Jagged city

Chapter 383 A fulfilling day

Jagged City - Chapter 380 Three Fulfilling Days

"Is this really a fish?" Lin Tao had this thought hanging in the water.The big carp in front of him was facing him sideways. Lin Tao could only see one eye of the big carp. The eyes of that carp were as big as a sea bowl. The huge fish head was as big as the front of a farm vehicle, long and long. His golden beard fluttered in the water, like two golden snakes, as thick as wrists.This carp is four meters high from belly to dorsal fin, and its long line is eight meters long.This is simply a carp boat.If it weren't for the slight trembling of the big carp's cheeks, Lin Tao would have thought it was a dead fish.Because the carp's mouth is slightly open and hardly moves.The scales of this giant golden carp are the size of an adult's palm, stacked one by one, like a golden armor, very beautiful.Lin Tao looked back and saw a dozen golden carp five to six feet long behind this big fish.

Lin Tao didn't dare to get close for a while, wondering if such a big carp would be aggressive.Lin Tao slowly fell to the bottom of the water, looked at the glowing place under his feet, and was shocked again. It turned out that there were many broken pearls among the broken shells, the small ones were the size of beans, and the big ones were the size of quail eggs. Many of them were broken. But it is still very surprising that they are densely packed at the bottom of the cave.Is this a nest of shellfish, tens of thousands of years even some pearls can't help but shattered by the passing of time.

While observing the big fish, Lin Tao carefully picked up the biggest pearl in front of him. Holding it in his hand, Lin Tao thought to himself, the Nanzhu is not that big, is it?Moreover, this pearl can actually emit light, just like the legendary night pearl, which is really strange.Lin Tao took the beads to avoid the big fish, and then swam to the side. Lin Tao circled the grotto and found that the underground grotto was about 12 square meters in size, and the highest point of the grotto was about [-] meters.The bottom of the water is full of broken shells. This is a huge shellfish nest on the original seabed. I don't know how thick the shellfish layer is at the bottom of the water.Lin Tao thought about it, and began to dig with his hands in the middle of the grotto. The shellfish fragments were densely packed one on top of the other, mixed with broken pearls, and occasionally intact.The more it was pressed down, the harder it was. Lin Tao dug down a full six meters and finally couldn't dig anymore. The shellfish below seemed to have grown into the stone, in a semi-petrified state.Lin Tao looked at the fifty pearls the size of quail eggs scattered in the two-meter-diameter space under his feet, and couldn't help swallowing. In such a large grotto, hundreds of thousands of pearls might be squeezed under the water. Wealth is not to say that the rich are incomparable to the enemy, but it is almost the same!Lin Tao was a little stunned when he thought of this.

It took Lin Tao a while to swim out, and he came to the big carp to have a look. Lin Tao could feel the aging of this huge golden carp. Lin Tao suddenly realized that this super big golden carp seemed to have reached the end of its lifespan. Fearing that he would die naturally in a short time, Lin Tao still sighed in the water. It is estimated that this carp swam into this place decades ago, or even hundreds of years ago, but after growing in size, he couldn't swim out of the hole. .I can only wait here to die.But for the fish, the space here is only slightly smaller, and it doesn't seem to have much impact on the life of the fish.After feeling a lot of emotion, Lin Tao swam to the outer passage of the grotto without taking a single pearl, because money touches people's hearts, Lin Tao wanted to hide this secret for the time being.

Lin Tao quickly swam out of the cave at the bottom of the river, and swam forward for a while. When he saw a large oval-shaped boulder standing in front of him, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. Lin Tao stood beside the boulder and pushed hard with both hands. Rolling, the boulder was soon rolled to the entrance of the cave. Lin Tao pushed the boulder into the hole, only one end of the boulder was exposed. Lin Tao found some huge pebbles with a diameter of half a meter and piled them in the gap of the cave entrance. The carp should be wronged to live in the grotto.Lin Tao looked at it and found that there were no obvious traces. It is estimated that it would be difficult for anyone to find the entrance of the cave. It is estimated that no one would use diving equipment to watch the bottom of the river.Let this be a secret treasure of the Lin family!

