Why didn't Wan Dong look forward to it?I couldn't help but feel agitated in my heart!

"Stop talking, good grandson, let's go and chase your mother!" Chen Tiande held Wan Dong's hand and said impatiently.

Of course Wan Dong wanted to be reunited with his biological mother, but he was not reconciled to leaving like this.Judging by the posture put on by the Ping family, it is clearly aimed at Candle Yin Flower, such a good thing, there is no reason for the Ping family to get it.

"Grandpa, the Ping family killed so many of us, how can we let it go like this?"

"Ah? My good grandson, you don't know, the Ping family is a second-rank family, and their power is much stronger than ours. We can't compete with them at all. In fact, to keep this old life, in my opinion, is already It's a gift from heaven. As for revenge, I think it's better to forget it."

Chen Tiande seemed to be frightened, his face turned pale, and even his voice trembled.

Of course Chen Tiande is not a cowardly person, otherwise, he would not have sacrificed himself for Chen Yi without hesitation.But Chen Tiande is not a courageous person, he is too cautious. This may be due to the cruel living environment of the Daoist sect, but this character of Chen Tiande is undoubtedly one of the reasons for the separation between Chen Yi and Wan Haoxiong.

"How can you forget it? Grandpa, in fact, the Heing family is nothing special, so don't be afraid!"

Although Wan Dong entered the Daoist sect just now, to be honest, his knowledge is no less than Chen Tiande's, and he has seen the world that Chen Tiande has never seen before.Leaving Xuantian Damingshen's memories aside, just mentioning Wan Dong's accidental bumping into the forbidden area of ​​Huangfu's house, if it was said, it would be enough to make Chen Tiande tremble with fear and stand unsteadily.

The Ping family is only a second-rank family, but the Huangfu family is an out-and-out first-rank family, and it is a well-deserved overlord in the entire Taoist world.

"Good grandson, even if you want to take revenge, you have to think about it in the long run, right? Stagger today, and we will find bad luck for the Ping family in the future, so let's meet your mother and the others first?"

After all, Chen Tiande still regarded Wan Dong as a child, thinking that Wan Dong was just a momentary mood, so he thought of holding him down with words first, and after a few days, Wan Dong himself would give up the idea of ​​seeking revenge from the Ping family.After all, Chen Tiande still doesn't understand his precious grandson.


As soon as Chen Tiande finished speaking, Wan Dong was about to speak, when suddenly, an unusual and shocking roar rose into the sky, causing Chen Tiande to shudder three times on the spot.

Hearing this roar, Wan Dong was very excited, and said with bright eyes: "It seems that the Ping family has already fought Di Zhulong."

"Earth Candle Dragon?!"

Hearing these three words from Wan Dong's mouth, Chen Tiande was obviously frightened again, his complexion turned paler than before.

"Grandpa, I don't have time to talk to you anymore. The Ping family made it clear that they came here for Zhu Yinhua, and I will never let them succeed. You go after my mother first, and I will go to you after I finish here!"

"No!" Chen Tiande grabbed Wan Dong's wrist involuntarily, a Ping family was enough to make him feel bad, plus a ground candle dragon, how could Chen Tiande let Wan Dong go so easily?

There was even a pleading tone in his tone, and he said, "My good grandson, you don't know how terrifying the Earth Candle Dragon is, it's a fairy beast equivalent to the Divine Dao Realm!"

"Grandpa, the Earth Candle Dragon will be dealt with by the Ping family. It won't hurt me. Besides, although my cultivation base is not high, I still have the ability to escape. I believe that if I want to escape completely, no one will can stop me."

Chen Tiande has no way to refute these words, the reason why Wan Dong was able to kill that day's elementary level Ping family master was partly due to calculations and partly due to his superb agility.

Without giving Chen Tiande a chance to speak, Wan Dong took out the 'Eternal Wasteland' from the storage ring, stuffed it into Chen Tiande's hand, and said, "Grandpa, this is the map of the Eternal Wasteland. , the distribution of various fairy beasts, as long as you follow this map and carefully avoid them, there will be no danger."

"Map?" Chen Tiande turned over the 'Eternal Wasteland' suspiciously, took a cursory look, and couldn't help being startled, and asked in a voice, "You... how come you have such a wonderful book?!"

Wan Dong really surprised Chen Tiande, he had a feeling that he couldn't see Wan Dong as a young man at all.

"Luck and luck! Hehe..." Wan Dong smiled and said, "From here all the way to the east, you will be able to walk out of the Eternal Wasteland, and we will meet at the camp outside the Eternal Wasteland!"


Before Chen Tiande could finish, Wan Dong's figure had already turned into a cloud of smoke, heading straight for the direction where the roaring sound came from.

Chen Tiande wanted to chase after him, but after taking a few steps, Wan Dong was lost in his sight, so he had no choice but to give up!Shaking his head and letting out a wry smile, Chen Tiande could only go to Chen Yi first as Wan Dong said.

