Jagged city

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 I got fucked

(I don’t know if the power is still off today, so I can only update it earlier. ╞ ╡ Please bookmark for reading, and recommend for bookmarking, thank you for your support!)

The next morning, Lin Tao drove Xiao Xiao to school. Xiao Xiao was a little embarrassed, especially afraid of being seen by the girls in the same dormitory. Xiao Xiao got out of the car a hundred meters away from the door, and Lin Tao watched Xiao Xiao enter the school before turning around.

Since living together with Xiao Xiao, except for going to Yinhui City on Saturdays and Sundays, Lin Tao basically studies hard during the day, does bed exercises with Xiao Xiao at night, and practice vigorously in the morning, because Xiao Xiao is paralyzed every time Like mud, it was a bit overwhelming, Lin Tao also asked Xiao Xiao to practice breathing skills, and the initial results were achieved in less than a month. The two often fought [-] rounds on the bed, starting a confrontation match.

Three months later, Maolin's chairman was extradited back to China, and the two homicide and smuggling cases were successfully solved, and Lin Tao was awarded a second-class personal offense and a second-class collective merit.Lin Tao, who had just entered the police system for half a year, was promoted again to become a first-class inspector at the deputy division level.It seems that the special brigade was fighting with the Provincial Public Security Department. Because of Lin Tao's outstanding performance, the party committee of a certain military region decided to promote Lin Tao to the rank of deputy battalion and confer the rank of major.Wang Han's deputy division finally became a full-time colonel. (Principal teachers are senior colonels and major generals, deputy divisions are colonels and senior colonels; main regiments are colonels and lieutenant colonels, deputy regiments are lieutenant colonels and majors; principal battalions are majors and lieutenant colonels, and deputy battalions are captains , major;. the captain and lieutenant for the full company, and the lieutenant and captain for the deputy company;)

On Sunday night, Lin Tao brought a set of major's uniform and a set of first-level inspector's uniform back to City K for Xiao Xiao to watch.Xiao Xiao is a military enthusiast, and asked in surprise: "You not only drove the commander's car, but also stole the uniforms of the major and the first-level police inspector, what are you going to do?"

Lin Tao pulled Xiao Xiao into his arms, and slapped Xiao Xiao hard, Xiao Xiao yelled and refused to let go.

"Do you know if you should call? You even slandered your dear husband. Do I still need to steal it? This is sent."

"Tch, you think I'm a fool. It must be your leader's costume. There is no one who can match the costumes of two systems. There is no one who wants to be a major in ten or eight years—" Xiao Xiao insisted on exposing Lin Tao's lies, and Fighting against the hostile forces with righteous words, Lin Tao was so angry that he didn't bother to explain, and directly enforced the family law. When Lin Tao finished a hundred push-ups, Xiao Xiao finally asked for forgiveness, calling the major for mercy.Unmoved by the beauty, Lin Tao continued to whip and impose dictatorship on the enemy.Xiao Xiao yelled indiscriminately, cooing coquettishly.I can't wait to integrate Lin Tao into my body.Although the two have been living together for three months, Lin Tao is still very greedy for Xiao Xiao's delicate body, and Xiao Xiao also enjoys the feeling of wanting to die. The two of them basically exercise every night and never get tired of it.Xiao Xiao was originally worried that Lin Tao would not be able to bear it, but Lin Tao made Xiao Xiao die every time, and the next day he was still alive and well.How did she know that Lin Tao was doing exercises every time he fell asleep.

In the blink of an eye, it was already August of 2004. During the summer vacation, Yinhui City's "pala beef rice" also established branches in five other districts. The scale is slightly smaller than the shopping street in Yinhui City, but it is the flagship of Tong K City. The store is about the same size, with a business area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters. Five stores opened at the same time, and there are many customers.In order to make it easier for Lin Tao to be with Xiao Xiao, he found a large law firm in Yinhui City through Wang Han, which can handle domestic and foreign cases, which is bigger than the one introduced by Xiao Xiao's brother Han Ping.For this reason, Han Bing asked Xiao Xiao again and again, but Xiao Xiao didn't tell the truth, she just said that it was introduced by a cousin in her hometown, and it was convenient for board and lodging there.

