If it was just the life and death of their two brothers, then they might not even hesitate, but now it is not only them, but also their descendants, who are the entire blood of the Chen family. The two of them absolutely cannot afford it.

"Grandpa, Second Grandpa!" Accompanied by shouts, Chen Chu and Chen Hao flew to the ring together.The two of them are not very old, but they both have a heroic look on their faces, which makes people look refreshed and refreshed.

"Chu'er, Hao'er, you..." Looking at the two handsome grandsons, Chen Tianfang felt even more uncomfortable, as if being stabbed by a knife.These two children should have a bright future, but because of his wrong decision-making, they have to send their lives here. How can Chen Tianfang feel better?The guilt became stronger and stronger every moment, and the tears in his eyes turned into teardrops and dripped down.

"Grandpas, this world is inherently unfair. The law of the jungle and the law of survival cannot be changed by anyone. There is no need for the two elders to feel guilty. Besides, it is not a big deal to die. When we get there, we are still your friends." grandson!"

When Chen Chu said these words, Wan Dong was a little moved.Compared to those outstanding disciples from second-rank families, Chen Chu was not bad at all in terms of aptitude and conduct.For the Chen family to be able to cultivate such disciples, they are considered outstanding.

"You guys really have the backbone, would you rather die than obey Patriarch Chen Yi's order?" Wan Dong said coldly with his eyes slanted.

Chen Chulang laughed and said, "It's not that we don't want to, but that she doesn't deserve it at all! Look at their lineage, the talents are withering and declining day by day, and I'm afraid it won't be long before everyone disappears. The Chen family is in her hands. there would be no future..."

"Shut up!" Wan Dong yelled loudly, and said with a cold face, "You have the face to say it! Chen Yi's lineage has fallen to where it is today, is it not because of your oppression? It is the same blood of the Chen family, and the first milk Compatriots, how can you still have the face to be complacent in front of the public when you are able to deal with such a ruthless hand?"

"You... Forget it, anyway, Elder Xu, you support Chen Tiande and Chen Yi wholeheartedly. No matter how much I say, it's just nonsense to you. If you want to kill or scratch, you can give the order, no need to repeat."

"According to what you mean, I am deliberately partial and unfair?"

"It's obvious to all!" Chen Chu really had a bit of courage, Wan Dong's tone was obviously a little low, but he didn't care about it, and said vibrately without thinking about it.

"It's a good one for all to see! Then let me ask you, what should I do, is it fair?"

"That goes without saying, let the contest continue, whoever wins will be the master of the Chen family!"

"Chu'er, you are so naive. How could Elder Xu agree? He has done so much to support Chen Yi to become the real head of the Chen family?" Chen Tianfang sneered and said sarcastically.

Wan Dong raised his head to the sky and let out a loud laugh, curled his lips and said, "Chen Tianfang, you don't need to use aggressive tactics against me, it's useless at all. However, I can convince you. Don't you want to continue the contest, okay?" Ah, I satisfy you!"

"What!?" As soon as Wan Dong said this, Chen Tianfang's mind suddenly lifted, and he asked with a bit of disbelief and surprise, "Elder Xu, what you said...is it true?"

"Hmph! Don't be too happy too early. It's not certain who wins and who loses! But the ugly words are up front. After the contest is over, no matter who wins or loses, it must follow the previous agreement. If you continue to babble, Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Definitely, definitely! Hahaha..." Chen Tianfang was overjoyed and nodded his head in haste.

Chen Yi and Chen Tiande looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to understand what Wan Dong was planning.

"Chen Hong, you are the one to fight this battle! However, for Elder Xu's sake of being so fair and benevolent, when you make a move, be merciful and don't hurt Chen Jiping's life." Chen Tianfang turned his head, Chong Chen Hong said.

"Then...the hatred of Brother Biao..." Chen Hong was a little bit indifferent.

Chen Tianfang glanced at Chen Tiankai, and said, "I'll talk about other things later!"

Of course, Chen Tiankai knew what Chen Tianfang was thinking, he was afraid that if he went too far, he would anger Wan Dong again, and thus lose the turning point that had finally appeared.Now that things have developed, Chen Tiankai can see that although Wan Dong is young, he is more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"Brother Chen, do you still have the strength to fight again? It seems that if they don't beat them down today, they won't give up." Wan Dong came to Chen Jiping, stretched out his hand to help him up from the ground, and smiled. asked.

Chen Jiping wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, grinned and said, "Brother, I understand what you are thinking. You are buying time for me to heal and recover. Don't worry, I, Chen Jiping, will not fall down so easily."

