Jagged city

Chapter 419 Top Secret Documents

Jagged City - Chapter 410 Top Secret Documents

It was the first time for Zhao Tong and Trine to come to Xiliang. When the family came to get together, they didn't have the heart to watch. When the mood calmed down, they walked around Xiliang accompanied by Lin Tao's family. They couldn't help being amazed. There are cities like this in western China, if they are as luxurious as metropolises like New York and Tokyo, the environment in the cities is even better.”

Zhao Tong also said: "Yes, this place is too modern, the buildings are so beautifully built, and the street seems to be the widest main street in the world I have ever seen."

Lin Tao gave them a detailed introduction to the planning and construction of Xiliang. Along the way, he visited Xiliang Art Museum, Grand Theater, Xiliang General Hospital, Xiliang University City, Xiliang Temple—and many other landmarks.Zhao Tong and his wife were surprised by Xiliang's beautiful cultural environment.

After returning to White Rock Villa, I feel that the luxury of Seven Star Bay is the top in the world.Especially when he saw the big golden carps in the lotus pond, Trion almost screamed strangely.

The four of them sat by the swimming pool and drank cold beer leisurely. Lin Tao asked Zhao Tong and his wife what their plans were.

Tryon asked a little timidly: "Should our research results be handed over to the Chinese government?"

Lin Tao said with a smile: "That's not necessary. It is mainly the role of Gaotian International Security Company to save you back. It used the power of the country. Of course, the high-level military also attaches great importance to you. But our military can fight against the United States. It’s different. I can represent the opinion of the military here.”

"Aren't you the mayor? How can you represent the military?" Zhao Tong asked in confusion, and Trion was also a little puzzled.

Xiao Xiao smiled and said, "In addition to being the mayor, Lin Tao is also a lieutenant general in the military."

Zhao Tong and his wife spewed out the beer at the same time, their eyes almost popping out.It was difficult for Trion to understand Lin Tao's identity, but he had decided in his heart that Lin Tao was a very powerful person, and since he could rescue them, he could guarantee their safety.

"Then can we cooperate? Isn't your family a big group now? It should be no problem to produce this medicine." Zhao Tong looked at Lin Tao.

Lin Tao nodded and said: "Of course, but according to what you said, this medicine has special effects. This medicine is urgently needed by the army and hospitals. Therefore, I suggest cooperation between the three parties. You and the military should give priority to the procurement of the military. Set up a laboratory, the two of you lead a group of people to improve the research results, and then conduct experiments. We can independently establish a pharmaceutical factory to produce this special drug, and this drug will be sold in the future with a share of you. I think as long as the special drug As soon as it goes public, you'll be billionaires in no time."

Zhao Tong thought for a while and said, "After this special drug is perfected, if it is successfully listed, the profit will be sky-high wealth. There are too many dry stocks in one layer, so we only need half a layer. But I want a laboratory."

"No problem, Sister Tong is quite patriotic. I think the military and the government will appreciate your sincere attitude very much. On behalf of the military, I would like to express my thanks first. Sister Tong and Trienne will live here first. In Baishi villa, in the future, your family of three can live in the family villa of the military region or build a custom villa in Qixing Bay. I will equip your home with high-level security."

"Anyway, our safety is entrusted to you, you can figure it out!" Zhao Tong is relying on Lin Tao, Xiao Xiao just smiled and said nothing. When she was in school, she felt that there was a little ambiguity between Zhao Tong and Lin Tao, but Seeing Zhao Tong's tone of voice and Lin Tao's meeting in person, Xiao Xiao was somewhat jealous.

"No problem. Both of you are medical authorities. If you want to continue to be doctors, you can go to work in Xiliang Hospital, or establish a cardiovascular or orthopedic surgery hospital yourself. If you want to teach at Xiliang University School of Medicine, we are also welcome. "Lin Tao said several ways out, and Zhao Tong was obviously more interested in his own specialized hospital.

When the materials seized by Lin Tao were safely transported back to Beijing, Lin Tao flew to Beijing with fifteen top-secret document bags.Admiral Chen briefly read it. These fifteen top-secret documents are too precious. They include not only Russian military information, but also a list of spies, as well as a piece of high-tech information on space station construction obtained from the Russian Space Agency. It involves dozens of sciences and is extremely precious.All these data were obtained by Japanese spies infiltrating the space agency after spending ten years at a high cost.I didn't expect Lin Tao to be cheaper.In addition, Lin Tao wrote an action report.After watching it, Admiral Chen jumped up, not angry, but excited.Admiral Chen walked back and forth with the materials, and said excitedly: "Xiao Lin, you have made a great contribution this time, a huge contribution. With these, our right to speak will be even greater. Not to mention the space high-tech materials, just Speaking of this spy information, you can get huge benefits from Russia. In addition, the information on the secret military base in Siberia is also very important to our border defense layout. With these things, it is enough to make those old guys who are jealous of you shut up Come on. Very good, very good--"

General Chen was a little incoherent.At this time, General Li, the chief of staff, heard the news and was very excited when he saw the information. He hugged Lin Tao's shoulders and gave him a few enthusiastic slaps. Fortunately, Lin Tao had a magical body protection on his back.

