Song Shixiong was already upset, and when Mrs. Song made a fuss, he was even more depressed, and couldn't help but blurted out, "Shut up, I!"

Mrs. Song paused first, and then she reacted even more fiercely than before. She rushed forward, beat Song Shixiong's chest and screamed: "You useless thing, my son has been bullied, don't you To avenge your son, but you only know how to be cruel to your own wife, are you still a man? I think you should not call Song Shixiong, but Song Gouxiong! I was too unlucky to marry you like this A wretch..."

"Smelly bitches!" Mrs. Song was shouting loudly, but Song Shixiong couldn't take it any longer. He slapped Mrs. Song hard on the face with a loud reprimand, and knocked Mrs. Song to the ground. .

"You you you..." Mrs. Song covered her swollen cheeks and pointed at Song Shixiong, her eyes were full of grievance and resentment.

Song Shixiong actually loved this wife quite a lot, and felt remorseful when he saw this, but he couldn't bear to admit his mistake, so he waved his hands in boredom, and found two maids to help Mrs. Song down.

"You guys, get over here!" After sending Mrs. Song away, Song Shixiong immediately turned his knife-like eyes on the children of the Song family who sent Song Shixiong back. "Tell me! Which life-or-death thing hurt Wen'er?"

Song Shixiong was furious, how dare the children of the Song family hide it?Tremblingly, he told Song Shixiong what happened in detail.

"Chen Jiping? Is that the trash of the Chen family who has been in the outer door of the Lin family for three years but failed to reach the peak of the yellow race?"

Song Shixiong couldn't believe it at first, with a look of surprise on his face.

"That's right, master! I don't know what demon technique Chen Jiping used to hurt the young master into such a state with just one move, and everyone didn't even have a chance to rescue him."

"What did you say? Chen Jiping only used one trick? You bastard! How dare you bully me?"

Song Shixiong was stunned for a moment, and then he became furious. He let out a roar that shook the whole field, and knocked those disciples of the Song family to the ground.

"Master, please forgive me! Even if we are brave, we will never dare to lie to the master! Then Chen Jiping is really powerful. If you don't believe it, you can go and check it out. If there is a word that is not true, my brothers, I am also willing to suffer the punishment of a thousand cuts!"

Song Shixiong also didn't believe that these disciples of the Song family dared to deceive him, but the fact was too shocking for him to accept for a while.

"It's unreasonable! It seems that I have underestimated the Chen family. You go and get that Chen Jiping, master, I will meet him personally!" Song Shixiong said bitterly.

"Master, don't worry, the Eldest Young Master was there at the time. When we came back, the Eldest Young Master was about to take care of that surname Chen. I believe that the surname Chen has already become a dead person."

"Axiu is here? Okay, okay! Ahxiu loves his younger brother the most, and he will definitely be angry for Wen'er and me!"

Only then did Song Shixiong's face show a smile again, and he said in a very relieved manner.

"My lord, my lord is back!" Soon after Song Shixiong finished speaking, a servant hurried in.

"I'm back!? Good! This kid, Axiu, has never disappointed me. Come on, let me ask you, is that bastard surnamed Chen brought back by the young master?"

"This... I have never seen this before, the young master came back alone..."

"Come back alone? I understand, that boy surnamed Chen must have been slaughtered by Axiu. It would be really bad luck if he brought the body back..."

When Song Shixiong was talking to himself, when he raised his head, he saw Song Xiu, who was as pale as paper, staggering over with the support of two disciples of the Song family. At first, Song Shixiong suspected that he was delusional. , kept rubbing his eyes again and again, until Song Xiu was helped to him, and Song Shixiong had to admit that all this was by no means dazzled, it turned out to be true.

"Father... poof!"

Coming in front of Song Shixiong, Song Xiu just said one word, and couldn't help but spit out a blood arrow, and then passed out on the spot.

"Xiu'er? Oh, my Xiu'er, you... what's wrong with you?"

Song Xiu's bloody arrow almost sprayed directly on Song Shixiong's face, Song Shixiong shuddered, and then he came to his senses completely, exclaimed, and sent Song Xiu to the two Song family disciples in a hurry took it in his hands.

Although Song Shixiong also loves Song Wen, but his ten fingers are not evenly aligned. Compared with him, Song Xiu is more interested in him.Seeing that Song Xiu was injured like this, Song Shixiong's eyes suddenly went dark, and Zhang Er's body shook a few times.

A few disciples of the Song family hurried forward to help them, but before they could hold them, a heart-shattering violence burst out from Song Shixiong's body. Before he could prevent it, he was thrown to the ground by this breath.

"Could it be that the young master was also injured by that bastard from the Chen family? You bastards, are you all idiots? What use do I need you?"

Song Shixiong's murderous look really frightened the disciples of the Song family, and they bent down and knelt down in a hurry, begging for mercy.

