Jagged city

Chapter 62 International Rescue

Chapter 62 International Rescue

"General, please punish me, I shot too hard." Lin Tao was really not happy at this time, and felt a little regretful in his heart, but he was not afraid, and he would quit at worst. ∑ fly ㊣ ≥

Major General Zhang explained: "This Xiaolin used to deal with enemies, and he may be used to being ruthless—"

The old general waved his hand: "It's okay, I think Xiaolin played well, let them know what is an outsider and someone, if you don't teach them a lesson, they will go to heaven. General Zhang is right. The special brigade was established to severely hit the enemy. I Seeing that Lin Tao is very qualified as the chief instructor, he will go to Beijing with us tomorrow to accept the post of chief instructor, Xiao Li, do you think so?"

Lieutenant General Li said with a smile: "Everything is according to the old chief's orders, and Xiao Lin still doesn't thank the old chief." At this time, Li Lieutenant General felt as if he had eaten honey, and he was so happy that he couldn't even mention it. He said in his heart, the boy has you, don't be afraid , I will cover you, and walk sideways wherever you have the real ability.

"Old chief, what is the chief instructor? I'm a little confused," Lin Tao said doubtfully.

"What happened to Xiao Wang, didn't you inform Major Lin?" General Li said slightly angrily.

Wang Han smiled wryly and said, "I don't know that the chiefs made a surprise attack. I want to surprise him."

"You, come back and make a review for me—why are you still unwilling to let Xiaolin make you the chief instructor?" Lieutenant General Li smiled, and Wang Han quickly hinted to Lin Tao with his eyes, hurry up and agree, brother, what a great opportunity.

"Resolutely obey the order, but I was not mentally prepared just now." Lin Tao said shyly. At this time, Lin Tao was a little shy, like a shy big boy.In fact, Lin Tao thought to himself, how should I explain to my wife, should we still be separated.

Everyone laughed, and the killing god just now turned into a white-faced niche in an instant.The generals returned to Beijing by special plane that night, and Lin Tao followed suit. In fact, Lin Tao really offended people this time, especially Major General Meng and Major General Li. It was a loss to the face of the two major generals. As the saying goes, there are only generals who died in battle and no generals who escaped.How can you scare people into a pile?It was too embarrassing, but Major General Zhang quietly told Wang Han and Lin Tao, it's okay, with Lieutenant General Li covering them, they can't make any waves.Zhao Dingtian also went with Lin Tao. In the words of Gou Sheng, the master said, I will go wherever the master is, and Wang Han is also confused. In a word, the old general said that being a teaching assistant is more than a mistake. Which is not learning.As a result, Zhao Dingtian directly became Lin Tao's captain's assistant.

The next day, Lin Tao accepted a position in a certain army in Beijing. That night, Lin Tao had to confess to Xiao Xiao, but Xiao Xiao was very excited.

"Husband, I love you so much. Our law firm has established a branch in Beijing. I will be dispatched to Beijing in half a month."

Lin Tao was overjoyed when he heard that, and immediately started discussing about buying a house in Beijing and getting married, chatting for three hours.

At ten o'clock in the evening on October 2006, 10, Lin Tao received an order to take a helicopter to the special brigade, the special brigade, the lieutenant generals and major generals of the three armies in the combat meeting room. Things are so serious.

Lin Tao sat down under Wang Han's signal, the lights in the war room suddenly went out, the slides were opened, and a staff officer began pointing to the slides to explain, and the slide show showed a beautiful European woman.

"Sophie, 20 years old, the daughter of the President of xx, is studying at the University of Foreign Languages. She took the business ship Endeavor and passed through the waters of Malacca. At 15 o'clock in the evening, she was attacked by pirates. Ten people were killed and [-] people were injured, including the captain and Sophie. Six hostages were taken inside, including Comrade Liu Wu, our ambassador to foreign countries.”

After watching the slideshow, Major General Zhang stood up and said solemnly: "The supreme leader instructed us to save the hostages at all costs. This is the time to test our special brigade. This time, the hostage rescue mission will be carried out with the special brigade as the leader." Lord, the Navy and the Air Force cooperate, and the next step is to formulate a battle plan"

According to the information, this group of pirates is the Sea Shark Gang that has been rampant in the waters of Malacca for a long time. The leader of the Sea Shark Gang, the evil-faced Shark Du Jiang, was originally a big drug lord in the Golden Triangle area. He was expelled from the Golden Triangle 20 years ago and fled to the waters of Malacca. One of the islands, Heibei Island, got acquainted with the three pirate brothers Ma. Du Jiang had a lot of money in his hand, and spent a lot of money to build the fortifications of Heibei Island, buy speedboats and guns, and soon established a foothold on Heibei Island. At the beginning, he was engaged in smuggling oil and electronics, and often robbed freighters, making a fortune. After his strength grew, he began to smuggle arms and drugs, monopolizing two-thirds of Mexico's drugs. Now Hebe Island has become a small country of pirates. It is said that the island has a population of 5000, an armed force of [-], a lot of conventional weapons, and small warships purchased from Eastern Europe.Moreover, a neighboring country acquiesces in this, and the problem is very difficult. The satellite photos of Hebei Island and some photos of military fortifications are shown on the slideshow. Although the weapons of those pirates are not as good as the special brigade, they are also better than ordinary troops. many.

