Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 11039 Brother and sister match!

At this time, Mu Lian also noticed the change in Li Baiyi. She no longer felt as much resentment as before, and she was obviously much more relaxed. She said with a smile, "Why is that?"

Li Baiyi sighed, shook his head, and said a little unbearably, "Lian'er, do you know why I suddenly went to Linyang City?"

"That's right, the Linyang City is headed by the Lin family, and the Lin family is attached to the Huangfu family and has always been at odds with us. What are you doing there so well?" Mu Lian was really suspicious, and asked with a surprised face. .

A hint of hatred appeared on Li Baiyi's face, and he curled his lips and said, "I ran there by myself, and I was forcibly taken away by the killer of the blood skeleton."

"The killer of the blood skeleton? Could it be that someone hired them to kill you?" Mu Lian was taken aback and hurriedly asked.

Li Baiyi shook his head, and said, "It doesn't look like much, but there is a possibility! Don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter. Lian'er, you should know what will happen if you fall into the hands of the blood-skull killer Fortunately, I met Wan Dong, who saved me."

"What!? It was Xiaodong who saved you!?" Li Baiyi's words really surprised Huangfu Qing, her pretty face was full of disbelief.

No matter how much Li Baiyi hated Wan Dong, it couldn't compare to Wan Dong's hatred for him!You know, Li Baiyi destroyed Wan Dong's body, almost killed Wan Dong, what kind of hatred is this?Based on Mu Lian's understanding of Wan Dong, he will definitely not make trouble and take advantage of others' danger, but Mu Lian also never imagined that Wan Dong would actually save Li Baiyi.

"Didn't you even think of it? Hehe... It's far more than that. When I was defeated by him, I was completely hopeless. I didn't want to think about him except for one dead word in my mind. At this time, it was He reawakened my fighting spirit and made me stand up again. He not only saved my people, but also saved my heart. I have also heard many things about repaying evil with virtue, but I never thought of such a thing It will happen to me."

Mu Lian shook her head slowly, her face was full of pride, and said, "This is Xiaodong. His mind is wider than the entire Three Realms. A few years have passed, and he has changed his body and become stronger, but His heart still hasn't changed, it's still as hot and warm as before!"

"You're right! I, Li Baiyi, have never really convinced anyone, but Wan Dong is an exception."

"Li Baiyi, in fact, you and Wan Dong should be friends." Mu Lian said suddenly, her face full of hope.

"With him?" Li Baiyi was obviously taken aback.

Mulian smiled like a flower, and said brightly, "Yes! Think about it for yourself, among those friends around you, who is more worthy of your deep friendship than Xiaodong?"

Li Baiyi coughed and snorted softly, "It's not impossible to want us to be friends, but I have to wait until I defeat him!"

"Hehe... Xiaodong hasn't changed, and you haven't changed either. You're still so competitive!" Mu Lian couldn't help but burst out laughing. She hasn't been this happy for a long time.

Looking at Mu Lian at this moment, Li Baiyi's heart became more and more clear.Thinking back on how aggressive I have been to Mu Lian in the past few years, I feel so stupid!

Why did he want to marry Mulian? Isn't it so that she can smile happily and live happily like she is now?But what did he do to Mu Lian?For several years, Mu Lian had never smiled. Thinking of this, Li Baiyi blamed himself so much that he wanted to slap himself.

"Lian'er, I...I want to say sorry to you, I shouldn't have forced you like that and made you shed so many tears." Li Baiyi finally summoned up his courage, and said to Mu Lian with a face full of shame.

"Li...Brother Li, let him go about the past, and none of us should mention it again."

Li Baiyi's eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked at Mu Lian with great joy, and said, " still want to call me Brother Li?"

"Of course I would! In fact, I have fantasized more than once. It would be great if we could go back to our childhood!"

Mu Lian's soft voice echoed in his ears, Li Baiyi's whole body seemed to be reborn, and his mood was completely new!All kinds of stagnation in the past suddenly penetrated one by one at this time. The feeling of relief and complete relaxation not only made Li Baiyi feel good, but also made the Dao Qi in his body surge, and there was a urge to break through. sign.

Although Li Baiyi was defeated in the battle with Xiao Lang, he also found a chance to make a breakthrough from that battle. In order to use this chance to complete the breakthrough, Li Baiyi began to work hard under the supervision of his grandfather. build.But at that time, Li Baiyi didn't know why, he couldn't break through for a long time, and he didn't realize it until now, because he had too many knots and fetters.

Now after a long talk with Mu Lian, all the knots in his heart suddenly became clear, and he also reorganized his relationship with Mu Lian, and he was no longer bound, so there was this sign of breakthrough.

"Brother Li, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that the words were well spoken, Li Baiyi suddenly stood there as if his acupuncture points had been tapped, Mu Lian asked worriedly.

Li Baiyi said with a joyful expression, "Lian'er, I... I seem to be breaking through."

