with you, you didn't tell me when you came home."

Jin Xin smiled honestly and said, "Third Brother, I'm busy and you are even busier. You can't come back halfway to drink with me."

"Who says it's impossible? I won't let you go today, so let's have a good drink." Lin Tao didn't let Jin Xin go, but Jin Xin had no choice but to hand over the work to his assistant.

Lin Tao found an unoccupied empty room, and then told the following to get some food and drink.Soon someone brought six dishes and five bottles of Moutai.

"This house has been unoccupied. I guess no one will find it here. Let's have a good drink!" Lin Tao filled Jin Xin with a glass of wine.

Jin Xin held the wine glass and looked at Lin Tao. Lin Tao felt a little hairy from Jin Xin's stare, and couldn't help but said, "What's wrong with you, fourth, you have weird eyes."

"Well, in a flash, I seemed to find the feeling when we met for the first time. Now I have eaten all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, but I don't feel as comfortable as eating in small roadside restaurants at that time? At that time, we made some Maocai, Drinking cheap beer, yelling loudly, talking about the most beautiful girls in the department, although they all have excessive hormone secretion, but I feel more passionate. Although I am mature now, I always feel that something is missing?" Jin Xin took a sip of wine and sighed Said.

"Okay, fourth child, I'm still playing deeply, and I'm a bit of a philosopher." Lin Tao touched his glass with Jin Xin and drank it down.

"Over the years, we have changed unconsciously. Maybe it's the relationship between time and environment. Although I can imagine that the poor scholar back then would become the director of a large group with a net worth of over [-] million! Back then, the money I paid for studying was all My parents borrowed it from relatives everywhere. My father always squatted at the door, smoking a pipe with a sad face. At that time, I dared not look at my father's face, and always secretly vowed in my heart that I would make my father's life better. But my dad now lives in a villa, smoking a pack of cigarettes that can be exchanged for a year of dry cigarettes, but says that he is not comfortable. And I rarely see my parents all year round. I travel around at home and abroad, but I always feel empty. "Jin Xin's words also aroused Lin Tao's thinking.

Lin Tao sighed and said: "Many things develop naturally. I opened that small restaurant because I didn't have much money in my hand. I felt that after finishing college like that, I would be poor. I didn't expect a small restaurant Restaurants have not only changed you and me, but also changed the lives of many people. It may be that our life now exceeds our original expectations, so we can't help but feel a little strange."

"Third brother, you said that to me. I didn't think so much. I didn't have such a big ideal at the beginning. I helped the small restaurant just to solve the debts at home, so that my father would not worry anymore, so that I could finish my studies safely, and then I would be safe and sound. I wanted to be a doctor. But later I found out that I was making money, and I thought I could make so much money, so why should I become a doctor. I followed the company’s development step by step, and my thoughts gradually changed. Another company seems to be developing It’s too fast, I need to keep charging every day to keep up with the company’s development, and I feel like I’ve lost control. It’s as if I’ve become a machine.” Jin Xin said.

Lin Tao thought for a while, this may be a crisis for the development of Junlian, Junlian should settle down for a while, and let the company's employees get used to it.Jin Xin, who is a senior executive, has such thoughts, and some other old employees may feel it more strongly. Such a state of mind cannot bear the company's fluctuations.Thinking about myself too, but I have become a deputy ministerial mayor in ten years, which is really too fast.

Lin Tao suddenly smiled: "Fourth, it is indeed as you said, eating this hairy crab now is not as satisfying as the vinegared pork section back then. But the more you are in a high position, the more you need to have a sense of normalcy. For example, I am the mayor now, If you always look at problems or do things from the perspective of the mayor, you will become a slave to the mayor's throne. At home, I want to be a good husband and a good father, and I must not forget that I am a father and son. Walking on the street, I must be a I am an ordinary person, maybe only by reminding myself all the time, can I truly be myself. Thinking about it this way, we have to change too many identities, it is better to be just a student when we were in school, with a single idea.”

Jin Xin suddenly patted the table and said, "Third Brother, you still have a flexible mind. I haven't solved the problem I've been thinking about for a long time. Now that you talk about it, I feel that my heart is much more open. My trouble is that I can't change my identity in time. Yes. Hehe, it feels good now, we are buddies, let's cheers!"