"Master, I really can't blame the younger ones. The one surnamed Chen was not the opponent of the young master at all, and the one who was beaten by the young master was a loser, but a kid named Xu Yaoting appeared out of nowhere. It's frighteningly tall, the Eldest Young Master was careless for a moment, so he hurt his hand, and we all had no time to stop it..."

"Useless stuff!" The disciple of the Song family instinctively defended himself in a hurry, but Song Shixiong was already in a hurry at this time, how could he listen?Before he could finish speaking, he kicked over.The disciple of the Song family immediately flew out of the courtyard like a ball being kicked away. It seemed that he probably couldn't survive.

"First it was Chen, and now there is another Xu. It seems that my Song family is too kind, and no one takes us seriously. Good, very good!"

Song Shixiong's face was as gloomy as ice, and the words he said were hissing coldly. If it weren't for the two precious sons who were still injured, he would kill them now if they couldn't keep them together.

"Master, Mrs. Madam, after hearing the news that the young master was also injured, she fainted in a hurry. Go and have a look."

The more chaotic, the more chaotic, at this time Mrs. Song's personal servant girl ran over in a hurry, shouting loudly from a long distance away.

Song Shixiong's eyes suddenly turned cold, he stared at the maid, and asked gloomyly, "Didn't I tell you to take your wife back to rest? How did she know the news that the young master was injured?"

"Yes... the servant saw it and said it to..."

"A talkative thing!" Just halfway through the words of the personal servant girl, Song Shixiong's foot was printed on her chest, and she died instantly.

"Get out and wait for me. After I finish healing the injuries of the two young masters, I will definitely seek justice for the two young masters!"

When the entire Song family was in chaos, the outer door of the Lin family regained its calm. No, to be precise, it should be the silence before the storm.Everyone knows that Song Wen and Song Xiu have been seriously injured one after another, and the Song family will never let it go.And with the Song family's current power and status, it will surely be another stormy sea.Everyone is waiting to see the good show between Wan Dong and Chen Jiping, especially those alliance leaders.

However, at this moment, Wan Dong and Chen Jiping, who were the parties involved, behaved abnormally calmly, as if nothing had happened.Those who contemptuously said that the two were forced to be calm and stern, while those who praised them were impressed by their calm demeanor and secretly prayed for them.

Wan Dong and Chen Jiping didn't pay any attention to these, closed the gate of the courtyard, and continued their own cultivation.

Chen Jiping was a little nervous at first, but seeing Wan Dong calm and calm, talking and laughing freely, he was gradually infected by it, and he also relaxed.

"Brother Chen, what kind of fairy art are you practicing? It doesn't seem to be the junior fairy art given by the Lin family."

Chen Jiping smiled and said, "Although our Chen family is split, we are still from the third-rank family, so naturally we won't be so shabby. What I practice is my Chen family's celestial formula——Moonlight Sutra! Take the essence of the moon and shine on me. Fetal breath, strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality, and becoming a saint! Although it cannot be compared with the first-rank immortal formula, it is superior in the second-rank immortal formula!"

"Yuezhaojing, the second grade immortal formula?"

Wan Dong frowned, slightly surprised.This celestial formula is the same as the classification of martial arts, the first rank is the highest, and the third rank is the lowest. As for the elementary celestial formulas issued by the Lin family, they are not at all grades, and they cannot be called "immortal formulas" at all.

The reason why Wan Dong was surprised was because he had already perceived that the Menstruation Sutra practiced by Chen Jiping was indeed much better than the Lin family's primary immortal formula, but in Wan Dong's view, it might be at the level of the third-rank immortal formula. Unexpectedly, this menstrual scripture is actually a second-grade immortal formula.

If Yuezhaojing can be ranked in the second rank of Immortal Jue, then how many ranks are Leibeng Jue, Lingxiyin, Huoxiu Jue, etc.? You know, in Wan Dong's view, Yuezhaojing is probably not even a little bit of Leibeng Jue Not even fur.

"Brother Chen, forgive me for my nonsense, I'm afraid that if you cultivate this Yuezhao Sutra to the pinnacle, at most you will be at the peak of the sky, and you may not be able to make any progress in the future."

When Wan Dong said this, Chen Jiping couldn't help showing a touch of embarrassment on his face, and said with a wry smile, "To tell you the truth, brother, let alone the peak of Tiange, even if I can advance to Tiange, I will die without regret."

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "That's not acceptable! How can you lead the Chen family with mere Tiange?"

"The leader of the Chen family? Hahaha... Brother, don't make fun of me. I never thought about it that way."

"Hey... I haven't thought about it before, and it's not too late to think about it now! I see that your Patriarch sent you to the Lin family to practice, and obviously has high hopes for you. You can't let her down."

Chen Jiping sighed softly, and said, "Actually, I can also understand the profound meaning of the Patriarch, but...but I am stupid in qualifications, and I am afraid that I am destined to disappoint her."

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