Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1101 Song Shixiong's attack!

Not only the outer disciples of the Lin family, but even the inner disciples gathered in the martial arts arena, and even occupied the best position.Naturally, the outer disciples didn't dare to make mistakes, so they could only swallow their anger.

"Master Xu, Ji Ping!"

Wan Dong and Chen Jiping were looking for a place to stay. The sisters of the Zhang family, Xiao Dan and a few girls from the Xuefei League pushed aside the crowd and strode over.

Girls, especially beauties, are in demand after all. Seeing a group of men, they stepped aside one after another. In the crowded crowd, the sisters of the Zhang family seemed to be in a land of no one. Even Wan Dong was very envious.

"Hehe... I didn't expect that even Mr. Xu came here. It seems that Huangfu Qing's appeal is really amazing!"

As soon as she came to the front, Zhang Xuefei said with a smile like a flower.

"Everyone has a love of beauty, let alone Mr. Xu, who is both internal and external, and has a handsome personality. He is simply a dragon among men. If Huangfu Qing sees it, he might be elected as a son-in-law in no time, and recruit a son-in-law. The royal family is gone."

After the in-depth conversation last night, the gap between the sisters of the Zhang family and Wan Dong was obviously less and more intimate, and there were no so many scruples when speaking.

Even Xiao Dan seemed to be a lot more courageous, completely ignoring Wan Dong's 'fake anger' face, giggling non-stop.

"I'm not interested in Huangfu Qing, but I just like to watch the fun. By the way, Miss Xueru, you inner disciples are not waiting in the inner sect, so what are you doing here to compete with us outer disciples?" Wan Dong asked. road.

Zhang Xueru loosened her shoulders helplessly, and said, "If I want to, I won't even leave my room today. But the Patriarch has ordered that all inner disciples must come to greet him in person to show grandeur! Patriarch and the two masters , several elders even went to the gate of Linyang City to welcome them."

After hearing this, Wan Dong sighed repeatedly, the status of this family in the Taoist world is really beyond his imagination.Huangfu Qing, who was not even a first-line disciple of the Huangfu family, received such courteous treatment. Just imagine, if the Patriarch of the Huangfu family came here, what kind of scene would it be?I'm afraid that tens of millions of people in the entire Linyang City will have to kneel along the street to greet them.

With the appearance of the Zhang family sisters, Wan Dong and Chen Jiping no longer have to worry about not being able to occupy a good position. Zhang Xuefei just yelled softly, and Wan Dong and Chen Jiping stood in a position with an excellent viewing angle.

During the time of speaking, a large group of people stepped into the gate of the Lin family.

Of the two leaders, Wan Dong recognized Huangfu Qing at a glance.At this time, Huangfu Qing was dressed in a splendid attire and lightly applied makeup, showing a face that is all over the country to the fullest. Compared with the first time Wan Dong saw her, she was more than a little more beautiful.Moreover, Huangfu Qing at this time, with a smile on his face, has a quiet and calm expression, compared to the embarrassment he was tossed by the Yin Huolong last time, it can be said that it is a world of difference.An unusually noble aura continuously radiated from her body, she was really like a goddess and could not be profaned by anyone.

This was the second time for Wan Dong to see Huangfu Qing, and he couldn't help being amazed and praised repeatedly.

"After all, she is the young lady of the Huangfu family, she is indeed a phoenix among men, no one can compare to her!" Zhang Xuefei murmured quietly, her voice was obviously sour.

Zhang Xueru knew her sister best, and she knew that Huangfu Qing's demeanor made her a little jealous, so she smiled and patted her on the shoulder lightly to comfort her.

This woman's jealousy has always been stronger than that of a man, Wan Dong gave up with a smile, and then moved his gaze from Huangfu Qing to the old man walking beside her, red face, white hair, old-fashioned, but his energy is still undiminished, extremely majesty.It must be Lin Yingyang, the head of the Lin family!

Wan Dong couldn't see his cultivation base, but he guessed that his cultivation base was at least above the peak of the divine way, such as Ling Wei Linggang and the like. Compared with him, his breath was like a child's Weak, not comparable at all.

One step behind Lin Yingyang and Huangfu Qing are Lin Yingyang's two sons, Lin Rulong and Lin Rufeng, and Lin Chengxu, a first-line disciple who considers himself the future successor of the Lin family. Lin Chengxu's eyes are like radar. It seemed that she kept sweeping back and forth on Huangfu Qing's body, not knowing what thoughts were going on in her mind, and she looked a little wretched.

Wan Dong couldn't help letting out a cold snort, and even more contemptuous of Lin Chengxu.Seeing how much he hated himself, Wan Dong once thought that he really had feelings for Duan Lengyan, but now it seems that this is not the case at all!

Huangfu Qing stood side by side with Lin Yingyang, and as soon as they stepped into the Lin residence, there was a burst of cheers like a tsunami.A group of boys, even hoarse, each and every one of them is like a wolf in heat!

But having said that, facing such an amazing Huangfu Qing, how many men can be calm?

Facing the roaring cheers like a tsunami, Huangfu Qing was very calm, with a pair of beautiful eyes, a symbolic circle swept around, as a response, and then she kept her eyes fixed, and acted like a young lady of a first-rank family. , played to the fullest.