"Are you going to break through? You have just broken through to the elementary level of Tiange, and now you want to break through again. Doesn't that mean you are going to be promoted to the middle level of Tiange?" Mu Lian was really taken aback.

At Li Baiyi's age, he can cultivate to the middle level of Tiange, which is definitely the level of a first-line disciple of a first-rank family. It is really rare!Thinking of this, Wan Dong is even better than Li Baiyi who is already so good, not to mention the pride in Mu Lian's heart.

"Baiyi, Baiyi, are you there?" Just when Li Baiyi was overjoyed, Li Baiyi's grandfather Li Lang suddenly called from outside the door.

The past few days of Li Baiyi's inexplicable disappearance really drove Li Lang crazy. He searched everywhere, but there was no news of Li Baiyi. Li Lang finally couldn't sit still, and found Mu Yucheng, hoping to use the help of the Mu family. With the power to search for Li Baiyi's whereabouts in the entire Taoist world.Unexpectedly, Mu Yucheng told him that Li Baiyi was at Mu's house now, and Li Lang was surprised and delighted, so he immediately looked for him.

Li Baiyi hurried out of Bingxin Pavilion, and at a glance, he saw Li Lang flying towards him like a shooting star chasing the moon.Li Lang also saw Li Baiyi at this time, his face was happy at first, but it soon turned into anger all over his face, and he sternly reprimanded in the sky, "You worthless thing, don't get out of here!"

Although Li Lang loves Li Baiyi a lot, he is also very strict. Li Baiyi has suffered from Li Lang since he was a child.Half of Li Baiyi's success today is due to Li Lang's training, but half is also due to his beating.

Mu Yucheng knew Li Lang's temper, and was afraid that his son-in-law would be punished, so he hurriedly said, "Old Li, it's fine if you find him, why bother to get so angry?"

"No! This kid is so incompetent, not only my Li family will be lost, but even the Mu family will be discredited. Li Baiyi, are you guilty?"

"Grandpa, grandson has something to say..."

Li Baiyi wanted to explain a few words, but Li Lang was so angry that he didn't give him this chance at all. Before Li Baiyi finished speaking, he waved his hand suddenly and shouted, "What else do you have to say? Kneel down!"

Seeing Li Lang burst into anger, he was really angry, and Mu Yucheng didn't know what to do.Although Li Lang is also his subordinate, after all, he is a senior who followed Mu Yucheng's father to conquer the world. Mu Yucheng can't order him as the head of the family, can he?Moreover, Li Lang was teaching his grandson, and he, Mu Yucheng, didn't seem to care.

Just when Mu Yu was anxious, Mu Lian suddenly stepped out of the room, and with a smile on her face, she called out to Li Lang, "Grandpa Li wait a minute!"

Because of Li Baiyi's relationship, Mu Lian hadn't smiled in the past few years, and she was even more icy towards Li Baiyi's grandfather Li Lang. How could she smile so brightly like this?This surprised both Mu Yucheng and Li Lang, and Li Lang was so shocked that he even forgot to lose his temper.

Mu Lian stepped forward quickly, protected Li Baiyi, and said, "Grandpa Li, Brother Li didn't intend to disappear on purpose, he really had to, you shouldn't be so angry at him..."

What Mu Lian said, Li Lang didn't take it to heart, Mu Lian's actions and attitude were what Li Lang cared most about.The anger in his heart immediately turned into surprise, Li Lang asked Mu Lian impatiently and excitedly, "Lian'er, have you changed your mind?"

"Hahaha... Needless to say? Didn't you hear what Lian'er called Bai Yi just now? Brother Li, how affectionate this is!"

Before Mu Lian could answer, Mu Yucheng laughed out loud.Although I don't know why Mu Lian's attitude changed 180 degrees in such a short period of time, this is definitely the result he dreamed of seeing. constantly.

"Grandfather, Patriarch, please don't get me wrong. After much deliberation, Baiyi has finally decided that he and Lian'er will still be called brothers and sisters in the future." There are some things that Mu Lian can't say, Li Baiyi said on his own initiative.

" and sister?" Li Lang and Mu Yucheng looked at each other, both startled.

The joy on Li Lang's face disappeared immediately. Could this sibling and husband and wife have the same relationship?It was hard for him to convince Mu Yucheng to marry Mu Lian to Li Baiyi, and he could still become the future head of the Li family without Li Baiyi's marriage. Can you feel annoyed?

"You bastard! When you went out in the morning, your brain was caught by the door, right? Who told me every day that Lian'er would not marry in this life? You want to call Lian'er brother and sister now, you are trying to get angry Damn me, right?"

"Grandpa! Twisted melons are not sweet. I didn't understand this truth before, but now I understand! In fact, it's really good to be brother and sister with Lian Er. Not only Lian Er is happy, but I am also very happy."

"Stinky boy, you are..." The sudden change in Li Baiyi's attitude made Li Lang a little confused, but based on his understanding of his grandson, it can be seen that Li Baiyi's words were not pretentious, but rather It is from the heart.Even the smile on his face is not fake at all!

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