Jagged city

Chapter 385 Setback in Game 9

Jagged City - Chapter 380 Frustrated in the ninth game of the fifth chapter

"This is a gift from my little mother to Xiao Xiao and me. It was designed by my little mother. There are two nibs polished with a diamond as thick as a little finger. If you are willing to spend money on diamonds, the others are free. Otherwise, I will give it to you." You are finished." Lin Tao laughed.

"Oh my god, what a waste of money! A diamond as thick as a little finger, if I hang it around my neck, I will die happily, but it was turned into two pens! God, the earth!" Xiang Xiaofen wailed.

"Women have long hair and short knowledge. Brother Lin's writing can be regarded as a family heirloom. Can a necklace pendant compare to this heritage and connotation? No, give it to us? Could it be that your family has opened again? A pen factory?" Zhao Jinlin suddenly thought.

"Well, there is such a company. This kind of gold diamond pen will be launched next month, and it is also included in the development of diamond watches."

"This is a symbol of status and status! Brother Lin, just get the best. Money is not a problem!" Ma Zhantao said.

"You can tell Xiao Xiao in detail when the time comes, she is in charge of the company, even if it's not free, how can she get the cost price!" Lin Tao put away his pen and laughed.

Bi Yuelian asked, "What's the price?"

"According to Xiao Xiao's philosophy, it is not the best, but the most expensive, the minimum is 300 million, and the maximum is [-] million." Lin Tao laughed.

"Absolutely, it is estimated that it will be popular with rich people all over the world as soon as it is listed! It is definitely the supreme gold pen!"

The next day, Lin Tao accompanied Wang Zhengdao to visit the largest cattle and sheep breeding base in Asia and the meat joint factory in Xiguan County. There are 500 employees in the meat joint factory, of which 500 are skilled Mexican workers and 40 others They are all health workers under the age of 300 and above recruited from Xiguan County and Xiliang City.Only one-fifth of these beef and mutton are sold in major domestic shopping malls, and the rest are exported to South Korea, Japan and Central Asia.Basically by air.Although there is the most advanced assembly line here, there are still many procedures that require manual work.Therefore, this meat joint factory has solved a lot of idle young and strong labor problems for the local area.Especially because of the influence of the meat joint factory, Xiguan County alone slaughters 100 million cattle and sheep every year, with an average of more than six livestock per capita.For this alone, the per capita income of Xiguan increased by 3 yuan.The per capita income of other cities and counties in Xiliang increased by more than [-] on average.The meat joint factory produces [-] million tons of beef and mutton annually.It is truly the largest meat joint factory in Asia.Ranked among the top ten in the world.Tello Group plans to enter the top three in the world within three years.The output value will double again.The meat joint factory also drove other industries. For example, Xiguan became the largest leather distribution center in East Asia.Tens of thousands of tons of wool each year also provide enough raw materials for Xiliang Woolen Mill.In addition, Xiliang ham sausage, the halal ham produced has also become a local specialty, not only domestically, but also exported.A meat joint factory has driven so many industries and solved the employment problem of nearly [-] people.Wang Zhengdao was also full of praise for this.Instruct Xiguan government cadres to serve the enterprise sincerely, solve workers' social security issues, and so on.

Wang Zhengdao talked with Lin Tao about the development of the five Xiliang cities.Lin Tao's plan is to drive agriculture with industry, promote industry with agriculture, introduce water-saving irrigation technology in agriculture, vigorously develop animal husbandry, focus on breeding, and also promote planting of medicinal materials and fruits. The weather and light in Xiliang are suitable for more than 30 kinds of species. Medicinal herbs are planted, and fruit production is also very high-quality.It is also easy to carry out intensification and overall planting on the land, which is suitable for scientific planting and mechanical farming.Saved labor can also create other value.Now Xiguan County is a test site for land intensive farming.The land in six large towns is leased and cultivated entirely by the company. The rent per mu of land is twice the income of farmers in the past, and part of the rural labor force is hired back.In addition, farmers still have a small part of private plots, which can be used for farming.So far it seems that the effect is quite obvious.The per capita income of these six towns is double that of other towns.In addition, there are three towns that engage in land shareholding and cooperation with the company, and their income is slightly higher than that of full lease.In addition, in order to improve the environment of the Xiliang semi-desert, the whole city has been engaged in greening.In the past two years, the city's green area has increased by 5.00%. Lin Tao plans to increase the green area of ​​Xiliang to 60.00% within ten years.Permanently change the harsh environment of Xiliang, which is covered in soil on sunny days and covered in mud on rainy days.Wang Zhengdao kept nodding his head.Xiliang's industrial development is obvious to all. More than 100 of the world's top [-] companies have settled in Xiliang.There are no less than a thousand other large and medium-sized enterprises.Some township enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms after the spring rain. In just two years, there were [-] small township enterprises in Xiliang.This is also inseparable from Lin Tao's vigorous promotion and support of township enterprises. In addition, the cadre responsibility system has also played a very important role.From the Xiliang government's report, Wang Zhengdao understood that not only Xiliang City has undergone earth-shaking changes, but the countryside is also undergoing rapid development.It is far from a bubble city or something like some distorted reports.Xiliang has developed very comprehensively.Wang Zhengdao also had to feel that Lin Tao, a young man, is not only full of courage, but also full of ability.Many theories are verified while being practiced, and all of them have achieved good results.Lin Tao's model of developing Xiliang is also suitable for the development of the entire Northwest Province.Wang Zhengdao felt that this inspection was very worthwhile.It is indeed the truth.