Lin Tao went to the fish pocket at the bottom of the river, and after a while he swam out of the water. This time, not only Xiao Xiao scolded him, but Lin Zhiyuan also scolded him, because this time he went there for half an hour, which made people worried.

Lin Tao said with a smile, these small fish are not easy to catch.Xiao Xiao brought fish soup to Lin Tao to drive away the cold, Lin Tao took a sip and couldn't help but admire, the carp tastes really delicious!

Lin Zhiyuan said with a smile: "This can be used as a secret outing base, come here occasionally for leisure."

Lin Tao's heart suddenly moved, this treasure land should really be bought.

In the afternoon, the family went back happily. The three big carps and a bunch of small carps were transported back by a big seafood truck.Back at the villa, he put the carp directly into the swimming pool. Seeing the big carp swimming happily, several children clapped their hands and laughed. Jin Lin and Lan Ling even changed their swimsuits and went swimming inside to play with the carp.

Lin Tao told Xiao Xiao that it is rare for the family to have a good place for an outing. It is best to buy that lot. Now that the countryside is developing rapidly, it may be developed there in ten years, so it is better for our family to buy it first.Although there is no investment value for the time being, Xiao Xiao naturally listened to Lin Tao, turned on the computer, and circled a thousand mu of land on the map of Nanhuangdianzi, including a three-kilometer-long river section.Xiao Xiao said, we can buy it for the purpose of greening and doing forestry, and some birch forests can indeed be planted there.Lin Tao nodded and left the matter to Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao didn't go directly, but sent his men down. The leaders of Xiguan County don't know that Gao Tian was opened by Mayor Lin. It's still a great thing to buy wasteland for greening. Naturally, the leaders of Xiguan County welcome it very much. The contract is 30 yuan for one mu of land, and only 30 yuan for a thousand mu of land. Xiao Xiao said that the price should be lower, and it would be 50 yuan.The county leaders didn’t expect the mayor’s wife to take the initiative to increase the price, so she agreed after some refusal. The wasteland is not to mention 31 yuan per mu, even 3000 mu, no one is buying it now, but there are documents for the land lease, Xiguan County has to open The price was [-] yuan, but Xiao Xiao still mentioned [-] yuan per mu, which made the county leaders admire the heart of Mayor Lin's family even more.In less than three days, all relevant procedures such as lease contract, greening contract, logging certificate, etc. were completed.Some people say that five hundred yuan per mu is too cheap, right?That's not true, because this is greening, not building a factory, so the price is very low, and the state still has subsidies for this kind of greening.This is a project strongly supported by the state in the west, so things related to greening are basically given the green light.The Lin family didn't take advantage of the government either.But Lin Tao didn't contribute those pearls to the country, he still had selfish motives.Because this pearl is not a cultural relic, if it is contributed, it will be divided up by others, so Lin Tao does not want to make such a meaningless contribution.The Lin family has a lot of money, and they give a lot of feedback to the society. Now they donate more than [-] million yuan every year.The Xiliang Welfare Home is the largest welfare home in the country built by the Lin family. Now the total investment has exceeded [-] million, which can be said to be the largest welfare home in the world.

The next day, Lin Zhiyuan's family went to the orphanage to do volunteer work again. Xiao Xiao was still the dean of the orphanage. Although the work was basically undertaken by the three deputy deans, Xiao Xiao was a veritable leader.When Xiao Xiao's family arrived, they were greeted by the vice president and staff of the orphanage.

"Everyone is welcome, our family is here to do volunteer work, you don't need to greet us. Well, just let Xiaozhen follow." Xiao Xiao pointed to a beautiful girl and said. Very energetic, if you have long hair, it will definitely be more charming.This girl has big eyes and a sweet smile, which makes people feel very kind.Xiaozhen is a nursing graduate, and she is a foreign nurse with a good command of English. In addition to working as an office assistant, she also works as an English teacher.Very popular with kids.

"Dean, what should we do first?" This little Zhen asked.

"Tell everyone about the situation of the orphanage!" Xiao Xiao said.