Lin Tao is in the special brigade, and he is basically familiar with all kinds of firearms, not to mention proficient, at least he knows how to use them.And also took a helicopter to perform a sea rescue mission.Lin Tao trains during the day, and being accompanied by a beautiful woman at night is a godly life. There is a saying that extreme joy begets sorrow. Maybe God can’t stand it. On October 40th, the mother store of Lin Tao’s fast food restaurant caught fire. The head chef, Master Ma, was burned. Lin Tao went directly to the hospital to visit Master Ma. There was no burn on the face of Master Ma, but his back was bright red, which was shocking.Seeing Lin Tao, Master Ma said with shame: "Xiao Lin, it's all because of my carelessness. I drank alcohol and dropped the cigarette end in the warehouse, which caused the fire." Master Ma, who is in his 4000s, cried in front of Lin Tao. , making the doctors and nurses next to me inexplicable.Lin Tao hurriedly said: "Master Ma's recovery is important. What are you talking about when he is cured? By the way, do sister-in-law and younger sister know about this?" Lin Tao has met Master Ma's family. Master Ma's lover works in a garment factory. My daughter has just entered junior high school, and because she has worked with Lin Tao for the past three years, her life is very rich, because Master Ma is the head chef, with a monthly salary of more than 20, and the other [-]% of the shares have also been distributed nearly [-] in dividends in the past two years.Master Ma felt guilty for being grateful to Lin Tao.

After Lin Tao and Xiao Xiao left, the little nurse asked Master Ma, who is that young man?Master Ma got Lin Tao's forgiveness, as if he had taken a panacea, the pain on his back disappeared, and he joked with the little nurse: "Little girl, have you ever eaten the beef rice in the shopping street?"

"I've been there a few times, the taste is quite good, but there are too many people, why do you ask this?" the little nurse said coquettishly.

"I'm the chef there. The handsome guy just now is the boss. He owns sixteen stores in the whole city. There are five more stores in Yinhui City than the one on the shopping street. They are making money every day."

"You are lying, how old is he? He is clearly a college student. At first I thought it was your son." The little nurse covered her mouth and smiled.

"If only I had such a son, I must find a little girl of yours to be my daughter-in-law." Master Ma laughed.

"Cut, I'm old and shameless." The little nurse blushed and left the ward, but she couldn't get rid of Lin Tao's shadow in her eyes.

Lin Tao came to the west gate of the University of Medical Sciences and couldn't help being touched by the scene. Now the small dark shop is where he made his first pot of gold. His life has undergone tremendous changes because of this small shop, which has also affected the people around him. people.Hu Lin Qiaokun and others also arrived, and they couldn't help sighing after seeing it.Hu Lin said: "Third brother, I think this store should not only be rebuilt as soon as possible, but also be repaired to be more beautiful and luxurious."

"That's unnecessary, as long as it is restored, this mother store has completed its historical mission, and now all the branches are very prosperous, so there is no need to expand and waste resources." Lin Tao said sadly, because the small shop in front of him The store entrusts Lin Tao's hope and hard work back then.

Everyone saw that Lin Tao was not in a high mood, so they didn't insist. Hu Lin immediately contacted a decoration team to start the renovation.

After a wave of ups and downs, the head office in K City was fined 500 yuan by the health bureau because it received complaints from customers about eating flies.Lin Tao didn't think too much about it. A fly in the store is entirely possible in this hot summer. Lin Tao just asked Manager Qian to strictly check the hygiene of each branch, and there must be no loopholes. However, the branch in the West District was complained the next day. As a result, he was fined another [-] by the Health Bureau.Lin Tao felt very uncomfortable, severely criticized the chef of that branch and fined him [-] yuan.The chef said aggrievedly: "Boss Lin, you punish me, I absolutely obey, but I made the plate of squirrel mandarin fish, I can be sure that there are absolutely no flies."