That afternoon, Wang Zhengdao returned directly to the province from Xiguan County. Governor, there are too many official duties to deal with every day. It takes two days, but there is a backlog of work, and Wang Zhengdao has to directly go back.

Lin Tao sent Wang Zhengdao to the intersection of Xiliang Expressway, and waved goodbye.As soon as Lin Tao returned to the city government office, Hu Yang, the director of the city's public security bureau, approached him.

"Seeing you are in a hurry, what's the matter?" Lin Tao asked curiously.

Hu Yang said that the city bureau is currently investigating a strange case, and it is a serial murder case. Because it is in the most remote Hongshi Village in Huokou County, and the news is blocked, there are no rumors in the city.

"Serial murder case?" Lin Tao frowned slightly. Since Lin Tao came to Xiliang, there has been no such vicious criminal case, which has to be taken seriously.

"It's very strange! And it's inhumane!" Hu Yang looked serious.In front of Lin Tao, he told about the process of investigating the case.

It turned out that a seven-year-old girl went missing in Hongshi Village, the most remote village in Huokou County, and she was reported to the county. This kind of missing person case happens every year in Xiliang.Most of them were abducted by human traffickers, which is very difficult to solve.It just so happened that a member of the Criminal Police Team of the City Bureau, surnamed Ma, went to the Huokou County Bureau to handle the case. This Xiaoma searched the missing persons records of Huokou County and found that from the 90s to the present, there were a total of 15 missing persons, including seven-year-old children. 20 people, and the birthdays of these children are all July 51th, which is commonly known as Ghost Festival.After returning to the city, the pony called other missing persons cases in the other three counties, and found that in the past 66 years, a total of 20 seven-year-old children were reported missing in the three counties, and the Gregorian calendar was converted to the lunar calendar. birthday.There is no such coincidence in the world. There are [-] seven-year-old children in four counties who have been missing, and they have the same birthday. It is possible that there are still unreported children, so this number may be even more.And the weirdest of these children are all born on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month.Although the Public Security Bureau is not superstitious, it is inevitable that the murderer is not superstitious.Xiao Ma speculates that across four counties, within the shortest period of [-] years, a person or an organization has been arresting children born on the [-]th day of the seventh lunar month, and they were all taken away when they were seven years old.The motive for the crime is unknown.This pony usually reads some detective novels and sometimes folk tales, so he cannot help but think about some evil things.However, Xiao Ma was not sure about his deduction for a while, so he didn't tell the leader, but just checked it secretly.

At that time, Huokou County did not report the missing girl from Hongshi Village to the city.I went to the gap because another case was involved.Four members of Boss Liu’s family, who used to run a small coal mine in Huokou County, died strangely. The expressions of the four dead people were all terrified. According to the preliminary judgment of the forensic doctor, it was caused by myocardial infarction. Moreover, the faces of the four of them were all terrified when they were about to die.The safe of Boss Liu's house was opened, and the missing items are unknown, and it is estimated that there is a lot of cash.After investigation by the police from the Municipal Bureau and the police from Huokou County, the neighbors said that they didn't hear or see anything, but Xiao Ma, who followed the case together, found that a child seemed to know something.It was a little boy about ten years old. Pony gave the child a piece of chocolate, coaxed him slowly, and finally learned from the child's mouth that the child got up to pee in the middle of the night, and the adults forgot to hold the urinal, so the child went outside, although Dazed, but it was a bit cold outside, the little boy saw Boss Liu driving back, the door light of the door of Boss Liu’s house was on at that time, the little boy saw, following Boss Liu, there was a round-faced little boy wearing floral cloth behind him. The girl, with two shofar braids and a silver collar around her neck, hopped and followed Boss Liu into the yard.The little boy was a bit strange, because the Liu family's children were all in their [-]s, maybe they belonged to relatives. The little boy was very sleepy at the time, so he went back to sleep in his parents' room after urinating.Xiao Ma was surprised when he heard it, and then he was happy again, because according to the little boy's description, he looked very much like the little girl who disappeared in Hongshi Village seven days ago, because that little girl had a round face, braided braids, and wore floral cloth Clothes and a silver collar.Xiao Ma is engaged in technical work, so he took his notebook, opened the scanned photo of the little girl, and showed it to the little boy across from Liu's house. The little boy was sure that it was this little girl. Human traffickers, or people from some evil organization, the little girl in Hongshi Village may have been abducted by Boss Liu, or it was done by his subordinates.