"Okay, Xiao Lin, report to the old guys later. You can't hide this matter from them. By the way, you kid is really a three-star, have you moved all the people's treasury?"

"I still regret it. There are more than half of the gold left, but those who are greedy for money, pressed the self-destruct device of the secret vault, which helped us a lot."

"Haha, well done, Russia has lodged a serious protest to Little Japan. The Japanese spy organization hides weapons of mass destruction in Russia. That is no small matter. Japan's stronghold in Baihua Town is completely destroyed. According to our intelligence , the Russian Military Intelligence also broke into Baihua Town at around one o'clock in the morning, and killed more than a dozen people. The Japanese blamed Russia for this. In addition, the money you got back can basically be said to be yours You got it back with Gao Tian Security, you have the right to dispose of it." Admiral Chen said.

Lin Tao explained Zhao Tong's proposal that the military could use the money to invest in a manufacturer of special effects medicine for wound healing, and Gao Tian would be responsible for the specific production management and sales.

Admiral Chen waved his hand and said, "This man, you got the money back, and it's unreasonable that it belongs to the military. This time, the military will cooperate with Gao Tian, ​​and the money will be divided into shares. For Zhao Tong We have absolutely no objection to the couple’s request that they only need half a layer of dry stock and a laboratory. In addition, this special drug is really on the market, and the benefits are huge. The military cannot swallow it all at once. The government must join in. I think the military, The government and Gao Tian each hold three shares, the Xiliang government holds half, and Zhao Tong and his wife half. Gao Tian is responsible for production, management, and sales, and Gao Tian suffers a bit."

"Gao Tian's legal person is Xiao Xiao." Lin Tao emphasized, and several people looked at each other and smiled.

At [-] o'clock that night, a secret meeting was held in the central security area. Attending the meeting were the number one chief, the prime minister, general Chen, general Feng, general Li, chief of national security chief Li, and Lin Tao.Lin Tao reported the process of rescuing Zhao Tong, and finally showed fifteen top-secret documents.Admiral Feng didn't smile when he saw it. On the surface, he was as excited as everyone else. In fact, he was even more jealous of Lin Tao in his heart.General Chen also proposed to cooperate with Zhao Tong and his wife to develop a pharmaceutical factory.Admiral Feng couldn't help but said, "Why don't you cooperate with a large state-owned pharmaceutical company?"

General Chen snorted coldly and said, "The original intention of Zhao Tong and his wife is to cooperate with Gao Tian. The research results are private, and our government and military have no reason to force them. As for the military and government's shareholding, it is entirely Gao Tian and Zhao Tong. Tong and his wife’s dedication. I don’t think I need to explain too much, and Gao Tian is responsible for production management and sales, and the government and military are actually just taking profits for nothing.”

"I agree with this allocation plan!" No. [-] made a decision, and Admiral Feng stopped talking.In his heart, he was annoyed that this big cake was divided up again by General Chen and his gang.Gao Tian is a private company on the surface, but it has a military background. Admiral Chen, Admiral Li, and the two retired old guys all have shares. Admiral Feng is well aware of this.But the Gaotian Group is monolithic, and although he, Admiral Feng, has been promoted, he has never been able to get involved.He didn't have his share of the credit this time from beginning to end, and it was impossible to divide up the benefits. The only way to get more benefits from the pharmaceutical factory in the future is to fight for more army building for his own side.In fact, no matter how the major military regions fight, they are still a people's army in the end, which has no effect on the overall interests.However, as a high-level military officer has more control over the distribution of benefits, he has a greater right to speak.This time, it was undoubtedly the group headed by General Chen, who completely occupied the upper peak.As for the supplies seized by Lin Tao and Gao Tian's security guards, the government has no objection to the fact that the military and Gao Tian are split half and half, because the government's financial expenditure of several hundred million is really a drop in the bucket, and it doesn't look down on such a small amount of money.

The next night, several parties got together again, Xiao Xiao and Zhao Tong were there, and signed a secret agreement together.Zhao Tong and his wife were completely relieved and very happy.For being able to have supper with several leaders, Zhao Tong was excited for several days when he returned to Xiliang.

Lin Tao handles government affairs during the day, and at night he will go to the Hunyuan Gate to instruct his disciples on their cultivation. It is now summer vacation, and most of the 36 disciples are students. Therefore, during the summer vacation, they all live in the Hunyuan Gate. During the day, Qin Lie Hu, the eldest disciple, taught these younger brothers and sisters martial arts. In the evening, the Lin sisters would lead the training, and Lin Tao came here occasionally.

It was the weekend, Lin Tao got up early, and drove from Baishi Villa to Hunyuan Palace. Lin Tao’s car was driving on the mountain road, and the east was turning pale. on the bronze archway.The two pillars of the bronze gate are three meters in diameter. Of course, the bronze pillars are hollow, and the actual thickness is only one inch. Even so, a copper pillar weighs a ton. The pictures of spells and landscapes and beasts appear simple and majestic.

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