At this time, Xu Fusheng's situation was really miserable.His whole body was completely blackened by the fireball, his hair was unkempt, and his appearance was almost unrecognizable.Jumping up and down like a lunatic, screaming incessantly.

This kind of situation naturally worried Lu Youlong as a senior brother, but those few fireballs surrounding Xu Fusheng like vengeful spirits made Lu Youlong even more surprised.

Lu Youlong is very familiar with the Fengshan formation, so he naturally knows that there is absolutely no fireball in the attack formation of the Fengshan formation, and Xu Fusheng is trapped in a place, if he is trapped in the fog and can't find a way out, it is not the Fengshan formation. It's a trick.

"What... what's going on here?" Lu Youlong pointed at Xu Fusheng and asked blankly.

Mu Tong couldn't help giggling from the sidelines, and said, "My brother-in-law is really capable, just throw a few pieces of amethyst at will, and it will transform into countless fireballs, making this thief's life worse than death!"

Mu Tong didn't understand the formation method, but Lu Youlong was taken aback by what she said, and subconsciously opened his eyes wide and looked at Wan Dong, "Yao Ting, you also know the formation method?"

Wan Dong rubbed his nose and nodded vaguely, "I understand."

All Wan Dong's understanding of the battle method comes from the memory of Xuantian Damingshen. Even if he understands it, it is just following the scriptures, so he is somewhat guilty.

Lu Youlong's expression was slightly inconceivable, and at such a young age, Wan Dong's scope of light was indeed a bit surprising.

But when Lu Youlong turned his eyes to the Great Formation of Sealing Mountain and carefully felt the changes in the formation, his complexion suddenly changed. His complexion, which was originally gray due to his serious injury, turned red due to his excitement. Even his body couldn't help but start to tremble slightly.

Xiao Feifei at the side thought that something happened to Lu Youlong, so she hurriedly supported him tighter.Unexpectedly, Lu Youlong actually pushed back the hand she had stretched out, not to mention where the strength came from, and took two steps forward.

"Senior Lu, be careful! My brother-in-law said that once you step into the formation, it will be troublesome." Mu Tong remembered clearly, and hurried up to stop Lu Youlong.

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful! Hahaha... So it can be like this, why didn't I think of it?"

Lu Youlong didn't seem to see Mu Tong, nor did he take her words into his heart. Looking at the situation in front of him, his face showed sudden surprise and admiration from time to time, and the excitement on his face became more and more intense. Intense and irrepressible.

Xiao Le, the formation method, has always been considered heretical in the Taoist sect, and is not accepted by the public, but Lu Youlong has devoted a lot of effort and energy to it.And his concentration and persistence really moved and admired Wan Dong at this time.

"Yao Ting, this... Did you do all this?" Lu You long turned his head to look at Wan Dong, and asked with a trembling voice.

Before Wan Dong could answer, Lu Youlong shouted even more excitedly, "Yao Ting, do you know that you are a genius! You are the only genius I have ever seen in Lu Youlong's life! To be honest, I used this formation to seal mountains by accident. A map of the formation, carefully deduced and arranged. At the beginning of the formation, I knew that the formation was not complete, and the formation map was only a residual map. Over the years, I have been researching and want to make it The whole situation is incomplete, but I still haven't figured it out. I didn't expect... I didn't expect that you did what I didn't do. It's unbelievable, really unbelievable! Cough cough..."

The more Lu Youlong talked, the more excited he became, and finally he forgot that he was seriously injured, his movements were too large, and he coughed violently.

Together with Xiao Feifei, Wan Dong hurriedly supported him, Wan Dong said, "Senior Lu, you are seriously injured now, so don't get excited."

Lu Youlong suppressed his cough, although there was pain on his face, but the excitement did not diminish, he turned his head to look at Xiao Feifei, and said, "Feifei, do you know why I have been so persistent in completing this Fengshan Formation all these years?" Is it because I know that not only your Xiao family will not agree to your matter, but also the Blood Skeleton will not agree. At that time, you and I will live in danger all the time. And this Fengshan formation, It is the most... the most powerful barrier between the two of us. So I must complete it and make it impenetrable. Here... this is the home of you and me!"

"Brother Long!" Xiao Feifei was even more moved when she heard that, she threw herself into Lu Youlong's arms, sobbing softly.

Lu Youlong patted Xiao Feifei's shoulder lightly, and said, "Yao Ting did it in a few days that I have never been able to achieve after several years of hard work. It's simply amazing! Yao Ting, you are definitely me!" Lucky star with Feifei!"

Wan Dong smiled and didn't speak, but he was very happy in his heart.Wan Dong felt gratified from the bottom of his heart that he could do something for Lu Youlong and Xiao Feifei, who loved each other deeply.

"Brother, save me, brother, save me!" Xu Fusheng, who was almost in a desperate situation, turned around and saw Lu Youlong, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, and immediately begged loudly.

