Jagged city

Chapter 439 Information about Jin 9th Segment

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 430 Information about Jin Jiuduan

However, just as the end of the woods was approaching, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. Unless he stopped immediately, he might run into him directly.

The murderer conspired against the pursuers who were chasing after him, gritted his teeth, and ignored the mystery of the black shadow's appearance, he directly rubbed his body and punched him directly on the bridge of the nose with a skyrocketing fist!

"Ah!" There was a scream, and under the cover of the night, even with his strength, he couldn't see clearly how the opponent counterattacked.I just felt a huge force hit my chest and directly blasted me out.

What is even more frightening is that the strength of the opponent's attack is just right.He definitely didn't suffer any fatal injuries, but when he wanted to stand up again, he found that his whole body was in pain like a needle prick, especially in his chest, which made him unable to use even half of his strength to move.

"Finally caught him!" The "Shadow" team arrived in time and saw that the murderer was knocked down to the ground. They didn't know that he had been beaten so hard that he couldn't move, and they all surrounded him and pointed their guns at the murderer.

"You have to leave this person to me!" Just as several combat members were about to rush forward to capture the murderer, the black figure who had been standing still suddenly spoke.

"Who are you!" Originally, the soldiers were very grateful for the timely appearance of this black shadow, but when they heard the other party's sudden request, they suddenly became vigilant, and the captain of the shadow team stood up and looked at He said, "Thank you very much for helping us stop this murderer, but this man is an important prisoner of the country, and we are ordered to take him away!"

The black shadow slowly approached, and his face could already be seen by the faint moonlight, but it turned out to be Lin Tao's nephew, the great disciple of Hunyuan Wuji Sect, Zhao Dingtian!

"I have to take this person away." Zhao Dingtian didn't take them seriously, but remembering his uncle's instructions before leaving, he suppressed his temper and said to them: "I have a warrant from the director of the State Security Bureau. Now Guangxi branch Comrade Director Yang Feng was attacked, which proves that there are likely to be enemy traitors among the National Security Bureau personnel in your operation, so the personnel of the National Security Bureau mission this time can no longer be trusted! This time, people from our Special Operations Brigade must secretly arrest him They will be escorted to Beijing and interrogated by the head of the General Administration in person!"

It turned out that from the very beginning, Lin Tao didn't bet only on Zhao Hongyuan, the director of the Shanghai Bureau.

Although the possibility is extremely low, Lin Tao must also be prepared for the possibility that Zhao Hongyuan and Yang Feng will collude to escape.Even if the Yingzi team was sent to defend the formation before, but these two are the real power figures in each side of the National Security Bureau. Isn't it a big deal?If the two bureau chiefs were allowed to flee abroad, how much confidential information would be exposed, and how much the country would suffer.

Therefore, just in case, Lin Taozhen transferred Zhao Dingtian over through his relationship in the army, so he knew the progress of the situation very well, so he could appear here in time to stop the murderer.

"That's right." The captain of the shadow team carefully looked at the order document and was sure.Therefore, although Zhao Dingtian's words are not very pleasant to listen to, there is a distrust of their National Security Bureau personnel and even their shadow team inside and outside the words!But they are not dissatisfied with it.

Having fought on the front line of intelligence warfare for a long time, they have a deeper understanding of the complexity of it, and often carry out tasks amid distrust and distrust of their colleagues. Therefore, as long as the authenticity of the order is confirmed, the The captain happily asked his subordinates to hand over the man to Zhao Dingtian, but only made an additional request.

"Anyway, this time is also our mission, and now as long as people don't come to Beijing to hand it over to the General Administration, then our mission will be completed. Well, I will accompany you to escort this murderer. Others will not follow. what do you think?"

Zhao Dingtian glared at him, he didn't expect that he would dare to bargain for the order given by his uncle himself, but thinking about the relationship, Zhao Dingtian reluctantly nodded in agreement.If even the loyalty of the leader of the shadow team is questionable, then the National Security Bureau can really close down.

After leaving Chief No. [-]'s office with Elder Jin, and being reminded by Elder Jin, Lin Tao was about to go back to the bureau to read all the action data of the former chief and the newly collected information about Ruan Yuling. Report, suddenly received a call from his secret Song Wuxia.

"Director, I just received a private message from Jin Jiuduan. He said that he has an urgent matter to tell you. If there is no urgent matter, I hope you can go to see him immediately."

"Oh?" Lin Tao rubbed his chin strangely.

Of course, there is nothing to say about his relationship with Jin Jiuduan.But Jin Jiuduan has never directly asked to see him so strongly during his working hours.And it's a matter of urgency.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Lin Tao asked the driver to turn around and drive over to Jin Jiuduan's residence.

"Master, what made you so anxious to see me?"

It's not surprising that Lin Tao didn't see Jin Zhenai when he arrived, she spent more time in her own home than here.

"Lin Tao. This time I am not looking for you because of a personal matter, but because there is an extremely important business matter that I must tell you immediately, because it may have a very large impact on your country."

Upon hearing this, Lin Tao quickly pulled Jin Jiuduan to sit on the sofa and asked what happened.