Miss Xiaozhen is very familiar with her family. From the site selection and design of the orphanage, to the specific area, educational equipment, book collection, number of teachers, staff, and number of students in the orphanage, she reported them one by one, with a sweet and clear voice.Although it is in a city, it is still an orphanage under the name of his wife Xiao Xiao, but Lin Tao doesn't know much about it.Now that I heard it, this orphanage is not ordinary.Welfare homes accept orphans over one year old and under, or children who are unable to support them.For children over the age of 15, basic education is general education plus vocational education.As long as you get out of the orphanage, you can rely on what you have learned from the orphanage to be self-reliant.Moreover, children who leave the orphanage can receive legal aid from the impermanence of the orphanage until they are 25 years old.For example, labor issues, welfare issues, and so on.In the two years since the establishment of the orphanage, [-] students have graduated, and everyone has found a job with a minimum wage of more than [-].Moreover, for children working in Xiliang, the orphanage can also provide low-rent housing, and they only need to pay a management fee of [-] yuan a month and water and electricity fees.Of course, some children don't live in the orphanage even if they spend [-] yuan on a bungalow, because sometimes they feel a little inferior.

For children under the age of eight, it is a normal national education. From elementary school to junior high school, they can take the Xiliang City unified college entrance examination for the college entrance examination, and the welfare home for high school provides tuition and living expenses.In addition, the state will also provide some subsidies to these children and reduce or exempt tuition fees.As for those who fail to pass the exam, the orphanage has a vocational technical college, which can provide one-year free education, recommend jobs after graduation, or apply for jobs by themselves.

Of course, some of the abandoned orphans are also disabled or congenitally mentally retarded, so the orphanage has special nursing staff and deaf-mute teachers.The orphanage itself also has its own medical clinic.For some minor illnesses, drips and the like, the orphanage can solve them by itself.

Now Chaoyang Welfare Institute has 1000 to [-] students, including [-] domestic orphans. Some children come here on their own initiative, some are sent by their relatives, some are sent by aid stations, and some are sent by some private welfare institutions contacted by the orphanage. Some people in charge of welfare centers are just well-meaning people, not rich people. Some are just ordinary teachers, workers, etc., who cannot afford the life and education of these orphans at all.Therefore, people from the Chaoyang Welfare Institute will do their work to take the children in.There are another [-] orphans from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as countries in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

Not only are orphans internationalized in the orphanage, but there are also some foreigners in the teaching staff and nursing staff. Especially with the development of Xiliang, more and more foreigners have entered Xiliang, and some foreign businessmen sometimes do volunteer work here.There are 200 regular employees and 380 registered volunteers.Volunteers don't have any benefits, they come here to contribute voluntarily.Sometimes things are donated to the children as well.Now the wages of the staff in the welfare home and the living expenses, medical expenses, and education expenses of the orphans averaged 200 million yuan per month.A year is 400 million.Although the orphanage receives a lot of donations every year, Xiao Xiao and Junlian Company get most of the donations. In addition, Jin Zhenai will pay a fixed 500 million every year, and the rest of the donations will not be counted.

This is just the daily expenses of the orphanage, and there is not a lot of additional investment. This year alone, Xiao Xiao has invested 500 million yuan in the purchase of various scientific and educational equipment.

Xiaozhen continued to report on the donations from all walks of life so far this year.Some famous international companies that have settled in Xiliang donated very practical things. Mercedes-Benz donated two large buses and an ambulance.Microsoft donated 800 computers, and the Australian pharmaceutical and medical device company donated a magnetic resonance CT machine-and a total of [-] million cash donations.

When Lin Tao heard that the total value of the donations from these companies was over [-] million.It's just that there is less cash. Maybe these companies also have the idea that donated cash may be used privately.

Lin Tao's family walked past the door of a lecture theater, and there was melodious singing coming from inside. On the semi-circular podium, a blonde woman was playing the piano, and the singing was very beautiful.

"This is Ms. Dilanmet, who graduated from the Music Department of Harvard University with a master's degree. She is the music planning director of Xiliang Remings Advertising Company. She is a volunteer in the orphanage. Since last year, she has taught two Every time she takes a music class, the children who learn music are spontaneous. They are not restricted by the orphanage. There are about a hundred children who attend her music class every time." Miss Xiaozhen told Lin Tao and others.

The children in the classroom are uneven, some are about to grow into young men, and some are still little carrots. There are three little black children, which are obvious in the crowd, and there are more than 20 foreign Xiaohai upon closer inspection.

