Hearing this, Xin Wuhen felt as if struck by lightning, and his complexion darkened almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.Resisting the heartbreaking grief, Xin Wuhen asked Lin Feng tremblingly, "You...you mean, Yao Ting...he...has really..."

Before Xin Wuhen could finish the rest of his sentence, Lin Feng nodded heavily, his expression becoming more and more sad.

Xin Wuhen's body swayed suddenly, and he almost sat on the ground.Although he faintly felt that Lin Feng should have something to hide from him, he still had a fluke in his heart.But with Lin Feng's nod, he immediately shattered the luck in his heart. That kind of blow was even heavier than when Xin Wuhen was completely defenseless.

"Why...how did this happen?" Xin Wuhen was stunned for a long while, before asking in a nasty voice, his trembling voice was full of sadness.

"Hey!" Lin Feng let out a long sigh, which made Xin Wuhen's heart tremble suddenly, "I heard from the two elders of the Ling family that there was only one teleportation stone on Yao Ting's body, but it was given to Ling Tianhua at a critical moment. No The teleportation stone, Yao Ting has no way to hide in the trial treasure land, and as soon as we left, all the blood-clothed men immediately rushed to him. Surrounded by blood-clothed men, one can imagine the situation Yao Ting is in. In order to avoid The blood-clothed man's offensive, Yao Ting accidentally touched the restraint of the Blast Sword Tomb, and was sucked into the Blast Wind, and ended up with no bones left..."

"Ah!?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xin Wuhen felt as if someone had slapped him with a sap, his head went blank, and his eyes went black, and he almost passed out on the spot. past.

After quite a while, Xin Wuhen finally regained his strength. The tears were like gushing spring water, dripping continuously from his eyes, and even whimpered in his throat. It can be seen at a glance that it is not ordinary sadness.

Lin Feng patted Xin Wuhen's shoulder lightly, and said softly, "Wuhen, did you know that before Yao Ting died, the person who was most worried about you was you."

"It's me?" Xin Wuhen looked up at Lin Feng suspiciously.

Lin Feng sighed again, and said, "Yao Ting said before he died, you act impulsively, you are a little brainless, I'm afraid you will cause trouble sooner or later, so you must listen to me and Boss Xiao Lang."

"This... Yao Ting said so?" Xin Wuhen was stunned for a moment, then asked nah.

"Of course! Although Yao Ting is young, he has the ability to know people, and he can see your temperament so thoroughly. Wuhen, the so-called dying is good, Yao Ting's last words, you But you must keep it in your heart. Of course, as your elder brother, Boss Xiao Lang and I will definitely take care of and discipline you in the future."

Xin Wuhen wiped away tears, nodded heavily, and said gratefully, "Although Yao Ting and I have not known each other for long, we have a deep relationship. Of course I will listen to his words!"

"That's good, that's good!" Lin Feng nodded repeatedly, with a very 'gratified' look on his face.

"Lin Feng, what are you doing here?"

Huangfu Qing, who was driven back by Wan Dong, was a little listless all the way, and her mind was wandering all the time, what would Wan Dong do to Li Baiyi, and what was the festival between them?He casually raised his head and saw Lin Feng, his heart moved, and he walked over.

"Ah, it's Miss Qing!" Lin Feng greeted her with a smile.

"Miss Qing, just call me Huangfu Qing!" Ai Wujiu, Huangfu Qing was also extraordinarily warm to Lin Feng.

Walking over, Huangfu Qing realized that Xin Wuhen was there, but at this time, Xin Wuhen's eyes were red and swollen, and there were obviously tears on his face, so he couldn't help being a little strange.

Both the Lin family and the Xin family are attached to the Huangfu family, and Xin Wuhen is considered an outstanding second-line disciple of the Xin family, so he has many opportunities to go in and out of the Huangfu family, and he has met Huangfu Qing a few times.

Seeing Huangfu Qing at this time, Xin Wuhen couldn't help being startled, hurriedly wiped away tears, bowed and said, "Xin Wuhen has seen Miss Qing."

"Xin Wuhen, is it really you? What's wrong with you? It seems like you've cried. The tears on your face haven't dried yet. I'm not saying you, a man, don't shed blood. You can't do that."

"Yes! Miss Qing's teaching, Wuhen will keep it in mind." Xin Wuhen hurriedly lowered his head and said, feeling a little embarrassed.

Huangfu Qing didn't think deeply about it, she turned her head and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, if that brat Xu Yaoting comes back later, you can ask him to come see me right away without even a moment's delay!"

When Huangfu Qing thought of Wan Dong's attitude towards her, she became a little annoyed, and there was clearly a bit of coquettish anger in her voice.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little strange, apparently not long ago, the two left together talking and laughing, did something happen in between?

Just when Lin Feng was puzzled and wanted to ask Huangfu Qing for clarification, Lin Feng jumped up as if he had been electrocuted, and asked repeatedly, "Miss Qing, you... who did you just say?"