The two drank very happily, and Jin Xin got drunk quickly. Lin Tao put Jin Xin on the bed, asked someone to clean up the table, and left.

Lin Tao looked at his watch, it was only nine o'clock.When I walked past the door of a living room on the third floor, I found my father Lin Zhiyuan, my mother and wife chatting there.

Xiao Xiao asked: "Did you get Jin Xin drunk?"

"Oh, he's asleep. We just talked about some issues and it feels very important." Lin Tao said with a slight frown.

"What's the matter?" Lin Zhiyuan asked.

Lin Tao said the content of the conversation between the two, which caused the whole family to think deeply.

After a while, Lin Zhiyuan said: "Indeed, our company is developing too fast. Some employees of the company can't keep up with the company's development, and they feel a lot of burden. This is indeed a very important issue. It seems that our company's next step We should properly slow down the development of the company, settle down, and concentrate on good management. It is also important to strengthen the ideological education of employees. Appropriate welfare incentives and holidays are also very necessary. Don’t talk about Jinxin, let’s see why our family is not like this , if your little mother is in a normal family, she should take a good rest and wait for the birth. Now she has to deal with piles of reports every day with her big belly. After the company is listed in New York, we need to get it all together."

Zhu Yueting continued: "Zhiyuan, your ideas are very good, but the company's competition has to be the first priority. If we want to relax our employees, we must have an efficient think tank and an elite management team. .Just like a computer, as long as you input a command, the computer will continue to operate until this problem is solved. I think our next step is to establish an efficient operating mechanism. Make the group more dynamic."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said: "It seems that we have to consume more brain cells for this goal. Fortunately, people in our family have relatively high IQs. Otherwise, the computer would explode due to overload."

Lin Tao nodded and said: "It seems that this is not a special problem of our family or company, but a common social phenomenon. If you want to gain a foothold in this complex society, you have to think about more things every day. If you want to abandon everything , It seems unrealistic to live that kind of pastoral life. Once I lose everything one day, it will take a long time for mediocrity, and I may still miss this kind of busyness now.”

"So, let's combine work and rest!" Lin Zhiyuan laughed.

"Tomorrow is the weekend, so let's take a day off by ourselves. Let's go for an outing. Your father and I will bask in the sun, and you will take the children to fish and relax." Zhu Yueting said with a smile.

"Well, that's a good idea. Let someone prepare for it. By the way, where shall we go for an outing?"

"It's simple, I'll let you choose a place!" Lin Tao ran out quickly, and after a while, he ran back with his laptop in his arms, and opened it for everyone to watch.In Lin Tao's notebook, there are high-definition images taken by satellites in all large and small places in Xiliang City, especially for some natural resources, which are taken by people himself. Lin Tao selected five or six places suitable for picnics and fishing.Finally, we chose Nanhuangdianzi, Baihua Town, Xiguan County, where the desert scenery is like an oasis in the desert.Xiliang is a semi-desert place. Although afforestation has been vigorously done in recent years, some remote places in towns and villages have not been improved.But now it seems that the scenery is unique, especially in Nanhuangdianzi there is a winding river that is not deep.That place is far away from the villages and towns where the crowds are concentrated, and the people there have rarely eaten fish since ancient times, unlike the people in Xiliang City, who are not Hui people, they basically eat everything, and there is no taboo.Therefore, the small river is also very rich in fish, and some wild anglers will go there for picnics.

"Okay, this is Nanhuangdianzi. Let the subordinates prepare the itinerary, and send an email to explain other work matters." Lin Zhiyuan sent an order, and he got busy personally, and he didn't fall asleep until eleven o'clock in the evening.

The next morning, when Lin Zhiyuan announced the outing at the dinner table, everyone, big and small, cheered.

At 07:30, Lin Zhiyuan's family set off.In order not to attract attention, it was a car, driving to Xiguan County in three batches.The Lin family and his party did not alarm outsiders. At 09:30 in the morning, Lin Tao's family arrived in Nanhuangdianzi.Lin Tao chose an open field with sparse trees and drove the car to the river.

