Immortal Spirit Mountain

Chapter 114 Fragrant Corpse Queen

Time: 2012-08-14

As soon as this remark came out, the complexions of everyone present changed greatly, especially Qin Yi and Chu Lingyu, the two women turned pale.

What kind of character is the Fragrant Corpse Queen? She is a thousand-year-old corpse king who is well-known in the Southern Territory. Her cultivation level can be said to be against the sky. Since her debut, she has killed many great supernatural powers, causing all the powerful people in the Southern Territory to panic. .However, since being forced into Yinchou Mountain years ago, the Fragrant Corpse Queen has never appeared in the Southern Region, but the major forces dare not enter Yinchou Mountain wantonly.

However, all the major forces knew that for many years, the Queen of Fragrant Corpse had been sleeping in the Yin vein of Yinchou Mountain in order to repair her injured body, and never showed herself.

"What did you say! The Queen of Fragrant Corpse is your master! So the Queen of Fragrant Corpse is gone?" Chu Lingyu's face was livid, her body trembling slightly.

"Shouldn't the Fragrant Corpse Queen be in a deep sleep? How could she wake up? You must be lying to me!" Qin Yi didn't want to believe that the purpose of her trip was to collect ghost Yan Luo. If the Fragrant Corpse Queen really woke up, don't Speaking of collecting ghost Yan Luo, even if he can walk out of Yinchou Mountain alive is still a problem.

"Hahahaha! My master has been awake for more than ten years, and now he has repaired his injuries. Just wait for the final transformation, and you will be unlucky." The ghost monk laughed.

"Then I will kill you first when your queen arrives!" Kasyapa was ruthless, and at the same time he was extremely jealous. Although he was not familiar with the title of Queen Fragrant Corpse, he had heard Qin Yi and the others talk about her a little bit, and knew her name. sharp.


But at this moment, the three figures moved faster than Kasyapa, suddenly broke through the black mist, and went straight to the three ghost monks.These three people were all dressed in black, with star masks on their faces, they were Xingxiu's killers, Xinyuehu, Fangritu and Weihuohu.The three of them accepted Kasyapa's order and followed behind him quietly to prevent surprise, but now they couldn't help but make a move.

"Who is it again!?" The three ghost monks were taken aback: "Why do you still have accomplices!"

Qin Yi and the others were also slightly taken aback: "Who are they? They don't seem to belong to us, why would they help us?"

"This is XingXiu's killer!!" The Wu family brothers were quite well-informed, and when they saw the star masks on the faces of the three killers, they said solemnly.

"XingXiu Killer!" Chu Lingyu's pretty face changed, and she said, "Why did the killer follow us? Could it be that the head of the sect secretly recruited him to protect my junior sister?"

But at this moment, Xinyuehu, Fang Ritu, and Weihuohu had already fought with three ghost monks, their figures shone like ghosts, and they were sure to kill, showing their true qualities as killers.

Jiaye quietly retreated to the back, and heard Xinyuehu's voice: "Golden Dragon Envoy, the situation has changed. I didn't expect the Queen of Fragrant Corpse to be resurrected. You must put the overall situation first, and quickly retreat from Yinchou Mountain."

"No need." Kassapa said, "The ones who should leave first don't know me, but you, send the news back to Xingxiu, and I will have my own way to leave."

"But this matter is serious!" Xinyuehu sent a voice transmission to Kasyapa while fighting the ghost monk.

"I have a magical hand, and I am absolutely sure to leave, but you can't, if you are all dead, I can't explain it." Kasyapa replied: "And the moon emissary said, this operation must be all under my command, you Leave quickly, retreat from Yinchou Mountain!"


The three killers didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly retreated after giving the three ghost monks a full blow, their figures blending into the surrounding black mist and disappearing.

"Which song is this?" The three ghost cultivators were stunned, confused by the sudden appearance of the three killers. They didn't know why they came here. After fighting each other, they retreated. , Feelings are soy sauce, what's the point of doing so.

Jiaye frowned, and quietly chatted with the Xingyue Bracelet Spirit: "Xingyue, have you heard of the Fragrant Corpse Queen, can you deal with it?" "I have heard of it a little, but I haven't fought against it. I don’t know for the time being.” Xingyue Bracelet Spirit said: “I advise you to go back, there is a powerful aura in this Yinchou Mountain, even I am not sure about it.”

Kasyapa frowned and said, "Before I entered Yinchou Mountain, I felt a very holy aura."

"Don't think too much, retreat decisively." Xingyue Bracelet Spirit said.

"En." Kasyapa nodded fiercely, turned his head to look at Qin Yi and the others, and shouted, "Get out of Yinchou Mountain for me all!!"

"Why!?" Qin Yi's pretty face changed immediately: "Wouldn't it be a waste of all our previous work if we quit now?"

"And Senior Brother Ling Xiao returned it to them." Chu Lingyu also said.

"Brother Ye Fei is right, let's retreat. If the Queen of Fragrant Corpse really wakes up, I'm afraid we will all have to." The brothers of the Wu family retreated. This prestige is enough to shock people.

And after seeing Kasyapa's strength, the Wu family brothers were so convinced that even Kassapa wanted to back off, so they naturally wouldn't say anything.

"I will never leave! If I leave like this, my brother's life will be in danger." Qin Yi shook her head resolutely: "I must bring Ghost Yan Luo back to prove my strength to the entire Qiongxian sect."

Kassapa took a deep breath, stepped forward and clasped Qin Yi's fragrant shoulders: "Whether you want to go or not, I say go, you have to go!" After finishing speaking, Kassapa pulled her forcibly before Qin Yi could resist. Run towards the outside of the ghoul area.The Wu family brothers also followed closely, as if they didn't want to stay here any longer.

