Jagged city

Chapter 99 Rent a Plane to Pick Up His Wife

Jagged City - Chapter 99 Rent a plane to pick up my wife

The graduation ceremony started at 08:30 in the morning. The chairman of the counter-terrorism team arrived and delivered a warm congratulatory speech. Then, together with Dias and Lin Tao, they began to award medals, eight gold medals, of which Chinese team members accounted for three, and ranked first in peak points. Lieutenant General Li's grandson Liu Zhengyang is the second.He Ning No.7 selected by the Ministry of Public Security.The other two Chinese players are silver medals.Three golds and two silvers, the trip to the training camp of the Chinese players can be said to be elated.Several people looked at Lin Tao with extremely reverent eyes.After the graduation ceremony, there was a buffet. Since the base really didn't have too many female soldiers, the dance party could only be omitted.

Xiao Xiao sent a text message that afternoon, saying that she would surprise Lin Tao.Lin Tao was puzzled.In the middle of the night, Lin Tao received a call from Zhao Dingtian, saying that my aunt went to the United States to find you, and arrived in New York at 09:30 in the morning, American time.Lin Tao broke out in a cold sweat, he absolutely must not let Xiao Xiao see Di Anne, if he sees something, it will be ruined.How did Xiao Xiao know that I have seven days off.By the way, I asked Xiao Xiao a month ago, the second batch of students had a seven-day vacation before they came to train, and they invited Xiao Xiao to come to the United States to play?But Xiao Xiao didn't say it, by the way, she didn't say she couldn't, she wasn't prepared for this matter at all.what to do?I just went to Dai Anni yesterday, which helped me break through the fifth level of Hunyuanyi Qigong, opened up the second channel of Ren and Du, and entered the innate realm in the legend of martial arts.Diane was tender to herself.Tomorrow I am going to accompany my wife.The two ends are not human.Why is it so difficult to be a man, especially a man who is a little playful.Lin Tao scratched his head fiercely a few times.Take five deep breaths, then call Diane.

"Why is Tao still up so late?" Diane's lazy and sweet voice came from the other end of the phone.Lin Tao pretended to be calm and said:

"Diane—that, Xiao Xiao gave me a sudden attack." Lin Tao swallowed, waiting for the answer from the other end of the phone, the night was so quiet, Lin Tao heard his own heartbeat, and felt that time passed so fast slow.

"What kind of surprise attack?" Diane finally spoke, and Lin Tao took a deep breath, and continued: "That she came to the United States suddenly, and she wants to fly to New York. I was notified of the plane tomorrow morning. Hey, depressed ah!"

"Hmph, hypocrisy, you don't know how much you miss Xiao Xiao, she is a great beauty, you must be very happy now, you will forget your new love when you fly to your wife, bad guy, go with your wife .”

"Ah—sleep well, I have to get up." Lin Tao hung up the phone at ease when he heard the laughter on the other end of the phone, then jumped up from the bed, and shouted: "Honey, I'm coming." up. '

In fact, Lin Tao also missed Xiao Xiao very much, as the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a newlywed.After all, the relationship with Xiao Xiao is extremely deep.Lin Tao pondered for a while, and Dias should be woken up.

Dias is a middle-aged man who sleeps very little, but was aroused by Lin Tao in the middle of the night, and was a little annoyed.

"Lin, what are you doing, keep people from sleeping in the middle of the night."

"Hey, my wife is here, and I'm going to ask you to help arrange transportation and accommodation."

"Really, I also want to admire your wife's beauty. Transportation and accommodation are all minor issues. When will she arrive and what are your arrangements?" Dias said a little excitedly.

"My wife Xiao Xiao arrived in New York at 09:30. I plan to rent a private jet and go directly to Las Vegas for two days, and then go to Mexico for two days. I will fly back to New York for one day of shopping, and I will send my wife off on the eighth day. Fly back home." Lin Tao said excitedly.

"Lin, your idea is really good. If you don't mind our family of three being your plane, then everything will be fine." Dias smiled slyly.

"You are such an old fox, no problem, we need a local guide, obviously you are the most suitable. The transportation and accommodation expenses are all mine, so you can fly with peace of mind." Lin Tao said indifferently.At this moment, Lin Tao has 700 million US dollars in foreign exchange alone.The 300 million that was spent was to rescue his son Jin Lin and pay Perth’s father. He had a car, a helicopter, and a large ship, and he sent someone to escort him.

