Jagged city

Chapter 75 Energy and Ability

Chapter 75 Energy and Abilities

In the study room, Xiao Huating dialed Deng Zhan's phone number, and said in a very deep tone: "Brother Deng, I heard from Xiaobo that Shanshan had an accident in Africa, what happened specifically, please tell me the ins and outs of the matter in detail, don't make any reservations."

Northwest Province, in the study room of No. [-] Provincial Party Committee Compound, a man with gray sideburns was sitting at the desk answering the phone with a haggard face. ┃- ┃

"The corresponding external operations department has launched a rescue. I can't do it right now. Even if I fly to Ethiopia, I can't do anything. We can only wait patiently."

"Can't we urge the relevant departments to come up with a better solution? Whether they want to mine the relevant technology or demand a ransom, as long as the safety of the hostages can be guaranteed, everything can be solved." Xiao Huating's anxious voice came from Tijuana.

"The current situation is not very clear. I don't know the real intentions of the other party. Non-government armed forces have participated in foreign forces, especially forces that are hostile to our country. Sometimes they are more terrifying than terrorist organizations. Although she is our child, she is representing the country. Yes, I'm mentally prepared."

"What are you talking about, I will do my best to rescue Shanshan, pa—" Deng Zhan heard Xiao Huating drop the phone, a wry smile appeared on his face, his eyes became slightly moist, and he was speechless while holding the phone.

"What's wrong with my wife, who's calling, why don't you drink some porridge first?" Deng Zhan's wife came over with a bowl of porridge, her eyes were red and swollen, obviously she had just cried.

"It's Huating. He just heard Xiaobo talk about Shanshan, and he was very concerned. Before I said a few words, he dropped the phone angrily, alas—" Deng Zhan sighed and leaned back on the chair.

"Didn't you find out that there is a special brigade, if you participate in the special rescue, you can—"

"How should I put it? If I am the deputy prime minister of the country and I am in danger, the relevant national departments may send a special brigade. Although life is equivalent, but purely from the perspective of national interests, it is the country's responsibility for the special brigade to take risks to rescue Shanshan. Loss."

"Our Shanshan also represents the interests of the country, why—"

"It's not that the relevant national departments are not rescuing, but are already closely deploying and doing their best to rescue. You can't let the general secretary or the chairman of the Military Commission take risks because of Shanshan. That's the reason."

"That's right, damn non-government armed forces, what do they want!" Madam Deng suddenly sobbed.

Tiannan, Xiao Huating's house, the door of the study room was closed tightly for an hour, and Xiao Huating still didn't come out. Lin Tao looked at the distressed Deng Bo, thoughtfully, turned and went up to the second floor.

"What's the matter, Xiaotao?"

"Four people were kidnapped in the Ethiopian aid team, do you know if the Special Forces Team has received this task?"

"How do you know? I have learned about the situation from the intelligence department just now, and I am considering which group to participate in." Wang Han wondered.

"The person in charge of the kidnapped project is the child of my father-in-law's family friend, who is similar to my own child, and is also Xiao Xiao's good sister. Now Xiao Xiao is crying like a tearful person. I have no choice but to ask you if I can participate in this operation. .”

"Are you kidding, can you send out missions at will? How many bosses' approvals will you have to go through before you can send out missions? You just stay honest with me. I will send the phantom team. This is also a test for them .”

"Am I such an awesome character now?" Lin Tao smiled wryly.

"You're mad at me, I'll send the relevant information to you to have a look, remember the confidentiality regulations." Wang Han hung up the phone.

In the special brigade of Yinhai City, sitting opposite Wang Han was a lieutenant colonel officer about 30 years old.Frowning and looking at the information, the file bag next to it is marked with A-level tasks.

"Teacher, do you use a sledgehammer to kill chickens? We are the SS team. How can we get an A-level mission? Is your old man making a mistake?"

"Fart, I'm not old and confused. This is a test for you, because it is a non-government armed force at the junction of the three countries, and it also involves foreign forces. It is very complicated. This is a test for you. If this mission cannot be completed If you succeed, you will be directly relegated to the A-level team, and then undergo five years of training, what kind of house distribution—"

"Guaranteed to complete the task, I will go to make a battle plan now, please instruct!"


"Yes" the lieutenant colonel rolled forward, then stood up, opened the door and fled.

