Jagged city

Chapter 446

Jagged City - Chapter 440 Follow the vine

The phone rang again, and Lin Tao suddenly turned over.

Recently, he really didn't want to hear his phone ringing, for fear of hearing another bad news.After Jin Jiuduan had just passed away, he really couldn't lose any more relatives.Xiao Xiao has personally made arrangements to bring Lin Zhiyuan and Jin Zhenai to her home, so there should be no problem with safety.

"Hi, I'm Lin Tao."

"Bureau Lin, just now we received a mysterious call, saying that a few suspicious guys were found outside your father's main chain store. Director Xiao is analyzing the other party's line and identity, and we don't know who called at the moment. call."

The news that Lin Tao's master was attacked and killed is now known to the National Security Bureau, so they dare not be careless about Lin Tao's surroundings. Although it was a mysterious call, Song Wuxia notified Lin Tao immediately.

"Well, there's no need to ask Director Xiao to check anymore, I know who called." Lin Tao was shocked, "Also, don't go through the local police station for this matter, let Li Lu lead the team in person, don't let them run away!"

"Ah?" From Song Wuxia's point of view, it might just be a few gangsters trying to make trouble, as long as they say hello to the police station, they will naturally give each other a hard time.Unexpectedly, Lin Tao actually asked Chief Li Lu to do it himself!As for being so sensitive?

"Don't ask too many questions, do it immediately." Lin Tao ordered.

"Yes!" Song Wuxia followed the order without objection.

Since Li Lu was transferred back to the capital by Lin Tao, she has been on standby all the time. She doesn't even have a specific job.Hearing Lin Tao's order conveyed by Song Wuxia, he didn't think he was overqualified at all, so he transferred a few subordinates who came with him from the northwest and killed them directly.

In the deserted alley, two black shadows rushed in quickly. Judging from their figures, they had been practiced for a few days. Although they were far from being experts, if ordinary policemen wanted to catch them, they would only be able to catch them. I'm afraid I can't even touch the shadow.

However, even with such a fast speed, he still couldn't catch Li Lu.

"Hey, why don't you run away?" At the entrance of the alley, suddenly a figure seemed to descend from the sky and stopped there.In the eyes of the two, this woman with a beautiful voice was as terrifying as a devil from hell!

"You, who the hell are you! Why are you chasing us!" The two turned their heads slightly, and saw that the woman's men had blocked their backs, and there was no way to go, so they could only pretend to be stupid.

"Hey, pretend! Pretend again! I didn't expect that I, Li Lu, could stop you after such a long time, and the two of you would be proud if it got out. I advise you to be smarter, otherwise you won't be able to do it for a while." You just want to confess, I'm afraid you have to peel off the skin first."

Li Lu was so angry in her heart, she was careless at the beginning, and she really missed the selection and let the two of them play tricks!Ordinary policemen are their opponents, thanks to Lin Tao's foreknowledge that this time there are two tricky ideas.

"Li Lu!" For this branch chief who is in the state secret agency and has just been transferred from the Northwest, the two gangsters seem to know her prestige. , "I, the two of us are legal citizens. We haven't done anything that endangers the country. Why do you send out the national security to arrest us!" Man can no longer remain calm.

"Hey, did we say that we are Guoan? Just by my name, you know our identity. If you say you two are innocent, do you believe it?"

"Damn it, that bitch is fighting with you!" The two of them kicked two bricks on the ground flying, just to stop Li Lu from rushing this way, and then stretched their legs left and right without hesitation. Just by stepping on the supporting force of the walls on both sides, he jumped up quickly!

Unfortunately, what they met today was Li Lu!

"Ah!" Two screams sounded, Li Lu took a step forward, and kicked twice, the two bricks that hit her suddenly changed their course and flew upwards, just hitting the thighs of the two of them. .

This kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people, and both of them fell down miserably. It looked like the fall was not light.Behind Li Lu's subordinates trembled all over, and wanted to persuade Li Lu a few words. According to her way of doing things, she might really kill someone, but they still wanted to ask for information from the two of them. .But looking at the miserable appearance of the two people on the ground, no one dared to speak to persuade them.

"Do you want to continue playing now? It's just right, since I came back to this suffocating place, I'm almost suffocated to death. I can only wish for you two to play with me."

No matter how ruthless the two were, they couldn't compare to Li Lu's iron fist.Even those veterans in the National Security Bureau can't resist her methods, let alone these two guys.After a while, all recruited.

"The Hidden Dragon Club!" Li Lu listened to their confession with a livid expression, her expression became more and more ugly.

"That's right, our organization has always been very deep. Even if something happens, we will come forward through other forces, so there are not many people in this world who know about us."

Li Lu recalled the report on Director Li's case investigated by Yang Feng that Lin Tao had shown him when he let him understand the cause and effect of the incident.

Because both Yang Feng and Zhao Hongyuan died, and that Ruan Yuling also died in prison.Therefore, the report is very vague, but it mentions the name of this potential dragon society!

Not to mention anything else, just this mysterious energy!Li Lu can tell that there must be a problem!

"Take them and go back to the Bureau immediately. The Forest Bureau is waiting for us!" Li Lu ordered, "You two stay here and see if there are other suspicious people around."

"The Hidden Dragon Club?" Lin Tao obviously immediately remembered the name that appeared once in the report.

"This organization is really amazing. Not only is it related to Director Li's case, but even the two young men are not simple people. By the way, Bureau Lin, how did you know they were watching outside your store. We It took a lot of effort to find them when we went there, and with their skills, the average policeman might not be able to catch up with them."

Lin Tao smiled slightly: "The secret must not be leaked. In short, the source of information is very reliable. What else did you ask from the mouths of the two of them?"