That night, Dias rented cars, yachts and a private small passenger plane for various journeys.Accommodation is also all done.Basically, Dias made three phone calls, clicked a few buttons on the phone, and then made a transfer.All done in an hour.Dias vowed that he could sleep until five o'clock.Take a helicopter to fly to New York at six o'clock, and then take a car to meet Xiao Xiao with Dias's family at the airport.

As a result, when it appeared on the tarmac at 05:30, the mechanic said that the helicopter had a small problem.But Lin Tao was so anxious that if he took a car, he would definitely not be able to reach the New York airport at 09:30.Later, Dias had to borrow a plane from the commander of the base with the cheek to say that he was going to pick up Lin Tao's wife at the airport.Unexpectedly, the commander readily agreed and wished Lin Tao a good time.

Dias said with a smile: "You still have a lot of face, the commander lent us all the landlines, and we can fly directly to New York Airport."

Soon Lin Tao and Dias got on the plane, but when they were about to arrive in New York, they flew over again. Lin Tao was a little depressed. Could it be that he remembered wrongly? Living.

"Old Di, where are we going? It doesn't seem to be the New York airport!"

"Hey, pick up my wife and children on the way, or they have to reverse the car a few times and take the subway. Isn't this a loan from you?" Dias laughed.

Lin Tao was speechless for a while.At a place 14 kilometers away from New York, Dias' wife and children were picked up on the plane.For Lin Tao, who invited the family for a vacation, Dias' wife, Gianni, was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to put her cheek on her. Lin Tao kissed him twice according to American etiquette.Lao Di's daughter looks like a little girl in the photo, but seeing the real person, Lin Tao feels that it is no wonder that young people abroad are precocious. This [-]-year-old Penny is similar to a ten-year-old girl in China, and all the places that should be developed have developed. She's a little blond beauty.It's like two sisters with her mother.

Lin Tao praised the pair of 'sisters'.The two women, one big and one small, were obviously very interested in this handsome middle-aged official, asking him about everything.When we arrived at the airport, it was only 08:30, and there was still an hour for Xiao Xiao's plane to land.Lin Tao and the Dias family went to the restaurant at the airport.Lao Di warmly treats guests, nothing more than fast food like hamburger and chicken wings.

"Lin, are the salaries of military officers in China very high?" Jennifer was obviously puzzled by Lin Tao's generous and extravagant behavior of inviting their family on vacation. Are Chinese people really so rich?This is Jennifer's doubts.Dias smiled awkwardly on the side, and said to himself, I am taking advantage of others, and the vacation is a profit.How shameless.

"Compared to our country's salary level, it is very high. Because of some dangerous tasks, there are some special allowances." Lin Tao told the truth, because Lin Tao has a high level and participates in very dangerous tasks, the annual bonus is more than 100. 15, which is about the same as Diaz's income.But it was obviously not enough to pay for this extravagant vacation. This time, it cost $26 to rent a private jet, and $[-] in addition to other vacation trips.It can be said to be very luxurious.

Jennifer was obviously dissatisfied with Lin Tao's answer, and Dias made it very clear about the cost of the trip.Could it be that Lin Tao's salary is one million dollars a year?How did she know that Lin Tao had made a fortune from cheating.Jennifer still wanted to ask, but Dias interjected, "Lin is not only a senior military officer, but also has medical skills. Chinese traditional Chinese medicine is very good. He can treat some difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and his income is very high." After speaking, Dias squeezed She winked, apparently Jennifer didn't know that Dias had killed Lin Tao for $60.Lin Tao naturally understood.

"Is it acupuncture? I saw on the Internet that China has amazing medical skills. Do you need to chant spells when treating diseases?" Petunia asked excitedly. In her eyes, acupuncture and moxibustion are similar to Western witchcraft, and belong to the category of magic. s things.

"Honey, Chinese acupuncture is also a kind of medicine, not magic." Jennifer smiled while putting her arms around her daughter.Seeing Lin Tao nodding, Penny was a little disappointed.Seeing that his daughter was a little unhappy, Dias quickly said, "Baby, Lin knows Chinese Kung Fu, which is as magical as magic."