"Damn it, it's outrageous." Lieutenant Colonel Zhou Qiang was once Wang Han's assistant.He has rich experience in special operations, is second to none in the special brigade, and is a well-known sharpshooter.Martial arts fighting was taught by Wang Han and also trained by Lin Tao.The members of the phantom team have basically been tempered by Lin Tao, and they are very close to these two senior brothers.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Xiao Huating finally walked out of the study room, the supper was ready, just waiting for Xiao Huating to be seated.Xiao Huating came over and patted Deng Bo on the shoulder and said: "I have already inquired about this kind of overseas rescue. Relevant national departments have special rescue teams, and they seem to be divided into different levels. The Yinhai Special Brigade established in recent years seems to have participated in rescue operations. Shanshan's aunt found out from the intelligence department that if she can dispatch an S-level mission, there will be a very high chance of successful rescue." Xiao Huating was talking to Deng Bo, but his eyes flicked to Lin Tao from time to time.

"Lin Tao, have you ever been with the special brigade before? Why didn't you say anything? Did Mr. Wang of the special brigade call your senior brother?" Xiao Xiao was very annoyed at seeing Lin Tao, who was eating sullenly, and threw his chopsticks on the table.

"This is a state secret, and I can't tell it—but—oh—my wife asked—I can still do it without violating the regulations—it's awkward, it's all in circles." Lin Tao hurriedly knocked Xiao Xiao off. Grinning with his little hands, he rubbed his ears.

"Xiaotao, I also know that this is a state secret, but—this Shanshan is the same daughter as Xiao Xiao to us—" Mrs. Xiao's eyes were red, Xiao Huating's face was gloomy, Xiao Xiao was gnashing her teeth, and Deng Bo's face was full of hope.

Lin Tao heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the four people, and said to himself, in front of relatives, the secrecy regulations are also a little shaken, and the father-in-law, who is the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, is also the same. Fortunately, it is not a special secret. OK.

"Father-in-law, brother Deng, I have already coordinated the best overseas special rescue team in our country. They have participated in rescue operations of this level many times, and they are very sure. As for whether they can escape safely, it depends on the arrangement of fate." Don’t worry about it for the time being, just resign yourself to fate. Brother Deng can’t tell his family about these things either. When you go back, please comfort your uncles and aunts and let them wait in peace.”

"Thank you brother-in-law!" Deng Tao held Lin Tao's hand with tears in his eyes, and Xiao Huating also looked at Lin Tao very gratefully, without saying anything.It seems that the son-in-law has already thought ahead of them, and has settled the matter silently. This is the real family, but Xiao Huating feels very guilty because Lin Tao used his personal relationship for Shanshan. If the rescue fails, not only Shanshan's life cannot be guaranteed, nor can the lives of those rescuers. This is cruel to Lin Tao.It was originally a matter that had nothing to do with Lin Tao, but private intervention made Ling Tao take responsibility for his life.

After dinner, Deng Bo rushed to the airport overnight and returned to Northwest Province.After seeing Deng Bo off, Lin Tao went upstairs.Xiao Huating told his family about his thoughts.Xiao Xiao said with a pale face, "If those rescuers died, would they be indirectly killed by Lin Tao?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? As a special national official, you must be prepared for this at any time, and Shanshan is no exception. I just want to say that I am very grateful to Lin Tao. If there is such a thing in the future, don't ask Lin Tao. You have to treat Lin Tao well, so Good son-in-law, you and your mother should be more caring, especially Xiao Xiao, don’t always play childish temper and pull Lin Tao’s ears at every turn. Now you know, Lin Tao can easily solve the things that your uncle who will soon become the deputy prime minister can’t do. Although I don't know very well, but now the son-in-law is already a person who is very concerned and loved by the high-level. He is very majestic in the capital, and you are pulling his ears every day at home, and cut--" After finishing speaking, Xiao Huating was happy.

"I'm Chief Lin's wife. Why did you pull his ear? Before you came back, I was beaten by him? It was all red." Xiao Xiao said with aggrieved fingers, and suddenly thought of the beauty, her face turned red.

"Shameless girl, what kind of bag." Mrs. Xiao scolded with a blushing face.

"Already 26, why are you still acting like a child?" Xiao Huating said dotingly.Mrs. Xiao touched Xiao Xiao's face and said: "My wife, did you notice that Xiao Xiao seems to have become younger, like 20 years old, and her skin is much more tender than before."