This is the outer door of the Lin family, of course it was impossible for Huangfu Qing to stay, and with Lin Yingyang's company, he quickly entered the inner door.

A group of inner sect disciples poured into the inner sect like a tide, impatient to appreciate Huangfu Qing's beauty, but the outer sect disciples had to stop with deep regret and stared at the inner sect. direction, looking forward to the time when Huangfu Qing leaves.

"Heck...haven't you two seen enough?" Zhang Xueru joked to Wandong and Chen Jiping with a smile.

Chen Jiping was really attracted by Huangfu Qing's demeanor, so much so that Zhang Xueru asked the question twice, and then came back to his senses with a shy and embarrassing expression, guilty of not daring to look at Zhang Xueru.

At this time, Wan Dong also frowned slightly, distracted, but what he thought about was not Huangfu Qing's beauty, but how to get close to Huangfu Qing.When Huangfu Qing entered the inner door of the Lin family, it was like a fish swimming into the deep sea. It was very difficult for him to enter the inner door, let alone meet her.

"Hehe... Mr. Xu, seeing you are so focused, why don't you let my sister find a way to bring you into the inner sect?"

Wan Dong's heart moved, this is a solution, and he couldn't help but looked at Zhang Xueru. Although he didn't say it clearly, his eyes were enough to explain everything.

Zhang Xueru raised her eyebrows, and gave Zhang Xuefei a white look with a bit of resentment, and said, "Mr. Xu, don't listen to this girl's nonsense. Normally, with my face, it would not be difficult to bring one or two people into the inner door, but now But it can't. In order to protect Huangfu Qing's safety, the old man personally issued an order that no one else is allowed to enter or leave the inner door at will, so..."

Wan Dong actually thought of this, sighed lightly, and wondered in his heart, should he be forced to break into the inner door by force?Wan Dong has the courage, but not the confidence.A random strongman from the Lin family would be enough for him, but if he didn't do it well, he would already be dead before he saw Huangfu Qing.

When Wan Dong was hesitating, the crowd dispersed amidst the boos one after another.

Wan Dong looked up, saw Zhang Xueru was still there, and asked, "Why don't you go back to the inner sect?"

Zhang Xueru chuckled lightly, and said, "Others are flocking to Huangfu Qing, but I don't. Since I've seen them all, why do you keep staring at him like a fly? With this time, it's better for us to be together." Let’s talk, come and have fun.”

Although Zhang Xueru has a gentle temperament, she is also proud after all.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "That's just right! Let's go back to the small courtyard together. Brother Chen's tea ceremony skills are really good. Let him make a cup of fragrant tea for us, and we can chat while tasting. It will be a pleasure!"

Wan Dong's words fit everyone's thoughts, and a group of people went to Chen Jiping's small courtyard together.

But before they got to the small courtyard, Wan Dong saw Liu An's nervous expression, hurriedly walking towards them in the direction of the small courtyard, and when he saw Wan Dong, his pace quickened even more. , Straight into galloping.

Wan Dong couldn't help laughing and said, "Deacon Liu, don't run away, it's already too late! Then Huangfu Qing has already entered the inner door. Hehe..."

"Mr. Xu, why are you still laughing? Go away, Song Shixiong has come in person, and is in your small courtyard, waiting for you to throw yourself into the trap!"

It was only then that Wan Dong realized that Ganqing Liu An had tipped him off.

When Liu An said this, Zhang Xueru and Zhang Xuefei immediately became nervous, especially Zhang Xuefei, her pretty face turned pale.

"I didn't expect Song Shixiong to come so fast!" Zhang Xueru let out a low cry, then hurriedly turned to Wan Dong and Chen Jiping and said, "You two can't go back anymore, you should go out and hide first!"

"How long can I hide?" Wan Dong smiled and shook his head.

Zhang Xuefei stomped anxiously and said, "I can't control that much anymore, as long as I can hide, it's better than going in now and throwing myself into the trap?"

"I want to escape, it's too late!"

Zhang Xuefei was about to pull Wandong away when she shouted loudly, and Song Shixiong's figure, like a big crane, rushed towards him through the air.

The complexions of the Zhang family sisters all changed, and they were very nervous. Liu An gritted his teeth, and suddenly stepped forward, stopped Song Shixiong halfway, and shouted loudly, "Mr. Song, this is the outer door of the Lin family. What do you want to do?"

"Who are you?" Song Shixiong shot Liu An with sharp eyes.

Liu An is only at the middle level of Xuanhen at the moment, and it is far from Song Shixiong's peak Tiange.But this Liu An has a bit of backbone, he gritted his teeth and said, "My next Liu An is the deacon of the outer sect!"

"The deacon of the outer sect? Hahaha... I thought you were the elder of the outer sect! You, a little official who is bigger than sesame and mung beans, dare to stop me. I think you don't want to live anymore. Get out of here." !"

How could Song Shixiong be willing to buy Liu An's account? While roaring, he waved his big hand and threw a palm wind, forcefully driving Liu An aside.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the sisters of the Zhang family took a step forward in unison.

Seeing the second daughter, Song Shixiong frowned immediately, and said in a deep voice, "Is it you two girls?"


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