"In addition to free activities on weekends, there are also some spontaneously interested subjects, such as this music class, dance class, science and technology invention class, and handicraft class - and so on [-] subjects. There are dozens of people at least, There are as many as a hundred people. In addition, in order to cultivate children's virtue of loving labor, children over ten years old will help cool clothes and bed sheets. The orphanage has washing machines and dry cleaning machines, so they don't need them to wash. Of course, my own underwear, shoes and socks , they need to be responsible for themselves, and there are volunteers to guide them.”

"Does the orphanage need any investment? The group can provide more." Lin Zhiyuan said to Xiao Xiao.

"The construction of the orphanage is basically complete now, and there is no need for a large amount of investment for the time being. Next year, it will almost be able to make ends meet. If we invest in the future, it will also be for education. You see, the plastic track outside the building, the football field, the football field, The basketball courts are all world-class outdoor sports venues. In addition, there are indoor swimming pools, martial arts halls, and dance halls. The auditorium can accommodate 2000 people. It can not only hold meetings, lectures, but also show movies and engage in entertainment. Performances, etc. These buildings are not comparable to some universities. Although the book investment is 200 million yuan, but with the donated material investment, it has actually exceeded 30 billion yuan. In addition, all recruiting faculty and staff, application conditions They are all very strict. More than [-] teachers are graduate students or above, of which more than [-] are special-grade teachers. In addition, there are [-] expert-level and professor-level teaching staff. As far as the orphanage is concerned, it can be said that it is No. [-] in the world." Xiao Xiao said with some pride.

Lin Zhiyuan nodded and said, "If you want to do it, you must do your best."

In terms of food, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, milk, etc. are nutritionally balanced.

Walking forward, turning a corner, it is the large classroom for technological invention.Just in time for get out of class to end, some little dolls ran out. Seeing Xiao Xiao's eyes lit up, they called Xiao Xiao's mother and ran over.Xiao Xiao touched this and looked at that, the child touched by Xiao Xiao was as cute as a kitten, which made other children envious and squeezed forward.Lin Tao looked sad for a while, no matter what, maternal love is the most important thing.These children, big and small, have become orphans without father and mother at such an age, it is really very pitiful.

Xiao Xiao touched this and looked at that, and asked: "Are you good, are you studying hard?"

"We are very good!" Everyone said in unison.

"Very good, you are all mother's good children, remember to tell the teacher in time if you feel uncomfortable!"

"Well, we know." Everyone spoke in unison again.

Seeing these poor dolls, Lin Zhiyuan felt that no amount of investment would be enough.

"It's almost lunch time, wash your hands, go to the restaurant and wait, don't fight! Xiao's mother will also go to the restaurant to have dinner with you later." After Xiao Xiao finished speaking, these children reluctantly left.

"Mom!" Lan Ling held Xiao Xiao tightly with her little hand, Xiao Xiao touched Yun Ling's head and walked forward.This little blue spirit is also clever, if it weren't for Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao, she would be like these children, so she was afraid in her heart.

They followed Xiao Xiao and looked around again. When they met several teachers, they all greeted Xiao Xiao warmly and respectfully. It seemed that Xiao Xiao had a very high prestige in the orphanage.Finally, Xiao Xiaolin Tao and his party came to the restaurant.

The restaurant is divided into three floors, very spacious and bright.The first floor is for children aged three to six, who are led by nursing teachers into the restaurant, and some little ones need special care from teachers.The second floor is for children aged seven to 12.These two floors have the most children, and the third floor is for children over 12 years old, as well as the dining room for faculty and staff.Every restaurant is a head drive.The children on the first and second floors waited for the teacher to distribute the meals and dishes, while the children on the third floor lined up with their own plates to make their own meals.

Xiao Xiao, Lin Tao and others went to the first floor to help the volunteers distribute food and meals to the children.The two little guys Tian Tian and Tianyu were also sitting there waiting, looking at the little guys waiting to be fed, Lin Tao felt a little dizzy.Zhu Yueting and Lin Zhiyuan took the two children, Jin Lin and Lan Ling, to Erlu, and also helped to prepare food for the children.The three-story restaurant is also divided into three types according to the size of the children, and the food in each restaurant is different.The first floor is vegetable and meat porridge. There is a half bowl in front of each person, and there is half a bowl of porridge in it.There was also half a hard-boiled egg, two slices of banana, and a glass of apple juice.From three to five years old, the age is different, so the weight is also different, which needs to be mastered by volunteers.

