Immortal Spirit Mountain

Chapter 1 Getting Out of Five Fingers

Time: 2012-06-29

In the wild deep forest, the forest is vast, the tiger roars and the monkeys cry, in the depths of this unknown wild jungle, a towering mountain stands like five fingers. Sky.

This mountain has stood in the depths of this wild forest for an unknown number of years, but on this day, a mournful roar resounded through the sky.

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, a head popped out of the chaotic grass. It looked hideous and terrifying, its skin was shriveled and dehydrated, it was like a mummified corpse, only the parts above the chest were exposed, and its arms were bound by two pitch-black chains on the mountain wall. I was completely suppressed by this five-fingered mountain.

Looking at his current situation, Kasyapa was heartbroken: "It's been three years, and the time travel machine broke down, where did it send me!?"

A full three years have passed, since Kasyapa appeared here inexplicably, and then Mo Miao was miraculously crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain, there was not a single day that he did not think about escaping.

Kasyapa himself is a member of the earth yd group, which is a secret organization of the country.It originated in 2055 when an ancient immortal who traveled from the earth suddenly returned. Combined with modern civilization, it took 33 years to create a traversing machine, allowing people to enter another mythical world called the Nanming Continent.

This incident shocked the whole world, and various countries organized elite personnel to receive training, and their mission was to enter that wonderful world through the traversing machine and create new things.

Kaye has been selected by the YD team since he was five years old, and has undergone brutal training since he was a child. Finally, at the age of 20, he officially embarked on the journey of the time-traveling machine, preparing to enter the mythical world, the Nanming Continent.

But unexpectedly, the travel machine malfunctioned, and with a flash of fire, Kasyapa suddenly fell into a coma. When he woke up again, he felt that he was being crushed under the five-finger mountain.

And the soul lives in another body.

Looking at his own body, although the skin is so shriveled, he can still tell that this is a monk, but he committed some heinous crime and was crushed under Wuzhi Mountain.

"I'm fucking a monkey..."

Kasyapa was thinking depressedly, and closed his eyes heavily. A sutra appeared in his mind. Ever since his soul entered this body, this sutra had inexplicably appeared in his mind, lingering, as if the original sutra This is what belongs to his own memory.This sutra is incomplete, only the first half, and there is no name, even Kasyapa himself is confused

After repeated pondering by Kassapa, he finally understood the specific meaning of these words.This seems to be a Buddhist holy law, the way of cultivation.In the past three years, Kasyapa, apart from complaining to God every day, just passed the time by practicing this Buddhist holy method.

Although he himself did not know the origin and name of this Buddhist holy law, Kasyapa guessed that it was probably the memory left by the previous owner of this body.

Day by day, Kasyapa became more and more familiar with the way of cultivation, and his cultivation was also rising day by day, but the sad thing is, no matter how great his cultivation was, he still could not escape the suppression of Wuzhi Mountain.

The inexplicable boarding in the body of this monk, the inexplicable being pressed down the mountain, and the inexplicable practice of a period of cultivation made Kasyapa very confused.

After three years of struggle, Kassapa had no way to get out of trouble.There is a big mountain on his back, which is not something ordinary people can bear, but Kasyapa didn't feel any discomfort except that he couldn't move, which may be the reason for the mummy he was boarding.


Time flies, day by day, unknowingly, Kasyapa doesn't know how many years he has been suppressed by this five-fingered mountain, he only knows that the leaves have withered and yellowed ten times, and the dead trees have sprouted again, ten years have passed.

Perhaps because of this mummy, Kassapa didn't feel the slightest feeling of hunger, and ten years passed like this.

For the past ten years, Kassapa has practiced this unknown Buddhist holy law day and night. Although the days are boring, but this Buddhist holy law is good for him to relieve his boredom. Seeing his cultivation level improve day by day, maybe this It is also the only place where Kassapa can be pleased.

He thought that if he had a cultivation base that reached the sky, he might be able to climb over the mountains and jump to the sky.