Huangfu Qing'e frowned slightly and said, "Xu Yaoting, what's the matter, don't you know him too? But it's also possible, who doesn't know that you and Lin Feng are brothers who grew up wearing a pair of trousers."

Hearing Xin Wuhen's question, Lin Feng immediately realized something was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to run away, but Xin Wuhen's reaction was much faster than his, and he had already stretched out his hand, holding Lin Feng's hand calmly. Pulse gate.

"Miss Qing said that not only do I know Xu Yaoting, but also like Lin Feng, I am a life-changing brother with him."

"Oh? I'll just say it! Hehe..." Seeing that she had guessed right, Huangfu Qing was very happy, and her laughter was as clear as a song.

Lin Feng secretly groaned in his heart, Xin Wuhen held his hand, obviously gradually exerting force.

"Miss Qing, you just said that when Yao Ting comes back, you will immediately let him see you. Could it be that Yao Ting is not dead?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course Yao Ting is not dead, I was with him just now!" Huangfu Qing said repeatedly with a slightly fierce attitude.

Xin Wuhen's sneering eyes immediately cast towards Lin Feng, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "I act impulsively, I have no brains, and sooner or later I will cause trouble, so I have to obey your advice, hehe... Two Brother, did I remember correctly?"

"Ah? Hahaha... Brother Wuhen, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much. I will make a little joke with you. You won't mind, right?"

Lin Feng hurriedly broke into a haha, and said with a dry smile.

"No...Of course I don't mind. If I kill you, how can I obey you in the future?" Xin Wuhen smiled on his face, but every word he said was chilling, straight It made Lin Feng's little heart jump wildly.

What made Lin Feng complain even more was that Xin Wuhen held his pulse door's hand with increasing strength, which made half of Lin Feng's body numb and almost lost his intuition.

"When you two brothers meet, you must have something to say, so I won't bother you, let's go first!" Huangfu Qing didn't have the intention to talk to Lin Xin, and after explaining something, she drifted away.

As soon as Huangfu Qing left, Xin Wuhen immediately lost his scruples, kicked Lin Feng's ass with a flying kick, and kicked Lin Feng more than three feet away.

Lin Feng cried out in pain and fell to the ground. Before he could get up, Xin Wuhen fell on top of him with his whole body, making Lin Feng dizzy for a while. He almost vomited from the food he ate three days ago. out.

"My good second brother, I'm so impulsive and brainless, if I beat you to death, don't blame me." While talking, Xin Wuhen's fist fell on the ground like raindrops. on Lin Feng's body.

Of course, it is impossible for the two brothers to be serious, but this gust of wind and rain also made Lin Feng's bones crisp.

"Brother Xin, I was wrong, can't I just admit my mistake? From now on, you will be my elder brother and I will be your younger brother, that's alright?" Lin Feng was pressed tightly by Xin Wuhen's **** , There is no chance to resist, Lin Feng really couldn't take it after this old punch, and hurriedly begged for mercy loudly.

Xin Wuhen punched Lin Feng a few more times, then calmed down, stood up, and said, "Tell me the truth, what's going on?"

Lin Feng rubbed his swollen eye sockets, and said bitterly, "What I said was the truth..."


"Wait, wait until I finish talking! That day in the Eternal Wasteland, I had just returned from the Treasure of Trials, and there was no sign of Yao Ting. The two elders of the Ling family did tell me that Yao Ting was involved In the strong wind, there are no corpses left."

Xin Wuhen nodded lightly, it was precisely because Lin Feng's sadness did not hide from his eyes that day that he found him today.Focusing on this point, Lin Feng's words will not be false.

"I was indeed very sad that day, but I know that once the news of Yao Ting's death is revealed, it will definitely affect everyone's practice, especially Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and the others, who place too much hope on Yao Ting , especially not to be distracted. So I teamed up with Ling Tianhua to lie to everyone that Yao Ting had left beforehand and concealed the news of his death. After I came back, I was restless day and night, and it was very painful. But I never expected that Yao Ting Not only did he not die, he actually came to our Lin family, and I only met him today."

No matter what, Xin Wuhen was more than happy that Wan Dong didn't die. Even though Lin Feng played tricks on him, he didn't care about it anymore.

"By the way, what's the relationship between Miss Qing and Yao Ting? Seeing how angry she was when she mentioned Yao Ting just now, it seems that she has a grudge against Yao Ting."

Lin Feng frowned, and said, "I'm also wondering about this! However, there is probably not only no enmity between Miss Qing and Yao Ting, but love!"

"Sentimental?" Xin Wuhen's eyes lit up suddenly, and the expression on his face was as much gossip as he wanted.

Lin Feng chuckled, and said, "You don't know, Miss Qing is so passionate about Yao Ting, she even loves her house and loves Wu. After hearing that I am Yao Ting's sworn brother, she also treats me differently and is very kind. By the way, I Miss Wang Qing was quite enthusiastic towards you just now!"

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