Xiao Ma reported the situation to the leader, but he didn't say anything about the disappearance of six 20-year-old children in the four counties in 77 years, because Xiao Ma also thought it was too incredible, so he couldn't make up his mind for a while.However, the four corpses went to the city and were dissected in the laboratory, and another frightening fact was discovered.An anatomist felt that the head of the corpse seemed a little light, so he performed a craniotomy, and it turned out that the heads of the four members of the Liu family were empty, with no brains inside!Moreover, there was no trace of injury on the head. I don’t know how the brain disappeared. Later, when the head was cut open, there was a wound inside the nasal cavity. It felt like an iron pipe was directly inserted into the brain from the nostril. It may be that way. The brain was sucked out, but there was no brain residue in the skull at all, as clean as licking it with a tongue, which is also very weird.

Just when the people in the Municipal Bureau were puzzled and even terrified, Xiao Ma revealed his investigation again. In 20, four counties, nearly 20 children born on the [-]th day of the seventh lunar month at the age of seven.The case is too big.The big one made Populus euphratica tremble a little.After investigating the previous filings by the Municipal Bureau Information Division, it was found that there were more than a dozen cases in the past [-] years that appeared to be similar to the case of the Liu family. At that time, they were all judged to be myocardial infarction, and the expressions on their faces were almost the same. However, these cases did not have their heads dissected. Maybe these people My mind is also empty.Hu Yang and the people involved in the investigation of this case felt suffocated for a moment.Only then did Hu Yang hurriedly report to Lin Tao.

Lin Tao frowned after hearing this. If these cases are connected together, it seems that an organization with evil means is responsible.Lin Tao couldn't tolerate such hidden dangers buried in Xiliang City.Lin Tao asked Hu Yang to write a detailed investigation report immediately and report to the Provincial Department and the Public Security Department.Hu Yang had already written the report, took it out of his bag and handed it to Lin Tao.Lin Tao said to keep it confidential, then called the Deputy Minister of Public Security Guan and sent the fax.That night, three people came from the Ministry of Public Security. With the appointment of the Ministry of Public Security, they announced that the case would be directly investigated by the Ministry of Public Security.

At noon the next day, Lin Tao saw those three people, a man in his 50s, thin but energetic, a woman in her 30s, a bit charming, and a young man in his 25s. Everyone is in plain clothes. From the outside, the clothes of these three people look like ordinary cadres, one looks like a female white-collar worker, and the young man looks like a young man who plays games and clubs all day long.Lin Taoxin said that these three people lack the temperament of working in the public security organs for a long time, and they seem to be a bit out of touch with the police.Does the Ministry of Public Security still have such people?Lin Tao was a little strange.

Hu Yang introduced to both parties that the middle-aged expert was very polite to Lin Tao, the woman looked at Lin Tao curiously, and the young man looked nonchalant.

Lin Tao said: "According to the investigation of the Municipal Bureau, this case spans a long time, involves a wide range, and the method of committing the crime is somewhat weird and cruel. If the expert team needs assistance, the Municipal Government will fully support it. I hope that the case can be solved as soon as possible and returned to Xiliang. A peaceful environment."

"Mayor Lin, don't worry, we will solve the case as soon as possible." Expert Li said seriously.

"Director Hu, you must provide the expert team with all conveniences, whether it's investigations, or basic necessities of life and transportation."

"Yes, mayor, I promise to complete the task." Hu Yang said immediately.

There seemed to be a smirk on the corner of the boy's mouth.

When Lin Tao went out, the young man in the conference room muttered: "Bureaucrats, you know nothing."

