Immortal Spirit Mountain

Chapter 23 One-person Stage

Time: 2012-07-07



And soon, a few demon wolves in mid-air found Kasyapa who was alone, and after a wolf howled, a large number of wolves rushed towards Kassapa.

"Four elements are all empty - fire!"

On the top of Kasyapa's head was the "Swastika" seal, and golden flames surged on his body, as if covered with a layer of golden holy armor. At this time, two iron swords appeared in his hand.This iron sword was found from the ring that Lin Jia had obtained before.Right now, Kassapa doesn't have a weapon at hand, so he can only use a sword instead.


The sound of the sword was crisp, and the two iron swords were poured into the golden light of Buddhism, as if they had turned into two indestructible magic weapons. Pointing at the point of the sword light, a group of demon wolves fell to the ground crying, and the blood mist collapsed.

The golden light surged, and the golden sword light strangled everything.

In the chaotic scene, the valley of the wolf was staged, with blood flowing.The wolf monsters were fearless one by one, almost madly rushing towards Kasyapa.

Kasyapa was so mad that he turned into an invincible meat grinder, but all the wolves around his body were strangled to death by the golden sword glow.For a moment, Kasyapa's speed was no slower than the major forces, and he also rushed into the wolves and headed towards the high mountain.


Hordes of demon wolves stopped Kasyapa, trying to block his way, but nothing could stop Kassapa's footsteps, and the number of sword lights turned into blood mist.

And at this time, a slim figure appeared from the pack of wolves, it was Changxi.

The long white dress looked otherworldly, and Changxi was like a fairy in the Moon Palace. With mysterious footwork, she withdrew a dreamlike figure and rushed towards Kasyapa, with a pack of demon wolves behind her.

"Fuck!" Kassapa swears directly, does this woman really want to put me to death?

Changxi held a big knife, but her figure was extremely ethereal, her black hair was flying, and she gradually approached Kasyapa.Obviously, she wanted to lure a large group of demon wolves to Kasyapa to cause trouble for Kassapa.

"If you can kill so well, you can kill slowly." Chang Xi said coldly.

"Is it Luonan's scheme?" Kasyapa's eyes flickered fiercely.

"Hmph, no matter whose scheme it is, as long as you die, I will be happy." Chang Xi said, dancing wildly.

"As for it? We don't have a deep hatred." Kasyapa was very helpless, and with a wave of his sword, he swept away all the demon wolves around him.

"But you offended Senior Brother Luo, as long as Senior Brother Luo wants to kill you, I will definitely kill you!" Chang Xi said coldly, her body flickered, and she stepped on a series of mysterious steps to leave again.


Many demon wolves surrounded Kasyapa, and Kassapa fell into a difficult situation for a while. With such a large number of wolves attacking, even the outstanding disciples of the big forces would feel trembling in the face of this scene, and even be trapped to death.

"Beast! Come!" Kasyapa's murderous intent greatly increased, and he transferred his hatred for Luonan and Changxi to this group of monster wolves, killing all directions, the golden sword glow twisted, and large numbers of monster wolves turned into blood mist .

Time passed quietly, and for a full half an hour, Wolf Valley had become Shura's purgatory.

But at this moment, those disciples of great powers made unremitting efforts and finally climbed to the high mountain, but everyone was scarred and looked down at the battle in the valley below.


The wolves howled passionately, unexpectedly, at this moment most of the wolves gave up attacking these powerful disciples, and all turned their heads to kill Kasyapa.Apparently, the dozen or so wolf leaders in mid-air have realized that Kasyapa seems to be more harmful to them.


Kassapa was covered in blood, and at this moment he turned into a killing monk. His body was dripping with blood, and the two iron swords were coated with a layer of gold. The golden sword was invincible and swept away thousands of troops. , exposure to the slaughter of wolves.

Kasyapa was even numb from the killing, but his blood gradually boiled, the black "卍" imprint on the center of his eyebrows flickered, and the magic pattern on the top of his head became more ferocious.Kassapa is a violent monk who strangles wolves with every step he takes.

