Jagged city

Chapter 393

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 390 Three Women in Their Early Years

Deng Zhan even ate three tablespoons before raising his head and said, "It's delicious, smoother than tofu nao, what is it made of?"

This fish soup does not have a fishy smell, and there is no fish meat in its appearance, so it was never thought to be fish.

Xiao Xiao was opening her mouth to eat, and didn't care to answer, Madam Deng also enjoyed eating to her heart's content.Lin Tao explained that it is a fish soup made with fish meat as an ingredient, which is a secret recipe lost in ancient times.

Deng Zhan nodded and said: "The ancestors really invented a lot of good things, but it's a pity that the inheritance has been broken. This fish soup can be served at the state banquet."

"Well, this fish soup is a must. Today I borrowed all from son-in-law Lin. Son-in-law Lin, why don't you serve fish soup at Shanshan's wedding banquet!"

"Really, can't you let son-in-law Lin handle the cooking?"

"Stupid, I can't hand it over to the chef. Anyway, it's their restaurant, so they can make their signature dishes! No, I have to order a bowl. This fish soup is not greasy at all, and it's very appetizing!" Mrs. Deng served it with a spoon. go.

"Give me a bowl too." Sensitive Deng Zhan ate without slowing down.

Drinking fish soup and eating some pickles is very pleasant, that is, in 10 minutes, a pot of fish soup was eaten by four people.

After breakfast, Deng Zhan was sent off, Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao sat for a while, before leaving, Mrs. Deng was reluctant to let go, holding Xiao Xiao's hand reluctant to let go.

It was already 07:30 in the morning, and Lin Tao drove directly to Feng's old house.

At [-]:[-], I arrived at Feng's old villa.

Mrs. Feng and his wife came out together, and let Lin Tao into the room very happily. Mrs. Feng even held Xiao Xiao's hand and looked at it non-stop, saying, Xiao Xiao looks beautiful again, her skin looks like it was made of water. Yes, very envious.

After taking his seat, Elder Feng pointed to the painting on the wall and said, "Why did you send such a precious thing?"

"This "Yan Dang Qiushui" was given to my dad by an Italian businessman. My dad knew that the teacher likes calligraphy and painting works, so he asked me to bring it here. My dad is busier than me. I am sorry that I couldn't come together this time. Let me give it to you. Greetings from the teacher."

"Your father is too far-fetched, so you don't need to take so many things next time. By the way, those two golden carps are also very rare. I put them in the bathtub, and I plan to make a bigger bathtub to raise them." Feng Lao said happily.

Lin Tao smiled wryly: "Teacher, that fish was originally given to you to eat, why did it grow?"

"Golden carp is a lucky thing. It is better to raise and has aura." Feng Lao said with a smile.

"That's right, that big carp looks pretty too. I think it's not bad to use that big bathtub as a fish pond. Anyway, other rooms can also take a bath." The rich man also seemed to like it very much.

As if offering a treasure again, Xiao Xiao showed the photos on the mobile phone to the rich man, and the rich man screamed again and again. When Feng Lao saw it, he shook his head and sighed, saying it was a fetish. Lin Taoxin said, the underwater cave The big carp is the real fetish, but unfortunately, the big fish will not live long, and the life limit is up.

Lin Tao didn't come here to chat, and soon went to the study with Mr. Feng, and while reading, he listened to Lin Tao explaining the thesis he had written.Old Feng sometimes frowned, and sometimes his eyes shone brightly.Half an hour later, Mr. Feng raised his head and said, "Xiao Lin, you are amazing at writing this stuff. I want to take a good look at it. I don't seem to have seen the calculation formula of the docking theory. Where did I find it?"

"I made random calculations myself. I borrowed some ancient I Ching theories, as well as modern algorithms."

Feng Lao opened his mouth, and after a while he said: "I didn't expect Feng Qishan to take in a really good apprentice. Your talent or intelligence is really high. I have to ask a friend to verify this calculation. He is Mathematics authority. Kobayashi, go sit outside. I need someone to take a good look."

Lin Tao withdrew, thinking to himself, if I mess with it casually, I will come up with an incredible thesis!Lin Tao was also a little complacent.

"It's over so soon?" Mrs. Feng asked suspiciously.

"The teacher said to take a closer look at my thesis and kicked me out." Lin Tao laughed.