Hu Yang's face was slightly embarrassed, and he returned to normal. He said to himself, you little bastard, do you know who the chief is?The middle-aged expert glared at the young man.Although Lin Tao was in the corridor, far away from the conference room, the young man's muttering could clearly reach Lin Tao's ears. Lin Tao said in his heart, it's best to solve the case for me as soon as possible, otherwise you won't be able to eat and walk around.Lin Tao returned to the office, called Vice Minister Guan directly, and asked the three people sent by the Ministry of Public Security.Vice Minister Guan said that the three are experts in this field.Lin Tao asked, is that young man in his 20s also an expert?Minister Guan hesitated for a moment, and then said that they all have professional expertise.Lin Tao couldn't help laughing and said, "Minister Guan, are you familiar with those three people?"

"Familiar, how can my subordinates not be familiar with it?" Minister Guan said quickly.

"Well, I guess, this case is very complicated, and it will take a long time. You can tell me about the situation of those three people, so that I can be confident. After all, once this case is leaked, the bad impact will be unpredictable."

Minister Guan groaned, and didn't know these three people at all. Lin Tao couldn't help asking: "Don't these three people belong to your Ministry of Public Security? Are they liars?"

"What liars are they? They are experts. In short, you don't need to worry about this, just let them solve the case." Minister Guan was at a loss for words.

"Can I ignore it as the mayor? What department do they belong to? Is it necessary to hide it from me?" Lin Tao laughed.

"Oh, it's hard to say, we also have discipline." Minister Guan said helplessly.

Lin Tao suddenly thought of the conversation with senior brother Wang Han, and couldn't help asking: "Are they from the ninth game?"

"How do you know?" Minister Guan exclaimed.

"I don't know anything. What you ask is really strange!" Lin Tao said pretending to be profound.Lin Tao suddenly thought that he was still the director of the [-]th bureau. Although he was a short-term director, the document seemed to have the responsibility of supervision.Even the ninth game is under his own supervision.Could it be that the purpose of setting up the Eleventh Bureau was to contain a mysterious organization like the Ninth Bureau?After all, the loyalty of soldiers is unquestionable.Maybe this is the original intention of Jin Laoshang and the leaders, but there are other forces secretly involved, making me, the director of the [-]th bureau, yin and yang, and I haven't determined the specific responsibilities for a while, and now I put it on hold It has been more than a year, except for paying wages on time, it seems to be yellow.However, as the mayor, Lin Tao didn't care about the [-]th round, so he didn't ask in detail.Those who speculated that it was the ninth game today suddenly thought of many things.The Ninth Bureau is really different, just take that brat as an example, he dares to be eccentric and doesn't take the mayor seriously, it seems that the people in the Ninth Bureau are very mysterious and arrogant.

"It seems that you know more than I do, so I don't need to say more. Please contact me if you have anything to do." Minister Guan put down the phone a little annoyed.

Lin Tao thought about it, but he was still worried, so he called Mr. Jin again. Mr. Jin pondered for a while and said: "The Ninth Bureau was established in 80, and there are many strange people and strange people in it, which are somewhat similar to supernatural powers. There are also a few who know how to draw ghosts. They have always handled strange cases that the Ministry of Public Security could not solve. Although the Ninth Bureau also eats the imperial food, it is independent of the system. The personnel of the Ninth Bureau are all ninth Arranged by myself. Why did you ask today?" Elder Jin couldn't help asking.

"A strange case happened in Xiliang, which spanned 20 years and involved nearly a hundred people. It was very strange. The Ministry of Public Security sent three people who didn't look like policemen at all. Later, I found out that they were from the Ninth Bureau. I didn't understand, so I asked you. ask."

"Oh, what's going on, please tell me in detail." The old man also became interested.When Lin Tao told the story, the old man also felt his scalp go numb, thinking that those little dolls were killed.

"Damn it, if the murderer is caught, a hundred shots are not enough. Such an evil organization must be uprooted. Damn, the Ninth Bureau is also to blame. It is affiliated with the National Security Bureau and the Ministry of Public Security. The cases they are in charge of will only be reported afterwards. I also summarized the reports, but they are all state-level secrets, and only a limited number of people can read them. We can’t intervene in the specific case-handling process. It is precisely because of this that I propose to set up Bureau No.11 to restrain them. But they have a lot of energy, and the matter of the eleventh game has been shelved."

Lin Tao asked them who is in charge?Mr. Jin told Lin Tao that he was an old Taoist. For more than 30 years, that old Taoist has been in charge.But I saw it once five years ago, and it wasn't old-fashioned attire, but a middle-aged man, still in his 50s or 30s, and Mr. Jin was always surprised. Over the past 51 years, the appearance of that man has basically remained the same.The man's name was Jin Wuxing, and his Taoist name back then was Wuxing Taoist.Lin Tao asked again if it was like some kind of Area [-] in the United States, doing some mysterious things.Old Jin smiled and said that it was about the same. There were also several units that cooperated with the Ninth Bureau, but they were all top secret.The reason why I told Lin Tao is that Lin Tao barely has the qualifications.