Lin Tao also felt that something was wrong, so he asked the waiter who served the food. The waiter also felt aggrieved, and said that the three diners were not nice to the good people, and the ones who were sloppy were hooligans, and the ones who were messing with the waiters, Xiao Li said aggrievedly .Lin Tao felt more and more that there was something wrong, so he called Manager Xiao and asked the customer who ate the fly in the head office to take a look. The waiter described it, and one of the red hairs was indeed the same as Xiao Li's description.With short red hair, gold earrings, and a thin face - this man - Lin Tao had a flash in his mind, and the two conflicts in Bar Street that year sounded.Isn't that red hair the younger brother of Han Ping?

"It's strange, do these guys want to collect protection money? But the health bureau is also very fine." Lin Tao immediately called Manager Xiao and asked him to go to the health bureau to let him know. If there is another similar incident, there is no need to pay the fine. Wait for his call.

Sure enough, on the third day, the fast food restaurant in the South District appeared again. This time it was not a fly, but a cockroach. When a call was made to Lin Tao, the manager of the South District branch explained the situation in detail, especially with the red hair present. I'm playing tricks.Lin Tao asked Manager Xiao to call the police to catch the rogue, but Manager Xiao faltered.

"What's going on?" Lin Tao was a little angry.

"Boss, I heard from the Health Bureau that it was the leaders above who spoke, and the other red-haired man warned me that if I dare to intervene - he threatened me with my family."

Lin Tao hung up the phone, called 110 directly, and told Hongmao about blackmailing three times in a row. 110 immediately sent police to the store and took Hongmao away. Yes, his complexion changed a few times, he snorted and left.In the afternoon, people from the fire department came again and said that the main store's fire protection was not up to standard and that it would close down for rectification.Lin Tao rushed to the head office angrily, and saw that manager Xiao was lighting cigarettes and pouring water for the chief of the fire department.

"Mr. Lin, you are here. This is Chief Luo." Manager Xiao hurriedly introduced.

"You're the boss? You're so young." Chief Luo was also taken aback. He didn't expect a young man in his early twenties to be the boss, and he had such an aura.

"Hello, Chief Luo, welcome to guide the work," Lin Tao said politely, no matter how angry he was, he had to suppress it first.

"I can't talk about guidance. Your fire exits and fire facilities are not up to standard. There are potential safety hazards. First, suspend business for rectification and pay a fine of [-] yuan, and then wait for the inspection to pass before reopening." Chief Luo said seriously.

"Fire department, by the way, how are you Director Song? Last time when he and Mayor Wang came to inspect, he praised our store for its fire protection. Manager Xiao, did you replace last year's fire extinguisher? I can't do this well, so what's the use of being the manager?" Lin Tao said to Manager Xiao with a stern voice in the second half of the sentence. The boss mentioned Mayor Wang and Director Song. Can Chief Luo, a small section chief, not be afraid? Although this matter was explained by Han Bing, the son of the municipal party committee secretary, that’s not okay. Director Song just killed himself in one sentence. , that would be miserable.

"Your fire extinguishers are a bit outdated. You'd better get some new ones. The business of this store is good. The suspension of the whole business will not affect you very well. I think you should replace the fire extinguishers first and wait for further processing." Mr. Luo, this is Shunpo When I got off the donkey, I said in my heart, don't talk to death first, go back and find out the bottom of it.Chief Luo walked away disheartened, and Manager Xiao smiled at Lin Tao: "It has to be the boss, and you can send this plague god away with just three words."

Lin Tao didn't smile at Manager Xiao, and said seriously: "Starting from today, the safety and sanitation of each branch must be strictly monitored, and there must be no loopholes. A new health certificate, I'll see what else they need to check."

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