"But...!" Just as Bai Yu was about to say something, Ling Jie violently threw away the burnt cigarette butt in his hand, and said, "My Cao, this kid is quite arrogant! Ok, this time it's considered It's unlucky for you kid, you bumped into the young master, and I'll send you to Guixi!"

As soon as Ling Jie said these words, Ling Jie violently kicked the long bench towards the surface of the sea, injected a thick stream of spiritual energy into the bench, then stood up and punched the churning sea. The monster hit the past.

Just now Ling Jie wasn't just sitting on the stool foolishly watching a play, but he was looking at the fatal point of this monster.What a coincidence, Ling Jie really found a fatal point, and there was a small scar on the monster's lower abdomen.

If Ling Jie knew, this monster must have been severely injured before, otherwise the scar would not still exist.At this time, Bai Xue, Bai Yu, the two old men and the villagers in the village stared wide-eyed at Ling Jie who was flying towards the monster.

Bai Xue never thought that this kid really made a move!I secretly prayed in my heart, hoping to kill this monster!

The long bench that Ling Jie kicked away just now abruptly caught the young man in white robe who fell into the sea just now, and his whole body lay on it.

The bench seemed to be under control, and it just hung in the air like this, neither flying up nor falling down.The entire bench exuded colorful spiritual energy, permeating the wounded young man in white robes, making him feel quite comfortable.

Similarly, Ling Jie had just landed on the surface of the sea out of thin air, and the sea water didn't wet his shoes, even though the monster's plop splashed sea water all around, it didn't have the slightest impact on Ling Jie at all.

"Boy, I advise you to mind your own business, or this king will devour you right away!" The monster stopped thumping and said sharply.It knew that the kid in front of him should be much stronger than the white-robed youth just now!In this heart, a wave of fear was born naturally.

Although it doesn't know what level this kid's cultivation base is in, it's just this calm and composed aura that makes him really scared!I have practiced for nearly 3000 years, and I have never met such a human being, so I am so scared!

"Well, you monster, don't stay in the East China Sea well, you insist on coming out to make trouble! Ok, if you don't beat me, your mother won't recognize you!" Ling Jie glanced at the monster with contempt, and immediately Gathering the spiritual power in his body, clasped his hands together, and as soon as Ling Jie's splayed feet parted, he immediately shouted sharply: "Boy, I can kill you with one move! Look at my move, hum!"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Jie's clasped palms fiercely shot out a multicolored sword light, and just like that hit the monster's lower abdomen.Ling Jie didn't summon the Void Excalibur at all, it was just a sword glow he summoned.Using the Void Excalibur to kill this kid is simply polluting the reputation of this Excalibur.

"You, who is this? How could there be...?" Before the monster could say this, it suddenly turned over and jumped into the sea.It is not a fool, it is impossible to foolishly let this powerful sword light hurt itself.

So, I planned to run away!However, what it doesn't know is that no matter how it tries to escape, it cannot escape the attack of this powerful sword light.

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