Jagged city

Chapter 40 Shootout

Chapter 40 Shootout

The spotlight was turned on, and the kid covered his eyes with his hands, but he couldn't hide his fear. ∑ fly ㊣ ≥

"Do you know me?" Lin Tao said suddenly. At this time, Lin Tao was dressed in casual clothes, and he was a student at first glance.Zheng Tie didn't know the meaning of Lin Tao's question either.

"I don't know," the tea mirror man said with some doubts.

"In Yinhui City, at the gate of Xingfu Community, there is a pancake stand, do you remember?"

"Are you the son of the pancake seller? — Ah" the man with glasses regretted it after finishing speaking, and lowered his head dejectedly, with a look of despair flashing in his eyes.

Although Dong Huachang didn't know what Lin Tao was talking about, he saw that the man with glasses pleaded guilty, and Lin Tao took out his words.Lin Tao took out a box of Soft China, passed out a circle of cigarettes, and lit the glasses man on fire.Then he leaned back and said slowly: "I know, why did we catch you so quickly?"

"That's because the man who shot and killed President Ma and the woman who strangled the taxi driver were both caught. Tell me about your crime history and everything you know. If you have performed major meritorious service, you can properly consider reducing your sentence. After all Are you an accomplice? You still have a long way to go, maybe you will stay there for three to five years, but this can also help you detoxify, and you can start again when you come out." Lin Tao's soft voice hit the suspect's head like a heavy hammer .

"Aren't you from the pancake stand?"

"Who says it's not, it's just that he also serves as the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of Yinhui City." Lin Tao casually flicked the ash into the ashtray, exhaling smoke rings as if he was very comfortable.

The suspect glanced at the two vicious policemen in police uniforms on both sides of Lin Tao, and knew that Lin Tao's identity as deputy captain was not fake, and that his aura was not pretending.

"I don't know, can the sentence be reduced? My parents are in poor health and need me to take care of them."

Lin Tao didn't say anything, just looked at the man in the tea mirror lightly, Zheng Tie and Dong Huachang looked at each other, thinking that this is not like a rookie who just joined the police force, he is clearly ten old-fashioned.The two couldn't help but become more curious about this young first-class inspector.

"Record" Lin Tao said two words, and Dong Huachang got ready.

"My name is Zhang Yuhai, I am 29 years old, and my ancestral home is—"

Whenever this Zhang Yuhai paused, Lin Tao would look at him affectionately, and when he was out of cigarettes, he lit a cigarette for him. Two hours later, Zhang Yuhai said: "Leader, there is really nothing to say."

Lin Tao thought that the taxi driver was really unlucky. He didn't intend to hijack the car and kill people. Instead, when the killer Leng Ding got into the car, he showed the gun on his waist. The driver saw that the three guys were not good people, so he wanted to run away. He was strangled to death in the car. The killer Leng Ding did it, and the woman Zhang Yanmei also helped her. As a result, three hairs were torn off. Zhang Yuhai was scared to death. After throwing the body, the three drove away.

"Brother, do you know that you took your life? These two people must have no chance to attack you, so they let you go, and they will definitely kill you when they meet again. Okay, take this pack of cigarettes, think slowly, think In order to confess at any time, remember that there may be a major clue that can reduce your sentence by half a year, take him down."

"Wait, it's really like what you said. They asked me to go to Longxing Bathhouse tomorrow, saying that they lived there and wanted to find me a tender girl. I said they weren't so kind, what the hell, right Yes, I seem to have overheard once, what kind of goods they have stored in the No. [-] warehouse."

After taking Zhang Yuhai down, Zheng Tie gave a thumbs up, "Brother, you are amazing, is Sherlock Holmes reincarnated?"

"Captain Zheng, how could I be the reincarnation of a foreign devil? It should be the reincarnation of Di Renjie." The three of them laughed.Lin Tao's call was immediately connected to Director Xiao, who immediately explained the situation and sent Zhang Yuhai's confession to the Yinhui City Bureau.Director Xiao said six good things in a row, and according to Lin Tao's suggestion, he immediately cooperated with the special brigade to conduct a surprise inspection of the No. [-] warehouse in Yinhui Port.

Here, Lin Tao and Zheng Tie rushed to Dongliang County with people overnight, and Zhang Yuhai confessed that both the killer and the woman settled down in Longxing Bathing Pool in Dongliang County.On the way, Dong Huachang asked Lin Tao how he made the confession all of a sudden.

Lin Tao laughed and said, "I lied to him too. According to the report that President Ma was killed in Xingfu District, it was mentioned that there was a man hanging around the pancake stand. The time coincided, I just boldly speculated that the two murders were committed by a group of people, and I didn’t expect to be right.”

"Could this be called Meng? It's witty, with vicious eyes." Zheng Tie also flattered Lin Tao. Lin Tao felt that it was very useful, but he was still modest and polite.