Lin Tao hung up the phone and thought for a while.He couldn't help but smile, no matter how mysterious the people in the ninth game were, they couldn't be more mysterious than what was recorded in the Lin Clan's underground treasure house.It seems that I need to think about the precious wealth left by my ancestors.Lin Tao thought about it, and remembered some books about evil things in the underground treasure house of the Lin clan. Finally, he called his grandfather, explained his situation, and asked his grandfather to send the relevant books over.Lin Tao's great-grandpa had so much experience in life, he had experienced so much in his life, Lin Tao tried not to participate in it as much as possible, a gentleman can't stand under a dangerous wall, let alone Lin Tao's status is noble.Lin Tao could only laugh and listen.When Lin Tao mentioned the Five Elements Old Taoist, he never thought that his great-grandfather would have seen this person before. His great-grandfather said that the Taoist priest was a master. Although he only met once 50 years ago, he felt that he was unfathomable.The old man told Lin Tao to be more careful.

Three days later, people from the Lin family delivered the books, a total of fifty volumes, with a total of about 300 million words.Among them, there are two books that Lin Tao specially explained. They are books related to Lin Tao's current state, which are very mysterious.After about a week, there is still no new progress in Populus euphratica.But the next night, Hu Yang called and said that the guy was seriously injured, and the middle-aged expert and the woman also hung up, looking gloomy.Now he is being treated at the Central Hospital, but after the wound is stitched up and drips are put on, the middle-aged expert prevents other people from approaching that room, and even the glass at the door is blocked with newspapers.

When the lanterns first come on, Xiliang City is decorated with countless lights, which looks very psychedelic and gorgeous, and the streets are very lively with people coming and going.Some people are happy and some are sad.In the intensive care unit of Xiliang Central Hospital, a charming woman with red eye circles paced back and forth in the room, annoyed and terrified, and said, "This is a gutter capsized. I didn't expect that ghost thing to be so powerful. Xiao Wu's heart was shattered, The body is invaded by Yin evil again, what should we do, can't we try to get rid of it."

"No, this evil spirit is very vicious. I tried it, but it made Xiao Wu's injury worse. I can only contact Team Leader Fang. The others are running out of time. What are the people in the bureau doing? Contact someone, so If you don't reply for a long time, I'm afraid Xiao Wu won't make it to dawn."

"It's the director's call!" Expert Li was a little excited, and quickly answered the phone.

"Boss, Xiao Wu's heart has been invaded by evil spirits. I have nothing to do. We need assistance. When will Team Leader Fang arrive? I'm afraid Xiao Wu won't last until dawn." Expert Li said like a cannonball, very anxious .

"Team leader Fang has other tasks, so I can't get in touch for now—"

"Then what should we do? Let's go twice, let's go to the capital, and you send someone to respond, this can shorten the time by half, maybe we can catch up, just move, if the evil spirit in Xiao Wu's body rushes to his head, it will be over. This—— —" Expert Li said half of his words, and felt that his idea was not very good.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then he said in a low voice, "Go ask Mayor Lin of Xiliang for help, and remember to be respectful, just like you are facing me."

"What?" Expert Li was stunned, but there was already a beeping sound on the other end of the phone.

"Old Li, what did the director say? Send someone over here, saving people is like putting out a fire!" the charming woman yelled, pulling Lao Li's arm.

"The director asked me to ask Mayor Lin?" Old Li said in a daze.

"Which Mayor Lin?" The charming girl was at a loss.

"It's the mayor of Xiliang, the one who met us a few days ago."

"Ah, it's him. He's pretty good. Could it be that he's also a master in Taoism? Isn't the director an idiot?" The charming girl muttered.

"Nonsense!" Lao Li glared at the charming woman.

"Look here, I'm going to hire someone!"

"No, I'll go. With my beauty, I will definitely make him fascinated." The charming girl laughed.

"Don't act recklessly. You can't make fun of Xiao Wu's life. If he can save Xiao Wu, your three-legged cat kung fu will be like playing tricks on others—you must be tactful." Lao Li watched the charming girl go out in a hurry, Sighed.Turning around and seeing Xiao Wu on the bed with a dark complexion, his brows were wrinkled again. On Xiao Wu's face, there seemed to be black centipedes scurrying under the skin, which was very scary.The blame had to be approached by the nurse, it was like a living ghost.

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