"The Hidden Dragon Society has a very long history and is not a new force. But in the files of the police stations across the country, no trace of their activities has ever been found. According to them, there are high-level officials who are covering them up, and even This force might be controlled by those forces themselves! That's why the police station can't do anything about them, and they have recruited so many experts."

"The analysis makes sense." Lin Tao nodded in agreement with her analysis.

"Not only that, I think this Qianlong Society may be the breakthrough point of our case this time. Think about it, since the National Security Bureau and possibly even the Guangxi Public Security Bureau have been infiltrated very powerfully, how did they do it?" Where did you put your hand in? If it was a certain political force, there would always be traces to be found, and it would not take so long to find clues. So I think it is very likely that it is through this kind of gang method, using intimidation and threats Wait for the long-term effect of the means! And this time, no matter whether it is the murder of Director Li or the murder of Yang Feng, it cannot be separated from the relationship of the traitor. If you can pull out this hidden dragon club, then you can get the truth infinitely!"

"Good point. But as the two of them, can we know who their boss is?"

"They don't know about this, but according to what they said, this time the mission of the two of them is very special, so they are directly obeying the hall master's level!"

"Act immediately!" Lin Tao said vigilantly, "Now that the two of them are captured by us, if their organization is really so terrible, then after a long time, they will immediately realize that something happened to them. Hurry up!"

Sails of the Pacific!

Looking at the 55-story international hotel in front of her, which is full of foreign guests, even Li Lu was a little dumbfounded.

"The location you arranged is here! Your organization is too rich, right?"

"Yes, our hall master said that at 08:30, he would wait for us to report in the room on the northwest corner of the 29th floor. Being late by more than 2 minutes would kill us."

"Bureau Lin, I'm afraid we can't go directly to inquire about it. They should have someone watching the main stage, and if they are not careful, it will be leaked. Similarly, we can't just rush in. And this place is full of foreigners, and it can't be locked. The place chosen by the other party is in the middle of the building, whether it is going up from the bottom or using a helicopter to go down from the top, it will take time and be easily noticed by the other party! You really know how to choose a place!"

"Very experienced." Lin Tao commented a few words lightly, "I'm afraid he used a fake identity to open the room. If we can't just break in and catch him, we won't know his identity at all. You wait here, I'll go myself."

"Do you want any preparations?" Li Lu became excited when she saw that Lin Tao was going to go out in person.

"No, you just need to pay attention to the suspicious people around you." Lin Tao summoned his internal qi, his body moved violently, and he rushed up to the bottom of the big wine wall, and he rushed up like that. Run up the straight and steep walls!

"Oh!" If the men around were not the elites of the National Security Bureau, they would all be exclaiming at this moment.Even they couldn't help but keep their mouths wide open.

Although I have heard that the new Director Lin Tao is awesome.But not many people have seen his ability with their own eyes.On the contrary, being passive in the case of Director Li's murder made some old people in the bureau look down on him. Only now did they realize how much they had underestimated Lin Tao!

With Lin Tao's speed, the 29th floor will arrive in no time.Lin Tao put more force on his legs, smashed the glass of the room and bounced him in.

"Who is it!" The person inside was also extremely alert. When Lin Tao's figure appeared on the window, he immediately realized that when the glass was all broken, Lin Tao had already taken out the hidden pistol when he dodged in!

However, at this moment he was facing Lin Tao!

The people in the room only felt a blur before their eyes, and immediately lost sight of Lin Tao. The next moment, there was a pain in the lower abdomen, and the whole person bent down uncontrollably. He couldn't even hold the pistol and fell directly on the opponent's feet.

"Li Ran, director of the Dongcheng District Public Security Bureau, hehe, I really didn't expect to catch a big fish this time!" Lin Tao recognized the identity of this person at a glance, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I really didn't expect you to be Qianlonghui The leader of the hall! Scum! In the National Security Bureau, we will welcome you very warmly. Be mentally prepared!"

"Lin, Lin Tao!" Li Ran naturally recognized Lin Tao, his face suddenly turned pale, and he fell into despair.

This time, even the organization might not be able to save him.

After overnight interrogation, Li Ran confessed everything he knew.However, it is a pity that the other party, as the party leader and senior cadre of Qianlong Society, doesn't even know who the boss behind the scenes is.It's just that the other party knew about some shady things he did when he was young, and then coerced him into joining the organization, and committed several cases for the other party to hold in his hands. Since then, Li Ran has been completely reduced to the other party's tool.

"Hateful! I didn't expect to catch this big fish, but I still can't get it right!" Li Lu was so angry that she wanted to kick the table, if this was not Lin Tao's office.

"Based on Li Ran's situation just now, I'm afraid he really doesn't know the boss behind the scenes." Lin Tao still has confidence in the means of the National Security Bureau.Although Li Ran is the chief of the Public Security Bureau, he has not been interrogated and tempered like the elite special forces. "Anyway, at least we already know his subordinates. Immediately dispatch people-remember, only you The people brought by the Northwest and the Shadow Squad will control the traitor inside us, and then wipe out all the members of the Hidden Dragon Society that we already know!"

"Yes!" Li Lu hesitated and asked, "Should I say hello to the police station about this matter?"

"Urgent action! You act immediately. I will ask Chief No. [-] for a special order and act directly in accordance with the state of alert regulations!" Lin Tao shook his head and rejected her proposal. Since the other party can control a Li Ran, then the police department I'm afraid there can no longer be trusted.

And the biggest gain this time is to catch this big fish inside their National Security Bureau. Now let's see if we can get more information from him!

Overnight, at least half of Qianlong's power in the capital will be wiped out!

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