"By the way, then how do you know that this kid is an accomplice and not the first offender?" Dong Huachang also saw that the kid was not the first offender, but just flattering Lin Tao.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "Dong team, you still can't see that the bear is a killer and ruthless person, so you don't have to fool me."

"Brother Lin is really good. You have seen through all of this. It seems that my flattering skills are not as subtle as the captain's. No wonder I'm the second-in-command."

"Aren't you looking for trouble, you stinky mouth, I think Brother Lin's vice team is much better than my Zheng team."

"Oh, big brother, I'm convinced. As expected of the big brother and the younger brother, I really should fight." Dong Huachang's appearance made the two laugh. Lin Tao was a little sleepy, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Lin Tao, Captain Jin has brought 32 team members to the intersection of Dongliang County Expressway. They are fully under your command. I have an important TV meeting and I can't go. You must be careful. I have found out that the killer Leng Ding is from Thailand. A notorious killer with [-] lives in his hands, you must be careful, I will send you his photo on your phone, by the way, that Zhang Yanmei may be a fake name."

Lin Tao hung up the phone and told the two of them that they knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately sent additional troops to several intersections in Dongliang County.

At one o'clock in the morning, Lin Tao and others arrived at the intersection of Dongliang County Expressway, joined Captain Jin's team, and two more reliable comrades in Dongliang County. The reason why Xiang Longxing Bathhouse didn't alarm the Dongliang County police is because the owner of Longxing Bathhouse is a local snake, and his eyelids are too messy. If the news leaks out, it will be troublesome, so Dong Weihua made an appointment with the two county bureaus by phone. Dude, and didn't say anything, got into the car all the time, and the two asked anxiously: "Captain Zheng, Captain Dong, what's the matter, making such a big fight?"

Dong Huachang explained the matter briefly, and the two of them knew the seriousness of the matter. They often went to Longxing Bath to take a bath, so they naturally knew the situation there. They drew a simple sketch, pointed out a hidden exit, and introduced the details inside. Condition.

Zheng Dui frowned and said: "If they live in the bathing hall, it will be difficult to mix among the guests."

Lin Tao thought for a while and said: "As Zhang Yuhai explained, the killer Leng Ding and Zhang Yanmei have an affair, and it is more likely that they are in the same room. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that they are in the hall, so we have to send two people in first."

"Brother is rich in experience." Captain Zheng winked at Lin Tao, and Lin Tao rarely blushed.Captain Jin quickly arranged manpower and asked his special forces to memorize the battle plan.A group of six cars quietly drove into Dongliang County with their lights off.

"Wait a minute" Lin Tao suddenly called out to everyone who was about to get out of the car.Everyone stared at him, wondering what was wrong.

"I think we need to change our plan"

"Why?" Team Zheng asked.

"First, these two suspects may not live in the bath, or they may live in the home of the owner of Longxing Bath. I heard that their house is an independent four-story building, and there is no problem with a few people. We should arrange people there. Second, even if In Longxing Bath, there is a high possibility of being held hostage by them, so my idea is to enter the bath on the grounds of anti-pornography, first send two people to stabilize the situation in the hall, and then attack in one fell swoop."

The other three agreed with Lin Tao's statement, because Lin Tao was the person in charge of the project, and all three of them had to listen to his orders.The troops were divided into two ways to arrest the suspects. The special forces were professional. Two shooters were placed at the front and rear doors, and snipers were placed on the roof opposite the bathing pool.

Lin Tao entered the bath with two plainclothes, and the plainclothes immediately controlled the two waiters at the front desk.Dong Huachang led three plainclothes men directly into the men's locker room, and quickly controlled the situation. Police officers and special forces quickly entered the hall. Most of the people inside were asleep, and the ladies were also dozing off on the sofa. When they opened their eyes, they saw several policemen. Both the soldiers and the soldiers were frightened, and the two comrades in Dongliang County turned on the chandelier switch, and the hall lit up.

"Anti-pornography, be honest with me"

Those guests thought, did the anti-pornography people have submachine guns?Ten policemen and ten special forces quickly occupied every position in the private room.There were also a few buddies who were rushing forward with the young lady's thighs on their shoulders. Suddenly the door was kicked open, and seeing the armed police with live ammunition, they withered away.

"Say, a man and a woman came yesterday. The man is from Thailand called Leng Ding, the woman is from Shanghai with a Shanghai accent, and the one with long red hair is called Zhang Yanmei. Which room you live in is a matter of losing your head. Boss Wu is finished. Don't be afraid. "Xiao Ma, a police officer in Dongliang County, pointed a gun at the manager of the bathing pool and said.The manager almost peed his pants in fright.

"This is a photo." Lin Tao took out his mobile phone and showed the manager the photo of the killer sent by Wang Han.Everyone in the photo operation has circulated it, so they are afraid that it will be released.The person in charge at each intersection also received photos.