Mrs. Feng's eyes lit up and she said: "I know your master. In the past, when I read a thesis, I read the outline first, and it only took ten minutes. If it wasn't for the high quality of the thesis, I would never be so solemn. It seems that the thesis written by Xiaolin is very serious. Amazing!"

"Maybe the master will come out and scold me, saying that I've made up a mess!" Lin Tao made a small joke, humbly.

Mrs. Feng smiled and said, "Xiao Lin is really humble. The more you two look, the more you match each other. Although you are both over thirty, you look like my child."

"Master, you are also a great beauty. I see that in this photo, I look like a brother and sister." Xiao Xiao pointed to a photo and said, which is a photo of Mrs. Feng and her son, and the background is a book of Harvard University. museum.

"Xiao Xiao just has a sweet mouth. This photo was taken last summer. This kid is wild. Usually, if I don't call him, he won't call home."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said, "I'm afraid you call the United States every day?"

"Heck - when he first entered school, he didn't play every day. That kid was annoying. Later, he made three chapters with me and played twice a week. You are a junior, I really don't worry that he is in the United States, the United States Your girl is so crazy. I'm afraid that after a year or so, a half-breed will come back. I don't care, but your master is very traditional in his bones. If you get a blond grandson, then you will have no face to go back to your hometown, hehe—— "The rich man talked and laughed, very cheerful, Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao were also very comfortable staying there, and chatted about some family fun.

Mainly about her son.Although Feng Qishan and his wife are not considered old couples and young wives, they are still 20 years apart.Forty-year-old Feng was naturally very happy to have a son. This Feng Baolun was smart and smart since he was a child. When I graduated from high school at the age of 16, I passed CET-[-] in English and completed the university course of economics, even self-study with Feng Lao's tutor, and then I went to Harvard University.It is also top-notch at Harvard University, with a full scholarship, and has won awards several times in two years, and is now a graduate student.Already have three undergraduate degrees.No wonder Mrs. Feng likes to show off, Lin Tao felt ashamed when he heard it.Lin Taoxin said that this kind of person is naturally suitable to be a scientist.I don't know what the future holds for my children, but Lin Tao doesn't expect his children to become great scientists, as long as they grow up healthy and live happily.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock that Feng Lao came out of the room and called Lin Tao in.Sigh again, Lin Tao’s thesis is well written, but he also gave a few constructive comments, especially told Lin Tao that the calculation formula should be dedicated to writing a paper, because the calculation formula involves chaos, which is a new discipline, sure. Chaos in the unified order, looking for the track in the ambiguity.Lin Tao is a modern algorithm deduced by referring to the Lin family's collection of books.Feng Lao saw the value of this formula.So let Lin Tao write a separate paper on this formula.Feng Lao said that these two papers will apply for patents in the future and be published in international scientific journals.Lin Tao is likely to win two international awards.Feng Lao was also very excited when he said that.Lin Tao said a few words modestly, promising to go back and work hard on his papers. Mr. Feng nodded in satisfaction, and then left the study with Lin Tao, saying that he would have two more drinks at noon today, happy!

Lin Tao became a house-to-house cook, and before he could open his mouth, he was dragged into the kitchen by his wife, saying that he wanted to appreciate Lin Tao's cooking skills, and Mr. Feng followed with a smile.

"Husband, let's make fish soup, I still want to eat it." Xiao Xiao whispered.

Lin Tao nodded helplessly. The method of making this fish soup is quite complicated, but Lin Tao managed to catch a large carp that was alive and kicking. .Changed the two-pound fish block into thin strips, poured it into a porcelain basin and rinsed it with cold water, and then Lin Tao went to prepare the ingredients.Mince a piece of chicken, and finally add cooking wine and other seasonings together like a porcelain bowl, fish out the shredded fish, put them together, and then put in three lists, stir them quickly with a mixer, the pot of things, It was minced quickly, and after a while, it foamed. In the end, half of the pot turned into a pot of white foam, like cotton candy.Lin Tao put it on the gas stove and started cooking!

According to Lin Tao's instructions, Xiao Xiao took out various ingredients from the refrigerator. Lin Tao showed his skills and turned on two more stoves to cook.Lin Tao took this and put that on, cutting and chopping. Mr. Feng was dazzled by the sight, feeling that Lin Tao had four hands busy somewhere.From time to time, each dish was freshly cooked. Xiao Xiao shaped it with chopsticks and brought it to the table. When the seven dishes were served, the fish soup was ready, and it took only half an hour.