"As you know, I have a certain network and influence in South Korea, both in the economic and political circles. Occasionally, I can get some gossip that has not been circulated. I will not tell you so critically about things that have not been proven. , It’s just that this matter is too serious. Recently, in the South Korean Foreign Ministry and the General Command, some insiders revealed that there is a force in your country that is having extremely secret relations with many major countries including South Korea and the surrounding important countries. Contact. I don’t know what’s going on in other countries, but my friend in South Korea’s foreign ministry told me that some people are suggesting that even if there is chaos in your country, or even a sudden change of national leaders, then it will not affect to the long-term and stable friendship between the two countries!"

"What!" Lin Tao's shock was no small matter!All of a sudden, it was connected with the murder case of the former Director Li and the attack and killing of Yang Feng just now!

From the very beginning, he knew that in order to kill Director Li and Yang Feng, the other party did not look at how clean and neat they were doing now. In fact, in order to achieve these almost impossible goals, the price they paid behind the scenes was extremely high. big!And even so, they had to do it. Apart from the fact that Director Li must have the evidence they were afraid of, their own plot was definitely not small!

What kind of interests can make them willing to take such a huge risk?

This is what has been bothering Lin Tao.

And endangering the head of No. [-] is definitely one of the few possibilities!

Is this the real purpose of the other party?

"Master, thank you very much this time. Maybe you helped me solve a huge mystery!" Lin Tao said excitedly.

Jin Jiuduan waved his hand and said with a smile: "What's the matter, I'm just telling you the news I heard. But you must be careful, since this matter has already involved your head of state, it is definitely not a trivial matter."

Just after leaving Jin Jiuduan's house, Song Wuxia called again.This time, I didn't say what it was, but Director Xiao, who analyzed the information, seemed to have intercepted some important information from the Internet.

"Old Xiao, what's the situation?" The last time Ruan Yuling was successfully captured, Director Xiao's intercepted telephone communication records contributed a lot, which made Lin Tao attach great importance to him.Therefore, it is more polite to speak.

"Director, didn't you have any contact with the case before Chief Li was killed a while ago?"

"What? Do you know about the case that Director Li is handling?" Lin Tao was both surprised and delighted. Although he now has information from Jin Jiuduan, if he can get more detailed information, it will be of greater help to solve this case. !What surprised him was that he had asked all the main cadres in the bureau before, if he really knew, why didn't he tell himself then?

"No, I don't know what kind of case Director Li took over at that time. It's just that the case at that time was probably not trivial. He approached me twice and asked me to look up some things. He also asked me to delete it directly. Even I didn't agree with it. I know the secret." Director Xiao didn't look like a technical nerd, but he could still see the doubts in Lin Tao's heart at the moment, and quickly explained.

"Since Director Li was murdered, I have been trying to restore the query data to see if it can help solve the case of Director Li's murder. However, the bureau has extremely strict requirements on this aspect, and things that are absolutely deleted are regarded as It is impossible to restore it with the latest restoration technology, so there was no gain until yesterday, which is probably related to the latest high-level activities of the cia that we discovered before. At that time, you were assigning some urgent tasks, and it is inconvenient for me to disturb you. Therefore, I followed the vine and found a call record about this high-level person. Although there was interference from the cia technical department and their specific code words, it is certain that the No. [-] chief and the change of our country's political power were mentioned many times in it! "

"Take me to see!" Lin Tao was overjoyed. He didn't expect that he had just received a warning from Jin Jiuduan, and now a clue came to his door.Of course, this also means that the construction of the National Security Bureau over the years has not been in vain. Even after such a big change now, its ability to change itself is enough to solve the puzzle through clues!

The National Information and Intelligence Center under the National Security Bureau, Lin Tao put down his earphones, exactly as Director Xiao said.

"Although the other party deliberately misleads with code words, the meaning can still be heard." Lin Tao's face was extremely cold.

To be honest, over the years, with the continuous improvement of national strength, various influences, especially economic influence, have indeed touched the status of the number one power in the world. Coupled with the continuous increase in military scientific research investment over the years, As well as the Xiliang effect brought about by Lin Tao's sudden rise, the country's relatively weak points before, including the country's diplomatic influence, national image, scientific research strength, etc., have probably made some countries and forces restless.

But Lin Tao never expected that they would actually take such a direct and violent method!

After all, China is now an integral part of the world economy.China cannot be separated from the world, and the world cannot be separated from China.

Those who keep clamoring that China is just a low-level factory in the world will directly collapse China, and there will be India, Southeast Asia, and countless countries in South America who can replace it. It is simply a low-level joke.Such a complete and huge industrial system in the country, as well as continuous investment in education, high-quality labor force brought by the expansion of university enrollment, and strong infrastructure construction are definitely not something that any country, or even the alliance of economic entities, can replace in a short period of time. !

What's more, since the [-] financial crisis, China has also played a strong role in supporting the world economy.At this time, China's continued development will bring stronger challenges in the future, but if China is thrown into chaos right now, then the world economy may not be as simple as a financial crisis!

Those bigwigs in the financial street will sit back and watch their actual interests be hit hard?

What's more, if this is the case, then the news provided by Kim Kudan that he will maintain a stable relationship with South Korea is a bit unreasonable.

But the situation is urgent now. If the conspiracy is really related to Chief No. [-], then these small doubts can be considered later.

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