Chu Lingyu's eyes were complicated, she turned her head to look at Ling Xiao who was trapped in ghostly aura, gritted her silver teeth, and followed quickly.

"Junior sister! Junior sister don't want it, save me!" Ling Xiao really panicked this time. It's not that he didn't hear the conversation between Kasyapa and these three ghost monks before. It's really dead.

"Brother, they escaped, do you want to chase them?" a ghost monk asked anxiously.

"Hehehe, don't worry, Her Lady Queen has already arrived, they can't even escape from the ghoul area, and they won't be able to escape from Yinchou Mountain." The ghost cultivator led the way.

"So, as long as we help Her Lady Queen transform successfully this time, she will be able to set us free."

"En!" The ghost monk leader nodded heavily, his eyes gleaming with longing.

In the dead air that filled the sky, Jiaye pulled Qin Yi to run with all his strength, and the Wu family brothers and Chu Lingyu followed closely behind.

"Let me go and let me go back!" Qin Yi struggled hard.

"Shut up! Your life is important!" Kasyapa said.

"I'm not afraid of you, a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. You let me go back by myself." Qin Yi struggled, trying to break free from Kasyapa's shackles.

"Miss Qin Yi, please be quiet, our task this time is mainly to be responsible for your safety." Even the brothers of the Wu family also tried to dissuade them.

"You..." Qin Yi's eyes were red, her lips were pouted, she was speechless, she pondered for a long time, and then said in a low voice: "But if I go back like this, my brother's life will be lost, not only that, but I will also be looked down upon by everyone. I don’t want to be looked down upon, and I don’t want to be looked down upon by that guy, who is considered to be a little princess who needs to be protected forever.”

Jiaye's heart fluctuated, and the hand holding Qin Yi trembled slightly.


But at this moment, a soaring aura came from behind, and Kasyapa and the others suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, they all stopped and turned to wait and see.

This aura was so powerful that even a person as physically strong as Kassapa felt panic and oppression, his blood seemed to freeze, and his calves were twisted.

"Come on, we can't escape, such a powerful momentum must be the Queen of Fragrant Corpse." Chu Lingyu's expression changed.

"Xingyue, are you sure?" Kassapa whispered to Xingyue bracelet spirit transmission.

"I'm not sure at all, unless I become a sacred weapon!" Xingyue Bracelet Spirit said decisively.

Jiaye's heart was cold, and under this powerful momentum, Jiaye felt a wave of despair, just like when he was trapped in the wild ancient forest and lost his cultivation base.With such a powerful aura, Kasyapa can't guarantee what realm the Fragrant Corpse Queen's cultivation is, the third level of great supernatural powers?Or the fourth level of great supernatural power?This powerful aura was the first time Kaye had seen it in his life, and it was at least a peak-level existence in the Nanming Continent.

"Young hero Ye Fei, what should we do?" Chu Lingyu panicked.

"Calm down." Kasyapa said.

"How do you calm down in this situation?"

Kasyapa was full of dignity, holding a peerless sword in his hand, but his arms began to tremble unconsciously, not because of fear, but because he was affected by this powerful momentum.


Suddenly, the black air broke open, and a ray of seven-colored brilliance surged in, extremely gorgeous, like a rainbow bridge, holy and dazzling, but it brought a powerful aura of destruction.

"Xingyue!" Kasyapa shouted heavily, in front of the colorful bridge, Kasyapa suddenly threw out his fist, a dense starlight enveloped his arm, turned it into a starlight sword, and fiercely aimed at the colorful rainbow bridge. The bridge was chopped off.


The violent star sword energy collided with the colorful rainbow bridge, and there was a shocking sound of thunder in the ghoul area. The colorful light and the star light stirred each other, and the strong wind blew away all the ghost energy within a few thousand meters. It shattered, the space tore apart, and huge cracks in space spread out.

Qin Yi, Chu Lingyu and the brothers from the Wu family were rushed away by the momentum and struggled to stabilize their bodies.

"En..." Kassapa himself snorted, his whole arm was numb, dripping with blood, and the tiger's mouth had been cracked.

With the violent blow just now, Kaye relied on the power of Xingyue Bracelet Artifact to come head-to-head with the Rainbow Bridge. Although he blocked this terrifying attack, his indestructible glass body was severely damaged.The Immortal Glazed Body is so powerful, even though it is only in its infancy, ordinary secret treasures can't do anything about it.But now the opponent's blow shattered his indestructible glazed body, which is enough to show how terrifying the person who made the shot is.

"Oh? That's right, young man, you were able to stop my supernatural powers without breaking my body. It seems that those ghostly bastards are right. You do have a strong physique and are suitable to be my furnace." .”

The colorful brilliance dissipated, and a clear voice sounded in this ghostly area. In mid-air, at some point, a colorful jade coffin appeared, bursting with colorful rays of light. The whole body was crystal clear, exuding wisps of holy breath.

"The Fragrant Corpse Queen!?" Kassapa backed away quickly with a cold heart.

"You can't escape. The furnace that this queen wants to find is useless even if you escape to any corner of the Nanming Continent." The colorful coffin lid was opened, and a colorful light rushed out from inside. A girl with jet-black long hair stood On the top of the colorful jade coffin, the girl's skin is fair, even more exquisite than suet jade, her facial features are exquisite, her starry eyes and red lips, her appearance can be said to be overwhelming, her brows exude a trace of nobility .

The girl stood there with colorful rays of light all over her body, she was extremely holy, but there was a hint of dark ghost in her eyes.

At first glance, no one would think that this is a millennium corpse king, only that it is a fairy descended from the heavens.

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