But it's a pity that although his cultivation base is improving day by day, he still can't shake Wuzhishan's suppression.

Boring, lonely, tortured Kassapa every day, he woke up from the practice again and again, lost again and again, and forced himself to enter the cultivation state again and again.

He now has only one wish, and that is to get out of trouble under this damn Wuzhi Mountain.

Finally, Kasyapa found a chance to get out of trouble.

Buddhism pays attention to rebirth, and in this Buddhist sacred law, one of the secret methods "Ti Zang Sutra" introduces the key to tempering the body with the primordial spirit, and it is combined with a method of tempering the body of the "Immortal Glass Body". Fa, can condense out the immortal body.

Thinking of this, Kassapa seemed to see hope, and once again fell into a long-standing practice, like hibernation.


This sleep, another seven years have passed.Kasyapa's body was buried under the dead leaves, covered with a thick layer of moss, like a grave to bury him, cold and dark every day.

Seven years passed like running water.

But on a certain day, a group of dazzling golden light burst out suddenly, and the golden light went straight to Xiaohan, but quickly converged.The mummy that was crushed under Wuzhi Mountain suddenly raised its head, and the rainbow light of Tianling Gai was startled, and a golden villain jumped out, lifelike, like a golden Arhat, with his hands folded into the Buddha's seal, sitting cross-legged in mid-air.

In this small space, the sound of Sanskrit singing is faintly heard, like the fusion of avenues, the breath is mysterious and sacred.

Wisps of golden light shone out, enveloping the little golden person, shaped like a silkworm chrysalis.On the outside, it looks like a huge egg, intertwined with golden lights of Buddhism.

And at this moment, black magic lines emerged from the golden silkworm chrysalis, like a ferocious grimace, half smiling, half crying, full of a strange aura.

One month, two months, three months...

Another half year passed, and on this day, the golden silkworm chrysalis broke open, and a white palm protruded from it.


The golden silkworm chrysalis fell piece by piece, like metal fragments.

Jin Guang, a monk with a bald head was sitting cross-legged, motionless, with Buddha seals in his hands, his face was handsome, naked all over, his skin exuded a radiance like precious jade, although his body was not muscular, but his lines were graceful.

The most peculiar thing is that on the top of this bald monk's head, there are black magic lines, and there is a black "Swastika" between his brows, giving him an invisible and sinister aura.

Kasyapa opened his eyes faintly, shining like stars, and looked up at the five-fingered mountain in front of him, without any expression on his face, 20 years of boring training had already tempered his mind to be extremely tough.But I can still see a touch of joy in my eyes when I escape from the "prison" that has trapped me for 20 years

He touched his bald head, looked at his raw body, and nodded with satisfaction: "Based on the original appearance, and combined with the method of quenching the body of the 'Imperishable Glass Body', this physical body is also It's not bad. It's just that I didn't expect to temper my body once, and it would consume my 20 years of cultivation..."

Squat down on the ground and pick up the golden silkworm chrysalis fragments. These silkworm chrysalis fragments are smooth and translucent and can be used as mirrors.

"Why do you look like this?" Kasyapa was really surprised when he saw his appearance. His appearance had not changed, but the black magic pattern on the top of his head and the black "Swastika" mark between his eyebrows looked extremely weird.

"This scripture is the method of Buddhism. It is reasonable to say that such a strange phenomenon should not occur. Could it be that my cultivation has deviated?" Kasyapa thought about it secretly, and after careful consideration, he didn't seem to have gone astray. That's right, but what is going on with this weird phenomenon.

After contemplating for a long time, there was no conclusion. Kassapa no longer paid attention to it. Anyway, it had no effect on his body. Moreover, he was trapped under Wuzhi Mountain for 20 years, and now he is finally freed. It is a gratifying event for Kassapa.

" have trapped me for 20 years, but I still conquered you." Jiaye smiled, and now he wanted to leave here, to find out where he came to, whether he was in Nanming Continent.

p: Upload, brothers, please stand up.

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