"Really, is Taekwondo better or Chinese Kungfu better?" Penny is learning Taekwondo, and she has always felt very mysterious about Eastern countries.But for Koreans and Chinese, I feel the same. A few months ago, I always thought it was the same country.Lin Tao didn't want to belittle Taekwondo, and said with a smile: "European and American countries have jujitsu, boxing, Asia has muay thai, taekwondo, karate, Chinese Kung Fu—and so on. Many martial arts skills have their own strengths."

"My taekwondo teacher can break three wooden boards, how many can you break?" Petunia asked after her.Lin Taoxin said that children are really not easy to be fooled by asking questions. Chinese martial arts are extensive and profound, and it is a philosophy about the human body and nature.It's not pure martial arts fighting skills.

"Well, I can break three planks too." Lin Tao laughed.

"Then you're pretty good too!" Petunia's eyes twinkled with little stars, thinking that Lin Tao is so handsome and stylish, it would be great if he could be my boyfriend.American children are all precocious, and especially adult men are the most attractive to young girls in this season.Dias bit the chicken wing, looked at his daughter with a smile, his eyes were full of love, and said in his heart, Lin probably could break a dozen boards with one kick.

"Are you a rich man in China? I saw on the Internet that many children in mountainous areas have difficulty going to school and are poorly dressed." In the Internet age, even though she is a child, she knows a lot of information, and there are many things she is interested in .

"It's not easy to say. There are more rich people in China than in the United States, but more poor people than the United States. Especially in mountainous areas, the transportation is underdeveloped, the economic development is very slow, and some areas are very poor. It is not convenient for children to go to school. It takes more than ten miles of mountain roads to walk. China has big cities like New York, such as Shanghai and Guangdong. There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and there are also a small number of people who just have enough food and clothing—the gap between the rich and the poor is huge." It was difficult to answer, Lin Tao looked at Penny and sighed.Thinking of the mountainous area where I practiced, some villages live in the deep mountains, and there is no electricity at all. It is unimaginable for a Chinese, let alone a foreigner.

"China is developing really fast. It is said that the high-speed rail built in China is faster than that in the United States." Jennifer sighed.

"China's population is too large. During holidays, especially during the Spring Festival, there are so many people at the station that you can hardly imagine. The opening of the high-speed rail has relieved part of the traffic pressure. Have you never been to China?" Lin Tao asked.

"No, Asia has only been to Japan." Dias replied.

Lin Tao said with a smile: "If you have time, you are welcome to go to China. You can not only visit the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Xi'an, the ancient cultural and historical relics, but also go to Guilin and Jiuzhaigou to enjoy the world-famous natural landscapes."

"Dad, I want to go to China to study abroad, learn Chinese, and become an American ambassador to China in the future." Penny said seriously, and the Dias couple smiled at each other after hearing this. The daughter's ambition is not small.Lin Tao chatted and laughed with the Diaz family, and soon after an hour, Lin Tao looked at the exit with a bunch of roses excitedly.As the flow of people surged, someone in the crowd who picked up the plane exclaimed, and a black boy shouted: "God, the most beautiful angel in the world has descended. This is the Lord's gift to me."

"Don't squeeze, I'll take some pictures, is this the Miss World champion?"

"The whole side—yes, I want to hang it in the school apartment." A few high school students bluffed, taking pictures of Xiao Xiao who had left the passage.

Xiao Xiao was dressed in a purple dress, she looked very noble, she walked around with a style of a thousand things, looking at her from a distance, she looked bright.

"Lin Tao——" Xiao Xiao waved her hand to Lin Tao, her beautiful smile bloomed like a flower, brightening the reception hall, beautiful women are the scenery, this sentence is indeed true, Xiao Xiao conquered New York Airport as soon as she appeared Many foreigners.This angelic smile froze instantly, and appeared on the American Internet 1 minute later.

"Xiao Xiao——" Lin Tao stepped forward to greet her. Xiao Xiao trotted over and threw herself into Lin Tao's arms. Xiao Xiao was so happy that she jumped up. With the rose in her hand, Lin Tao had no choice but to hug Xiao Xiao with one hand. thigh.Lin Tao was also infected by Xiao Xiao. He hugged Xiao Xiao and turned around. Xiao Xiao's long hair was fluttering, she was giggling on her back, and her voice like a silver bell resounded through the hall.