"This little monk's cultivation is so profound!" On Gaoling, San Qingzi from Shangqing Palace showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Impossible. When I met him a few days ago, he didn't have such strength." Chen Yufeng was full of disbelief.

"This person is quite weird. We were also deceived by him when we first met him. We mistakenly thought he was just an inconspicuous little character, but we didn't expect this guy to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. His cultivation has always been hidden. "Changxi, in fluttering white clothes, stared coldly at Kassapa who was massacring below.

Luo Nan next to him frowned, his eyes were gloomy, and murderous intent was clearly visible.

"Everyone, please go and save him. If this goes on like this, no matter how high his cultivation level is, he will die." Seeing Kassapa trapped in a dangerous situation, covered in blood, Xue Ni's eyes blurred immediately, and she pleaded bitterly for the big Disciple of power.

But this action did not win the sympathy of the people at all. Just kidding, they finally escaped to the high mountains and got rid of the pursuit of the wolves. How could they easily risk themselves again for a Kasyapa?What's more, the people on the scene were neither enemies nor friends to Kassapa, Xue Ni's actions only got ridicule and ridicule.

"Master Xue Ni, you haven't known each other for long, why bother with his life." Qin Yi pouted and said, "This stinky monk deserves his death."

The eyes of Luonan and Changxi flickered. For them, Kasyapa would be able to survive the attack of the wolves.


At this moment, Kasyapa in the valley was still carrying out the brutal massacre, and the monster wolves were killed by his sword, which was too horrible to look at.


The shrill howling of wolves came from mid-air. Finally, those monster wolf leaders couldn't bear it anymore, and they all swooped down towards Kasyapa, biting down with their sharp claws and claws, but they couldn't hurt Kassapa's body at all. The Immortal Glazed Body is as hard as divine iron. Although it is only in its infancy, it is not something a monster of the level of a wolf can break through.

"Hey!" With a ferocious smile on the corner of Kasyapa's mouth, he raised his hand and grabbed the hind legs of a demon wolf that was about to escape into the air, and brought him into the air.


The golden sword directly pierced through the wolf leader's abdomen, and the golden sword burst out, strangling the wolf leader's body to pieces.


Kasyapa almost wanted to kill to the point of madness, he leaped, and directly cast the body technique of "crossing the river with a reed" in mid-air, a phantom was pulled, Kasyapa's body rose into the air, and leaped to the body of the other wolf leader, with a golden hand in his hand. The divine sword cut off the two wings of the wolf collar.


Blood splattered like a rain of blood.

Kasyapa walked through the bloody rain, and the golden sword mercilessly beheaded. A series of three demon wolf leaders were beheaded one after another, which could not stop Kassapa's way of killing at all.


The remaining wolf leaders were all terrified, and the eyes they were looking at Kassapa changed from bloodlust to fear. After a long howl, the only remaining wolf leaders flapped their wings and flew towards the depths of the Wolf Valley.And the rest of the wolves flinched when they saw the leader, and they all roared, running desperately towards the depths of the wolf valley.

"My God, he killed the wolves all by himself!" Gao Lingshan, Qin Yi opened her mouth in surprise, her face full of disbelief.

Not only him, but the disciples of the other major forces were also shocked at this moment. It was almost impossible for one person to kill such a huge wolf pack, but Kasyapa did it single-handedly.

"This person... must not stay!" Luo Nan clenched his fist quietly.

On the other side, Hu Yigui and Chen Yufeng also looked at each other with murderous intent.

They all had grudges with Kassapa, and seeing Kassapa's strength before their eyes, naturally they would not allow Kassapa to grow day by day, this was a big threat to them.

The swordsman in white didn't speak, but his eyes showed a strange brilliance.

"What is he doing? He wants to hunt down the pack of wolves!" At this moment, a powerful disciple suddenly shouted in shock.

In Wolf Valley, Kasyapa was holding a blood-stained iron sword, soaked in blood, stepped on the corpse of a monster wolf, and rushed towards the fleeing wolves with murderous intent, just like a bloodthirsty monk.

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