Mrs. Feng stared at the stars in admiration: "After watching Xiao Lin cook, I feel like I can eat a cow!"

Old Feng smiled and said, "Then you will become a super tigress."

Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao were also amused by this sentence. Mr. Feng opened a bottle of Moutai and insisted on pouring the wine for Lin Tao himself, so Lin Tao had no choice but to stand up and take it.

"Sit down, master and apprentice, you are welcome, I am happy today." Mr. Feng clinked glasses with Lin Tao.Lin Tao took the wine bottle and filled it up. Lin Tao thought in his heart, if he drank too much from this small wine cup, how many cups would he have to drink?

"You guys have a drink, but I'm already eating vegetables. This is delicious!" Mrs. Feng was full of praise.

After a lunch, he ate very happily. Mr. Feng drank about half a catty, his nose was a little red, and he pulled Lin Tao to talk excitedly.

Lin Tao asked Xiao Xiao to take out the gold silk snow chrysalis tea and make a pot.Mr. Feng smelled it with his nose and felt very smooth. After taking a sip, he immediately felt refreshed and the alcohol was relieved. He couldn't help praising: "Good tea, good tea! What kind of tea is this?"

Lin Tao explained the origin of the golden silk snow chrysalis tea, but it is a pity that there are not many of them.Lin Tao took out a jade box with six tea leaves in it.The old couple looked at it again and again, lamenting the magic of the creation.

"This thing is rare, and if you can drink it once, it will be enough to comfort you for a lifetime. People should not be greedy." Feng Lao said shaking his head.

Lin Tao was a little embarrassed, one was that this thing was rare and the Lin family produced it exclusively, and the other was that there were too many relatives and relatives, so the tea was not enough for one cent!

"This tea has very strong medicinal functions. It can ventilate, activate blood, and nourish the mind. Drink it once or twice a year. This tea can be brewed about five times. In addition, the tea after brewing can also be eaten. After all, there are still Some good stuff remains."

"It's really extraordinary. I was dizzy just now, but now I only drank a small cup, and my mind has become very clear. What a treasure!" Feng Lao sighed.

Mrs. Feng said with a smile: "Your master is famous for pouring in a glass. Today is an exception. Just now, my tongue is so big. I thought, if we talk for another 5 minutes, I will have to lie down and fall asleep. I am very energetic now!"

At 02:30 in the afternoon, the two came out of Feng's hometown, drove for a drive, and rushed to Lieutenant General Li's house.It wasn't until eight o'clock in the evening that he returned to Tianlan International Building from Li's house.

"Miss, you've worked hard, you can relax tomorrow, as long as you go to Shang's hometown in the evening, you'll be fine." Lin Tao said leaning on the sofa.

"It's not hard to eat and drink with my husband." Xiao Xiao lay on the sofa and put her feet on Lin Tao's lap.

"You father and mother are making out here, pretending that I don't exist!" Guan Lanlan leaned over with her big belly.

"Damn girl, what a father and mother, it's so ugly. By the way, I'll call Yaomeizi to see how it's going. I feel like being a mother now!" Xiao Xiao lay on the sofa and made a phone call.

"Sister Yao, did you enjoy playing today?" Xiao Xiao asked.

"Well, Sister Ting took me to Happy Valley to play, and I also had a spa treatment in the afternoon and now I am listening to the concert." Meizi Yao was faintly excited.

"Cousin, don't worry about me. My little aunt is not in vain. She has to learn how to drive next week—don't talk, Han Hong is coming—" Li Ting chirped, like a machine gun of.

"Don't be too crazy, send Yaomeizi off to school after the concert!" Xiao Xiao yelled into the phone, and there was deafening cheers from the other end, Xiao Xiao quickly turned off the phone.

After watching the concert, it was already ten o'clock in the evening when we left Gongti.

Li Ting said: "Xiao Fei, let's go have a barbecue, and then send Yaomei back to school."

"Okay, but I don't know where there is a barbecue nearby, so let's ask first."

Xiao Fei went to a fruit stand on the side of the road and bought three catties of pineapples. By the way, he inquired. The fruit vendor was very familiar with the surrounding area. He opened his mouth and introduced three places to Xiao Fei. Once there, there are many small restaurants and barbecue shops.Xiao Fei drove the car and entered that alley.After the Gongti concert ended, many young people came here for dinner.Beijing's nightlife is lively at ten o'clock, and people come and go from the restaurants on both sides of the street from time to time. Xiao Fei drove slowly and found a simple and brightly decorated barbecue restaurant. He felt good and stopped the car.