After getting off the car, the little ones ran around. The two little ones, Tiantian and Tianyu, ran around behind Jin Lin and Lan Ling, like a group of wild monkeys, followed by a four-month-old wolf dog. .Xiao Xiao called the little ones back, sprayed mosquito repellant perfume on her body, and gave them some instructions.Qin Ming and his wife looked at the four little guys from behind.Guan Ming and Lian Rong helped Lin Tao set up parasols. On the slow slope 300 meters away, a kind of bodyguard set up a camping tent on it. Someone was in charge of guarding and patrolling, and controlled the range of activities within [-] meters.Try to ensure that Lin Zhiyuan's family is relaxed and at ease, without the feeling of being watched all the time.

A line of deck chairs and two large parasols soon appeared on the edge of the beach.Lin Tao took a small wooden stick and walked around the recliner, picking it up from time to time.Xiao Xiao was a little baffled, thinking Lin Tao was childish, and picked up the stones into the river, but how did she know that Lin Tao picked up some scorpions hidden in the sand into the opposite river.Relying on Lin Tao's superhuman perception, he quickly cleared a [-]-meter radius of the beach.Lin Tao's eyes lit up suddenly, and he greeted Guan Ming. Soon Guan Ming brought a big Coke bottle, cut off the mouth of the bottle with a knife, enlarged the mouth of the bottle, inserted it upside down into the bottle, and wrapped it with plastic tape.Lin Tao used two twigs to pick out the scorpion hidden in the sand and put it into a bottle, then smiled at Guan Ming: "The fried scorpion is delicious. It is high in protein. I used to eat it during field survival training."

"Hehe, at that time, I always used fire and no oil, but with some seasoning, it must be delicious when fried."

Soon Jin Lin and Lan Ling ran over with two small things in their arms, and the little wolf dog bared its teeth at the scorpion caught in Lin Tao's branch, as if about to fight.

"Father, how do you know where the scorpion is hiding?" Lan Ling has now changed her name to Lin Tao's father and Xiao Xiao's mother.Jin Lin also seemed to have borrowed Lan Ling's light, unconsciously called Dad and Xiao Mom, and called for a while.

"This has something to do with hearing. As long as you calm down and pay attention to the sand, you can feel the subtle movements of the scorpion. Of course, if you want to achieve my level, you need to practice hard in the future." Lin Tao said patiently.

The little guy Tianyu seemed to think that the scorpion was very cute, and wanted to slam it with his chubby fingers, but Lin Tao hurriedly stopped it.

"You can't touch this with your hands. Have you seen the scorpion's tail? This scorpion's tail can easily pierce your skin and inject toxins. When the time comes, the place where you are pricked will be swollen and painful. Remember, you can't touch it with your hands. To hold it, you can only hold it with a stick."

"I'm going to get the chopsticks!" Jin Lin ran to the car and brought a pair of long chopsticks.Jin Lin and Lan Ling went to find Scorpion one by one, and the two little tails poked around with chopsticks.

"Brother, I feel like there is one hidden here." Lan Ling pointed to a sandy place and Lin Tao was taken aback, because Lin Tao had already discovered that there was a scorpion hidden there. Ordinary people would never notice the scorpion dormant in the sand in terms of perception and special aura. Obviously, this blue spirit is different, maybe it was born, or maybe it was a side effect of being possessed by the so-called ghost.

"Well, I also heard the scorpion crawling underneath, with a rustling sound," Jin Lin said.

"Yeah--" squatted on the ground and poked it with chopsticks, yelling in his mouth, the scorpion crawled out at the spot where Tiantian poked.Tianyu also poked the scorpion over with chopsticks, and then used the chopsticks to clamp it. Unfortunately, his little hand couldn't hold the two chopsticks steadily, and dropped one instead.Jin Lin next to him quickly pinched the scorpion that was cocking its tail towards Tianyu. This scorpion was five centimeters long, with a black back, abdomen and limbs that seemed to be transparent.There are two small claws under the mouth, with teeth and claws.

"Oh, little brother is amazing!" Lan Ling said happily.Xiao Guan stretched out the bottle, and Jin Lin sent the scorpion into the bottle.

Lin Tao smiled and looked at the four little guys. He felt that Lan Ling was different and seemed to have extraordinary perception ability, but Jin Lin's hearing was also extraordinary.Tiantian and Tianyu squatted there at the same time, and Tiantian stabbed the scorpion directly, which also means that the two little guys have extraordinary perception or hearing.