Lu Youlong shook his head, pointed at Xu Fusheng and said, "Fusheng, Fusheng, you and I have worshiped Master since we were young. At that time, you had a wicked mind. Master and his old man can't bear you to go astray from now on. He is strictly controlling you, but no Thinking about it, not only did you fail to appreciate Master's good intentions, but you also secretly grew resentment, and finally pissed Master off to death. Just because of this, I shouldn't have saved you! But Master said that an elder brother is like a father, As your senior brother, I am also responsible for not being able to lead you on the right path. Forget it, I will spare your life again today. If you do good things from now on, you should get rid of the blood skull and turn to the light. If you persist in your obsession, the heavens will accept you!"

"Yes yes yes, brother taught me that Fu Sheng knew he was wrong, brother save me!" Xu Fusheng said hastily.

With Lu Youlong's understanding of him, he knew that what he said was most likely in vain, but Lu Youlong still said to Wan Dong, "Yao Ting, for my sake, let him go this time. Bar."

Wan Dong was fine, but Mu Tong yelled to quit, causing Xu Fusheng to throw several resentful looks at her.

"Tong'er, you should understand Senior Lu's deep meaning!" Wan Dong said to Mutong, and then he pointed at the void with his fingers, and the wind melted into the purple electricity. Like a cloud of smoke swept by a strong wind, it disappeared without a trace.

As soon as the purple electricity disappeared, several fireballs that had been entangled with Xu Fusheng also shattered and dispersed one after another.

Just as the dense fog suddenly dissipated, Xu Fusheng's eyes suddenly opened up, which lifted his spirits.

Seeing Wan Dong and the others, who were just a dozen steps in front of him, Xu Fusheng walked over quickly, bowed to Lu Youlong, and said, "Thank you, brother, for saving my life!"

Lu Youlong sighed, "You can do it yourself!"

After saying that, Lu Youlong waved his hand and told Xu Fusheng to leave.Xu Fusheng bowed to Lu Youlong again, and then turned around.However, just when Lu Youlong thought that Xu Fusheng would leave just now, unexpectedly Xu Fusheng just took a step, then suddenly turned around, and grabbed Mu Tong straight at an astonishing speed.

How could Mu Tong have expected that Xu Fusheng would be so shameless that he would do something to himself at this time, and he exclaimed, and he was completely stunned.Although Wan Dong's reaction was fast enough, Xu Fusheng was determined to catch Mu Tong, and almost used all his remaining strength. Before Wan Dong could move forward, he was forced back by his astonishing power.

The powerhouse at the first level of the Divine Dao Realm who exerted all his strength was by no means what Wan Dong could handle at this time.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Xiao Feifei made a move.Xiao Feifei is also a strong person at the beginning of the Divine Dao Realm, and she is not used to Xu Fusheng at all.With a soft reprimand, the palm struck Xu Fusheng straight at the back of the heart, using the strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao.

Xu Fusheng didn't seem to have seen Xiao Feifei before, and he didn't know that Xiao Feifei's cultivation level was not inferior to his.At this time, when Xiao Feifei made a move, Xu Fusheng was really taken aback. He didn't care about Mu Tong, and hurried to avoid it.

"Bastard, I think you are hopeless!"

Just a little bit, Mu Tong was murdered by Xu Fusheng, which made Wan Dong startled and angry, shouted loudly, raised his hands, and grabbed two handfuls of amethyst, and was about to throw it out .

For Xiao Feifei, Xu Fusheng was just surprised, but for Wan Dong, Xu Fusheng was not only shocked, but also mixed with fear.The method of making him die with a flick of those amethysts really made Xu Fusheng afraid in the bottom of his heart.

Seeing that Wan Dong was about to attack again, Xu Fusheng's complexion changed, and while uttering strange screams, he stretched his figure to the limit and fled away.

Seeing Xu Fusheng escape like this, although Wan Dong was upset, there was nothing he could do.Turning his head to look at Lu Youlong, he sighed and said, "Senior Lu, don't blame me for speaking badly. A person like Xu Fusheng is a typical dog who can't get rid of eating shit. If you expect him to abandon evil and do good, then you might as well count on your mother A pig climbs a tree."

Lu Youlong shook his head, and said with disappointment and bitterness, "I also know, but as a senior brother, I have to give him a chance. However, Lu is not a pedantic person. If he dies and does not repent, he will die in the future." Even if I hate Jiuquan, I won't feel sad for him."

Wan Dong shook his head, somewhat disapproving in his heart, for a person like Lu Youlong who values ​​love and righteousness, it's no wonder he won't be sad when the time comes.

"Lu Youlong, Xiao Feifei, and the two little bastards, you can't escape, you'd better suffer death obediently!"

Jin Feiyu shouted angrily from all directions, and it was not difficult to hear from the angrily that Jin Feiyu and Que Wudao must have hated Wan Dong and the others to the bone!

"Listening to this voice, Jin Feiyu and Que Wudao don't know our exact location for the time being, but with their abilities, they will soon figure it out. Feifei, leave me alone, you must put Yao Ting and Mu Tong on safety belts." Go down the mountain. We must not let them fall into the hands of Jin Feiyu and Que Wudao."

"Then what are you going to do, Brother Long?" Xiao Feifei asked, raising her crescent eyebrows.

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