"Now, the pirates don't know the identity of the hostages. If they know, it may lead to a major diplomatic incident," another general said.

Wang Han nodded and said: "According to reliable information, six hostages are being held in a prison in the northern part of Hebei Island. This prison is built on a 50-meter-high cliff and has fifty guards in total." Wang Han pointed to the photo Continued: "Due to the advanced radar facilities and anti-aircraft artillery on the island, no speedboat or helicopter is advisable to go out of the cave. We can only take the submarine and send the team members to the waters five miles away from Heibei Island. The members of the special brigade Swim to Hebei Island to rescue the hostages."

"How to leave after the hostages are rescued?" Major General Zhang asked.

"Of course someone has to respond. It must be an ordinary rubber feller. It must be drawn to the designated position silently. It is inevitable that people will find out when rescuing the hostages. Therefore, it must be covered by force."

"Yes, I see that after the hostages are rescued, use the submarine to launch a few missiles on him and blow up Hebei Island." A general said, slapping the table.

Everyone laughed, knowing it was just a joke.

The battle plan was discussed for an hour, and then various instructions were issued quickly.The special brigade assembled a hundred elites, Wang Han was the combat commander, Lin Tao was the leader of the landing special operations team, the operation code was Nighthawk, Wang Han was codenamed Eagle Eye, and Lin Tao was codenamed Eagle Claw.Lin Tao wondered why this code name was really not good, why it was linked to the court eagle dog in the movie.

Lin Tao didn't dare to be careless at all, and prepared a hundred special steel needles, all of which were one inch long and pointed on both sides, and put them away with him.The reason why such an important task was entrusted to Lin Tao was because of Lin Tao's martial arts, especially the flying needle. To rescue the hostages, he had to control the situation silently and quickly, which obviously couldn't be done with firearms, even silent pistols.It can be said that this operation mainly put the treasure on Lin Tao. Although the generals did not name them, their burning eyes made Lin Tao feel a lot of pressure. Fly to a secret naval base in Hainan.

At midnight, Lin Tao and other 10 special forces boarded the submarine. At 50:15 in the morning, the submarine arrived at the designated sea area. Lin Tao led [-] special forces out of the submarine and began to swim. , but Lin Tao's swimming skills are average. Fortunately, two master swimmers are dragging his arms. Although the speed is not as fast as the Olympic swimming champions, they are still riding the wind and waves. When the searchlight shines on them, the team members dive immediately. Being pushed around like a leather doll, Lin Tao wondered if these two guys took the opportunity to retaliate against him. In [-] minutes, they all arrived at the bottom of the cliff of Heibei Island Prison. Although there were searchlights and guards on the top of the prison, I'm afraid he is also dozing on it at the moment. The [-]-meter-high steep cliff can only be climbed with bare hands, and there is no place to stay. Lin Tao is the first to go up with the rope on his back. In the eyes of everyone in the special brigade, Lin Tao at this moment is like a fast-moving gecko. On the top of the cliff, after [-] seconds, the two ropes fell down.

At this moment, the quality of the special forces members was even more evident. The 25 members followed the moonlight like apes, pulling the rope and quickly climbing to the top of the cliff.The five team members below are to respond.

Ten minutes later, that is, at 10:02 in the morning, all 30 special team members had climbed the cliff, and five team members were still left to respond, and put down the ropes to prepare for the hostages.

"Hawkeye, I'm Talon, we've climbed the cliff"

"Eagle Claw, proceed with caution, think safe, cover fire is ready"

"Eagle Claw understands." Lin Tao's night vision device looked at the Heibei Prison. It was a five-story building like a bunker. Special, only one eye, the other eye is naked, because Lin Tao often practices internal strength, his eyesight is much better than ordinary people, Lin Tao squinted his eyes and looked at the two-meter-high wall, which was connected to electricity, and Lin Tao signed in sign language , leading the team to go around the gate quietly.Lin Tao was dressed lightly, except for the night vision goggles and a low-noise pistol, he did not carry other equipment at all, in order to make it easier to reach out. At a place 30 meters away from the gate, Lin Tao asked the team members to stop and observe the terrain.

"There are two monitors at the captain's main entrance, all of which have been successfully interfered, and the screen has been frozen." The captain in charge of the idea interference pressed the communicator and made several gestures.

"Okay, after controlling the main entrance, find the optical cable immediately and control the prison's information center"

Lin Tao quietly climbed out by himself. Although he was climbing, he was faster than running. The team members seemed to see a leopard hunting at night, approaching the gate in the blink of an eye. .Before he fell to the ground, he was supported by Lin Tao. As soon as Lin Tao gestured, five team members ran over quickly against the wall, and the other twenty team members waited for further orders.Using both hands and feet, Lin Tao climbed up to the gate, because there was a sentry post on it. Lin Tao turned over and got on the sentry post.It is now [-]:[-] in the morning, which is the most sleepy time for people. Besides, no one has ever visited this Heibei Prison. Who has the courage to come to rescue people? The slackness of the pirates brought Lin Tao Chance.

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