"What are you doing, are you still fishing?" Xiao Xiao shouted to Lin Tao who was in the distance while lying sideways on the recliner.

"We were catching scorpions, and my little brother caught one." Lan Ling said excitedly.

"Ah!" Xiao Xiao sat up in a jerk, ran over with a bad complexion, scolded Lin Tao, then pointed to the scorpion in the bottle and said, it's disgusting.Lin Tao said that the fried scorpions are very delicious, how crispy and fragrant, Xiao Xiao wondered, really?Obviously Xiao Xiao moved her index finger a little.He didn't care about scolding Lin Tao for putting the children in danger, so he also grabbed the scorpion.Xiao Xiao yelled and yelled from time to time, coupled with the laughter of the children, it became a mess.

Shen Yue murmured to Qin Ming: "Look, how fresh it is, how can anyone play with such a small doll to catch scorpions, the mayor and sister Xiao Xiao are really different."

"That's natural. Are the chief and his wife ordinary people? We also have to hurry up and have children. When we live together in the future, our children will be different."

"Tch, I don't want a child yet! It is said that women with children age quickly." Shen Yue said.

"Who said, how old do you see Madam?" Qin Ming immediately retorted.

"Nonsense, is sister Xiao Xiao an ordinary person? How can I compare with sister Xiao Xiao? If Xiao Xiao doesn't dress up maturely, she will feel younger than three years ago!" Shen Yue said, feeling even more envious in her heart.

In more than half an hour, the scorpions more than 200 meters around the beach were captured by the scorpion catching team.The Coke bottle is almost full.

"Okay, now you can play with peace of mind, but you can't run far away, understand?" Lin Tao ordered the two older ones, Jin Lin and Lan Ling nodded, and led the two little ones away.Obviously the interest in catching scorpions has passed.I ran to the river to throw stones to play.

Xiao Xiao returned to Zhu Yueting's side and looked up how to cook the scorpion dish together on the computer.The lotus seed paste and Guan Ming on one side have already started to move, pouring the scorpion into a plastic for the same reason, injecting clean water, adding salt, stirring with a wooden coffin, pouring water again after a while, and washing it with salt water repeatedly, finally Guan Ming put the scorpion Picking out one by one, Lian Rong used tweezers to adjust the tails of the scorpions.The scorpion itself is poisonous, even if the tail is removed, it is still poisonous to a certain extent, but scorpions are very good Chinese herbal medicines. Eating a small amount of scorpions is very good for the body. It can not only treat rheumatism, migraine, but also treat some gastrointestinal diseases. sores and more.Furthermore, the scorpion is high in protein and tender, and it is very delicious when fried or stir-fried with green onion and ginger.

After a while, Xiao Xiao joined Guan Ming and his wife to clean up the scorpions. When the finished scorpions were drying on the sackcloth spread on the sand, Xiao Xiao looked up and couldn't help laughing. In a cartoon I once saw, an old cat took a kitten to fish, but at the moment there was a group of cats by the river, Lin Tao took four little guys and lined up, each holding a fishing rod in a decent shape, but two The little ones looked east and west from time to time, and each was steady.Qin Ming and Shen Yue were guarding two fish barrels, one sitting on each side, looking at Master Lin Tao and five with smiles.Lin Zhiyuan was lying there enjoying the sunshine wearing sunglasses, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he didn't know whether his eyes were open or closed, and he felt very comfortable lying there.Xiao Xiaoxin said, it's the father-in-law who knows how to enjoy the most!

"Ah, Tiantian's younger sister's fish is floating!" Lan Ling exclaimed in a low voice, and Tiantian was still biting his finger and smiling at Lan Ling, not knowing that he had taken the bait.

Jin Lin got up and ran over, holding Tiantian's small hand, saw the float sinking suddenly, he lifted it up, and a big and lively crucian carp came out of the water!

"Fish, fish!" Tianyu jumped up and down.Tiantian only knows how to giggle and laugh non-stop, and get the fish to the shore with his brother.Qin Ming went over to hold the fish and said with a smile: "Tian Tianqi wins, it's a good start, this big crucian carp has at least eight taels."

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