"It seems to be, did your son-in-law buy high-end cosmetics for you? Why don't you buy some for your mother?" Xiao Huating joked.

"That's not true. I just put on some skin cream and never put on makeup. The reason why I am beautiful is that I am practicing the health regimen taught by Lin Tao, I also practiced some qigong, and the other thing is that I was made by Lin Tao. "

"What did Lin Tao do?" Mother Xiao asked with interest.

"That's right, Lin Tao is amazing, every time—after that, Lin Tao will give me hot air massage—" Xiao Xiao said coyly.Xiao Huating was embarrassed for a while, and it was difficult to walk, and he was very interested in the formula of health preservation, so he had no choice but to continue listening.

Xiao Xiao then said angrily: "After the massage, I have inexhaustible strength every day, and I am always very energetic. No matter how busy I am at work during the day, I am not tired at all, and I am not sleepy at all. I am always envious of seeing others taking a nap. "

"Damn girl, I really don't know the blessings in the blessings. I don't know the blessings you have cultivated in your life to be able to marry son-in-law Lin. Maybe in the future, you will look like a little dragon girl. You are not old at the age of four or fifty. I don't know how many women jealous of you."

"Mom, are you jealous of me?" Xiao Xiao felt amused when she heard her mother's sour tone.

"Of course, it's a woman. After knowing it, they will all be jealous of you, and my mother is no exception." Mrs. Xiao flicked Xiao Xiao's forehead.

"Father also wants to practice the regimen?" Xiao Xiao rubbed his forehead and looked at his father mischievously.Xiao Huating's old face turned red.Xiao Xiao laughed loudly, and then said: "Actually, I blamed Lin Tao this morning. Lin Tao was not lazy and didn't go to the mall with me, but he was sorting out the formulas of health preservation and techniques in the house, as well as pictures and recordings. They are all prepared for you. Yes, if Big Brother Deng doesn't come, I plan to teach you guys at night."

Xiao Xiao said very proudly: "You can also practice the health-preserving formula, but the intercourse technique is a simplified version, an advanced version, and you must have a foundation of internal strength to practice it, like me, but it can't be done without Lin Tao's guidance. I practiced for a while, but I almost lost my mind, if it wasn’t for Lin Tao’s massage, I would have become a nympho.” Seeing her parents’ embarrassment, Xiao Xiao laughed out loud, feeling as if she had won a major victory.

"I'll let Lin Tao teach you the health-preserving formulas first, and I'll teach the techniques in the room to my father alone, and I'll teach my mother after I have learned it." After finishing speaking, he ran up to the second floor in a hurry.

"It's really nonsense, it's outrageous." Xiao Huating blushed, and his tone was not very firm.

"Come on, I don't know how much I want to practice. My good son-in-law knows a lot. You haven't heard what your son-in-law said. I feel that your son-in-law is like an ancient hero. He said he would demonstrate it to us in the afternoon. Said to be stronger than Huo Yuanjia. I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

"Really? Xiao Tao is joking with you?" Xiao Huating was dubious, and he always thought that Lin Tao was nothing more than a special soldier on TV, who knew some fighting skills and dealt with five or six ordinary people.But now I really want to open my eyes.

Originally, Lin Tao looked at the information sent by Wang Han, which introduced the situation of the armed organization's personnel and bombers, as well as the location of the headquarters, as well as related pictures and geographic coordinates.Lin Tao was thinking about how to rescue them, but thinking about it, Wang Han was obviously better at this kind of battle plan, and Lin Tao was better at fighting the enemy on the spot.

"Husband, hurry up and take down the materials you prepared, so that parents can also practice the health regimen." Xiao Xiao pushed the door open and walked in.Lin Tao hid the page, picked up the materials prepared on the table and followed Xiao Xiao downstairs.

The health regimen is very simple, mainly sitting and standing postures, as well as the exact breathing method. It is easy to remember after Lin Tao's guidance, not to mention the CD-ROM recorded by Lin Tao.

"So simple?" Mother Xiao asked in amazement.

"The key is persistence. Breathe for half an hour every morning at 05:30 or [-] o'clock, or half an hour before going to bed. You need to develop a routine, and you will see results in a month. If you practice all the year round, you will enhance your body function. , Some minor illnesses such as colds will not be caught, serious illnesses can also be prevented, and there will be no harm at all."

