At night, the stars are dotted, the moon is bright and silvery, the number of vehicles and pedestrians on the street is gradually decreasing, and the lights on the road are also dimming a lot.

Jingxi Street.

Blue Moon Hotel, at the front desk of the lobby.

At this time, I saw two guests arguing with the waiter at the front desk.These two guests are a man and a woman, the woman is very beautiful, and the man is also very handsome.


"Sir, I'm really sorry, we are a small wine shop, and we really don't accept checks! Otherwise, you can use your card or cash...!" At this time, the beautiful manager on duty who was talking to the waiter by the elevator just now When I came to the front desk, I looked apologetic and helpless.

I really don't know, where did the local tyrants come out, and they still came with a check?It's amazing!Moreover, these two people look quite weird!


"Why? What kind of card? We don't have a card. We only have this 1000 million check. Don't you want to do business? Don't you?" At this moment, the man next to him shook the check in his hand and said angrily. .


"Sir, I'm really sorry, we really don't accept checks here. Otherwise, go to another place!" Saying this, the beautiful manager yawned and waved at the couple, wanting to send them away.

I muttered quietly in my heart, should it be two psychopaths?Just dress them like this?Can you still come up with a check for 1000 million?really? Can't afford a room for 0 yuan a night?Really!


It's ridiculous!Maybe, these two people came here on purpose to find trouble.However, it's no wonder why he didn't wear a pair of designer clothes.

People rely on clothing, Buddha depends on monk clothing.


"You...!" The man clenched his fists, wanting to get angry.

At this time, the woman beside said: "Okay, let's go!"

With that said, the woman pulled the man out of the hotel lobby.


As soon as the two of them left, the cashier waiter said: "Manager Zhang, these two people should be liars. At that time, I was dumbfounded. Is it just like them? Can there be a real check? It's ridiculous! These days, liars They all came to the hotel to eat and live...! Just now, we really should call the police and let them sit in the police station for two days...!"

The cashier in a black dress uniform looked a little sneering.


And the beautiful manager just snorted and said: "If something like this happens again in the future, just say, we don't accept checks here. If they don't leave, you can call security or call the police. Don't come to me for everything. Deal with it. Am I too busy? Let me handle everything, what are you guys doing here? Hmph! If you do this again next time, get the hell out of me, there are no free-living employees here...!"

The beautiful manager shook her hand violently and walked towards the elevator.

It turned out that she was sleeping in the office just now.Unexpectedly, the waiter just woke her up because of this incident, so it's no wonder she wasn't angry.


"Yes! Yes, I know I was wrong, manager, you, please go slowly!" The cashier pouted angrily, sat in front of the computer, and continued to busy himself with the work in hand.


Outside the hotel.

Ni Shi was a little puzzled and said: "Leng Yue, you, why did you stop me just now? Aren't we rich? Why are they doing this? You want to die!"

Between words and deeds, there was a little murderous look on his face.

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