The children on the second floor are rice, rapeseed and mutton, and an egg soup.The children on the third floor are rice, fish segments, ribs, mushroom bamboo shoots, and a bowl of seaweed soup.These foods are all free, so there is nothing special about the teaching staff on the third floor, they all eat the same food.In addition, there is a Muslim window on the third floor, which is specially served, and it also has three dishes and one soup.This kind of food is far beyond the level of ordinary citizens in Xiliang.

After these little guys had eaten, Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao sat down to eat with their children.On the second floor, Lin Zhiyuan and his wife accompanied Jin Lin and Lan Ling.

Lan Ling asked: "Why don't parents, brothers and sisters come up to eat with me?"

Zhu Yueting explained that the restaurant is divided into age groups, and the two little guys nodded.Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao ate a bowl hastily, took the child up to the second floor, and handed the child to Zhu Yueting to watch, while Xiao Xiao walked around, asking about this and looking at that.These six to 12-year-old children are very affectionate to Xiao Xiao, and they always call Xiao Xiao's mother Xiao Xiao.Most of the older children who went to the third floor were called Dean Xiao.Some teachers saw that Xiao Xiao wanted to stand up and say hello, Xiao Xiao signaled everyone to eat freely, you are welcome.

In addition to these children, there are also babies under three years old, or even seven or eight months old. The total number is about one hundred.In addition, there are children in their [-]s and [-]s who are mentally handicapped and need special care.It can be seen that working in this orphanage is a heavy responsibility. These children need to be taken care of and taught by people with a strong sense of responsibility. These employees have been screened layer by layer.Salary is also higher than that of ordinary teachers.Lin Tao feels that this orphanage is much more complicated than a company.It is really not easy to manage this orphanage well.In fact, the actual situation in the orphanage is more complicated than Lin Tao thought, because there are many middle-aged children adopted from the society with different conducts, some may be caused by the environment, and some are paranoid. For the safety of these children, Management requirements are stricter.In order to change the character of some children who are petty theft, love to fight, and love to play tricks, psychological counseling is also needed.

In the afternoon, Xiao Xiao went to the office to handle some business, Lin Tao and others helped dry the bed sheets and so on, and drove back home at three in the afternoon, feeling that the day was very meaningful.

Not long after Wang Zhengdao took office, he began to inspect prefecture-level cities, and the first stop was Xiliang.The two met in an official capacity and shook hands with each other. Both of them had smiles in their eyes. Wang Zhengdao naturally knew Lin Tao's congratulations. Accompanied by Lin Tao, Wang Zhengdao visited the industrial zone and went to the Xiliang Art Museum.Wang Zhengdao and Lin Tao walked and talked in the front, and officials from the province and Xiliang followed behind.My heart is both in awe and envy.Wang Zhengdao is the governor of Northwest Province. He is only in his early fifties and has a promising future. The provincial officials who accompanied him are also very proud. At the same time, this is also a great opportunity to get closer to the governor.Therefore, I have been working hard all the way, showing my good side.If it were the mayors of other prefecture-level cities, these provincial officials would not respect them too much, but Xiliang is different. This is a sub-provincial city. As the mayor of Xiliang, Lin Tao is in the limelight, no one knows.Therefore, the accompanying provincial officials also treated Lin Tao as a leader, and Lin Tao was in his early thirties, handsome and extraordinary, while being in awe, he was also envious and jealous.Lin Tao's future is simply immeasurable.Now he is at the deputy provincial level. If he does not make mistakes, he still has 30 years of political career. Can't get to the top, but it's okay to be a deputy prime minister.If you don’t rely on such a person, who else should you rely on?Provincial officials had already seen this in the eyes of Xiliang officials. Wherever Lin Tao turned, their eyes followed.Others only thought that Wang Zhengdao was a hero and cherished Lin Tao very much, so they chatted and laughed with Lin Tao, how did these government officials know that the two were still relatives!

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