The three of them went in and ordered thirty meat kebabs, three chicken wings, six skewers of lamb kidneys, three roast meat buns, and two bottles of beer. Yaomeizi didn't drink, but a bottle of juice.Yaomeizi had a great time playing with Li Ting's young couple this day.It can be said that Li Ting took Yao Meizi to play for a day.After two days of contact, Yaomeizi felt that Li Ting also treated her well, and did not treat her as an outsider. Yaomeizi was grateful.He poured beer for the two of them and poured a glass for himself.

"Yaomei, do you want to try beer too?"

"I'll just have a drink. Thank you sister Ting and brother-in-law for taking me to play for a day. This is the happiest day I've had growing up."

The three of them drank it all in one gulp. It was the first time for Yao Meizi to drink beer.He turned his head and coughed twice.

"I'd better drink fruit juice, beer is really bad!" Yao Meizi said with a blushing face, making the two of them laugh.

"Sister Yao, it's a bit of a joke this time. From now on, I have to go to military training on weekends and Sundays. Why don't you go if you want to act like a baby with my cousin?" Li Ting said.

Yaomei took a big gulp of fruit juice to suppress the alcohol, after listening, she stuck out her tongue and said, "I dare not!"

"Let's just be obedient, or we will suffer." Xiao Fei was afraid when he thought of Lin Tao's serious look.

"Hmph, coward, is my cousin that scary?" Li Ting ate his beer mug, indignant.

Xiao Fei whispered: "Didn't you dare to refute back then?"

Li Ting glared at Xiao Fei, turned her head and saw the waiter coming over with skewers, and it was obvious that she was running towards them.

"Sir, this skewer is from over there, and you ordered it very quickly." The plate in the waiter's hand was suddenly taken by a customer on the table next to him.

"Whatever the fee, you can just grill it for them." The four people on the table had already grabbed the skewers and started eating, and the waiter also looked helpless.

Li Ting scolded angrily: "Shameless!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Fei hasn't seen it yet.

"Our skewers were intercepted by the people over there. They came in behind us." Li Ting said, pointing to the four.

Xiao Fei got angry when he heard it. Although he cultivated his mind and nature this year, he was the second generation ancestor after all. The restaurant was cut off, especially in front of the fiancée and Yaomeizi, the man's self-esteem was trampled, and he stood up abruptly.

"What's the matter with you guys? You snatched our meat skewers?" Xiao Fei pointed at the four of them and shouted across the table.

"Forget it, don't argue with them, they ate them anyway." Li Ting said while pulling Xiao Fei.Yaomeizi also persuaded.

The four boys turned their heads and took a look. Li Ting and Yao Meizi were both very beautiful. Knowing that Xiao Fei was looking for face in front of the beauties, one of the 26 and seven-year-olds smiled and said, "This meat skewer says Is your name on, we also spend money on food. If you want to save face in front of beautiful women, you little boy, you have to weigh your own weight first."

"That's right, what's so good about that little boy face, the two beauties might as well save face, let's share a table and eat whatever we want." Another long-faced man looked Li Ting up and down, and couldn't stop looking at his chest and thighs. Looking up, the eyes are full of wretchedness.

Xiao Fei's face turned red with anger, and he couldn't help cursing: "What are you guys, you are worthy of inviting people to dinner, and you don't even look in the mirror when you go out, and you are here with this disgusting person."

"Hey, grandson, isn't your skin tight?" The long-faced one pulled away the stool and strode over, and the other three also followed him with straight eyebrows.These four boys are not fuel-efficient lamps, authentic Beijing Youzi, and they are students of Xingyimen Boxing Gym in Jingli. They are not masters, but they have studied for two or three years. There is no problem with the two, Xiao Fei came to his door today, and the four boys were immediately excited.

"What do you want? Tell you, play horizontal, I will accompany you!"

"Hey, did you hear that, brothers, this kid is quite stubborn, don't call me mom later!" The long-faced smile said with disdain.

At this time, the boss came over to accompany him with a smile on his face: "Several brothers, calm down, or I will treat you this time."

"It's none of your business! We know the rules, boy, come out, let's go outside to practice, if you don't dare, let these two girls have a drink with us."

