Mu Tiannan's two lack of self-confidence, the second one is especially troublesome for him!If you recruit talents to your subordinates and fail to make good use of them, instead they will be turned into customers instead. This person will lose a lot.And based on Mu Tiannan's judgment on Wan Dong, this possibility not only exists, but is very high!

Not to mention that among the younger generation of the Mu family, there is no one who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Wan Dong. Even the previous generation, as well as his older generation, can only be suppressed temporarily now. Living in someone else's house, I'm afraid it won't take long before they will be ruthlessly surpassed.At that time, the entire Mu family might as well just change their surname, not to mention that there is a large group of brothers who are almost equally monstrous like Luo Xiao by Wan Dong's side!

Thinking of this, Mu Tiannan almost broke out in cold sweat. When he looked at Luo Xiao and the others again, my good fellow, this is clearly a group of 'wolves, tigers and leopards'!

But having said that, although Mu Tiannan had various worries, he was unwilling from the bottom of his heart to let him miss Wan Dong like this.So neither left nor right, Mu Tiannan's heart is almost tangled into a mess.

"How beautiful would it be if Yao Ting could become the son-in-law of my Mu family?"

A gleam of light suddenly flashed in Mu Tiannan's mind, and he couldn't help but feel refreshed, but when he thought about it again, his brows frowned again.There are actually two golden flowers in the Mu family, but one is too small, and the other has already belonged to her... After thinking about it, Mu Tiannan became even more entangled!

It stands to reason that the marriage of the children of this wealthy family should be subject to the interests of the family, and they can rarely make decisions on their own.But Mu Tiannan loves Mu Lian and Mu Tong from the bottom of his heart, and he really can't bear to force the two sisters. For several years, Mu Lian was under house arrest in her boudoir, and shed tears all day long. Yu Cheng quarreled.

But this time, Mu Tiannan especially hoped that Mu Lian could marry Wan Dong, not only for the future of the Mu family, but also for Mu Lian's lifelong happiness.Getting along with Wan Dong till now, Mu Tiannan really likes him very much, and believes from the bottom of his heart that Wan Dong is so good that he will definitely bring happiness to Mu Lian.

"Hey! Am I thinking too much? Not to mention whether Lian'er can agree, what does Yao Ting mean?" With many thoughts in his heart, Mu Tiannan suddenly grew up. The long one let out a sigh, shook his head with a wry smile.

"Old Mu, do you have something on your mind?" Mu Tiannan's sigh caught Wan Dong's attention, and Wan Dong asked with concern.

At this moment, Mu Tiannan felt a sense of confusion and didn't know what to do, so he gave Wan Dong a bitter smile.

Wan Dong became more and more puzzled, and when he was about to ask, a beast's roar suddenly came from not far away.Wan Dong smiled when he heard it, and said, "Where did this Explosive Flame Tiger come from, so bold that he dares to come here to play wild?"

This place is the headquarters of the Ling family, so the security is naturally tight, and the Explosive Flame Tiger is not a high-level fairy beast, so if it appears here, it will undoubtedly die.Although Wan Dong felt something strange in his heart, he never took it to heart.Fairy beasts are still beasts after all, with limited intelligence, and it is normal for them to be confused for a while and get confused.

Mu Tiannan, Ling Tianhou and others obviously thought the same way and didn't care.But no one expected that as soon as Wan Dong's words fell, Xiao Jin suddenly fluttered his wings, and with a series of clear and high-pitched cries, he went straight to the direction of the roar, looking very excited!

Wan Dong didn't understand the situation for a while, and subconsciously wanted to chase him, but Mu Tiannan smiled and pulled him back, saying, "Xiao Jin is like a newborn child, he must be full of curiosity about this world, be playful." It's normal, you don't have to pay too much attention to it."

Wan Dong thought so too, Di Kunpeng was a divine beast, and his spirituality was almost the same as that of a human being.Although he is used to seeing Explosive Flame Tiger, to Xiao Jin, it is unusually tight.It is expected that this is the headquarters of the Ling family, so there will be no danger, and Wan Dong will no longer care about it, and go with Xiaojin.

"Oh no, could it be Yang De!?"

Unexpectedly, Wan Dong's side relaxed just now, but Luo Xiao's side suddenly let out an exclamation, and his expression was quite nervous.

Wan Dong was wondering why he didn't see Wang Yangde and Luo Xiao, so he immediately set his eyes on Luo Xiao.

Without Wan Dong asking, Luo Xiao opened his mouth and said, "Boss, if the Explosive Flame Tiger is really going after Yang De, then things will be bad!"

Hearing what Luo Xiao said, Wan Dong couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you talking about? With Yang De's cultivation, can't he deal with a Flame Tiger?"

Luo Xiao's complexion suddenly darkened, first he sighed heavily, and then he said, "Boss, you don't know, Yangde..."

Just when Luo Xiao was halfway through his words, Xiao Jin's sharp and excited cry came again.Wan Dong looked up and saw Xiao Jin's huge body, like a giant bomber, swooping down from a height of hundreds of feet.Wan Dong, who saw the power and power, was very unhappy.According to Di Kunpeng's growth process, Xiao Jin is just a newborn baby, but he is already so powerful. What kind of situation will it be like when he is fully grown?It must be completely independent!