"Is this the Earth Candle Dragon? It's really mighty!"

After a while, Wan Dong could see from afar that a huge ugly dragon with a length of sixty to seventy feet and a thickness of more than ten feet, with a single horn growing on its forehead, was entangled and fighting with several figures.

The Earth Candle Dragon is smaller than the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon, but its combat power is equally astonishing.With a sweep of the tail, the huge boulder weighing ten thousand catties was immediately thrown into the sky several tens of feet as light as a feather.If it were a human being, he would be smashed to pieces with just one breath.

Dizhulong is difficult to deal with, but the Heike family is clearly prepared.The weakest of those figures dancing up and down around the ground candle dragon has reached the peak of Tiange, and the gray-haired old man who is the leader has even reached the level of the elementary level of the divine way.

Moreover, these masters are all agile and extremely alert.Surrounded by Dizhulong, he went from east to west, grasping Dizhulong's huge and inflexible weakness, and bombarded it indiscriminately.

In addition to these few people, there was an old man and a young man watching the battle from the sidelines.

The old man's cultivation seems to be stronger than that of the elementary level of the divine way. It seems that he has reached the peak of the earth wheel and the level of half-step heaven.

In the face of a strong person with a higher level than his own, he will usually be affected by the opponent's aura and feel uncomfortable, but after Wan Dong comprehends the true meaning of the cloud, this kind of influence will hardly exist. Of course, if the opponent If his cultivation base is too high, reaching above the peak of Tiange, Wan Dong will still feel it.

This is only half a step away, and it is reasonable to say that it will not make Wan Dong feel uncomfortable, but when Wan Dong sees this person, he not only feels uncomfortable, but even very strong.

This kind of discomfort does not come from danger, it seems to come from the disgust of the other party!

Isn't it disgusting that a majestic man is smeared with makeup, gorgeous, and more feminine than a woman?

That's it for the young man standing beside the old man!I don't know how much face powder has been rubbed on the snow-white face. When I stare at it, it seems that there is still extra face powder falling down.

The waist is even slimmer than that woman's, and it is still swaying in the wind!If this movement was performed on a real woman, it would be extremely enchanting, but on this old man, it would be disgusting.

If the face could be more refined, it might be better to be a pseudo-mother, but this buddy's carelessness and carelessness on his face are even more disgusting.

Of course, Wan Dong is not the kind of person who judges people by their appearance, the key is the femininity and evil aura emanating from this person, which makes Wan Dong most uncomfortable.

"Ping Yijian!"

The name jumped out of Wan Dong's mind almost automatically.Wan Dong had heard from Xiao Lang a long time ago that the 'Yin Sha Jue' practiced by Ping Yijian is a very Yin fairy art.In order to practice this celestial art, Ping Yijian must often pick up the pure yin of young girls. Over the years, the number of women who have been harmed by him is not a thousand, maybe eight hundred.

Candle Yin Flower is the most Yin thing, it is not surprising that Ping Yijian wants to get it.Looking at him like that, he probably wants to use the Candle Yin Flower to break through the Heavenly Realm!

Such a scourge as Ping Yijian, even if Wan Dong had no quarrel with the Ping family before, he would like to get rid of it, but the old man standing beside Ping Yijian is too high, if Wan Dong attacks Ping Yijian, That's purely courting death.

Wan Dong looked around, and soon found Zhuyinhua.

It was a fist-sized strange flower with a pitch-black body.Compared with those colorful flowers, this Candle Yin flower is not at all beautiful and gorgeous, but it has a unique charm, which can attract people's eyes, and its preservation is unforgettable at a glance!

Five steps around the Candle Yin Flower, all the sunlight seemed to be sucked away by it, and it was obviously much darker than the surrounding area.

At this time, the Candle Yin Flower has fully bloomed, and it is the time when its efficacy is the strongest. It is the best time to pick and refine it!

Looking at the formation of the Ping family, it is likely that they have set their sights on this Zhuyin flower a long time ago.He even thought of a way to deal with Earth Candle Dragon. Several strong men at the peak of Tiange, under the command and command of the old man of the Divine Dao, cooperated seamlessly.Although the candle dragon here has rough skin and thick flesh, if it continues like this, it will be a matter of time before it will be ground to death.

Na Ping Yijian seemed to have met success, his snow-white face twitched slightly, showing a smile, and the powder fell down much more violently.

Wan Dong couldn't help being a little anxious. In his original plan, it was the safest thing to take advantage of the Ping family's life-and-death struggle with Dizhulong to take away the Zhuyinhua without anyone noticing it.But now, the old man standing beside Ping Yijian has become Wan Dong's biggest obstacle.

But if Wan Dong is allowed to return without success like this, it is naturally impossible!

Taking a long breath, Wan Dong tried his best to calm down his mind, and at the same time fully operated the law of wind to melt himself into the wind.Wan Dong is a body of flesh and blood, of course it is impossible to really melt, what he melts is his own breath...

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