Xiao Fei didn't let anyone do it, so he walked out as soon as he raised his leg, but Li Ting didn't stop him, fearing that Xiao Fei would suffer, so he hurriedly followed.Yao Meizi also followed closely, holding the golden stick hanging from her belt involuntarily.

Li Ting looked at the other four, fearing that Xiao Fei would suffer, she couldn't help rushing over and shouting: "You four, don't go too far, it was your fault for grabbing things, and you want to beat people, believe it or not, I will call the police!"

"Grandson, don't hide behind the women. If you grow eggs, we will do it one-on-one, and the police will be done by people without eggs." A skinny man even used the aggressive method.

"Don't pull me, I'll teach this guy a lesson." Xiao Fei's grip continued to tighten, and Li Ting let go of Xiao Fei's hand when she saw Xiao Fei was angry.

"Third brother, go and familiarize him, don't be too cruel." The long-faced man sneered, not taking Xiao Fei seriously at all.

"Grandson!" the skinny man yelled, and kicked him over. Xiao Fei dodged and managed to dodge. Since Xiao Fei was in love with Li Ting, he also knew that Li Ting often had to undergo special training. Xiao Fei was very angry and didn't want to. Being suppressed by Li Ting, he also practiced with Li Ting and pestered Li Ting to teach him how to fight. The young couple exercised together, and they were even more motivated. Although they were not as fast as Li Ting's progress, they were still flexible in their hands and feet, and their strength increased a lot. , That's why I dare to speak hard today and challenge others one-on-one.

Xiao Fei dodges, the thin man's flying kick, the thin man's force is too strong, he can't hold back his strength, and he never thought that Xiao Fei can dodge, his body still rushes forward, Xiao Fei immediately sends out his right fist, hitting the thin man's fist Under the armpit, this punch was very solid, with a bang, the thin man staggered, the thin man bared his teeth, feeling ashamed, and rushed forward again with a groan.With quick punches, Xiao Fei dodged left and right, his footsteps were a little messy, one of them didn't dodge quickly, he was punched on the shoulder, his body was crooked, and he was punched in the chest again.This punch was relatively heavy, and Xiao Fei hit his butt all at once.

The boys behind laughed and said, "I thought that little boy could do both hands, but it's just a show."

The skinny man wanted to kick Xiao Fei's head, but Xiao Fei was not stupid, so he rolled to the side and dodged in embarrassment.Can Li Ting see her boyfriend being bullied?He ran over and blocked the thin man at once.

The thin man's face was sour and he didn't recognize anyone. He pulled Li Ting, intending to push Li Ting away, and then beat Xiao Fei.As a result, Li Ting grabbed the thin man's arm and turned around. The thin man fell to the ground with a slap and screamed in pain.

A lot of people came out of the restaurant to watch, some of them almost shouted, thinking, this big girl is really good, this back wrestling is beautiful.

"The third child—" Several people pulled the skinny man up, and the skinny man felt as if his body was falling apart. Thinking about it, too, if a big back fell and fell onto the tiled pavement, wouldn't that hurt?That's not a sponge mattress.

"Ouch—it hurts me to death." The skinny man yelled.

At this time Xiao Fei also took up the position, and Li Ting and Yaomei also stood together.

There are small restaurants on both sides of the street, and there are quite a lot of people coming and going. Naturally, more and more people are watching the excitement, and a few people feel ashamed.The eyebrows of the long face raised and he walked up.She said with a smirk: "This big girl is good at stretching out her hand, let's do two tricks with brother."

"Shameless, bullying women!" Someone shouted.

"Who, who is fucking nonsense!" The eyes of the boys turned red, but they couldn't find anyone who shouted, and no one complained.

"Smelly bitch, get out of the way, or I'll beat you up!" the thin man's accomplice shouted viciously.Seeing that Li Ting didn't get out of the way, she raised her leg and kicked, much stronger than that skinny man.

"If you don't leave, I'll call the police!" Li Ting shouted while stepping back.

"Report to your mother!" The guy in the black vest chased up again, wanting to kick someone, Yao Meizi jumped over and kicked him sideways.The kid was about to kick Li Ting, but he was independent with one kick. Although he saw Yaomeizi jumping over, he had no time to hide, and was being kicked by Yaomeizi on his big crotch, one of them couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground.The long-faced one didn't care about pity and pity, and punched Yao Meizi in the chest.

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