Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 108 Xu Wenchuan's Fury of Thunder!

"Wu Qiujun!" Seeing that Wu Qiujun's palm was about to put Wan Dong and the others to death, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded, and then a wall of Tianbao Pavilion was blown down by someone's palm, and a burly iron tower-like The stature rushed in, the palms were raised high, and the majestic and majestic zhenqi, ups and downs, hit Wu Qiujun's palms fiercely like the waves of the wind.

Rumbling sounds like thunder, one after another, two huge forces collided with each other and sputtered the turbulent flow, which was worth as much as a stray bullet. Everywhere it went, it was smashed. In the blink of an eye, the entire Tianbao Pavilion was destroyed. It was a mess.

"Who!?" The strength of this palm was amazingly strong, far exceeding Wu Qiujun's expectations, and he retreated three steps back uncontrollably. It is no longer under his control.

Wu Qiujun could feel that a person who could slap such a palm would never be inferior to him.This made Wu Qiujun startled and suspicious, and he couldn't think of it even after thinking about it. In this cloud city, who can have such a strong cultivation base that can't lose to him?

Duan Lengyan and Qiu Yunchong also looked at each other with shock on their faces.I thought that today's matter would come to an end, but who would have thought that something would happen, which was far beyond their expectations.

When all the dust settled, Wu Qiujun finally saw the person who made the attack clearly. This sight shocked him so much that his eyes almost jumped out of their sockets, staring fixedly at the person standing in front of him. I took a few pictures, but I couldn't say a word.

"Grandpa, if you don't come again, your grandson's little life will really be wasted in the hands of old thief Wu." Seeing Xu Wenchuan arriving, Wan Dong suddenly relaxed.With a wry smile in his mouth, he didn't care about any shame, and sat down on the ground.

"Yao Ting!" Xu Wenchuan was startled when he saw this, and hurried forward.Seeing Wan Dong's miserable appearance, he was so annoyed that his silver hair flew up.

"Yao Ting, how are you? Can you hold on?" Xu Wenchuan's heart ached. In just a few days, his precious grandson wandered around the gate of hell again.I couldn't help but even scolded God in my heart.God, you have the ability, even if you come to him Xu Wenchuan, anyway, Xu Wenchuan has lived a lot of his age, and he can be regarded as living enough, and he will die when he dies.But why do you always have trouble with his precious grandson, what a jerk!

Wan Dong grinned miserably, and said, "It's okay, I can hold on! Your grandson, life is tough!"

Wan Dong was playful, but as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and immediately leaked his stuff.Xu Wenchuan's distressed tears rolled down, and he said again and again, "My dear grandson, why are you pretending to be with your grandpa? You hold on, grandpa will take you back and let your grandpa heal you."

"Don't, grandpa! If you don't let me out, even if I see grandpa grandpa, my injury won't heal."

"I said baby grandson, your life is more important, or venting your anger? Stagger today, none of them can run away! Be good, I'll take you back!"

"Grandpa, don't worry, your grandson won't die! It's better to vent your anger first. If you vent your anger, my injury may heal in a blink of an eye."

Seeing Wan Dong's resolute face, Xu Wenchuan gritted his teeth and said, "That's fine! Hold on, grandpa will give you this breath first, lest these bastards and bastards take the opportunity to slip away!" After finishing speaking, he rushed to Wu Yang and Zong Qi, Leng Yuecui winked and asked them to help Wan Dong aside.

Tang Xinyi walked over with a guilty expression on her face, and said, "My lord, it's because I'm useless, I failed to protect Yaoting well!"

Xu Wenchuan patted her on the shoulder and said, "I can't blame you, Wu Qiujun is a bastard who relies on the old to bully the young, and a thief is nothing. How can you be his opponent?"


"Shut up! I don't have a shitty brother like you!"

After being scolded by Xu Wenchuan, Wu Qiujun felt a little annoyed, and when he was about to speak, he was immediately cut off by Xu Wenchuan sternly.

"You bastard, I ask you, who did you say you were going to send on the road?"

"Xu Wenchuan, since you don't care about brotherhood..."

"Shit! I don't think of brotherhood? I ask you, did you kill my grandson because of brotherhood? I miss you. From today on, I will be at odds with you!" Xu Wenchuan was determined to He broke up with Wu Qiujun as a teacher and brother, and what he said was so merciless that he almost spit on Wu Qiujun's face.

Xu Wenchuan was famous for his violent temper throughout the Qingyun Empire. Seeing Xu Wenchuan so angry, Qiu Yunchong couldn't help but start to mutter.It seemed that it was impossible to kill Wandong today.Not only could he not kill Wan Dong, but he also offended Xu Wenchuan. Such a result made Qiu Yunchong somewhat unacceptable.Moreover, once Wan Dong and the others walk out alive from here, it is still uncertain how to arrange his actions. Even if his reputation of Qiu Yunchong will not completely stink the street, it will definitely be affected.

Just as Qiu Yunchong was pondering whether he should take some remedial measures, Xu Wenchuan's ice-cold eyes suddenly fell on him.

Qiu Yunchong is known as the god of war in the West, but he is shit in front of Xu Wenchuan.Xu Wenchuan's anger, how can he bear it?In just a moment, Qiu Yunchong's face was covered with beads of sweat.

"It has long been heard that the national teacher Qiu Wanli secretly colluded with the Tie Zhan Dynasty, and today it can be regarded as evidence that I was caught by this king!"

It is said that ginger is old and hot, and this is true.Dingshanwang is Dingshanwang, who stands tall and has great courage.When Wan Dong faced Qiu Yunchong, he was cautious and tried his best to avoid touching Qiu Wanli directly. Fortunately, King Dingshan pointed the finger at Qiu Wanli as soon as he spoke.As for Qiu Yunchong, in the eyes of the old man Dingshan Wang, he completely dismissed someone with a bigger fart.

"My lord, can't talk nonsense, when did our enemies collude with the Tie Zhan Dynasty? This is completely slander!" Qiu Yunchong was even more flustered, his expression had long since lost his previous coldness and composure. It was a child who had done something wrong and was caught with painful feet. It made people doubt whether he would cry in the next moment.

Duan Lengyan shook her head repeatedly after seeing Qiu Yunchong's performance.What kind of Western military god, a generation of geniuses, is simply incomparable with Wan Dong!How calm and calm was Wan Dong when he faced Wu Qiujun?Even at the last moment of life and death, he can still talk and laugh happily.What a gap!It really complied with that sentence, if you compare goods, you must throw them away, and if you compare people, you must die!

"I'm talking nonsense? Then you explain to me, why did you help the people of the Tie Zhan Dynasty to kill my grandson?"

"My lord, from the beginning to the end, it was caused by your grandson making trouble in Tianbao Pavilion. You also know that His Majesty the Emperor and Mr. Wu personally agreed that if anyone makes trouble in Tianbao Pavilion, Mr. Wu has the right to deal with it cheaply. This... ...I can't do anything about it."

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