"Really, I haven't had a cold for more than three years, and I have become a habit of breathing every day, just like washing my face and brushing my teeth. In fact, I have practiced a little Qigong with Lin Tao, and now my strength has also increased. Wait. "Xiao Xiao ran out of the living room and into the kitchen, and then, carrying one hand, ran out with an unpacked [-]-jin bag of rice.

"Look, I'm as strong as a Hercules now? I don't dare to let Lan Lan know, lest she say I've become a monster." Xiao Xiao turned the rice bag around with one hand.Xiao Huating and his wife were dumbfounded.Even a great guy can't do the daughter's movements and strength.

"Hurry up and put it down, don't stretch it" Mother Xiao worriedly shouted, and Xiao Xiao trotted all the way back to the kitchen.When he came back, there was no sweat on his face.

"How strong is Lin Tao?" Mother Xiao looked at the two of them.

"I don't know, this guy must be much stronger than me." Xiao Xiao seemed to be a little excited, he jumped directly from behind the high-back sofa, then threw off his slippers, and sat cross-legged on the sofa with bare feet. At a height of 1.4 meters, Xiao Huating was taken aback by jumping directly over at once.

"Don't mess around like this outside, sometimes it's dangerous to be brave," Lin Tao said immediately.

"Cut" Xiao Xiao dismissively.

"Xiao Tao is right—but, your mother and I really want to know about the strength of our son-in-law," Xiao Huating said eagerly.

"Yes, Xiaotao, let's open our eyes too."

"I don't know what skills he has, boy, if you practice hard, you will be rewarded if you are happy." Xiao Xiao said with his arms crossed and his head shaking.

"揸——" Lin Tao bent down, Xiao Xiao felt his waist tightened, and he flew upright. Xiao Huating's house was designed in European style, the hall was two stories high, with a dome, and it was six meters above the ground.

"Oh my god——" Xiao Xiao felt that she was thrown up, and the ground quickly moved away from her. Looking at the wall opposite the hall, she felt that her head was about to hit the roof.

"Keep your legs tight together, don't be afraid" Lin Tao shouted, watching Xiao Xiao fall down again, Lin Tao jumped up, more than two meters high, caught Xiao Xiao's feet with both hands, fell quickly, Lin Tao's feet landed, Supporting Xiao Xiao with his hands, his body bent down, his hands exerted strength again, and Xiao Xiao flew up again.

"Open your eyes, don't be afraid, take a deep breath" Lin Tao did it five times in a row, Xiao Xiao yelled at me for the first four times, which frightened Xiao Huating and his wife, and then Xiao Xiao stopped yelling and got used to it. Started to shout excitedly.

"I'm flying—I'm flying—"

One minute later, No. 1 had already flown away, and Xiao Huating and his wife regained their shock.Looking at Xiao Xiao as if he was playing on a trampoline, he became a little excited.

"Okay, kid, don't be tired." Mother Xiao recovered and shouted quickly.Lin Tao caught Xiao Xiao again and landed safely, but he did not let Xiao Xiao go, but started lifting weights with Xiao Xiao's two white and tender feet.

"Light weight, if you gain weight in the future, I will use you as a barbell."

"Dare you?" Xiao Xiao triumphantly looked at her mother on the sofa.

"It's a one-handed one. Stand up." Lin Tao put Xiao Xiao on his shoulder again, supported Xiao Xiao's feet with one hand, and quickly lifted it dozens of times before putting Xiao Xiao down.

"National weightlifters can't do it, can they?" Mother Xiao said in surprise.

"It is said that Zhao Feiyan can dance on the palm of his hand, I think Xiao Xiao can do it too." Xiao Huating sighed.

"My husband, you are the best," Xiao Xiao said with her arms around Lin Tao's neck.

"How much strength is that?" Xiao Xiao asked reluctantly.

"It's a few hundred catties." Lin Tao didn't dare to say it. With enough Hunyuan Qigong, he could punch a hole in the load-bearing wall of a building with a single palm.Fully exposed strength, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is a monster.Even so, it brought a lot of shock to Xiao Huating, Xiao Huating also understood that judging from his son-in-law's modest character, this was just the tip of the iceberg.

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