
With a crisp sound, Wan Dong's hands were a little itchy, and he smacked the big mouth of a master of the ninth level of zhenqi, just thinking about it was enjoyable.

"Xu Wenchuan! You..." Wu Qiujun held his rapidly swollen half of his cheeks, humiliation and resentment welled up in his heart, driving his anger to the point of going crazy. ,

However, before he finished his angry shout, Xu Wenchuan's figure moved again, and at the same time, a roar louder than Wu Qiujun's angry shout shook the whole field.

"Just because of you, you also want to dominate the territory of my Qingyun Empire?"

The roar fell to the ground, followed by a crisp sound, and Wu Qiujun's other half of his cheek swelled up instantly, and he staggered back uncontrollably for several steps.

Xu Wenchuan's two heavy slaps were not only angry at Wu Qiujun's behavior, but also contained a bit of helplessness that hated iron and steel.

Xu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun had known each other since they were children. Wu Qiujun at that time was not like this, he was innocent and kind-hearted, how could he be so vicious and vicious as he is now?Every time he thinks about it, Xu Wenchuan feels sad.I only hope that these two slaps can wake up Wu Qiujun who fell into the evil way!

"Xu, if you have the guts, kill me, otherwise one day, I will definitely tear you into pieces!" The corners of Wu Qiujun's mouth were cracked, and blood flowed profusely. The roar of killing and hatred made Xu Wenchuan's heart tremble a little. Wu Qiujun's evil path was farther than he imagined.

Speaking of hatred, Xu Wenchuan gritted his teeth with hatred for Wu Qiujun, but Xu Wenchuan's feelings for Wu Qiujun were not all hatred.The two have been apprenticed to teachers since they were young, and they have grown up since childhood. The brotherly affection between them has been deeply rooted and cannot be completely separated.Seeing Wu Qiujun's hysterical madness, I couldn't help feeling mixed feelings.

"Let me see, you have fallen into Qian's eyes all these years and have been harmed by this Tianbao Pavilion! Let me smash your Tianbao Pavilion to make you sober!"

Xu Wenchuan yelled angrily, and slapped out both palms together. The strength of the two palms, like two wild dragons, swept away from the left and right, only to hear a burst of bang bang, countless tables, chairs and shelves, with all kinds of treasures, changed Not to mention the fragments on the ground, there are at least hundreds of blood steel raw stones, which were also instantly turned into powder, and more than ten blood-colored rays of light lit up. It turned out that pieces of blood steel the size of a fist emerged from the crushed raw stones. Rolled out.

With Xu Wenchuan's two palms, at least 10 taels of gold was in vain. Before Wu Qiujun's heart ached, Wan Dong's heart ached.Especially the hundreds of blood-steel rough stones that have been turned into powder, they are now surnamed Wan, not Wu.

"I said, Grandpa, is there such a prodigal like you? These are all my own things. Can you save some kindness?" Wan Dong complained to Xu Wenchuan crying.

Xu Wenchuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Yao Ting, what did you say?"

Xu Wenchuan shook his head, smiled bitterly and said, "Grandpa, even if you want to smash Tianbao Pavilion, please wait for me to transport all the blood steel rough stones here before doing it. If you make a move, I will lose a lot of money." One hundred blood steel rough stones, this is simply digging out my heart!"

"There are thousands of raw blood steel stones here, but I remember that Wu Qiujun only lost 100 yuan to you, right? How could it be..." Xu Wenchuan's eyes were like copper bells, full of confusion and bewilderment.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "That's the old Huangli! Before you came, the old thief Wu made another bet with me, and in the end he lost all the blood steel rough stones here to me, hahaha..."

"What!? All of them!?" Xu Wenchuan glanced blankly for a week, and there were thousands of blood steel rough stones, which made him dizzy.

" can't?" Xu Wenchuan's exclamation had not yet dissipated, and Qiu Yunchong couldn't help but let out a low cry, turned his head to look at Wu Qiujun in disbelief, and asked blankly.

Wu Qiujun was slapped twice in the face by Xu Wenchuan. He was so indignant that he wanted to die. When he mentioned this useless matter again, he couldn't hold it anymore. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his throat.

With Wu Qiujun's expression, he didn't need to answer. Xu Wenchuan also knew that what his precious grandson said must be true.He couldn't help murmuring in disbelief, "Wu Qiujun, in my impression, you don't seem to be such a prodigal."

What Xu Wenchuan said was true, losing thousands of blood steel rough stones in one go, what is it if it’s not a prodigal?Xu Wenchuan was very puzzled. As a junior, he was actually quite talented and capable, otherwise he would never have managed such a large Tianbao Pavilion.But he was so capable, but he fell into the hands of his precious grandson several times. How did he say that? Could it be that Xu Wenchuan accidentally created a monstrous grandson?

"Xu Yaoting, these...thousands of blood steel rough stones are really...really all yours?" Tang Xinyi was a little excited, her pretty face was blushing, and she looked around densely packed with blood, as if she couldn't see the end of it at a glance. Tang Xinyi couldn't even speak fluently about the raw steel stone.

Wan Dong chuckled, and said, "What's the point? People in Tianbao Pavilion can afford to lose. That's the real rich man, isn't it, old thief Wu?"

"Pfft!" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Wu Qiujun's body trembled, and another mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Master, sit down and rest first!" Seeing that Wu Qiujun was about to be pissed off by Wan Dong, Duan Lengyan hurriedly brought a chair over for Wu Qiujun to sit down first.

"Mr. Wu, Miss Duan, do you still have stock in Tianbao Pavilion?" Qiu Yunchong was stunned for a while, then suddenly asked with a solemn expression.

"In stock?" Duan Lengyan's crescent eyebrows immediately clustered.

Seeing this, Qiu Yunchong's heart suddenly sank, and he said, "If there is no stock in stock, then how will you deliver the 5000 yuan blood steel rough stone that you promised the general before?"

" tell you the truth, we don't have any other stocks besides the blood steel rough here. However, if General Qiu is willing to wait for a while, we will ship new blood steel rough from the Iron War Dynasty."

"How long will it take?" Qiu Yunchong immediately asked.

"As soon as one month, at the end of three months!"

"No! I can't wait that long! At most ten days, I will return to Fenghuo City!" Qiu Yunchong waved his hands anxiously and said.

"This..." Duan Lengyan got into trouble.

"General Qiu's mouth is 5000 yuan of blood steel raw stone, which is worth millions of taels of gold. Dare I ask, where did the money come from?" After listening to the conversation between Qiu Yunchong and Duan Lengyan, Tang Xinyi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable asked with his mouth open.

"Nonsense! Of course it's from the treasury!" Qiu Yunchong was annoyed, and answered without thinking too much.

"Out of the national treasury? No, a few days ago, Her Royal Highness the Princess discussed with the national teacher, and wanted to ask the national treasury to take out 5 taels of gold to pay the Xiangfeng Guards, but the national teacher said that the national treasury was empty and could not pay for it Why, as soon as you Qiu Yunchong, the treasury will have money again?" Tang Xinyi's complexion became more and more ugly, and her tone was full of anger!

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