Wan Dong smiled and nodded, and said, "Of course, my elder brother Xu Yaoting, is he an ordinary person? However, you have done enough for the Chen family, leave the rest to me, go down and rest!" "

"Brother Yaoting, this is a martial arts competition between the disciples of the Chen family. You are not a disciple of the Chen family. If I leave it to you, Chen Tianfang and the others will not be convinced. And our patriarch has no one to send us. I am I can't go down." Chen Jiping smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Hehe... Who says I'm not a disciple of the Chen family?" Wan Dong laughed a few times, and stopped explaining to Chen Jiping. He stood up and waved to Chen Xiong and Zhang Yong. The two rushed to the stage immediately. Subdue Chen Jiping.

Seeing Chen Jiping stepping off the ring, Chen Tianfang was a little surprised at first, and then he laughed in relief, "Why the third one, are you preparing to admit defeat by withdrawing Chen Jiping?"

Just when Chen Tiande and Chen Yi didn't know what to do, Wan Dong suddenly laughed and said, "Admit defeat? A joke! The real contest will start now!" In the middle of the arena, facing Chen Hong.

"Elder Xu, you... are you going to fight in person? How can you do that, you are not a disciple of the Chen family, this is against the rules!" After Chen Tianfang was startled, he hurriedly said.

Wan Dong didn't even look at him, straightened his clothes, suddenly faced Chen Tiande and Chen Yi's direction, and knelt down heavily with a plop.At this moment, Chen Yi's heart trembled suddenly, as if it had been hit hard by someone, and almost stopped beating.

"Unfilial son Xu Yaoting, meet mother and grandfather!"

Wan Dong's voice used Dao Qi, and the sound was like a bell, rolling and rolling, even if it was tens of miles away, he could hear it clearly.

Chen Yi was still worried before, why Wan Dong refused to recognize her for a long time, she thought Wan Dong still hated her, which made her feel extremely heavy.But now, this heaviness disappeared in an instant, and it no longer existed.There is only a strong warmth and happiness left, flowing endlessly in my heart.

Chen Yi nodded heavily towards Wan Dong, and responded with all his strength. He wanted to say something more, but the tears in his eyes rolled down like a torrent that burst a bank, and he couldn't restrain it no matter what. Can't live.

"See, kid, I said he won't deny you." Chen Tiande put his arms around Chen Yi's shoulders, with a smile on his face, but the tears in his eyes kept flowing.

No one knows better than Chen Tiande the suffering and suffering that Chen Yi has suffered in these years, and even the pain in his heart is more intense than Chen Yi.But it doesn't matter anymore, with Wan Dong's call, all the suffering has been dispelled.

Wan Dong's sudden move moved Chen Tiande and Chen Yi, and at the same time surprised everyone present.

Especially Chen Tianfang and Chen Tiankai seemed to be frozen in an instant, their faces were full of indescribable astonishment, and they did not move.

Zhang Quanhao suddenly turned his head to look at Zhang Xueru and Zhang Xuefei, wanting to ask them if they knew this secret before, but before he could open his mouth, he swallowed the words again.Because there is no need to ask any more questions, just look at the shock on the faces of the two sisters, and he already has the answer.

After a long period of astonishment, Zhang Quanhao suddenly burst out laughing, everything has suddenly come to light!

"Hahaha... It seems that from now on, the Chen family will shine in Linyang City! Brother Song, what do you think?"

Zhang Quanhao cast his eyes directly on Song Shixiong, and there was no lack of provocation in his words.If it was normal, Song Shixiong would definitely fight back, but now, his heart is full of turmoil, his head has become a paste, and he can hardly think.

In order to please Lin Rulong, Song Shixiong has made Chen Yi feel uncomfortable all these years. Now that Chen Yi has such an amazing son as Wan Dong, why don't he settle the bill with him, including the capital and the interest?

And from Chen Tianfang and Chen Tiankai's brothers, Song Shixiong can see Lin Rulong's face clearly. How can such a backer be relied on?All of a sudden, the future of the Song family became uncertain. How could Song Shixiong have the heart to argue with Zhang Quanhao?

"Brother Chen Xiong, you...why didn't you tell me that Elder Xu still has such a relationship with Patriarch Chen?" Zhang Yong looked back at Chen Xiong and said with some dissatisfaction.

Chen Xiong's face was full of surprise and joy, his head was shaking like a rattle, "I...how would I know? This...what is going on here, I've never heard my parents mention it before?"

Zhang Yong wanted to say something more, but seeing Chen Xing's expression, as if he really didn't know, he couldn't help shaking his head, his expression was full of confusion.

"Yao Ting, you... what did you say?" Chen Jiping stood there with his mouth open, ready to stuff a goose egg.Shaking his head and stamping his feet again, he tossed and tossed for quite a while before finally asking Wan Dong nah.

Wan Dong stood up, looked at Chen Jiping with a smile, and said, "I'm sorry, brother, I kept it from you for so long, and I just told you today, you shouldn't blame me, right?"

"I...I..." At this moment, Chen Jiping only felt that he was dreaming, everything was so beautiful, yet so unreal, he didn't know what to say.

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