"Oh, it's so beautiful." Lao Di couldn't help saying, clutching his heart.Jennifer and Penny were also stunned by the scene in front of them. The warm embrace of their lovers touched many people who picked up the plane, young couples, old couples - and several professional and amateur photographers.Lin Tao holds a large cluster of roses in his right hand, and Xiao Xiao who is half kneeling on his left arm. Xiao Xiao's sexy and flowing long hair, the sparkling pendant of love in time and space, and her charming smile are once again frozen.

Xiao Xiao finally slipped down and looked at Lin Tao emotionally. Lin Tao's eyes were shining with love. A professional reporter was about to take another kiss photo.As a result, this beautiful and moving scene was embarrassingly broken.

"Hi, chief!" A crisp voice sounded behind Lin Tao and the two of them.Lin Tao's planned kiss disappeared.Lin Tao had to miss Xiao Xiao's hot eyes and saw a young man dragging a suitcase saluting him.

"Xiaoguan, you're here too. You've worked hard all the way." Lin Tao stretched out his hand, and Lin Tao's guard grabbed Lin Tao's hand excitedly, almost saying 'serve the people. '

Fortunately, Lin Tao said in time: "Don't be cautious, Xiaoguan, you are here for vacation, don't call the chief, call Brother Lin."

"Hey, Lin—the chief." Xiao Guan scratched his head, feeling that Brother Lin was really uncomfortable when he yelled, but the chief said it fluently.

"Xiao Guan is a deadhead, don't bother with him. Do you miss me, you bastard?" Xiao Xiao's little hand rested on Lin Tao's waist, twisting it gently.Staring at Lin Tao, he asked with a smile.

Lin Taoxin said, why did Xiao Xiao's hands become stronger again.Lin Tao didn't dare to talk about the pain, but grinned and said, "I miss it all over my body, especially there."

Lin Tao whispered in Xiao Xiao's ear, Xiao Xiao was extremely shy, and gave Lin Tao a look with all kinds of charming eyes.In recent years, Xiao Xiao has practiced breathing method with Lin Tao, and she has made love with Lin Tao to help her unblock her meridians. Now her skin is more delicate than that of a baby, and it is full of vigor and vitality.Lin Tao is used to not feeling anything, but the onlookers are very impressed. Xiao Xiao's unintentional charm is astonishing.Similar to Diane's natural charm.

Lin Tao introduced Xiao Xiao to Lao Di's family. Lao Di originally wanted to have a Western-like kiss, but Xiao Xiao stretched out his hands. Lao Di had to retract his fat face, and tightly held Xiao Xiao's smooth and tender hands with his big hands. Keep saying, "Welcome to America."

"Mrs. Xiao, your beauty lights up New York. I really don't know how to praise you." Jennifer snatched Xiao Xiao's little hand.

"Thank you, you are the sexiest American lady I have ever seen." Xiao Xiao would also compliment others, and besides, Jennifer is indeed very sexy.Women who do not want others to praise their beauty.

"I'm Petunia." Lao Di's daughter hurriedly introduced herself, and it was obvious that Xiao Xiao's beautiful men, women, and children could kill everyone.

Xiao Xiao originally thought that she was going to a certain hotel by car, but unexpectedly, she transferred to another area of ​​the airport not far away.Get on a small plane.

"Tao, where are we going? We're still flying." Xiao Xiao asked doubtfully.

"Let's go to Las Vegas for vacation. I have arranged the itinerary. Just enjoy this rare vacation together. Are you sleepy now?" Lin Tao's eyes are full of Xiao Xiao at the moment, temporarily forgetting Diane , I don't know if he can be regarded as a playboy of the unconscionable family.

"I'm not sleepy at all. When I came here, I took the first class cabin, and I had enough sleep." Xiao Xiao said excitedly, looked around the private jet, and suddenly asked, "Is this a private jet? How did you do it?"

"I rented it for you—someone spends money, so don't ask in front of outsiders." Lin Tao said in a low voice, Xiao Xiao nodded, thinking that Lin Tao had committed suicide, but in the United States, who would curry favor with Lin Tao? clear.

After a while, the Dias family came across Lin Tao and began to besiege Xiao Xiao. Obviously, the charm of Xiao Xiao and Lin Tao had a fatal attraction for this family.When the stewardess finished delivering the hot coffee, she secretly looked in the small mirror and said to herself, compared with that woman, my face looks like sackcloth. What happened, there is no spot on her face. The stewardess looked at it. My little freckles were very distressing, and I couldn't help but want to find an opportunity to ask Xiao Xiao what beauty secrets she had.

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