"I didn't know he was from Thailand. I heard the boss called him Brother Leng. Now he and that woman are living in the boss's house, which is the farthest room on the east side of the second floor. I went to deliver clothes to them at nine o'clock in the evening." and food," the manager said tremblingly.

"Leave ten policemen, centrally control the guests, put away all mobile phones, and the others go to Boss Wu's house immediately." Lin Tao gave an order, and everyone rushed to Boss Wu's house. There were gunshots in the night sky.

It seems that the enemy has been encountered, Boss Wu's house has made a move, the car accelerates, crosses the street, and arrives at Boss Wu's house.

There were sporadic gunshots from the second floor. In the yard, two people were hugging their legs. It seemed that special forces did it.

"Are you from the Municipal Bureau? Don't get me wrong. I'm Director Li from Dongliang County," one of the men who was shot in the leg shouted.

Xiao Ma in Dongliang County sneered for a while, and said to himself, old man, today you are an official, not to mention being a prostitute here, and colluding with killers.In fact, Director Li is not so bold as to collude with killers. He is just taking bribes, and he came here just at the right time.He received a call just now, saying that Longxing Bathhouse was here to clean up pornography. He immediately climbed down from the woman's belly and took his followers out of the building. As a result, he was shot twice by special forces. The situation is unknown and he must not let go. The enemy left, let alone came out at this time, he must have heard the wind, so both shots hit the calf.However, Director Li also saw the guns being fired from the second floor, and thought that this is the end of the game, and he has to eat melons. Who the hell are you recruiting, Wu Yusen?

"Why are they not moving?" Lin Tao looked at Captain Jin.Captain Jin smiled and said: "When we don't know about this situation, we can't let the enemy go, and we can't kill good people indiscriminately, so we use a special one that doesn't do much harm to the human body."

Lin Tao glanced at the dozen or so special forces soldiers around him, and he didn't know most of the firearms and equipment. Lin Tao thought that he, the captain of the special forces brigade, didn't pass the exam, and didn't even know guns.This time Lin Tao was also equipped with a gun.Lin Tao is equipped with a pss micro-sound pistol with a magazine capacity of 6 rounds. The pss micro-sound pistol has a full gun length of 165 mm, a barrel length of 76 mm, and an empty gun weight of 710 grams.A single sp4 bullet weighs 23 grams and the warhead weighs 10 grams.It has high muzzle velocity, long range and great power.Ordinary body armor can't stop it.At a distance of 30 meters, it can penetrate 5mm thick steel plate.Lin Tao also took out his gun to show his might.But looking at the long guns and short cannons around, Lin Tao still kept the gun on his lower back.It is estimated that there is no need to shoot by yourself outside.

"Captain Lin, I think it is necessary to attack immediately, and the killer cannot be given time to think. After a long time, he may use the people inside as hostages."

"That's right, Captain Jin, as long as you give the order." Of course, Lin Tao would not be a big-tailed wolf in front of experts.

Captain Jin obviously has rich experience in this kind of scene. After a few gestures, the special forces upstairs, behind the trees in the courtyard, and in the corner began to rush in.Smoke bombs and flash bombs were swished into the room and thrown into the corridors. The special forces wore glasses and simple gas masks. Naturally, they were not afraid of these things, but the people inside couldn't bear it anymore. Fleeing, at this moment a person suddenly came out from the broken window on the second floor, fell to the ground and rolled on the spot, hid behind a tree, the one who jumped out was the killer Leng Ding, he chose the position well, and avoided the shooting of the special forces From the perspective, it seems that this killer is not simple.

"Leng Ding, listen, you are surrounded, there are dozens of guns pointing at you here, you should come out by yourself—" Captain Jin suddenly pressed Lin Tao's head, and Lin Tao felt the sound of bullets rubbing against the air above his head .Lin Tao was extremely depressed, thinking that this is not a shame.

"Shoot, kill on the spot"

Lin Tao gave an order, several gunshots were fired, and Leng Ding screamed and fell to the ground. It turned out that a special soldier used an armor-piercing bullet, which pierced through a tree less than two feet in diameter and hit Leng Ding's thigh.

"Don't hurt his life." Lin Tao was quick-witted, and said in his heart that he was beaten to death. Whom should I ask for a confession? It was almost embarrassing.Leng Ding wanted to run, but got hit on the wrist holding the gun. Leng Ding groaned, the gun fell to the ground, and a special team member jumped out of the building and kicked Leng Ding all over the place. Go up and hold him down.At this time, more than a dozen people were escorted out of the building one after another, coughing continuously, including men and women.

Lin Tao and the others shook hands with each other. Those policemen who looked at the special team were full of admiration and excitement. It was the first time they saw such good equipment and such powerful special team members, especially from the fourth floor along the rope. The scene of breaking through the window is even more exciting than the ones in the movies.

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