In an instant, Explosive Flame Tiger's roar followed, but compared to the previous arrogance, this time it was filled with a tragic smell.Under Di Kunpeng's sharp claws, the little Exploding Flame Tiger might not even be able to resist.

"Huh? It seems to be someone!" Just as Wan Dong was praising Xiao Jin's mighty heart, Mu Tiannan's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Wan Dong's heart trembled inexplicably, and he hurriedly looked over. Sure enough, Xiao Jin's sharp claws grabbed a person and returned with flapping wings.

"Is he a disciple of the Ling family?" Wan Dong's cultivation was not as good as Mu Tiannan's, and his eyesight was also poor, so he couldn't see clearly.

Mu Tiannan shook his head, and said, "Looking at his clothes, it doesn't seem to be the case."

"That must be Yang De without a doubt! Yang De, Yang De, you must be safe." Luo Xiao panicked immediately, begging again and again.

"How could it be Yang De?" Wan Dong was full of astonishment, and even more so, an extremely ominous feeling arose spontaneously.

Xiao Jin's speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in the blink of an eye. When he let go of his claws and put the person on the ground, Wan Dong's heart almost stopped suddenly on the spot. If it wasn't Wang Yangde, who was it?It's just that Wang Yangde at this time is no longer as heroic as in Wan Dong's impression, but is covered in blood, almost dying.

"Yangde! Yangde!" Luo Xiao, Tang Xinyi and others shouted and rushed forward, Liu Ke'er burst into tears and almost fainted on the spot.

"Yao Ting, is this boy your friend?"

Seeing Wan Dong not saying a word, standing there like a telegraph pole, his complexion turning blue, Mu Tiannan immediately realized that the relationship between Wang Yangde and Wan Dong was extraordinary, so he hurriedly asked.

Mu Tiannan's question immediately woke Wan Dong up, Wan Dong didn't care about answering, he hurriedly pulled Luo Xiao and the others away, and came to Wang Yangde's side.When this came close, Wan Dong saw it more clearly, and his heart ached even more.

Wang Yangde's body was covered with hideous scars, which could almost be described as bruises.Wan Dong was very puzzled, not to mention aside, just in the cultivation treasure field, Wang Yangde said that he had taken care of no less than ten thousand Explosive Fire Tigers, and the fighting power of the Explosive Fire Tigers in the cultivation treasure field was much stronger than that of the outside world.Let alone a Flame Tiger, even a group of them would never think of hurting Wang Yangde like this.

"Boss, you must save Yangde, save him!"

Liu Ke'er stumbled forward, hugged Wan Dong, and begged with tears streaming down his face.

"Ke'er, don't worry, Yangde is my brother, I definitely have no reason not to save him." After soothing Liu Ke'er, Wan Dong stretched out his hand to sniff at Wang Yangde.Although it was weak, Wang Yangde's breath was still there, which made Wan Dong heave a long sigh of relief.In the Taoist world, as long as you don't die, you can't die.

Seeing that Wang Yangde was still breathing, Wan Dong hastily injected a burst of Dao Qi into his body to carefully examine the condition in his body.Although Wang Yangde's external injury was horrifying and looked extremely serious, it was only a flesh injury after all. Compared with it, the internal injury was fatal!

When Wan Dong carefully injected Dao Qi into Wang Yangde's body, he realized that Wang Yangde's Yuan Mansion had been completely exhausted, and there was not even a trace of Dao Qi left.No wonder a mere Flame Tiger can injure Wang Yangde like this.A cultivator who has lost his Dao Qi may only be slightly stronger than an ordinary person, so he is naturally no match for Exploding Flame Tiger.

However, Wang Yangde's Yuan Mansion and meridians were intact, as if he had not suffered any serious trauma, which made Wan Dong completely relieved.As long as Wang Yangde's Dao Qi recovers, he will be a lively hero again.

When Wan Dong was convinced that Wang Yangde had not suffered any internal injuries, and was about to withdraw the Dao Qi injected into Wang Yangde's body, streaks of black energy suddenly burst out from Wang Yangde's Yuan Mansion and meridians. Dao Qi rushed towards Wan Dong.

Unprepared, Wan Dong was caught off guard. In the blink of an eye, the Dao Qi he injected into Wang Yangde's body was swallowed up by the black air.

Wan Dong's heart was shaken, and he hastily injected another burst of Dao Qi into Wang Yangde's body, and the black Qi flew towards him again.This time Wan Dong took precautions, controlled the Dao Qi, and blasted towards the black Qi.

But when Wan Dong's Dao Qi collided with the black air, Wan Dong only felt as if he had hit the air, and the rebound of that force never happened at all, but those weird black air seemed to be attached to the golden artifact. The oil stains on his body stuck tightly to Wan Dong's Dao Qi.

I don't know the origin of these black qi, but they are terrifyingly evil and domineering. One of them is attached to Wan Dong's dao qi, and Wan Dong's dao qi is like steel submerged in water. Being corroded and dissolved, Wan Dong's Dao Qi disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.But those black qi, like a victorious army, wandered around in Wang Yangde's Yuan Mansion meridians, then penetrated into Wang Yangde's flesh and blood, and disappeared!

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